Investments | 4. Investments The following tables show the cost or amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses, and fair value of the Company’s fixed income and equity securities: June 30, 2017 Cost or Gross Gross Fair Value Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 7,796 $ 244 $ (37 ) $ 8,003 Obligations of states and political subdivisions 85,042 1,541 (135 ) 86,448 Corporate securities 90,086 1,415 (230 ) 91,271 Residential mortgage-backed securities 30,616 163 (191 ) 30,588 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 7,498 116 (9 ) 7,605 Asset-backed securities 14,900 36 (13 ) 14,923 Total fixed income securities 235,938 3,515 (615 ) 238,838 Equity securities: Basic materials 1,117 39 (6 ) 1,150 Communications 3,285 1,121 (176 ) 4,230 Consumer, cyclical 4,095 3,914 (137 ) 7,872 Consumer, non-cyclical 6,646 3,401 (145 ) 9,902 Energy 2,008 231 (319 ) 1,920 Financial 1,701 831 — 2,532 Industrial 5,232 3,052 (33 ) 8,251 Technology 4,768 4,116 (154 ) 8,730 Total equity securities 28,852 16,705 (970 ) 44,587 Total investments $ 264,790 $ 20,220 $ (1,585 ) $ 283,425 December 31, 2016 Cost or Gross Gross Fair Value Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 5,834 $ 260 $ (44 ) $ 6,050 Obligations of states and political subdivisions 68,915 882 (401 ) 69,396 Corporate securities 50,610 1,028 (468 ) 51,170 Residential mortgage-backed securities 22,750 102 (215 ) 22,637 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 8,033 104 (41 ) 8,096 Asset-backed securities 4,118 17 (14 ) 4,121 Total fixed income securities 160,260 2,393 (1,183 ) 161,470 Equity securities: Basic materials 90 13 (1 ) 102 Communications 1,307 1,601 (81 ) 2,827 Consumer, cyclical 1,665 3,646 (50 ) 5,261 Consumer, non-cyclical 2,015 2,411 (208 ) 4,218 Energy 1,053 234 — 1,287 Financial 314 277 — 591 Industrial 2,251 2,766 — 5,017 Technology 2,816 3,855 (57 ) 6,614 Total equity securities 11,511 14,803 (397 ) 25,917 Total investments $ 171,771 $ 17,196 $ (1,580 ) $ 187,387 The amortized cost and estimated fair value of fixed income securities by contractual maturity are shown below. Actual maturities could differ from contractual maturities because issuers of the securities may have the right to call or prepay certain obligations, which may or may not include call or prepayment penalties. June 30, 2017 Amortized Cost Fair Value Due to mature: One year or less $ 15,866 $ 15,970 After one year through five years 83,912 85,418 After five years through ten years 71,623 72,738 After ten years 11,523 11,596 Mortgage / asset backed securities 53,014 53,116 Total fixed income securities $ 235,938 $ 238,838 December 31, 2016 Amortized Cost Fair Value Due to mature: One year or less $ 10,935 $ 11,069 After one year through five years 45,904 46,891 After five years through ten years 55,430 55,619 After ten years 13,090 13,037 Mortgage / asset backed securities 34,901 34,854 Total fixed income securities $ 160,260 $ 161,470 Fixed income securities with a market value of $3,539 at June 30, 2017 and $3,530 at December 31, 2016 were deposited with various state regulatory agencies as required by law. The Company has not pledged any assets to secure any obligations. The investment category and duration of the Company’s gross unrealized losses on fixed income securities and equity securities were as follows: June 30, 2017 Less than 12 Months Greater than 12 months Total Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and $ 3,489 $ (37 ) $ — $ — $ 3,489 $ (37 ) Obligations of states and 13,148 (132 ) 248 (3 ) 13,396 (135 ) Corporate securities 24,068 (77 ) 1,179 (153 ) 25,247 (230 ) Residential mortgage- 16,373 (191 ) — — 16,373 (191 ) Commercial mortgage- 1,528 (9 ) — — 1,528 (9 ) Asset-backed securities 6,423 (13 ) — — 6,423 (13 ) Total fixed income 65,029 (459 ) 1,427 (156 ) 66,456 (615 ) Equity securities: Basic materials 381 (6 ) — — 381 (6 ) Communications 1,527 (176 ) — — 1,527 (176 ) Consumer, cyclical 514 (137 ) — — 514 (137 ) Consumer, non-cyclical 1,446 (36 ) 266 (109 ) 1,712 (145 ) Energy 1,764 (319 ) — — 1,764 (319 ) Industrial 374 (33 ) — — 374 (33 ) Technology 1,294 (109 ) 196 (45 ) 1,490 (154 ) Total equity securities 7,300 (816 ) 462 (154 ) 7,762 (970 ) Total investments $ 72,329 $ (1,275 ) $ 1,889 $ (310 ) $ 74,218 $ (1,585 ) December 31, 2016 Less than 12 Months Greater than 12 months Total Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 2,750 $ (44 ) $ — $ — $ 2,750 $ (44 ) Obligations of states and political subdivisions 16,559 (396 ) 245 (5 ) 16,804 (401 ) Corporate securities 13,479 (175 ) 2,006 (293 ) 15,485 (468 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities 15,692 (215 ) — — 15,692 (215 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 2,513 (41 ) — — 2,513 (41 ) Asset-backed securities 2,291 (14 ) — — 2,291 (14 ) Total fixed income securities 53,284 (885 ) 2,251 (298 ) 55,535 (1,183 ) Equity securities: Basic materials 32 (1 ) — — 32 (1 ) Communications 167 (81 ) — — 167 (81 ) Consumer, cyclical 63 (5 ) 174 (45 ) 237 (50 ) Consumer, non-cyclical 239 (208 ) — — 239 (208 ) Technology 543 (57 ) — — 543 (57 ) Total equity securities 1,044 (352 ) 174 (45 ) 1,218 (397 ) Total investments $ 54,328 $ (1,237 ) $ 2,425 $ (343 ) $ 56,753 $ (1,580 ) We frequently review our investment portfolio for declines in fair value which are other than temporary. Our process for identifying declines in the fair value of investments that are other than temporary involves consideration of several factors. These factors include (i) the time period in which there has been a significant decline in value, (ii) an analysis of the liquidity, business prospects and overall financial condition of the issuer, (iii) the significance of the decline, and (iv) our intent and ability to hold the investment for a sufficient period of time for the value to recover. When our analysis of the above factors results in the conclusion that declines in fair values are other than temporary, the cost of the securities is written down to fair value and the previously unrealized loss is therefore reflected as a realized loss. The Company recorded an impairment of $206 in the three months and six months ended June 30, 2017, and did not record any impairment in the three months or six months ended June 30, 2016. As of June 30, 2017, we held 152 fixed income securities with unrealized losses. As of December 31, 2016, we held 129 fixed income securities with unrealized losses. In conjunction with our outside investment advisors, we analyzed the credit ratings of the securities as well as the historical monthly amortized cost to fair value ratio of securities in an unrealized loss position. This analysis yielded no fixed income securities which had fair values less than 80% of amortized cost values for the preceding 12-month period. Net investment income consisted of the following: Three Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Fixed income securities $ 1,617 $ 1,227 $ 2,961 $ 2,403 Equity securities 93 99 163 207 Real estate 231 105 461 342 Cash and cash equivalents (3 ) — (6 ) — Total gross investment income 1,938 1,431 3,579 2,952 Investment expenses 491 249 989 637 Net investment income $ 1,447 $ 1,182 $ 2,590 $ 2,315 Net realized capital gain on investments consisted of the following: Three Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Gross realized gains $ 552 $ 174 $ 1,180 $ 514 Gross realized losses, excluding other (213 ) (44 ) (225 ) (295 ) Net realized capital gain on investments $ 339 $ 130 $ 955 $ 219 |