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ABA, Abasolo, absolute, absolving, accessed, accessing, accommodated, accompanying, accomplished, accreted, accrued, accuracy, acid, adapted, added, Additionally, addressed, addressing, adjacent, administer, administered, admissible, advance, advanced, advancement, advice, advisory, affiliate, Ag, age, agency, AgEq, aggregate, agreed, agreement, ahead, aid, air, alberto, allocation, Alonso, ALS, alteration, Alternate, alternative, alternatively, altitude, Ambrosio, amenability, America, amortization, amortized, amparo, ample, analytical, analyze, analyzed, analyzer, Andean, andesite, andesitic, Andina, angle, Anglo, anisotropy, announced, announcement, annulment, anomaly, answered, Antacaca, anticlinal, antithetic, AP, appeal, appealed, Appendix, appraising, approach, approximate, approximately, April, ARC, ARCF, Archaeological, ARCM, Arechuyvo, arise, armed, arrange, arranged, arrangement, Arrarte, arrival, arsenic, Article, ascribed, ash, ASPP, assay, assessed, assessment, asset, assignee, Assumption, ASTM, attempting, attend, attention, Au, auction, August, Australasian, automatic, automation, Av, avenue, avoid, awaiting, Award, awarding, Bacerac, Bachelor, back, backbone, backfill, backup, bad, balance, ball, Bamba, Banco, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Barranco, basalt, basaltic, Beeck, began, begin, belt, bench, benchmarking, Bencomo, beneath, beneficial, beneficially, beneficiation, bid, blended, blending, body, Bolivia, border, bounded, branch, Brazil, breached, breakdown, breccia, bring, British, broad, broker, brought, BSc, budget, budgeting, Buenaventura, build, building, built, bulk, burden, bus, ca, cabinet, cafeteria, calcic, caldera, calendar, camp, campaign, cancellation, Cano, Canon, capable, capacity, capex, capped, car, carbonate, Cardich, care, careful, carefully, case, categorized, Cautionary, Cautivo, caving, CBCA, cease, ceased, ceasing, cell, central, certainty, certified, certify, cessation, chain, Chair, Chairman, challenged, channel, characteristic, charge, chart, chemical, Chihuahuan, Chile, Chimenea, China, Chumpe, Cia, CIBC, Cieneguita, CIRA, circuit, circular, civil, classified, clean, Cleaning, clear, Cliff, closure, cluster, clustered, coarse, CoG, collaborative, Collegiate, Colombia, Colonia, color, Colorada, Columbia, combination, combined, comfort, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, Commerce, commonly, communicable, competent, competing, Complement, component, comprehensive, compressed, compressor, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, compromising, Computershare, Comunidad, concentrate, concentration, concentrator, concept, conceptual, concession, concessionaire, concurrent, concurrently, condition, conduit, cone, conference, confidence, confidential, confirmatory, confirmed, consecutive, considerable, consideration, Constant, constrained, construct, constructed, constructing, construction, consumption, Contacto, contemplated, content, Continental, contingency, contingent, contract, contracted, contractor, contractual, conventional, conversion, conveyed, COO, cooperative, Cordillera, core, Corona, correct, correction, corrective, correlation, corruption, counterparty, court, COV, coverage, CP, CPA, CPAB, created, Credito, crew, criteria, critical, crusher, crushing, crust, CSA, Cu, Cuauhtemoc, CuEq, Cuerpo, culture, cumulative, curtail, curtailed, Cusihuiriachi, customary, customer, cut, Cuye, CV, cyanide, cyclical, dacite, daily, dam, damage, database, Datum, DBM, de, DEAN, death, debt, decided, declaration, declared, declaring, Declining, decommissioning, decrease, decreased, decreasing, Decree, deductible, deduction, deeper, default, defense, deferral, deflation, deformed, degree, del, delegated, delineating, delineation, deliver, delivered, delivering, demand, democratic, demonstrated, demonstrating, denied, denominated, dense, density, departure, depletion, deportment, deposit, deposited, deposition, depth, derived, descending, Desert, destruction, detail, detailed, detonator, detract, deviation, dewater, dewatering, dextral, Dia, dialogue, diamond, diesel, diligence, Dionisio, dip, dipping, direct, direction, discharge, disciplined, discount, discouraging, discover, discovered, discovery, discrete, discretion, dismissed, dismissing, dispute, disputed, disrupt, disrupted, disseminated, dissolution, distinct, district, diversified, divert, divest, Divide, dividend, dolomitic, dome, domiciled, dominantly, dominated, double, doubling, downhole, downturn, drainage, dramatically, drawpoint, drifting, drillhole, drop, drug, dry, Dump, dumped, Dundee, Durango, duration, dust, Dutch, duty, dynamic, Eagle, earlier, Earth, easement, easily, east, eastern, Ecuador, Ed, efficacy, effort, EIA, El, electric, electrical, Electricidad, electricity, elevation, eliminate, embankment, Emilio, emission, emplaced, employ, employed, employee, employing, enable, Encouraging, endeavor, energy, enforcement, Eng, Engineer, engineering, enhancement, enjoyment, entered, entering, entitled, entity, entrance, entry, environment, epithermal, equating, equipment, equivalency, equivalent, eReview, escrow, Esperanza, essential, event, eventual, evidence, evolving, exact, examine, exceeded, Excessive, exclusive, exclusively, expand, expanded, expansion, expend, expenditure, expensive, experience, experienced, experimental, expertise, explained, exploitation, exploited, export, exporting, expose, exposed, exposure, expropriation, extract, extracted, extraction, Extraordinary, extreme, facilitate, facing, factored, fail, fair, faith, fall, Farallon, fashion, fault, FAusIMM, favorable, favour, feature, featuring, February, fee, feed, feeder, Felipe, fiber, field, FIFOMI, fifteen, fight, Fighting, Figure, fill, filled, filter, filtered, filtration, FIMMM, fine, finer, fit, flat, flexibility, FLOPAC, flotation, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuating, fluctuation, fluent, focused, force, Forecast, forecasting, foreseeable, foreseen, formalizing, fracturing, frame, framed, framework, framing, free, frequently, frozen, fuel, fugitive, fulfilled, fulfilling, full, fully, function, functional, functioning, furloughed, Gabriel, Gallo, gang, gas, gaussian, geochemical, geographical, geographically, geologist, geometry, geophysical, Geoservice, geotechnical, goal, God, good, GP, GPS, gpt, Grace, graduate, granodiorite, granular, gravel, gravity, Gregori, greywacke, grid, grind, grinding, grocery, ground, guarantee, guard, Guerrero, guidance, Gustavson, half, halo, halted, hand, handle, handled, handling, harder, harmed, haulage, hauled, hauling, healthy, heating, hectare, hedge, height, heightened, Helium, hereof, highly, highway, Hill, hire, hiring, history, hoist, hole, honestly, horizon, host, hostage, house, Huancayo, Hurley, hybrid, hydrocyclone, hydrogeological, Hydrogeology, hydrological, hydrothermal, ice, Ideally, identical, idle, Ignacio, iii, IIROC, illegal, immaterial, impair, impaired, impede, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, import, importance, important, importing, imposition, impoundment, impractical, improper, impugned, inaccessibility, inadvertently, incidental, inclement, inclusive, incremental, incur, incurred, incurring, index, India, indirect, indirectly, individual, induced, Inexistence, Inferior, infill, inflow, influence, influenced, infrequent, Ingenieria, inhibit, injury, innovation, input, insertion, insider, insolvency, installation, installing, insufficient, intellectual, intended, intense, intensifying, intent, intention, intercalated, interference, internet, interrupt, interruption, intersected, intersection, intestate, introducing, intrusive, investigate, investigated, investigating, investigation, iron, IRR, iv, January, Japan, jaw, jeopardizing, Joint, jointly, JORC, judgement, judicial, Jumasha, June, Jurassic, key, kg, kilometer, Kirkland, Klepetko, km, knowledge, Korea, kV, KVA, kW, kWh, La, lab, labor, laboratory, laced, Lagoon, Lake, land, landfill, large, larger, largest, Largo, latitude, launch, laundry, lawsuit, leaching, leadership, lender, length, Leon, lesser, letter, leverage, levied, levy, LFD, LIBOR, license, licensed, licensing, life, lift, Lima, limestone, line, literacy, lithological, live, living, load, loaded, loan, located, location, lockdown, log, logging, LOM, longer, longhole, longitude, los, low, lower, LP, Lujan, Ma, machinery, Madre, magnetite, Maguarchic, main, maintenance, Mal, Malpaso, mapping, marchese, margin, marginal, Marina, Mario, marketplace, Mascota, masl, massification, matter, mature, maturing, maturity, maximize, maximizing, maximum, MBA, McGovern, Mechanical, mechanized, medical, Meinert, membership, merger, merit, mesh, Mesozoic, metal, metallic, metallurgical, metamorphosed, meter, method, Mexicana, Miami, mid, middle, middling, Miguel, military, mill, milled, milling, million, Mina, Minera, minimal, minimize, minimizing, Ministry, missing, MITL, mobile, model, modelled, modelling, moderately, modified, Modifying, monetary, month, monthly, Montreal, monzonite, Morococha, morphology, motion, mountain, move, moved, moving, MRE, MSc, mucking, mud, mudflow, multiple, multiplied, municipal, municipality, Munk, mutual, mutually, MVA, narrow, Nat, nationwide, native, NCIB, NE, nearby, necessarily, necessity, negotiating, ninety, nominal, nominate, Nominating, north, northeast, northern, northwest, northwestern, note, noted, notice, notification, noting, NP, NPV, NSR, nuclear, Nuevo, null, nullification, nullity, numerical, NW, Oban, objective, oblique, observation, observed, Occidental, occupation, occurrence, Ocean, oceanic, Ococha, October, OEFA, offer, officially, oil, Oligocene, open, opening, opex, opportunity, opposition, opted, optic, optimal, optimised, optimization, ordinarily, organizational, oriented, ornament, Osisko, Osma, outbreak, outcome, outlined, output, overallotment, overcome, overhand, overhaul, overlap, overseeing, overseen, oversight, owe, owed, owner, oxide, oxidized, Pachacayo, Pacific, Pacifico, paging, paid, Palamina, pandemic, panel, paper, par, parallel, partially, partner, party, Pascasmayo, Paso, passed, paved, pay, payable, paying, payment, Pb, PEA, pecuniary, Pedro, people, perception, permanent, permission, Peruana, Peter, PGeo, pH, phase, phenomena, pillar, Pinto, pit, placement, plain, plaintiff, planet, plant, plastic, Plata, plate, plateau, platinum, played, Poderosa, pollution, polymetallic, poorly, population, porphyry, portal, portion, Portugal, pose, position, positive, positively, postpone, postponed, potable, Pr, precise, precision, predicated, predicted, predominantly, preemptively, prefeasibility, preferably, preferential, preferred, preliminary, premium, prescribed, presence, preserving, presidential, pressure, prevailing, prevalence, prevent, preventing, prevention, preventive, primarily, prior, prioritized, priority, proactive, procedure, proceed, proceeding, procured, professional, proficient, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, program, progressive, progressively, project, prolonged, prominent, Promontorio, Promoting, proof, propane, proper, properly, proponent, proposal, proposed, prospecting, prospective, protest, protocol, prove, proximal, proximity, prudent, publicly, pull, pulp, pump, put, Putting, PWC, Pyrite, QP, QPs, quality, quantity, quarantine, quarter, quarterly, quartz, Quebec, questionable, quoted, radioactive, rail, railway, rainfall, Rajesh, ramp, ramping, range, ranged, ranging, rapidly, ratio, rationale, raw, reach, reached, reaching, reaction, reactive, read, reader, ready, reagent, realize, realized, reassessment, rebellion, recall, recalling, receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiver, receiving, recognized, recommend, recommendation, recommended, recommending, reconcile, reconciliation, reconciling, recovered, recovery, recruiting, recruitment, recycled, Red, Redco, redemption, reduction, refine, refined, refining, Reflex, refurbished, regime, regimented, region, regional, registrar, Registry, regularly, rehabilitation, reintroduction, reject, relationship, reliability, reliable, rely, reminded, remitted, remote, removal, remove, removed, removing, remuneration, render, renegotiation, renew, renewable, renewing, reopening, repaid, repatriation, repay, repayment, repeatedly, representation, representative, represented, representing, repression, reproduce, repurchase, reputation, Reputational, resampling, research, reservoir, residence, residency, resident, residing, resignation, resigned, resistance, resolution, resolved, resolving, rest, restart, restarting, restitution, restricted, restriction, restrictive, resumed, resurgent, retention, retired, retreat, retreating, return, returned, returning, revenue, Revering, reversal, Revisit, revocation, revolution, rhyolite, rhyolitic, Ricardo, Richmont, Riedel, Rio, River, road, robust, rock, rod, role, Romero, room, Rosa, Rosaura, roughly, rounded, route, royalty, run, rush, Ryan, SA, Sabina, sabotage, SAC, safe, safeguarded, safely, sale, sample, sampled, sampling, San, Santa, satisfaction, satisfactory, scale, scheme, school, Sci, scope, scrap, screening, scripted, SE, sea, seamlessly, seat, secondary, sector, sedimentary, select, selected, selection, selectivity, sell, selling, SENACE, Senda, senior, sensitive, sensitivity, sequence, settle, settlement, Seventeenth, shaft, shale, shape, shear, shed, shipped, shipping, shop, short, shotcrete, show, shown, shutdown, SIB, side, Sidra, silicified, Similarly, simple, simulate, single, site, situated, size, skarn, skill, skilled, sliding, slip, slurry, small, smelter, smelting, SMT, snow, social, socially, Sociedad, societal, softer, software, solid, solvency, Sonora, source, sourced, south, southeast, southwest, spaced, spacing, Spanish, spare, specialist, speculative, spread, SQL, SRK, SRL, St, stability, stabilize, stable, stack, staffing, stage, staged, station, statute, statutory, steeper, steeply, sterilizing, STEVEN, stewardship, stockwork, stope, stoping, stoppage, storage, store, stored, Storing, storm, strain, strategic, stratigraphic, stratigraphy, strength, stricter, strictly, strike, stringent, stripping, strong, strongly, style, subaerial, subduction, sublevel, submarine, submission, subordinate, subscription, subsequently, subsidence, substantial, substation, subtracting, successor, suffer, suffering, suggest, suitable, sulfide, sum, summary, supplemented, supplied, supply, support, supported, supporting, Supreme, Sur, surpassed, survey, surveying, suspended, suspension, Sustentatorio, Switzerland, symbol, table, tabular, tailing, talent, target, targeting, taxpayer, TC, team, technical, technological, technologically, technology, tectonic, tectonically, temperature, temporary, tender, tenure, termination, terminology, terrane, terrorism, test, tested, testing, text, theoretically, thick, thickened, thickener, thickening, thought, thousand, threatened, throughput, timetable, Tinto, Titan, titleholder, tonne, tool, town, toxic, tpd, tph, tracer, track, trade, traded, trading, traditionally, training, transfer, transferred, transformation, transmission, transparent, transport, transportation, transported, transtension, transtensional, travel, traverse, treatment, treaty, trebling, trend, troy, truck, trucked, true, trustee, TSF, TSX, tunnel, turmoil, turn, turnover, twin, type, typically, ultimate, ultimately, umpire, unable, unauthorized, unconformably, uncontrollable, underground, underlying, understand, understanding, undertaken, undetected, uneconomic, unfavorably, unforeseen, unfounded, Union, Universidad, University, unlimited, unpaid, unpredictable, unprofitable, unrecorded, unrecoverable, unrelated, unrest, unrestricted, Unsuccessful, unwilling, UPC, upcoming, uplift, upper, urban, Urique, USA, usage, UTM, vacancy, vacated, valid, validated, variability, variable, variably, variogram, vary, VAT, vein, ventilation, veracity, Verde, verified, viability, viable, vicinity, video, view, viewing, violation, violent, visibility, vision, visiting, void, volcanic, volume, vote, voting, VP, waived, war, warehousing, warrant, warranted, waste, wastewater, water, Waterloo, weakened, week, weighed, western, Wharton, wholly, wide, widely, width, Windfall, winter, withholding, workflow, workforce, worldwide, worsening, writ, Yaurocicha, yearly, yield, yielding, Young, Zn, zone
accumulated, acted, Administration, attestation, behalf, caption, checkmark, Cogency, concluded, consent, Consumer, disclose, Employer, expert, furnish, furnished, GAAP, grant, ICFR, identification, implicit, impose, interactive, listing, mark, operator, phone, posted, promptly, registrant, relation, sheet, shorter, standing, submit, thereto, transition, undersigned, waiver, Wall, washington, website, zip
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 13.1 Exhibit 13.1
- 13.2 Exhibit 13.2
- 23.1 Exhibit 23.1
- 23.2 Exhibit 23.2
- 23.3 Exhibit 23.3
- 23.4 Exhibit 23.4
- 23.5 Exhibit 23.5
- 23.6 Exhibit 23.6
- 23.7 Exhibit 23.7
- 23.8 Exhibit 23.8
- 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
- 99.2 Exhibit 99.2
- 99.3 Exhibit 99.3
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