Principal Occupations: Director or Trustee of the Federated Hermes Complex; formerly, Executive Vice President
and Head of Retail Banking and Chief Customer Officer, The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (Retired).
Other Directorships Held: None.
Qualifications: Ms. Larrimer has served in several business and financial management roles and directorship positions
throughout her career. She previously held the position of Executive Vice President and Head of Retail Banking and
Chief Customer Officer, The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Prior to those roles, Ms. Larrimer held several
executive positions at PNC, including Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President for Business Banking. In
addition to her various roles at PNC, Ms. Larrimer previously was an assistant director at Ernst & Young LLP and
served in several leadership roles at Mellon Bank. Ms. Larrimer also currently holds the positions on not for profit or
for profit boards of directors as follows: Director, Highmark Inc. (health insurance organization); Director, Modern
Executive Solutions (executive search and advisory solutions firm); Director and former Chair, Children’s Museum of
Pittsburgh; Director and former Chair, United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania; and Emeritus Director, Goodwill
Industries Pittsburgh. Ms. Larrimer has held the positions of: President, Duquesne Club of Pittsburgh; Trustee, Robert
Morris University; Director, PNC Foundation; and Director, numo (fintech incubator).