Segment Information | EGMENT INFORMATION: The Company reports segment information based on the “management” approach. The management approach designates the internal reporting used by management to make decisions on and assess performance of the Company’s reportable segments. CONSOL Energy presently consists of two reportable segments, the PAMC and the CONSOL Marine Terminal. The PAMC includes the Bailey Mine, the Enlow Fork Mine, the Harvey Mine and a centralized preparation plant. The PAMC segment’s principal activities include the mining, preparation and marketing of bituminous coal, sold primarily to industrial end-users, power generators and metallurgical end-users. The CONSOL Marine Terminal provides coal export terminal services through the Port of Baltimore. General and administrative costs are allocated to the Company’s segments based on a percentage of resources utilized, a percentage of total revenue and a percentage of total projected capital expenditures. CONSOL Energy’s Other segment includes revenue and expenses from various corporate and diversified business activities that are not allocated to the PAMC or the CONSOL Marine Terminal segments. The diversified business activities currently include the Itmann Mining Complex, carbon products and materials businesses led by CONSOL Innovations LLC, the Greenfield Reserves and Resources, closed mine activities, other income, gain on asset sales related to non-core assets, and gain/loss on debt extinguishment. Additionally, interest expense and income taxes, as well as various other non-operated activities, none of which are individually significant to the Company, are also reflected in CONSOL Energy's Other segment and are not allocated to the PAMC and CONSOL Marine Terminal segments. The Company evaluates the performance of its segments utilizing Adjusted EBITDA and various productivity metrics. Adjusted EBITDA measures the operating performance of the Company's segments and is used to allocate resources to the Company's segments. Reportable segment results for the three months ended June 30, 2024 are: PAMC CONSOL Marine Terminal Other, Corporate and Eliminations Consolidated Coal Revenue $ 384,442 $ — $ 24,880 $ 409,322 Terminal Revenue — 12,020 — 12,020 Freight Revenue 63,450 — 2,190 65,640 Other Revenue — — 3,738 3,738 Total Revenue from Contracts with Customers $ 447,892 $ 12,020 $ 30,808 $ 490,720 Adjusted EBITDA $ 138,446 $ 5,168 $ (19,076) $ 124,538 Segment Assets $ 1,665,463 $ 85,445 $ 959,546 $ 2,710,454 Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization $ 43,675 $ 1,233 $ 9,939 $ 54,847 Capital Expenditures $ 47,043 $ 3,737 $ 4,628 $ 55,408 Reportable segment results for the three months ended June 30, 2023 are: PAMC CONSOL Marine Terminal Other, Corporate and Eliminations Consolidated Coal Revenue $ 521,176 $ — $ 19,923 $ 541,099 Terminal Revenue — 31,368 — 31,368 Freight Revenue 77,882 — 3,674 81,556 Total Revenue from Contracts with Customers $ 599,058 $ 31,368 $ 23,597 $ 654,023 Adjusted EBITDA $ 270,065 $ 23,856 $ (17,971) $ 275,950 Segment Assets $ 1,682,118 $ 82,326 $ 913,905 $ 2,678,349 Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization $ 50,268 $ 1,176 $ 13,084 $ 64,528 Capital Expenditures $ 37,495 $ 1,124 $ 3,706 $ 42,325 Reportable segment results for the six months ended June 30, 2024 are: PAMC CONSOL Marine Terminal Other, Corporate and Eliminations Consolidated Coal Revenue $ 800,629 $ — $ 56,620 $ 857,249 Terminal Revenue — 36,548 — 36,548 Freight Revenue 130,350 — 5,132 135,482 Other Revenue — — 8,130 8,130 Total Revenue from Contracts with Customers $ 930,979 $ 36,548 $ 69,882 $ 1,037,409 Adjusted EBITDA $ 307,779 $ 22,008 $ (23,496) $ 306,291 Segment Assets $ 1,665,463 $ 85,445 $ 959,546 $ 2,710,454 Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization $ 91,944 $ 2,474 $ 17,426 $ 111,844 Capital Expenditures $ 84,001 $ 4,800 $ 8,959 $ 97,760 Reportable segment results for the six months ended June 30, 2023 are: PAMC CONSOL Marine Terminal Other, Corporate and Eliminations Consolidated Coal Revenue $ 1,084,513 $ — $ 39,965 $ 1,124,478 Terminal Revenue — 58,079 — 58,079 Freight Revenue 142,219 — 6,844 149,063 Total Revenue from Contracts with Customers $ 1,226,732 $ 58,079 $ 46,809 $ 1,331,620 Adjusted EBITDA $ 601,029 $ 44,471 $ (23,250) $ 622,250 Segment Assets $ 1,682,118 $ 82,326 $ 913,905 $ 2,678,349 Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization $ 101,639 $ 2,332 $ 20,108 $ 124,079 Capital Expenditures $ 64,302 $ 1,699 $ 10,081 $ 76,082 For the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company's reportable segments had revenues from the following customers, each comprising over 10% of the Company's total sales: Three Months Ended Six Months Ended 2024 2023 2024 2023 Customer A $ 60,982 * $ 107,468 * Customer B * * $ 109,828 $ 151,404 Customer C * $ 67,197 $ 108,921 $ 135,412 Customer D * $ 70,725 * $ 145,034 *Revenues from these customers during the periods presented were less than 10% of the Company's total sales. Reconciliation of Segment Information to Consolidated Amounts: Three Months Ended June 30, 2024 PAMC CONSOL Marine Terminal Other Consolidated Net Income (Loss) $ 94,295 $ 2,321 $ (38,555) $ 58,061 Income Tax Expense — — 9,027 9,027 Interest Expense — 1,518 3,475 4,993 Interest Income (1,320) — (3,307) (4,627) Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization 43,675 1,233 9,939 54,847 Stock-Based Compensation 1,796 96 345 2,237 Adjusted EBITDA $ 138,446 $ 5,168 $ (19,076) $ 124,538 Three Months Ended June 30, 2023 PAMC CONSOL Marine Terminal Other Consolidated Net Income (Loss) $ 218,636 $ 21,094 $ (72,007) $ 167,723 Income Tax Expense — — 37,574 37,574 Interest Expense — 1,526 5,629 7,155 Interest Income (513) — (3,198) (3,711) Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization 50,268 1,176 13,084 64,528 Stock-Based Compensation 1,674 60 259 1,993 Loss on Debt Extinguishment — — 688 688 Adjusted EBITDA $ 270,065 $ 23,856 $ (17,971) $ 275,950 Six Months Ended June 30, 2024 PAMC CONSOL Marine Terminal Other Consolidated Net Income (Loss) $ 212,466 $ 16,152 $ (68,666) $ 159,952 Income Tax Expense — — 25,870 25,870 Interest Expense — 3,039 7,360 10,399 Interest Income (2,613) — (6,516) (9,129) Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization 91,944 2,474 17,426 111,844 Stock-Based Compensation 5,982 343 1,030 7,355 Adjusted EBITDA $ 307,779 $ 22,008 $ (23,496) $ 306,291 Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 PAMC CONSOL Marine Terminal Other Consolidated Net Income (Loss) $ 494,611 $ 38,883 $ (135,394) $ 398,100 Income Tax Expense — — 79,167 79,167 Interest Expense — 3,052 14,382 17,434 Interest Income (921) — (4,457) (5,378) Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization 101,639 2,332 20,108 124,079 Stock-Based Compensation 5,700 204 881 6,785 Loss on Debt Extinguishment — — 2,063 2,063 Adjusted EBITDA $ 601,029 $ 44,471 $ (23,250) $ 622,250 |