Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheet
- Consolidated Statement of Compr
- Consolidated Statement of Cash
- Consolidated Statement of Chang
- General information
- Accounting principles applied i
- Financial risk management
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Receivables and payables
- Prepaid expenses and deferred c
- Furniture, fixtures and equipme
- Intangible assets
- Other long-term assets and liab
- Post-employment benefits
- Shareholders' equity
- Revenue and other income
- Operating expenses by nature
- Staff costs
- Finance income and expense
- Income taxes and deferred taxes
- Loss per share
- Share-based compensation
- Commitments and contingencies
- Related parties transactions
- Going concern
- Events after the reporting peri
- Accounting principles applied28
- Accounting principles applied29
- Financial risk management (Tabl
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Furniture, fixtures and equip32
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Post-employment benefits (Table
- Shareholders' equity (Tables)
- Operating expenses by nature (T
- Staff costs (Tables)
- Income taxes and deferred tax38
- Loss per share (Tables)
- Share-based compensation (Table
- Commitments and contingencies (
- Related parties transactions (T
- General Information - Additiona
- Accounting Principles Applied44
- Accounting Principles Applied45
- Accounting Principles Applied46
- Accounting Principles Applied47
- Accounting Principles Applied48
- Financial Risk Management - Sch
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - Sch
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - S51
- Receivables and Payables - Addi
- Prepaid Expenses and Deferred53
- Furniture, Fixtures and Equip54
- Intangible Assets - Schedule of
- Intangible Assets - Additional
- Post- Employment Benefits - Sch
- Post- Employment Benefits - S58
- Post- Employment Benefits - Sum
- Post- Employment Benefits - S60
- Post- Employment Benefits - S61
- Post- Employment Benefits - S62
- Post- Employment Benefits - S63
- Post- Employment Benefits - S64
- Post-Employment Benefits - Summ
- Post-employment Benefits - Addi
- Shareholders' Equity - Summary
- Shareholders' Equity - Addition
- Shareholders' Equity - Summar69
- Revenue and Other Income - Addi
- Operating Expenses by Nature -
- Operating Expenses by Nature 72
- Operating Expenses by Nature 73
- Staff Costs - Summary of Staff
- Staff Costs - Additional Inform
- Income Taxes and Deferred Tax76
- Income Taxes and Deferred Tax77
- Income Taxes and Deferred Tax78
- Loss Per Share - Additional Inf
- Loss Per Share - Schedule of Ba
- Share-based Compensation - Sche
- Share-based Compensation - Addi
- Share-based Compensation - Sc83
- Share-based Compensation - Move
- Share-based Compensation - Rang
- Share-based Compensation - Sign
- Share-based Compensation - Si87
- Commitments and Contingencies -
- Commitments and Contingencies89
- Related Parties Transactions -
- Related Parties Transactions 91