Investments | 5. Investments The amortized cost and estimated fair value of investment securities as of March 31, 2018 and December 31, 2017, were as follows: March 31, 2018 Cost or Amortized Gross Unrealized Gross Unrealized Fair Value Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 12,488 $ 151 $ (170 ) $ 12,469 Obligations of states and political subdivisions 73,180 531 (881 ) 72,830 Corporate securities 90,866 434 (1,242 ) 90,058 Residential mortgage-backed securities 33,610 21 (666 ) 32,965 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 13,073 7 (249 ) 12,831 Asset-backed securities 17,514 — (187 ) 17,327 Total fixed income securities 240,731 1,144 (3,395 ) 238,480 Equity securities: Basic materials 1,158 74 (5 ) 1,227 Communications 3,011 1,487 (169 ) 4,329 Consumer, cyclical 5,356 3,694 (130 ) 8,920 Consumer, non-cyclical 7,348 4,468 (386 ) 11,430 Energy 2,223 290 (329 ) 2,184 Financial 2,043 345 (30 ) 2,358 Industrial 4,436 3,795 (10 ) 8,221 Technology 4,419 5,254 (254 ) 9,419 Total equity securities 29,994 19,407 (1,313 ) 48,088 Total investments $ 270,725 $ 20,551 $ (4,708 ) $ 286,568 December 31, 2017 Cost or Amortized Gross Unrealized Gross Unrealized Fair Value Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 9,531 $ 175 $ (57 ) $ 9,649 Obligations of states and political subdivisions 81,741 1,171 (317 ) 82,595 Corporate securities 88,474 1,197 (220 ) 89,451 Residential mortgage-backed securities 28,557 124 (157 ) 28,524 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 11,228 61 (119 ) 11,170 Asset-backed securities 15,447 10 (88 ) 15,369 Total fixed income securities 234,978 2,738 (958 ) 236,758 Equity securities: Basic materials 768 124 — 892 Communications 3,027 1,449 (154 ) 4,322 Consumer, cyclical 5,303 4,156 (120 ) 9,339 Consumer, non-cyclical 7,090 3,940 (125 ) 10,905 Energy 2,003 272 (44 ) 2,231 Financial 2,007 410 — 2,417 Industrial 5,038 4,167 — 9,205 Technology 3,792 4,668 (210 ) 8,250 Total equity securities 29,028 19,186 (653 ) 47,561 Total investments $ 264,006 $ 21,924 $ (1,611 ) $ 284,319 The amortized cost and estimated fair value of fixed income securities by contractual maturity are shown below. Actual maturities could differ from contractual maturities because issuers of the securities may have the right to call or prepay certain obligations, which may or may not include call or prepayment penalties. March 31, 2018 Amortized Cost Fair Value Due to mature: One year or less $ 11,261 $ 11,261 After one year through five years 90,133 89,904 After five years through ten years 65,059 64,340 After ten years 10,081 9,852 Mortgage / asset-backed securities 64,197 63,123 Total fixed income securities $ 240,731 $ 238,480 December 31, 2017 Amortized Cost Fair Value Due to mature: One year or less $ 12,761 $ 12,766 After one year through five years 86,830 87,642 After five years through ten years 69,586 70,680 After ten years 10,569 10,607 Mortgage / asset-backed securities 55,232 55,063 Total fixed income securities $ 234,978 $ 236,758 Fixed income securities with a fair value of $3,422 at March 31, 2018 and $3,493 at December 31, 2017, were deposited with various state regulatory agencies as required by law. The Company has not pledged any assets to secure any obligations. The investment category and duration of the Company’s gross unrealized losses on fixed income securities and equity securities were as follows: March 31, 2018 Less than 12 Months Greater than 12 months Total Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 7,829 $ (168 ) $ 497 $ (2 ) $ 8,326 $ (170 ) Obligations of states and political subdivisions 37,807 (715 ) 3,479 (166 ) 41,286 (881 ) Corporate securities 62,866 (1,228 ) 586 (14 ) 63,452 (1,242 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities 22,777 (409 ) 6,861 (257 ) 29,638 (666 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 9,701 (168 ) 1,616 (81 ) 11,317 (249 ) Asset-backed securities 15,894 (175 ) 751 (12 ) 16,645 (187 ) Total fixed income securities 156,874 (2,863 ) 13,790 (532 ) 170,664 (3,395 ) Equity securities: Basic materials 413 (5 ) — — 413 (5 ) Communications 885 (82 ) 127 (87 ) 1,012 (169 ) Consumer, cyclical 893 (130 ) — — 893 (130 ) Consumer, non-cyclical 3,470 (386 ) — — 3,470 (386 ) Energy 1,015 (329 ) — — 1,015 (329 ) Financial 796 (30 ) — — 796 (30 ) Industrial 393 (10 ) — — 393 (10 ) Technology 1,272 (186 ) 174 (68 ) 1,446 (254 ) Total equity securities 9,137 (1,158 ) 301 (155 ) 9,438 (1,313 ) Total investments $ 166,011 $ (4,021 ) $ 14,091 $ (687 ) $ 180,102 $ (4,708 ) December 31, 2017 Less than 12 Months Greater than 12 months Total Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 6,442 $ (54 ) $ 497 $ (3 ) $ 6,939 $ (57 ) Obligations of states and political subdivisions 28,219 (251 ) 3,593 (66 ) 31,812 (317 ) Corporate securities 39,025 (201 ) 1,195 (19 ) 40,220 (220 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities 7,573 (40 ) 7,248 (117 ) 14,821 (157 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 4,652 (64 ) 1,643 (55 ) 6,295 (119 ) Asset-backed securities 13,386 (80 ) 781 (8 ) 14,167 (88 ) Total fixed income securities 99,297 (690 ) 14,957 (268 ) 114,254 (958 ) Equity securities: Communications 840 (48 ) 107 (106 ) 947 (154 ) Consumer, cyclical 898 (116 ) 214 (4 ) 1,112 (120 ) Consumer, non-cyclical 1,894 (125 ) — — 1,894 (125 ) Energy 243 (44 ) — — 243 (44 ) Technology 634 (120 ) 152 (90 ) 786 (210 ) Total equity securities 4,509 (453 ) 473 (200 ) 4,982 (653 ) Total investments $ 103,806 $ (1,143 ) $ 15,430 $ (468 ) $ 119,236 $ (1,611 ) Investments with unrealized losses are categorized with a duration of greater than 12 months when all positions of a security have continually been in a loss position for at least 12 months. We frequently review our investment portfolio for declines in fair value. Our process for identifying declines in the fair value of investments that are other than temporary involves consideration of several factors. These factors include (i) the time period in which there has been a significant decline in value, (ii) an analysis of the liquidity, business prospects, and overall financial condition of the issuer, (iii) the significance of the decline, and (iv) our intent and ability to hold the investment for a sufficient period of time for the value to recover. When our analysis of the above factors results in the conclusion that declines in fair values are other than temporary, the cost of the securities is written down to fair value and the previously unrealized loss is therefore reflected as a realized capital loss on investment. The Company recorded no impairments in the three months ended March 31, 2018 and 2017. As of March 31, 2018, we held 289 fixed income securities with unrealized losses. As of December 31, 2017, we held 196 fixed income securities with unrealized losses. In conjunction with our outside investment advisors, we analyzed the credit ratings of the securities as well as the historical monthly amortized cost to fair value ratio of securities in an unrealized loss position. This analysis yielded no fixed income securities which had fair values less than 80% of amortized cost for the preceding 12-month period. Net investment income consisted of the following: Three Months Ended March 31, 2018 2017 Fixed income securities $ 1,599 $ 1,331 Equity securities 229 70 Real estate 91 86 Cash and cash equivalents 19 10 Total gross investment income 1,938 1,497 Investment expenses 569 498 Net investment income $ 1,369 $ 999 Net realized capital gain on investments consisted of the following: Three Months Ended March 31, 2018 2017 Gross realized gains $ 569 $ 628 Gross realized losses, excluding other-than-temporary impairment losses (100 ) (12 ) Other-than-temporary impairment losses — — Net realized capital gain on investments $ 469 $ 616 |