FAIR VALUE | NOTE 8 - FAIR VALUE GAAP establishes a hierarchy of valuation techniques based on the observability of inputs utilized in measuring financial assets and liabilities at fair value. GAAP establishes market-based or observable inputs as the preferred source of values, followed by valuation models using management assumptions in the absence of market inputs. The three levels of the hierarchy are described below: Level I Level II Level III Valuation Process Cash and cash equivalents: The carrying amounts of cash and short-term instruments approximate fair values and are classified as either Level 1 or Level 2. Mortgages Owned and Mortgage Secured Notes Payable: Due to the fact that the Company issues notes secured directly by underlying loans, our assets and liabilities in this category have identical values and assets have offsetting balances. Mortgage Servicing The net present value of the servicing income is recognized at the time the mortgage is initiated as an unrealized gain, beginning in 2018. This value uses several inputs that are highly subjective including: discount rate, constant prepayment rate, the current interest rate environment, and default rate assumptions. Since the Company has limited operating history and a small amount of loans outstanding, we have a limited basis to predict prepayment rates and default rates, but have engaged a third party to assist us in our valuation of this asset, beginning in the three months ended June 30, 2018. For the prior quarter, the servicing rights were combined under the caption “Mortgages Owned, at Fair Value” on the Unaudited Statement of Financial Condition; however, beginning this period and for those going forward the servicing has been separated to its own line item as “Mortgage Servicing Rights, at Fair Value” Fair Value Disclosure The following tables display the Company’s assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis: December 31, 2017 Total Level I Level II Level III Financial Assets Mortgages Owned $ 1,999,132 $ - $ 1,999,132 $ - Financial Liabilities Mortgage Secured Notes Payable $ 1,999,132 $ - $ 1,999,132 $ - September 30, 2018 Financial Assets Mortgages Owned $ 13,178,351 $ - $ 13,178,351 $ - Mortgage Servicing 423,038 - - 423,038 Total Financial Assets $ 13,601,389 $ - $ 13,178,351 $ 423,038 Financial Liabilities Mortgage Secured Notes Payable $ 13,178,351 $ - $ 13,178,351 $ - Fair Value Measurements Changes in Fair Value Measurements for the quarter ended September 30, 2018 The Company has engaged MIAC Analytics to assist in the valuation of the mortgage servicing component of its business. This lead to significant changes in underlying assumptions within the valuation model, which are detailed below. The following table presents a reconciliation of changes in Level 3 assets and liabilities reported in the Statements of Financial Condition for the quarter ended September 30, 2018: Changes in assets: Quarter ended September 30, 2018 Mortgage Beginning balance at June 30, 2018 $ 307,668 Purchases - Sales - Issues - Settlements - Net realized gain/loss - Unrealized Gain from newly issued mortgages 122,243 Fair Value adjustment (6,873 ) Transfers into Level 3 - Transfers out of Level 3 - Ending balance at September 30, 2018 $ 423,038 The Company’s policy for recording transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy is to recognize as of the financial statement date. For the quarter ended September 30, 2018, there were no transfers between levels. The Company has established valuation processes and policies for its Level 3 investments to ensure that the methods used are fair and consistent in accordance with ASC 820 – Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures The following table presents quantitative information regarding the significant unobservable inputs the Company uses to determine the fair value of Level 3 investments held as of September 30, 2018: Investment type Fair Value Valuation technique Unobservable input Value Mortgage servicing $423,038 Net Present Value Prepayment Discount 5.62% Discount rate 15.00% |