Outline of Activities
(a). The Company received reports from subsidiaries and provided prior approval to subsidiaries in accordance with the “Regulations of Group Companies Management”.
(b). In order to conduct evaluation of the status of improvement and implementation of the risk management system described in (1), Content of Basic Policy Resolution, 2 above, the subsidiaries being evaluated implemented evaluation of the respective targeted risks.
(c). Each subsidiary performs, as appropriate, a review of the appropriateness of organizational design, and approval criteria and processes in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and the nature of business and other factors.
(d). In addition to the activities of (1), Outline of Activities, 2 above, each subsidiary conducts training and discussion as necessary and ensures utmost compliance.
(e). Each company establishes a whistleblowing system and totally prohibits any disadvantageous treatment of any whistleblower.
(5). System for Storing and Managing Information (Item 1, Paragraph 1, Article 100 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Corporation Law)
Content of Basic Policy Resolution
Information related to the execution of duties of Officers, including meeting minutes of the Board of Directors and settlement documents, shall be maintained and managed by respective divisions in charge of such management in accordance with laws and regulations, the “Regulations of the Board of Directors,” and other related rules. Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and members of the internal audit division have the ability to inspect this information at any time.
Outline of Activities
Whenever deemed necessary, Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and members of the internal audit division peruse or obtain copies of meeting minutes of the Board of Directors and the Corporate Strategy Committee, and other records such as settlement documents of the CEO.
(6). System for Auditing by Audit & Supervisory Board Members (Paragraph 3, Article 100 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Corporation Law)
Content of Basic Policy Resolution
(1). The Company established and assigns dedicated full-time employees of an appropriate number to the Office of Audit & Supervisory Board Members. The Office of Audit & Supervisory Board Members is established as an independent entity that is outside the control of Officers. Any change in dedicated full-time employee personnel shall require the prior consent of the Audit & Supervisory Board.
(2). Audit & Supervisory Board Members shall grasp the execution of duties by Officers, attending not only meetings of the Board of Directors, but also other important meetings such as meetings of the Corporate Strategy Committee and Risk Management Committee.
(3). The administrative divisions of the headquarters, such as human resources, finance & accounting, and legal affairs, shall hold meetings with Audit & Supervisory Board Members and report on the execution of duties in a timely manner. Additionally, if any material breach of laws and regulations occurs, the relevant division shall immediately report this to Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
(4). Audit & Supervisory Board Members shall have accounting auditors periodically give reports.