Unless otherwise indicated or the context otherwise requires, references in this prospectus supplement to the “Company,” “ECVT,” “we,” “us” and “our” refer to Ecovyst Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries.
This document is in two parts. The first part is this prospectus supplement, which describes the specific terms of this common stock offering and certain other matters relating to us, our business and prospects. The second part, the accompanying prospectus, contains a description of our common stock and certain other information.
The information contained in this prospectus supplement may add, update or change information contained in the accompanying prospectus or in documents that we file or have filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). To the extent the information contained in this prospectus supplement differs or varies from the information contained in the accompanying prospectus or documents incorporated by reference filed before the date of this prospectus supplement, the information in this prospectus supplement will supersede such information.
We own or have rights to trademarks or trade names that we use in conjunction with the operation of our business. In addition, our name, logo and website name and address are our service marks or trademarks. Each trademark, trade name or service mark by any other company appearing in this prospectus supplement, the accompanying prospectus or in the documents incorporated by reference herein and therein belongs to its holder. Some of the more important trade names and trademarks that we use include Ecovyst, Ecoservices, Catalyst Technologies, Zeolyst, and Zeolyst International. We also own or have the rights to copyrights that protect the content of our products. Solely for convenience, the trademarks, service marks, trade names and copyrights referred to in this prospectus supplement, the accompanying prospectus and in the documents incorporated by reference herein and therein are listed without the TM, SM, ® and © symbols, but we will assert, to the fullest extent under applicable law, our rights to these trademarks, service marks, trade names and copyrights.
Certain statistical information used throughout this prospectus supplement and in the documents incorporated by reference herein is based on independent industry publications, reports by research firms or other published independent sources. Some statistical information is also based on our good faith estimates, which are derived from management’s knowledge of our industry and such independent sources referred to above. Certain supply share statistics, ranking and industry information included in this prospectus supplement and in the documents incorporated by reference herein, including the size of certain markets and our estimated supply share position and the supply share positions of our competitors, are based on management estimates. These estimates have been derived from our management’s knowledge and experience in the industry and end uses into which we sell our products, as well as information obtained from surveys, reports by research firms, our customers, distributors, suppliers, trade and business organizations and other contacts in the industries into which we sell our products. We believe these data to be accurate as of the date of this prospectus supplement. However, this information may prove to be inaccurate because this information cannot always be verified with complete certainty due to the limitations on the availability and reliability of raw data, the voluntary nature of the data gathering process and other limitations and uncertainties. Unless otherwise noted, all of our supply share position information presented in this prospectus supplement and in the documents incorporated by reference herein is an approximation based on management’s knowledge and is based on our, or, in the case of our zeolite catalysts product group, our Zeolyst Joint Venture’s, sales volumes relative to the estimated sales volumes for the year ended December 31, 2022 in relevant products or end uses into which we sell our products. In the case of our Ecoservices segment, including the products and services thereof, such supply share position information excludes volume attributable to manufacturers who produce primarily for their own consumption. References to our being a leader in a supply share position or product group refer to our belief that we have one of the leading supply share positions, unless otherwise indicated or the context otherwise requires. In addition, references to various end uses into which we sell our products are based on how we define the end uses for our products.