Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Cu
- Consolidated Statements of Inco
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Note 1 - Reporting Entity
- Note 2 - Basis of Preparation
- Note 3 - Significant Accounting
- Note 4 - Securities
- Note 5 - Loans, Net of Allowanc
- Note 6 - Other Assets
- Note 7 - Subordinated Notes Pay
- Note 8 - Other Liabilities
- Note 9 - Share Capital
- Note 10 - Income Tax Provision
- Note 11 - Income Per Common Sha
- Note 12 - Derivative Instrument
- Note 13 - Commitments and Conti
- Note 14 - Related Party Transac
- Note 15 - Capital Management
- Note 16 - Interest Rate Risk Po
- Note 17 - Fair Value of Financi
- Note 18 - Operating Segmentatio
- Note 19 - Comparative Balances
- Note 20 - Subsequent Event
- Note 5 - Loans, Net of Allowa_2
- Note 6 - Other Assets (Tables)
- Note 7 - Subordinated Notes P_2
- Note 8 - Other Liabilities (Tab
- Note 9 - Share Capital (Tables)
- Note 11 - Income Per Common S_2
- Note 13 - Commitments and Con_2
- Note 15 - Capital Management (T
- Note 16 - Interest Rate Risk _2
- Note 17 - Fair Value of Finan_2
- Note 18 - Operating Segmentat_2
- Note 4 - Securities (Details Te
- Note 5 - Loans, Net of Allowa_3
- Note 5 - Loans, Net of Allowa_4
- Note 5 - Loans, Net of Allowa_5
- Note 5 - Loans, Net of Allowa_6
- Note 5 - Loans, Net of Allowa_7
- Note 6 - Other Assets (Details
- Note 6 - Other Assets - Schedul
- Note 7 - Subordinated Notes P_3
- Note 7 - Subordinated Notes P_4
- Note 7 - Subordinated Notes P_5
- Note 8 - Other Liabilities - Sc
- Note 9 - Share Capital (Details
- Note 9 - Share Capital - Stock
- Note 10 - Income Tax Provision
- Note 11 - Income Per Common S_3
- Note 12 - Derivative Instrume_2
- Note 13 - Commitments and Con_3
- Note 14 - Related Party Trans_2
- Note 15 - Capital Management (D
- Note 15 - Capital Management -
- Note 16 - Interest Rate Risk _3
- Note 17 - Fair Value of Finan_3
- Note 18 - Operating Segmentat_3
- Note 18 - Operating Segmentat_4
- Note 20 - Subsequent Event (Det