Investments | 6. Investments The amortized cost and estimated fair value of investment securities as of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, were as follows: March 31, 2019 Cost or Amortized Gross Unrealized Gross Unrealized Fair Value Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 16,857 $ 216 $ (44 ) $ 17,029 Obligations of states and political subdivisions 55,258 924 (211 ) 55,971 Corporate securities 96,096 1,198 (270 ) 97,024 Residential mortgage-backed securities 49,923 371 (273 ) 50,021 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 19,359 268 (141 ) 19,486 Asset-backed securities 21,465 54 (226 ) 21,293 Total fixed income securities 258,958 3,031 (1,165 ) 260,824 Equity securities: Basic materials 1,497 53 (64 ) 1,486 Communications 4,319 2,230 (353 ) 6,196 Consumer, cyclical 5,655 3,532 (144 ) 9,043 Consumer, non-cyclical 10,094 5,506 (506 ) 15,094 Energy 1,692 52 (127 ) 1,617 Financial 4,873 247 (366 ) 4,754 Industrial 4,442 3,341 (62 ) 7,721 Technology 6,875 4,671 (351 ) 11,195 Total equity securities 39,447 19,632 (1,973 ) 57,106 Total investments $ 298,405 $ 22,663 $ (3,138 ) $ 317,930 December 31, 2018 Cost or Amortized Gross Unrealized Gross Unrealized Fair Value Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 19,183 $ 158 $ (133 ) $ 19,208 Obligations of states and political subdivisions 52,782 475 (559 ) 52,698 Corporate securities 95,290 265 (1,413 ) 94,142 Residential mortgage-backed securities 50,902 110 (729 ) 50,283 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 19,520 65 (270 ) 19,315 Asset-backed securities 19,617 4 (298 ) 19,323 Total fixed income securities 257,294 1,077 (3,402 ) 254,969 Equity securities: Basic materials 1,527 — (187 ) 1,340 Communications 4,076 1,296 (424 ) 4,948 Consumer, cyclical 5,128 2,650 (167 ) 7,611 Consumer, non-cyclical 9,356 3,929 (916 ) 12,369 Energy 1,622 8 (289 ) 1,341 Financial 4,856 121 (549 ) 4,428 Industrial 4,537 2,529 (368 ) 6,698 Technology 7,037 3,647 (921 ) 9,763 Total equity securities 38,139 14,180 (3,821 ) 48,498 Total investments $ 295,433 $ 15,257 $ (7,223 ) $ 303,467 The amortized cost and estimated fair value of fixed income securities by contractual maturity are shown below. Actual maturities could differ from contractual maturities because issuers of the securities may have the right to call or prepay certain obligations, which may or may not include call or prepayment penalties. March 31, 2019 Amortized Cost Fair Value Due to mature: One year or less $ 13,304 $ 13,322 After one year through five years 96,223 97,197 After five years through ten years 50,610 51,302 After ten years 8,074 8,203 Mortgage / asset-backed securities 90,747 90,800 Total fixed income securities $ 258,958 $ 260,824 December 31, 2018 Amortized Cost Fair Value Due to mature: One year or less $ 12,490 $ 12,463 After one year through five years 96,900 96,614 After five years through ten years 52,128 51,351 After ten years 5,737 5,620 Mortgage / asset-backed securities 90,039 88,921 Total fixed income securities $ 257,294 $ 254,969 Fixed income securities with a fair value of $4,954 at March 31, 2019 and $4,900 at December 31, 2018, were deposited with various state regulatory agencies as required by law. The Company has not pledged any assets to secure any obligations. The investment category and duration of the Company’s gross unrealized losses on fixed income securities and equity securities were as follows: March 31, 2019 Less than 12 Months Greater than 12 months Total Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 450 $ (4 ) $ 3,631 $ (40 ) $ 4,081 $ (44 ) Obligations of states and political subdivisions 4,796 (84 ) 6,368 (127 ) 11,164 (211 ) Corporate securities 1,848 (7 ) 34,892 (263 ) 36,740 (270 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities 314 (1 ) 19,401 (272 ) 19,715 (273 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 2,298 (16 ) 5,316 (125 ) 7,614 (141 ) Asset-backed securities 4,849 (151 ) 9,435 (75 ) 14,284 (226 ) Total fixed income securities 14,555 (263 ) 79,043 (902 ) 93,598 (1,165 ) Equity securities: Basic materials 1,147 (64 ) — — 1,147 (64 ) Communications 1,927 (299 ) 159 (54 ) 2,086 (353 ) Consumer, cyclical 1,274 (144 ) — — 1,274 (144 ) Consumer, non-cyclical 3,348 (506 ) — — 3,348 (506 ) Energy 896 (127 ) — — 896 (127 ) Financial 2,496 (321 ) 294 (45 ) 2,790 (366 ) Industrial 1,404 (62 ) — — 1,404 (62 ) Technology 2,328 (351 ) — — 