BUSINESS AND SEGMENT REPORTING | Note 4 — Business and Segment Reporting: The Company has two reportable segments: Crude Tankers and Product Carriers. The Company’s investments in and equity in income of the joint ventures with two floating storage and offloading service vessels are included in the Crude Tankers Segment. The Company’s investments in and equity in income of the joint venture with four LNG Carriers, which was sold in October 2019, was included in Other. Adjusted income/(loss) from vessel operations for segment purposes is defined as income/(loss) from vessel operations before general and administrative expenses, provision for credit losses, third-party debt modification fees, and gain/(loss) on disposal of vessels and other property, including impairments. The accounting policies followed by the reportable segments are the same as those followed in the preparation of the Company’s condensed consolidated financial statements. Information about the Company’s reportable segments as of and for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020 and 2019 follows: Crude Product (Dollars in thousands) Tankers Carriers Other Totals Three months ended September 30, 2020: Shipping revenues $ 83,636 $ 16,247 $ — $ 99,883 Time charter equivalent revenues 79,799 14,233 — 94,032 Depreciation and amortization 14,864 4,127 23 19,014 Loss on disposal of vessels and other property, including impairments 12,834 — — 12,834 Adjusted income/(loss) from vessel operations 35,967 1,131 (23) 37,075 Equity in income of affiliated companies 5,356 — — 5,356 Investments in and advances to affiliated companies at September 30, 2020 149,293 7,296 — 156,589 Adjusted total assets at September 30, 2020 1,241,979 311,796 — 1,553,775 Three months ended September 30, 2019: Shipping revenues $ 54,869 $ 16,409 $ — $ 71,278 Time charter equivalent revenues 49,446 16,362 — 65,808 Depreciation and amortization 15,079 3,856 26 18,961 Loss/(gain) on disposal of vessels and other property 12 (1,484) — (1,472) Adjusted income/(loss) from vessel operations 2,722 (579) (27) 2,116 Equity in income of affiliated companies 5,031 — 3,443 8,474 Investments in and advances to affiliated companies at September 30, 2019 140,307 10,933 120,415 271,655 Adjusted total assets at September 30, 2019 1,273,363 306,039 120,415 1,699,817 Crude Product (Dollars in thousands) Tankers Carriers Other Totals Nine months ended September 30, 2020: Shipping revenues $ 287,720 $ 77,225 $ — $ 364,945 Time charter equivalent revenues 274,543 74,509 — 349,052 Depreciation and amortization 43,841 12,250 70 56,161 Loss on disposal of vessels and other property, including impairments 14,164 — — 14,164 Adjusted income/(loss) from vessel operations 142,791 31,218 (70) 173,939 Equity in income of affiliated companies 15,672 — — 15,672 Expenditures for vessels and vessel improvements 26,217 20,232 — 46,449 Payments for drydockings 15,295 530 — 15,825 Nine months ended September 30, 2019: Shipping revenues $ 186,715 $ 55,447 $ — $ 242,162 Time charter equivalent revenues 167,016 55,308 — 222,324 Depreciation and amortization 44,351 12,268 89 56,708 Loss on disposal of vessels and other property 28 — — 28 Adjusted income/(loss) from vessel operations 25,136 4,357 (110) 29,383 Equity in income of affiliated companies 14,404 — 10,155 24,559 Expenditures for vessels and vessel improvements 9,096 701 — 9,797 Payments for drydockings 11,945 1,594 — 13,539 Reconciliations of time charter equivalent (“TCE”) revenues of the segments to shipping revenues as reported in the condensed statements of operations follow: Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, (Dollars in thousands) 2020 2019 2020 2019 Time charter equivalent revenues $ 94,032 $ 65,808 $ 349,052 $ 222,324 Add: Voyage expenses 5,851 5,470 15,893 19,838 Shipping revenues $ 99,883 $ 71,278 $ 364,945 $ 242,162 Consistent with general practice in the shipping industry, the Company uses time charter equivalent revenues, which represents shipping revenues less voyage expenses, as a measure to compare revenue generated from a voyage charter to revenue generated from a time charter. Time charter equivalent revenues, a non-GAAP measure, provides additional meaningful information in conjunction with shipping revenues, the most directly comparable GAAP measure, because it assists Company management in making decisions regarding the deployment and use of its vessels and in evaluating their financial performance. Reconciliations of adjusted income from vessel operations of the segments to income/(loss) before income taxes, as reported in the condensed consolidated statements of operations follow: Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, (Dollars in thousands) 2020 2019 2020 2019 Total adjusted income from vessel operations of all segments $ 37,075 $ 2,116 $ 173,939 $ 29,383 General and administrative expenses (7,422) (6,449) (21,550) (19,519) Provision for credit losses, net 13 18 80 (1,259) Third-party debt modification fees — — (232) (30) (Loss)/gain on disposal of vessels and other property, including impairments (12,834) 1,472 (14,164) (28) Consolidated income/(loss) from vessel operations 16,832 (2,843) 138,073 8,547 Equity in income of affiliated companies 5,356 8,474 15,672 24,559 Other (expense)/income (208) 284 (13,497) 2,159 Interest expense (7,999) (17,010) (28,889) (51,986) Income/(loss) before income taxes $ 13,981 $ (11,095) $ 111,359 $ (16,721) Reconciliations of total assets of the segments to amounts included in the condensed consolidated balance sheets follow: (Dollars in thousands) September 30, 2020 September 30, 2019 Adjusted total assets of all segments $ 1,553,775 $ 1,699,817 Corporate unrestricted cash and cash equivalents 137,340 68,383 Restricted cash 16,314 55,839 Other unallocated amounts 4,884 4,510 Consolidated total assets $ 1,712,313 $ 1,828,549 |