business address of Mr. Gang Chen’s is Suite 2208-2211, 22/F, One ICC, 999 Middle Huai Hai Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, 200031, People’s Republic of China. The business address of Mr. Dennis Demiao Zhu is Park Avenue 2-28G, 6 Chaoyang Park Nanlu, Beijing, 100026, People’s Republic of China. The business address of Mr. Zhengong Chang is PH01-55 South Town Centre BL. Markham ON, L6G 0B6, Canada.
Represents the 5,713,612 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares and 2,831,131 ListCo Class B Ordinary Shares held by Ascendent Rainbow (Cayman) Limited. Mr. Gang Chen is partner of Ascendent Capital Partners II, L.P., the sole shareholder of Ascendent Rainbow (Cayman) Limited.
Represents (i) 4,135,854 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares and 2,059,005 ListCo Class B Ordinary Shares held by Joy Year Limited, a British Virgin Islands company, (ii) 529,751 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares Top Genius Ventures Limited, a British Virgin Islands company, has the right to acquire upon exercise of option within 60 days after the date of this proxy statement and (iii) 325,000 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares held by Mr. Chimin Cao. Both Joy Year Limited and Top Genius Ventures Limited are ultimately held by The Top Genius Trust, a trust established with the laws of Guernsey and managed by Credit Suisse Trust Limited as the trustee. Mr. Chimin Cao is the settlor of The Top Genius Trust, and Mr. Cao and his family members are the trust’s beneficiaries. Under the terms of this trust, Mr. Cao has the power to direct the trustee with respect to the retention or disposal of, and the exercise of any voting and other rights attached to the shares held by Joy Year Limited and Top Genius Ventures Limited in our company.
Represents (i) 1,194,865 ListCo Class B Ordinary Shares held by Bloom Star Limited, a British Virgin Islands company, (ii) 300,741 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares and 864,140 ListCo Class B Ordinary Shares held by RYB Education Limited, a Cayman Islands company, (iii) 1,984,933 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares Noble Hero Holdings Limited, a British Virgin Islands company, has the right to acquire upon exercise of option within 60 days after the date of this proxy statement and (iv) 325,000 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares held by Ms. Yanlai Shi. Bloom Star Limited, Noble Hero Holdings Limited and RYB Education Limited are all ultimately held by The Noble Hero Trust, a trust established with the laws of Guernsey and managed by Credit Suisse Trust Limited as the trustee. Ms. Yanlai Shi is the settlor of The Noble Hero Trust, and Ms. Shi and her family members are the trust’s beneficiaries. Under the terms of this trust, Ms. Shi has the power to direct the trustee with respect to the retention or disposal of, and the exercise of any voting and other rights attached to the shares held by Bloom Star Limited, Noble Hero Holdings Limited and RYB Education Limited in our company.
Represents the 5,713,612 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares and 2,831,131 ListCo Class B Ordinary Shares held by Ascendent Rainbow (Cayman) Limited. The registered address of Ascendent Rainbow (Cayman) Limited is at the office of Walkers Corporate Limited, Cayman Corporate Centre, 27 Hospital Road, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-9008, Cayman Islands. Ascendent Rainbow (Cayman) Limited is wholly owned by Ascendent Capital Partners II, L.P., a Cayman Islands limited partnership, whose general partner is Ascendent Capital Partners II GP., L.P., another Cayman Islands limited partnership. The general partner of Ascendent Capital Partners II GP., L.P. is Ascendent Capital Partners II GP Limited, a Cayman Islands company. Information regarding beneficial ownership is reported as of September 29, 2017, based on the information contained in the Schedule 13D filed by Ascendent Rainbow (Cayman) Limited, among other reporting persons, with the SEC on April 4, 2018.
Represents the 4,135,854 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares and 2,059,005 ListCo Class B Ordinary Shares held by Joy Year Limited, a British Virgin Islands company. Joy Year Limited is ultimately held by The Top Genius Trust. Mr. Chimin Cao is the settlor and proctor of The Top Genius Trust, and Mr. Cao and his family members are its beneficiaries. Under the terms of this trust, Mr. Cao has the power to direct the trustee with respect to the retention or disposal of, and the exercise of any voting and other rights attached to the shares held by Joy Year Limited in our company. The registered address of Joy Year Limited is Vistra Corporate Services Centre. Wickhams Cay Il, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands.
Represents the 2,108,691 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares held by Trump Creation Limited, a British Virgin Islands company. The registered address of Trump Creation Limited is Vistra Corporate Services Centre. Wickhams Cay Il, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands.
Represents the 1,984,933 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares Noble Hero Holdings Limited, a British Virgin Islands company, has the right to acquire upon exercise of option within 60 days after the date of this proxy statement. Noble Hero Holdings Limited is ultimately held by The Noble Hero Trust, a trust established with the laws of Guernsey and managed by Credit Suisse Trust Limited as the trustee. Ms. Yanlai Shi is the settlor of The Noble Hero Trust, and Ms. Shi and her family members are the trust’s beneficiaries. Under the terms of this trust, Ms. Shi has the power to direct the trustee with respect to the retention or disposal of, and the exercise of any voting and other rights attached to the shares held by Noble Hero Holdings Limited in our company.
Represents the 1,194,865 ListCo Class B Ordinary Shares held by Bloom Star Limited, a British Virgin Islands company. Bloom Star Limited is ultimately held by The Noble Hero Trust, a trust established with the laws of Guernsey and managed by Credit Suisse Trust Limited as the trustee. Ms. Yanlai Shi is the settlor of The Noble Hero Trust, and Ms. Shi and her family members are the trust’s beneficiaries. Under the terms of this trust, Ms. Shi has the power to direct the trustee with respect to the retention or disposal of, and the exercise of any voting and other rights attached to the shares held by Bloom Star Limited in our company.
Represents the 300,741 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares and 864,140 ListCo Class B Ordinary Shares held by RYB Education Limited, a Cayman Islands company. RYB Education Limited is ultimately held by The Noble Hero Trust. Ms. Yanlai Shi is the settlor and proctor of The Noble Hero Trust, and Ms. Shi and her family members are its beneficiaries. Under the terms of this trust, Ms. Shi has the power to direct the trustee with respect to the retention or disposal of, and the exercise of any voting and other rights attached to the shares held by RYB Education Limited in our company.
To our knowledge, as of the date of this proxy statement, 9,938,323 of our ordinary shares (including 1,627,455 ListCo Class A Ordinary Shares repurchased by the Company in the form of ADSs) were held by one record holder in the United States, which was Citibank, N.A., the depositary of our ADS program. The