Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Balance Sheets
- Condensed Balance Sheets (Paren
- Condensed Statements of Operati
- Condensed Statements of Cash Fl
- Condensed Statements of Stockho
- Condensed Statements of Stock_2
- Organization
- Summary of significant accounti
- Supplemental financial informat
- Research collaboration agreemen
- Fair value measurements
- Property and equipment, net
- Debt
- Stock incentive plans
- Warrants and derivative liabili
- Net loss per share
- Income taxes
- Commitments and contingencies
- Summary of significant accoun_2
- Supplemental financial inform_2
- Fair value measurements (Tables
- Property and equipment, net (Ta
- Debt (Tables)
- Stock incentive plans (Tables)
- Warrants and derivative liabi_2
- Net loss per share (Tables)
- Organization (Details)
- Summary of significant accoun_3
- Supplemental financial inform_3
- Supplemental financial inform_4
- Supplemental financial inform_5
- Research collaboration agreem_2
- Fair value measurements (Detail
- Property and equipment, net (De
- Debt (Details)
- Debt - Future Principal Debt Pa
- Stock incentive plans - Stock-b
- Stock incentive plans - Activit
- Stock incentive plans - Restric
- Warrants and derivative liabi_3
- Warrants and derivative liabi_4
- Net loss per share (Details)
- Net loss per share - Anti-dilut
- Commitments and contingencies (