Alteration of Authorized Share Structure
9.1 Subject to §9.2 and the Act, the Company may by ordinary resolution (or a resolution of the directors in the case of §9.1(c) or §9.1(f)):
(a) create one or more classes or series of shares or, if none of the shares of a class or series of shares are allotted or issued, eliminate that class or series of shares;
(b) increase, reduce or eliminate the maximum number of shares that the Company is authorized to issue out of any class or series of shares or establish a maximum number of shares that the Company is authorized to issue out of any class or series of shares for which no maximum is established;
(c) subdivide or consolidate all or any of its unissued, or fully paid issued, shares;
(d) if the Company is authorized to issue shares of a class of shares with par value:
(i) decrease the par value of those shares; or
(ii) if none of the shares of that class of shares are allotted or issued, increase the par value of those shares;
(e) change all or any of its unissued, or fully paid issued, shares with par value into shares without par value or any of its unissued shares without par value into shares with par value;
(f) alter the identifying name of any of its shares; or
(g) otherwise alter its shares or authorized share structure when required or permitted to do so by the Act where it does not specify by a special resolution;
and, if applicable, alter its Notice of Articles and Articles accordingly.
Special Rights and Restrictions
9.2 Subject to the Act and in particular those provisions of the Act relating to the rights of holders of outstanding shares to vote if their rights are prejudiced or interfered with, the Company may by ordinary resolution:
(a) create special rights or restrictions for, and attach those special rights or restrictions to, the shares of any class or series of shares, whether or not any or all of those shares have been issued; or
(b) vary or delete any special rights or restrictions attached to the shares of any class or series of shares, whether or not any or all of those shares have been issued,
and alter its Notice of Articles and Articles accordingly.
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