Loans Receivable | Note D - Loans Receivable - Loans receivable at December 31 are summarized as follows: (in thousands) December 31, 2017 December 31, 2016 Real Estate: Secured by one-to four family residential properties Owner-occupied $ 50,863 $ 46,353 Non-owner-occupied 12,405 11,237 Home Equity Lines of Credit 2,487 2,246 Commercial (Nonresidential) Properties 16,364 7,234 Land 2,605 2,907 Construction 1,703 3,475 Multi-family 1,665 2,629 Commercial 1,392 295 Consumer Loans 451 285 Total Loans 89,935 76,661 Less: Net Deferred Loan Fees (443 ) (459 ) Loans in Process (701 ) (851 ) Allowance for Loan Losses (756 ) (692 ) Net Loans $ 88,035 $ 74,659 Discounts on loans purchased amounted to $322,000 and $352,000 for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively. At December 31, 2017, the Bank did have not any loans where formal foreclosure procedures had been initiated. Under its current lending status with the FHLB (Note J), the Bank may be required to deliver qualifying loans and securities to the FHLB in order to collateralize any outstanding and future advances. The Bank did not deliver any available for sale securities or loans to the FHLB at December 31, 2017 and 2016. Loans - Real Estate, Commercial and Consumer Commercial real estate loans are secured by the subject property and are underwritten based upon standards set forth in policies approved by the Bank's Board of Directors (Board). Such standards include, among other factors, loan to value limits, cash flow coverage, and general creditworthiness of the obligors. Residential real estate loans are underwritten in accordance with policies approved by the Board, including repayment capacity and source, value of the underlying property, credit history and stability. Construction loans to borrowers are to finance the construction of owner occupied and leased properties. These loans are categorized as construction loans during the construction period, later converting to commercial or residential real estate loans after the construction is complete and amortization of the loan begins. Construction loan funds are disbursed periodically based on the percentage of construction completed. Management carefully monitors these loans with on-site inspections. The Bank also makes loans on occasion for the purchase of land for future development for either commercial or residential use by the borrower. Consumer loans are extended for deposit account collateralized loans. The Bank also purchases commercial loans from a third party company that extends loans to healthcare providers. The tables below provide an allocation and rollforward of the allowance for loan losses by loan type as of and for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016. The allocation of a portion of the allowance to one category does not preclude its availability to absorb losses in other categories. Allowance for Credit Losses and Recorded Investment in Loans Receivable For the Year Ended December 31, 2017 (in thousands) Real Estate Commercial Land One-to-Four Family Construction Multi-Family Consumer Commercial Total Allowance for Credit Losses: Beginning Balance $ 43 $ 101 $ 528 $ 8 $ 3 $ - $ 9 $ 692 Charge-offs (16 ) - - - - - - (16 ) Recoveries - - - - - - - - Provision 67 (45 ) 17 - 1 1 39 80 Ending Balance $ 94 $ 56 $ 545 $ 8 $ 4 $ 1 $ 48 $ 756 Ending Balance: Individually Evaluated for Impairment $ 13 $ 2 $ 23 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 38 Ending Balance: Collectively Evaluated for Impairment $ 81 $ 54 $ 522 $ 8 $ 4 $ 1 $ 48 $ 718 Loans Receivable: Ending Balance $ 16,364 $ 2,605 $ 65,755 $ 1,703 $ 1,665 $ 451 $ 1,392 $ 89,935 Ending Balance: Individually Evaluated for Impairment $ 131 $ 16 $ 225 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 372 Ending Balance: Collectively Evaluated for Impairment $ 16,233 $ 2,589 $ 65,530 $ 1,703 $ 1,665 $ 451 $ 1,392 $ 89,563 Allowance for Credit Losses and Recorded Investment in Loans Receivable For the Year Ended December 31, 2016 (in thousands) Real Estate Commercial Land One-to-Four Construction Multi-Family Consumer Commercial Total Allowance for Credit Losses: Beginning Balance $ 48 $ 85 $ 447 $ 9 $ 3 $ - $ - $ 592 Charge-offs - (10 ) (108 ) - - - - (118 ) Recoveries - - 38 - - - - 38 Provision (5 ) 26 151 (1 ) - - 9 180 Ending Balance $ 43 $ 101 $ 528 $ 8 $ 3 $ - $ 9 $ 692 Ending Balance: Individually Evaluated for Impairment $ - $ 2 $ 36 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 38 Ending Balance: Collectively Evaluated for Impairment $ 43 $ 99 $ 492 $ 8 $ 3 $ - $ 9 $ 654 Loans