On sales metrics, we now have booked total sales of roughly 2.8 million tons at an average price of rough $214 per ton1. Approximately 200,000 tons of production remain to be placed.
We estimate that these committed sales currently translate into estimated 2022 net income of over $230 million, EPS of over $5.10 and Adjusted EBITDA of roughly $340 million2. When comparing those figures to year-end 2021, through this July we have already generated results which would be roughly 6x of net income, 5x of EPS and 4x of Adjusted EBITDA. We hope additional sales by year-end will improve those numbers.
Like all our peers, first half delivered sales suffered from poor rail service. This logistical constraint had a direct financial impact on us but was unfortunately outside of our control. As a result, we built almost 90,000 tons of inventory during the second quarter of 2022. This compounded the same logistical issue we had in the first quarter, bringing our first half of 2022 inventory build to over 180,000 tons.
As strong as our results were historically, had the rails performed they would have both been even stronger and closer to consensus projections. We estimate that our first half EPS and Adjusted EBITDA would have been meaningfully higher by $0.65 per share and $40 million respectively3, had that coal shipped.
As we look ahead to the second half, perhaps somewhat propitiously, the first half inventory build may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Should rail transportation bottlenecks ease as anticipated in the second half of 2022, then that inventory buildup may be able to be sold at higher realized prices for export.
The on-going events in Ukraine have created an unusual dynamic where historical pricing between thermal and certain met coal qualities has inverted. With the European Union set to ban Russian coal imports in a few days, we conjecture that this unique pricing inversion may not be short lived.
Accordingly, in July we entered into a sales contract to a seaborne thermal customer for delivery later this year of roughly 250,000 tons of a lower grade metallurgical coal at index prices linked to the thermal coal curve. At current index pricing, this sale translates into a netback of over $250 per short ton FOB mine to Ramaco, much higher than had it been sold into current met markets.
This is perhaps a good segue into commenting on our forward view on 2023 domestic and export sales strategy. The domestic sales season to U.S. steel customers has already commenced. For 2023, we intend to sell our coal into whatever markets will yield the best netback pricing. We are confident in our operational and logistical flexibility to sell into whatever represents the strongest market, should the pricing dynamic favor export thermal sales over domestic or seaborne metallurgical markets.
Also, as a result of our unfortunate recent Berwind methane ignition incident on July 10th, we reduced our full-year 2022 production guidance, and increased cost guidance. Since discovery of the ignition, we have been working closely with both MSHA and West Virginia MHST to investigate the matter and hopefully will soon begin remediation efforts on the affected mine. As a remainder, our two other mines at the Berwind complex, including our Triad and Laurel Fork mines, have already returned to production.
We are also excited to have announced an agreement to purchase the Maben mine assets in West Virginia with its 33 million tons of low volatile reserves. This fits within our strategic profile of acquiring low-cost, high quality greenfield reserves which can quickly be put into production. This is similar in character to our Amonate acquisition last fall. We anticipate starting initial highwall mine production at Maben in the late fourth quarter of 2022 and in 2023 to be at full production of roughly 250,000 tons of coal from the Sewell seam.
1 Using forward curve pricing as of August 4, 2022 for index-linked sales.
2 Mine level, before corporate expenses, using midpoint of cost guidance and forward curve pricing as of August 4, 2022 for index-linked sales.
3 Mine level, before corporate expenses, using YTD average spot pricing as of June 30, 2022 for tons in inventory.