2,328 (351 ) Total equity securities 14,820 (1,874 ) 453 (99 ) 15,273 (1,973 ) Total investments $ 29,375 $ (2,137 ) $ 79,496 $ (1,001 ) $ 108,871 $ (3,138 ) December 31, 2018 Less than 12 Months Greater than 12 months Total Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 2,593 $ (3 ) $ 7,523 $ (130 ) $ 10,116 $ (133 ) Obligations of states and political subdivisions 8,467 (119 ) 18,218 (440 ) 26,685 (559 ) Corporate securities 24,793 (266 ) 45,033 (1,147 ) 69,826 (1,413 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities 10,325 (62 ) 26,459 (667 ) 36,784 (729 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 5,980 (55 ) 7,117 (215 ) 13,097 (270 ) Asset-backed securities 7,908 (183 ) 10,276 (115 ) 18,184 (298 ) Total fixed income securities 60,066 (688 ) 114,626 (2,714 ) 174,692 (3,402 ) Equity securities: Basic materials 1,340 (187 ) — — 1,340 (187 ) Communications 2,001 (378 ) 167 (46 ) 2,168 (424 ) Consumer, cyclical 1,237 (167 ) — — 1,237 (167 ) Consumer, non-cyclical 4,781 (899 ) 316 (17 ) 5,097 (916 ) Energy 1,041 (289 ) — — 1,041 (289 ) Financial 3,722 (549 ) — — 3,722 (549 ) Industrial 2,281 (368 ) — — 2,281 (368 ) Technology 3,212 (833 ) 123 (88 ) 3,335 (921 ) Total equity securities 19,615 (3,670 ) 606 (151 ) 20,221 (3,821 ) Total investments $ 79,681 $ (4,358 ) $ 115,232 $ (2,865 ) $ 194,913 $ (7,223 ) Investments with unrealized losses are categorized with a duration of greater than 12 months when all positions of a security have continually been in a loss position for at least 12 months. We frequently review our investment portfolio for declines in fair value. Our process for identifying declines in the fair value of investments that are other than temporary involves consideration of several factors. These factors include (i) the time period in which there has been a significant decline in value, (ii) an analysis of the liquidity, business prospects, and overall financial condition of the issuer, (iii) the significance of the decline, and (iv) our intent and ability to hold the investment for a sufficient period of time for the value to recover. When our analysis of the above factors results in the conclusion that declines in fair values are other than temporary, the cost of the securities is written down to fair value and the previously unrealized loss is therefore reflected as a realized capital loss on investment. The Company recorded no impairments during the three months ended March 31, 2019 and 2018. As of March 31, 2019, we held 192 fixed income securities with unrealized losses. As of December 31, 2018, we held 317 fixed income securities with unrealized losses. In conjunction with our outside investment advisors, we analyzed the credit ratings of the securities as well as the historical monthly amortized cost to fair value ratio of securities in an unrealized loss position. This analysis yielded no fixed income securities which had fair values less than 80% of amortized cost for the preceding 12-month period. Net investment income consisted of the following: Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 Fixed income securities $ 1,976 $ 1,599 Equity securities 224 229 Real estate 91 91 Cash and cash equivalents 17 19 Total gross investment income 2,308 1,938 Investment expenses 565 569 Net investment income $ 1,743 $ 1,369 Net capital gain on investments consisted of the following: Three Months Ended March 31, 2019 2018 Gross realized gains: Fixed income securities $ 3 $ 12 Equity securities 698 578 Total gross realized gains 701 590 Gross realized losses, excluding other-than-temporary impairment losses: Fixed income securities (30 ) (49 ) Equity securities (112 ) (72 ) Total gross realized losses, excluding other-than-temporary impairment losses (142 ) (121 ) Net realized gain on investments 559 469 Change in net unrealized gain on equity securities 7,300 — Net capital gain on investments $ 7,859 $ 469 Effective January 1, 2019, the market fluctuations attributed to equity securities are included in the Company’s results of operations. Prior to the adoption of this accounting pronouncement, net unrealized gains and losses on equity securities were recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income. The after-tax amount of unrealized gains on equity securities, aggregating $8,184 as of December 31, 2018, was reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income to retained earnings as of January 1, 2019. |