Exhibit 3.3

ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION OF HCMK Consulting, LLC (Name of the Limited Liability Company as it now appears on our records.) (A Florida Limited Liability Company) The Articles of Organization for this Limited Liability Company were filed on 7/24109 and assigned Florida document number L09000071253 This amendment is submitted to amend the following: A. If amending name, enter the new name of the limited liability company here: J W Korth & Company, LLC The new name must be distinguishable and end with the words "Limited Liability Company," the designation "LLC" or the abbreviation "L.L.C." Enter new principal offices address, if applicable: (Principal office address MUST BE A STREET ADDRESS) Enter new mailing address, if applicable: (Mailing address MAY BE A POST OFFICE BOX) B. If amending the registered agent and/or registered office address on our records, enter the name of the new registered agent and/or the new registered office address here: Name of New Registered Agent: New Registered Office Address: Enter Florida street address Florida City Zip Code New Registered Agent's Signature, if changing Registered Agent: I hereby accept the appointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. I further agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relative to the proper and complete performance of my duties, and I am familiar with and accept the obligations of my position as registered agent as provided for in Chapter 608, F.S. Or, if this document is being filed to merely reflect a change in the registered office address. I hereby confirm that the limited liability company has been notified in writing of this change. If Changing Registered Agent, Signature of New Registered Agent Page 1 of 2

If amending the Managers or Managing Members on our records, enter the title, name, and address of each Manager or Managing_ Member being added or removed from our records: MGR = Manager MGRM = Managing Member Title Name Address Tyne of Action n Add ❑ Remove nAdd n Remove ❑ Add ❑ Remove ❑ Add ❑ Remove ❑Add fiRemove nAdd ❑Remove D. If amending any other information, enter change(s) here: (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.) Dated November 18 2010 Signature o a member or authorized representative of a member James W. Korth, member Typed or printed name of signet Page 2 of 2 Filing Fee: $25.00