Investments | 3. Investments The amortized cost and estimated fair value of fixed income securities as of March 31, 2023, and December 31, 2022, were as follows: March 31, 2023 Cost or Allowance for Gross Gross Fair Value Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 10,272 $ — $ — $ (809 ) $ 9,463 Obligations of states and political subdivisions 57,833 — 92 (5,007 ) 52,918 Corporate securities 138,302 — 148 (13,324 ) 125,126 Residential mortgage-backed securities 57,624 — 198 (5,286 ) 52,536 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 30,938 — — (4,537 ) 26,401 Asset-backed securities 50,781 — 14 (4,436 ) 46,359 Redeemable preferred stocks 4,747 — — (685 ) 4,062 Total fixed income securities $ 350,497 $ — $ 452 $ (34,084 ) $ 316,865 December 31, 2022 Cost or Allowance for Gross Gross Fair Value Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 11,174 $ — $ 1 $ (1,008 ) $ 10,167 Obligations of states and political subdivisions 60,342 — 38 (6,454 ) 53,926 Corporate securities 136,837 — 109 (15,787 ) 121,159 Residential mortgage-backed securities 53,254 — 85 (5,846 ) 47,493 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 30,837 — — (4,702 ) 26,135 Asset-backed securities 45,786 — — (5,061 ) 40,725 Redeemable preferred stocks 4,747 — — (1,028 ) 3,719 Total fixed income securities $ 342,977 $ — $ 233 $ (39,886 ) $ 303,324 The amortized cost and estimated fair value of fixed income securities by contractual maturity are shown below. Actual maturities could differ from contractual maturities because issuers may have the right to call or prepay these securities. March 31, 2023 Amortized Cost Fair Value Due to mature: One year or less $ 9,932 $ 9,788 After one year through five years 84,213 79,721 After five years through ten years 74,106 65,903 After ten years 38,156 32,095 Mortgage / asset-backed securities 139,343 125,296 Redeemable preferred stocks 4,747 4,062 Total fixed income securities $ 350,497 $ 316,865 December 31, 2022 Amortized Cost Fair Value Due to mature: One year or less $ 10,130 $ 9,971 After one year through five years 81,879 77,031 After five years through ten years 76,648 65,966 After ten years 39,696 32,284 Mortgage / asset-backed securities 129,877 114,353 Redeemable preferred stocks 4,747 3,719 Total fixed income securities $ 342,977 $ 303,324 Fixed income securities with a fair value of $5,994 at March 31, 2023, and $6,613 at December 31, 2022, were deposited with various state regulatory agencies as required by law. The Company has not pledged any assets to secure any obligations. The investment category and duration of the Company’s gross unrealized losses on fixed income securities are shown below. Investments with unrealized losses are categorized with a duration of greater than 12 months when all positions of a security have continually been in a loss position for at least 12 months. March 31, 2023 Less than 12 Months Greater than 12 months Total Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 2,817 $ (147 ) $ 6,646 $ (662 ) $ 9,463 $ (809 ) Obligations of states and political subdivisions 11,468 (521 ) 35,619 (4,486 ) 47,087 (5,007 ) Corporate securities 31,765 (1,385 ) 85,610 (11,939 ) 117,375 (13,324 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities 6,539 (192 ) 31,272 (5,094 ) 37,811 (5,286 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 5,347 (270 ) 20,346 (4,267 ) 25,693 (4,537 ) Asset-backed securities 8,204 (129 ) 32,642 (4,307 ) 40,846 (4,436 ) Redeemable preferred stocks 3,299 (448 ) 763 (237 ) 4,062 (685 ) Total fixed income securities $ 69,439 $ (3,092 ) $ 212,898 $ (30,992 ) $ 282,337 $ (34,084 ) December 31, 2022 Less than 12 Months Greater than 12 months Total Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fixed income securities: U.S. Government and agencies $ 7,078 $ (537 ) $ 2,587 $ (471 ) $ 9,665 $ (1,008 ) Obligations of states and political subdivisions 40,213 (3,554 ) 9,045 (2,900 ) 49,258 (6,454 ) Corporate securities 76,645 (7,944 ) 39,683 (7,843 ) 116,328 (15,787 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities 21,017 (1,805 ) 18,519 (4,041 ) 39,536 (5,846 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 18,932 (2,674 ) 7,204 (2,028 ) 26,136 (4,702 ) Asset-backed securities 18,904 (1,522 ) 21,809 (3,539 ) 40,713 (5,061 ) Redeemable preferred stocks 3,015 (732 ) 705 (296 ) 3,720 (1,028 ) Total fixed income securities $ 185,804 $ (18,768 ) $ 99,552 $ (21,118 ) $ 285,356 $ (39,886 ) We, along with our investment advisors, frequently review our investment portfolio for declines in fair value that could be indicative of credit losses. Beginning on December 31, 2022, credit losses are recognized through an allowance account. We consider a number of factors when determining if an allowance for credit losses is necessary, including payment and default history, credit spreads, credit ratings and rating actions, and probability of default. We determine the credit loss component of fixed maturity investments by utilizing discounted cash flow modeling to determine the present value of the security and comparing the present value with the amortized cost of the security. We did not recognize any credit losses for fixed income securities at the time of adoption of the new credit loss accounting standard, or during the three months ended March 31, 2023. Therefore, there was no beginning or ending balance of credit losses for the quarter, or activity during the year ended December 31, 2022. See Item II, Part 8, Note 3 “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies” section of the 2022 Annual Report for additional information. Net investment income consisted of the following: Three Months Ended March 31, 2023 2022 Fixed income securities $ 2,630 $ 2,161 Equity securities 320 329 Real estate 150 166 Cash and cash equivalents 52 2 Total gross investment income 3,152 2,658 Investment expenses 913 1,005 Net investment income $ 2,239 $ 1,653 Net investment gains (losses) consisted of the following: Three Months Ended March 31, 2023 2022 Gross realized gains: Fixed income securities $ — $ 46 Equity securities 12,731 1,073 Total gross realized gains 12,731 1,119 Gross realized losses, excluding credit impairment losses: Fixed income securities (299 ) (3 ) Equity securities (846 ) (178 ) Total gross realized losses, excluding credit impairment losses (1,145 ) (181 ) Net realized gains 11,586 938 Change in net unrealized gains on equity securities (10,170 ) (6,466 ) Net investment gains (losses) $ 1,416 $ (5,528 ) |