Receivable: Ending Balance $ 7,234 $ 2,907 $ 59,836 $ 3,475 $ 2,629 $ 285 $ 295 $ 76,661 Ending Balance: Individually Evaluated for Impairment $ - $ 17 $ 501 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 518 Ending Balance: Collectively Evaluated for Impairment $ 7,234 $ 2,890 $ 59,335 $ 3,475 $ 2,629 $ 285 $ 295 $ 76,143 Credit quality indicators as of December 31, 2017 and 2016 Pass Special mention Substandard Doubtful Loss The following tables represent the Bank's credit exposure by credit quality indicator as of Decem- ber 31, 2017 and 2016: Credit Risk Profile by Internally Assigned Grade (in thousands) December 31, 2017 Real Estate Commercial Land One-to-Four Construction Multi-Family Consumer Commercial Total Pass $ 16,065 $ 2,541 $ 65,259 $ 1,703 $ 1,665 $ 451 $ 1,392 $ 89,076 Special Mention - - - - - - - - Substandard 299 64 496 - - - - 859 Doubtful - - - - - - - - Loss - - - - - - - - $ 16,364 $ 2,605 $ 65,755 $ 1,703 $ 1,665 $ 451 $ 1,392 $ 89,935 December 31, 2016 Real Estate Commercial Land One-to-Four Construction Multi-Family Consumer Commercial Total Pass $ 7,050 $ 2,852 $ 59,183 $ 3,475 $ 2,629 $ 285 $ 295 $ 75,769 Special Mention - - - - - - - - Substandard 184 55 653 - - - - 892 Doubtful - - - - - - - - Loss - - - - - - - - $ 7,234 $ 2,907 $ 59,836 $ 3,475 $ 2,629 $ 285 $ 295 $ 76,661 The following tables are an aging analysis of loans as of December 31, 2017 and 2016: Aged Analysis of Past Due Loans Receivable (in thousands) December 31, 2017 Accruing 30-89 90 Days Total Days and Over Total Nonaccrual Loans Past Due Past Due Past Due Current Status Receivable Real Estate: Commercial $ 237 $ - $ 237 $ 15,996 $ 131 $ 16,364 Land 103 18 121 2,468 16 2,605 Residential 1,744 - 1,744 63,786 225 65,755 Construction - - - 1,703 - 1,703 Multi-family - - - 1,665 - 1,665 Consumer 20 - 20 431 - 451 Commercial - - - 1,392 - 1,392 $ 2,104 $ 18 $ 2,122 $ 87,441 $ 372 $ 89,935 Aged Analysis of Past Due Loans Receivable (in thousands) December 31, 2016 Accruing 30-89 90 Days Total Days and Over Total Nonaccrual Loans Past Due Past Due Past Due Current Status Receivable Real Estate: Commercial $ 141 $ - $ 141 $ 7,093 - $ 7,234 Land 20 - 20 2,870 17 2,907 Residential 1,588 - 1,588 57,747 501 59,836 Construction - - - 3,475 - 3,475 Multi-family - - - 2,629 - 2,629 Consumer 5 5 280 - 285 Commercial - - - 295 - 295 $ 1,754 $ - $ 1,754 $ 74,389 $ 518 $ 76,661 The following tables below present impaired loans disaggregated by class as of and for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016: Impaired Loans (in thousands) As Of And For The Year Ended December 31, 2017 Unpaid Allowance Average Interest Recorded Principal Losses Recorded Income Loans with an allowance recorded: Real estate Commercial $ 131 $ 147 $ 13 $ 145 $ - Land 16 21 2 14 - 1-4 family residential 225 228 23 218 - Multi-Family - - - - - Construction - - - - - Consumer and Commercial - - - - - Loans with no allowance recorded: Real estate Commercial - - - - - Land - - - - - 1-4 family residential - - - - - Multi-Family - - - - - Construction - - - - - Consumer and Commercial - - - - - Totals $ 372 $ 396 $ 38 $ 377 $ - Impaired Loans (in thousands) As Of And For The Year Ended December 31, 2016 Unpaid Allowance Average Interest Recorded Principal Losses Recorded Income Loans with an allowance recorded: Real estate Commercial $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Land 17 20 2 18 - 1-4 family residential 501 686 36 538 - Multi-Family - - - - - Construction - - - - - Consumer and Commercial - - - - - Loans with no allowance recorded: Real estate Commercial - - - - - Land - - - - - 1-4 family residential - - - - - Multi-Family - - - - - Construction - - - - - Consumer and Commercial - - - - - Totals $ 518 $ 706 $ 38 $ 556 $ - The tables below present modifications disaggregated by class for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016: Troubled Debt Restructuring (in thousands) Number of Pre- Post- Modifications as of December 31, 2017: Residential - modified amortization 0 $ - $ - Modifications as of December 31, 2016: Residential - modified amortization 4 $ 441 $ 290 None of the 2016 troubled debt restructurings defaulted subsequent to the modification. The Bank's troubled debt restructurings are generally due to a modification of terms allowing the customer to make interest-only payments for an amount of time, an extension of the loan term, and/or a reduction in interest rate to obtain a lower payment for the customer. The Bank is not committed to lend additional funds to debtors whose loans have been modified. |