Exhibit 15.1
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| KPMG LLP Aon Center Suite 5500 200 E. Randolph Street Chicago, IL 60601-6436 |
September 10, 2018
General Electric Company
Boston, Massachusetts
Re: Registration Statement (No. 333-219657)
With respect to the subject registration statement, we acknowledge our awareness of the use on this Form S-3 of Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corporation of our report dated August 7, 2018 related to our review of interim financial information of GE Transportation (a carve-out business of General Electric Company).
Pursuant to Rule 436 under the Securities Act of 1933 (the Act), such report is not considered part of a registration statement prepared or certified by an independent registered public accounting firm, or a report prepared or certified by an independent auditor within the meaning of Sections 7 and 11 of the Act.
Yours truly,
Chicago, Illinois
KPMG LLP is a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member
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KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity.