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ability, abstain, accelerated, accessed, accident, Acclaim, accommodate, accommodation, accredited, accrue, Acerson, achieve, achieved, achievement, achieving, acid, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acreage, activation, active, actively, activity, adapt, adapted, add, added, Additionally, addressing, adequacy, adjacent, adjoining, adjust, adjusted, adjustment, administered, administration, administrative, Adnani, advance, advanced, advancing, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, AEC, AEUL, affiliate, afforded, aforementioned, Africa, Age, agency, AGF, aggregate, aging, agree, agreeable, agreed, agreement, agriculture, ahead, air, airborne, aircraft, airport, airstrip, Alameda, Albert, aliquot, alkaline, alleviate, allocate, allocated, alongside, alphaNUCLEAR, alteration, altered, alternate, alternation, Alumni, amenable, America, American, Amir, analysed, analysing, analyst, analytical, analyzed, analyzing, Ancha, ancillary, Anderson, Anfield, Angled, Annex, announce, announced, announcement, annum, Apache, apparent, appeal, appealed, Appendix, applied, apply, applying, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, approximate, approximately, aquifer, arbitration, Areva, arise, arising, Arizona, Army, arrange, arrangement, arsenic, Asamera, ascertain, ascertained, ascribed, Asia, assay, assayed, assaying, asserted, assigning, assignment, assist, assumption, Atalaya, Athabasca, ATM, Atomic, attack, attaining, attend, attention, August, Aurora, Austrian, Authorisation, automated, avoid, awarded, aware, ay, AZ, Azarga, Aztec, Bachelor, back, backend, backfill, backup, bagging, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bar, Barber, barrier, baseline, basement, basic, Basin, batch, Batching, Bay, bearing, Beaver, began, BEL, Belt, beneficially, bentonite, Berkeley, bid, billion, Bing, biogeochemical, black, Blanding, blast, blasthole, blasting, blended, Blind, BLM, block, Blue, BM, BME, BMO, body, Bonanza, book, boomed, border, boring, bought, boundary, boxhole, breach, brine, bring, bringing, British, broad, broken, brokerage, brought, BSc, budget, budgeted, building, built, bulk, Bureau, Burrard, Burro, buy, Byproduct, calcined, calcrete, calendar, calibrated, call, called, Calta, Cameco, camp, Campbell, Canaccord, cancellation, canyon, cap, captured, Carbide, carbon, care, career, careful, carefully, case, cassation, Castilla, catalyst, catastrophic, catching, categorized, cavity, CBCA, cease, ceased, ceasing, cement, central, centralized, centre, century, certainty, certified, cessation, CGN, chain, chair, Chairman, Challenge, challenging, chamber, channel, charged, charter, Chartered, chemical, Chilled, China, choose, Christie, Churchill, Churchrock, cigar, CIME, circuit, circular, circulated, civil, civilian, CL, claim, claimed, clamshell, clarity, classified, classify, clay, clean, CLEXT, climate, CLJV, closer, closest, CNNC, CNSC, coagulant, coal, cobalt, coffinite, cold, coldest, collaboration, collar, College, Colorado, Columbia, column, combination, combined, comfort, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, commercial, commercially, Comminution, commitment, commodity, commonly, compacted, comparison, compete, Competency, competent, competing, complex, complexing, complexity, compliant, composition, compound, compressed, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, computer, Computershare, concentrate, concentrated, concentrating, concentration, concentrator, Concentric, Conceptual, concrete, concurrently, conferred, confidence, confidential, confidentiality, confined, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, Confirming, conjunction, Conoco, consecutive, conservation, conservative, conserve, considerable, consideration, consist, consisted, consistency, consistent, consisting, constant, constantly, constitute, constraint, construct, constructed, construction, construed, consult, consulting, consumption, contact, content, contested, continental, contingency, contour, contract, contracted, contractor, contrary, convene, convened, conventional, conventionally, conversion, conveyance, convicted, cool, cooperate, cooperation, Copco, copper, copy, core, correlation, corridor, Corrupt, corruption, costly, Cotter, council, counsel, count, counterparty, County, court, courtesy, coverage, CPP, CQS, create, created, creating, credibility, credit, creditor, Creek, crime, criminal, critical, crosscut, Crosswind, Crown, Crownpoint, crushed, crushing, cubic, culminating, cumulative, currency, curtailed, custody, customer, cut, cutoff, cutting, cycle, cyclical, cyclicality, Dakota, damage, Damelin, Danakali, danger, database, Dawn, DCIP, deal, dealing, decantation, December, decided, decision, declaration, declare, declared, declaring, decline, declining, decommission, decommissioned, decommissioning, decrease, dedicating, deducting, deduction, deep, Deeper, default, deferral, deferred, deformation, degradation, Deilmann, deionized, Delaware, delay, delayed, delineate, delineated, delineation, delisted, delivered, delivering, delivery, Demographic, demonstrated, demonstration, denied, Denison, denominated, density, departed, department, depleted, depletion, deposit, deposited, depression, deprivation, depth, Desert, desirable, desired, destabilization, destabilize, destabilizing, destruction, device, dewatered, dewatering, DFS, diameter, diamond, dictate, diesel, difficult, digesting, diligence, dilute, diluted, dilution, diminished, dip, Diploma, diplomatic, direct, direction, directly, director, disadvantage, disarmament, discharge, discharging, disciplined, discontinue, discount, discovered, discovery, discretion, disequilibrium, dispatching, displacement, display, disposal, dispose, disposed, dispute, disrupt, disruption, disruptive, disseminated, dissolution, dissolving, distance, distinct, distinguished, distributable, distribute, distributed, distribution, district, disturbance, diverse, Diversification, diversified, diversion, divided, Division, Domain, dominated, Dove, downhole, draft, drain, dramatic, drawn, dried, drift, drill, drilled, drillhole, drilling, Drinking, driven, drum, drummed, drumming, dry, drying, duration, duty, earlier, earliest, earn, east, eastern, easy, Ecological, economy, edge, Edgemont, Education, efficiency, efficient, effluent, EFR, Eldorado, electrical, electricity, elevated, eliminate, eliminated, Elimination, email, emanating, embankment, Emery, emphasize, employed, employee, enable, enCore, encountered, encourage, endeavour, Energia, enforce, enforceability, enforced, enforcement, enforcing, engineer, engineered, engineering, English, enhance, enlarged, enriched, enrichment, ensuing, enter, entered, entering, environment, EPA, EPC, equal, equally, equilibrium, equipment, equivalent, ERFN, Ernst, erupted, ESG, essential, estate, Europe, European, event, eventual, evolution, evolving, exact, examination, excavated, excavation, exceed, exceeded, excluded, excluding, exclusive, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exhaust, exhausted, exhaustive, expand, expanded, expanding, expenditure, expense, expensed, experience, experienced, expertise, expiration, expire, expired, exploited, exploiting, exploratory, explosive, export, exporting, expose, exposed, exposure, expressed, expropriation, extract, extracted, extraction, extremely, fabrication, facility, factor, factory, fail, fair, faith, fall, fault, Favorable, favourable, FD, fee, feed, feedstock, feet, fence, field, Fifteen, figure, fill, filling, final, finalize, fine, finely, fire, fission, fissionable, fix, fixed, flagship, flake, flank, flask, flat, fleet, Floor, flow, flowsheet, fluctuate, fly, focused, focusing, footprint, forced, foregoing, foreseeable, Forest, forested, Fork, formal, fortified, forum, forward, foster, found, founder, fourteen, Fox, fracture, France, Fraser, free, freeze, freezing, frequency, frequently, fresh, freshwater, friendly, Fronteer, frozen, ft, fuel, fulfill, fulfillment, full, fully, function, functioning, fund, funding, Gaertner, gain, gained, gaining, Gallup, gamma, garbage, garnered, gas, gasoline, Gateway, Geiger, Gencor, gender, Genuity, Geoanalytical, geochemical, geochemically, geographic, geographically, Geologist, geology, geometry, geophysical, Georgia, geoscientist, geotechnical, Getty, Gila, Globe, goal, God, gold, GoldMining, good, GORR, GPR, graduated, gram, Grand, gravel, gravity, Grayling, grid, grinding, ground, groundwater, group, grout, grouting, growing, GRR, GT, guarantee, guaranteed, GVR, half, handbook, handle, handling, Happy, hard, harm, Hathor, haul, haulage, hauled, Haywood, header, hear, heard, heat, Heathgate, heavily, heavy, Hecla, hectare, heightened, Heinrich, hexafluoride, high, highly, highway, hired, hiring, history, hoisted, holder, hole, Homeland, Honda, honestly, Hong, Hope, horizon, horizontal, host, hosted, hot, hour, house, hub, Hubbard, human, hydraulic, hydroelectricity, hydrogen, hydrological, hydrothermal, IAEA, Idemitsu, identical, identifiable, identification, identified, identify, identifying, idle, idled, iii, illiquid, illustration, illustrative, image, immaterial, impair, impaired, impairment, impermeable, import, importance, important, importing, imposition, impossible, impoundment, improper, improperly, improve, improving, inaccessible, inaugural, incentive, incident, inclement, inclusion, inclusive, income, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incur, incurred, incurring, indeterminate, India, Indian, indirect, indirectly, individual, induced, infill, inflation, inflow, inhabited, initial, initially, initiated, initiating, initiative, injection, injunctive, injury, innovative, input, inserting, inside, insolvency, insolvent, instability, install, installation, installed, insufficient, insurance, integrate, integration, integrity, intense, intensified, intensity, intensively, intention, intercept, interchangeable, interim, intermittently, Internationally, interpret, interpretation, interruption, intersect, intersected, intersection, interval, invasion, inventory, inverse, investigation, investor, ion, IRR, irrevocable, Island, isolated, isotope, ISR, issuance, jack, jaw, JBS, JEB, jeopardizing, jet, Johannesburg, joined, joining, joint, jointly, JSC, judicial, June, junior, jurisdiction, Justice, justified, justify, justifying, Kazatomprom, Kendrick, kg, kilogram, kilometre, Kingdom, km, knowledge, Kong, Kowalchuck, Kowalchuk, kriging, La, labelled, labor, laboratory, labour, Labrador, lack, lake, Lance, landfill, Langer, Laramide, large, largely, larger, largest, launched, laundering, lbs, LCH, leach, leaching, lead, leadership, leading, lean, Leapfrog, learned, lease, leaving, led, Lee, legacy, length, leverage, leveraging, levied, liable, Liberty, licence, licenced, licensee, lifted, lifting, likelihood, Likewise, line, lined, liner, link, liquefied, literacy, literate, lithostructural, load, loading, local, locally, lode, logged, logging, logistical, LOM, London, longer, Loring, Los, lose, losing, lost, low, lower, lowest, lt, Lucky, Lumsden, MA, machine, machinery, Madrid, main, malware, mandate, Manhattan, manner, manual, map, mapping, Maptek, March, margin, marketplace, Martensville, massive, Master, match, Mateo, matrix, Maverick, maximize, maximum, MBA, McA, McArthur, McClean, McIntyre, McKinley, McLean, MDS, meant, mechanical, mechanism, medical, medium, Melbye, membership, Mercantile, Merge, merger, Meridian, Mesa, Mesoproterozoic, metal, metasedimentary, method, metre, metric, Mexico, Michelin, middle, Miguel, mild, Mile, military, mill, milled, Millennium, milling, million, Minera, minimize, minimizing, minimum, Ministerial, Ministry, minute, missing, MITECO, mitigate, mitigating, mitigation, mix, mixture, ml, Mlb, mm, mobile, mobilized, model, modelling, modification, modified, modify, molybdenum, monetary, monitor, monitoring, month, monthly, Moore, moratorium, Morgan, move, moved, movement, moving, MRJV, Mt, multiple, multiplying, Municipality, mutually, nameplate, Namib, Namibia, nationwide, native, NATM, NCR, nearby, necessarily, necessitated, negligible, negotiate, negotiated, negotiating, negotiation, neighbouring, Nesbitt, network, neutralization, Newfoundland, NFLD, nickel, Night, Nightstar, Nil, NL, NM, NMED, nominal, nominate, Nominating, north, northeast, northern, northwest, northwestern, notable, noteworthy, notice, notification, notified, Nottingham, Notwithstanding, November, NPI, NPR, NPT, NPV, NRC, NSC, NSCA, NSR, null, nullification, NYSE, oa, Oak, observed, obsolescence, occupation, occupied, occupy, occurrence, October, octoxide, offer, Offered, offering, official, offloading, oil, Ontario, open, opening, opinion, opportunity, opposed, optimal, optimization, optimize, optimizing, Orano, order, orderly, ordinary, orebody, organization, orientation, origin, original, originally, outcome, outfitting, outline, outlined, outlining, outsourced, overburden, overestimation, overhead, overlain, overlapping, overlying, overperformance, overriding, owner, ownership, oxidant, oxide, oxygenated, oxygenation, Pacific, package, packaged, packaging, Packrat, PacMag, paid, Paladin, paleo, Paleoproterozoic, pandemic, Pandora, panel, paper, par, Paradigm, parcel, parity, partially, particle, partner, partnered, party, passage, passing, passive, patented, pattern, pay, payable, payback, paying, payment, payor, peaceful, peak, penalty, Pendleton, Peninsula, pentoxide, percent, percentage, perfecting, permanent, permanently, permeable, perpendicular, personnel, perspective, PFIC, ph, phase, Phoenix, photographed, physical, physically, pillar, pilot, pine, Pinehouse, Pinion, Pioneer, pipe, pit, pitchblende, placement, plant, plastic, plate, Plateau, plural, plutonic, PNC, point, Pollutant, pollution, pool, poor, population, Port, portal, portion, posed, possession, postal, Postville, potable, pound, Powder, powerhouse, Powertech, ppm, PR, pre, precautionary, precipitated, precipitation, precision, precursor, predetermined, predominant, preference, preferred, pregnant, preliminary, preproduction, presence, preservation, preserve, president, pressure, prevailing, primacy, primarily, Prince, prior, priority, privy, pro, probe, probed, probing, proceeded, proceeding, Procurement, produce, produced, producer, producing, professional, program, progressed, progressing, progressive, prohibit, prolonged, prominent, promulgated, pronouncement, propane, proper, properly, proportion, proportionate, proprietary, propulsion, prospect, prospecting, prospective, protect, protection, province, provincial, Provincially, proximity, proxy, Pty, puck, pulp, pulverized, pump, pumped, pumping, Pumpkin, punishment, purification, pursuit, put, quality, quantity, quarter, quarterly, quartzite, question, questionable, quickly, quorum, quoted, radiation, radioactive, radioactivity, radiological, radiometric, radium, radon, Rafael, raisebore, ramp, ramped, Ranch, random, range, ranging, rank, ranking, ransomware, rapid, rapidly, rata, ratio, raw, RC, RCF, reach, reached, reaction, reactivated, reactivation, reactor, readily, ready, real, recalculated, receipt, recession, reclaimed, reclamation, recommence, recommend, recommendation, reconnaissance, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovering, recreation, recruited, recruitment, recycled, Redd, redemption, reduction, refinement, refinery, refining, refurbishment, refusal, region, regional, registrar, regression, regular, regularly, rehabilitate, rehabilitated, rehabilitation, rejected, rejection, relationship, relogging, remedial, remediated, remediation, remote, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, renegotiation, renew, renewable, renewal, renewed, Reno, repaired, repatriation, repeat, replenished, represent, representative, represented, representing, reprocessing, reproducibility, reputation, reputational, requisite, resale, research, residence, resident, resin, resistivity, resolution, rest, restart, restarted, restarting, restated, restoration, restrict, restricted, resumed, resuming, resumption, retention, Retortillo, return, returned, returning, revealed, reverse, review, reviewed, rich, Ridge, riffle, rim, ring, Rio, River, Roca, rock, Rocque, Rodinia, role, Ronge, room, rose, Rossing, rotary, Roughrider, rounded, rounding, routine, RTEC, run, rush, Russell, Russia, sabotage, safeguarded, safeguarding, safety, Sal, Salamanca, sale, saleable, Salt, sample, sampled, sampling, Samuel, San, sandstone, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SaskPolytech, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, Scalability, scale, scanning, scenario, schedule, Scholarship, school, Science, scintillometer, scoop, scope, scoping, Scott, screen, scrutiny, SDWA, sea, sealed, sealing, seaport, seasoned, sector, secular, secure, secured, security, seek, seeking, segment, segregation, seismic, seizure, select, selected, selective, selenium, sell, selling, senior, sensitive, separate, separated, separately, separating, September, sequential, Seru, serve, served, server, settle, settled, settlement, setup, sewage, shaft, shallow, shape, share, shareholder, sharing, sharp, Shattuck, Shield, shift, shifted, ship, shipment, shipped, shipping, Shootaring, shop, short, Shortly, shotcrete, shown, shut, shutdown, side, Sierra, silica, silicate, silver, Similarly, Simon, simple, Simulated, single, singular, sinking, site, situ, situated, size, SK, Skyharbour, Slick, Slide, sliding, slight, slightly, sloughing, SLPM, slurried, slurry, small, smaller, SMDC, smelter, smelting, SMOE, snap, Snow, social, soft, software, soil, solar, solicitation, solution, solvent, south, southeast, southeastern, southern, southwest, southwestern, sovereign, spaced, spacing, Spain, Spanish, spatial, speak, specialist, spectrum, speculative, spend, spending, spent, spike, spin, split, splitter, splitting, spoke, sporadically, spot, spread, Sprott, spruce, SQL, squared, SRC, stability, stabilization, stabilize, stable, staffing, stake, staked, staking, standalone, standby, standpoint, standup, Star, state, stated, static, statistical, statutory, steam, steel, Stifel, stockpiled, stolen, stop, stope, stoping, stopped, storage, store, stored, strategic, Strathmore, stratigraphic, stratigraphy, Street, stricter, strike, strip, strong, strongly, structural, structurally, structure, study, submission, submittal, subsidiary, substance, substation, subtracted, successful, successfully, sudden, suddenly, suffer, suffered, sufficient, sufficiently, Suisse, suitability, suitable, Suite, sulphate, Sumitomo, summary, summer, sump, Sundance, sunk, Superior, supplement, supplementary, support, supported, supporting, suppression, Supreme, surface, surficial, surrender, survey, surveyed, susceptible, suspend, suspended, suspending, suspension, sustain, Sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, Sutherland, swap, Swell, symbol, syndicate, syndicated, taiga, Tamarack, tax, taxable, Taylor, TD, teacher, team, technological, technology, telecommunication, temperature, temporarily, temporary, tenement, tenure, TEPCO, terminal, terminate, terminated, termination, territorial, territory, terrorism, test, testing, testwork, thereat, thereof, therewith, thermal, thick, thickened, thinly, thousand, threat, threshold, throughput, thrust, Tidwell, tied, till, timeframe, Tinto, TMF, Toby, toll, tolling, ton, tonnage, tonne, top, topography, town, Township, toxic, tracking, traditional, Trail, training, tram, transact, transaction, transfer, transferred, translating, transparency, transport, transportation, transported, transporting, Travel, treat, treated, treating, treatment, treaty, Tree, trend, trending, trial, tripling, triuranium, truck, trucked, true, trunk, trust, trustee, tunnel, Tunnelling, turbine, turmoil, turn, turned, twelve, twin, type, typical, typically, UCNC, UEC, UEM, UIC, UL, ultimately, Umetco, umpire, unable, unavailable, uncertain, unchanged, unconformity, undefined, undergo, undergoing, underground, understanding, undertaken, undertook, underway, underwritten, undeveloped, undiscounted, undivided, uneconomic, unfamiliar, uniform, unincorporated, Union, unionized, unique, university, unlimited, unmined, unnecessary, unpatented, unpaved, unprofitable, unrelated, unreliable, unresolved, unsecured, unwilling, upfront, upgraded, upgrading, uploaded, upper, Uranco, Uranerz, Urangesellschaft, uraninite, Uravan, Urbanism, URC, UROY, USA, UT, Utah, vacancy, valid, validated, validating, validation, validity, valuable, vanadium, variability, variable, variably, variation, variety, vast, Vegetation, vent, ventilate, ventilation, verification, verified, verify, versa, versed, vertical, viability, viable, vial, vice, vicinity, violating, violation, violent, visibility, visually, VMS, void, volume, volumetric, voluntarily, vote, voting, VTEMMax, Vulcan, vulnerable, Wainwright, wall, war, warehousing, warrant, warranted, Warwick, waste, water, Waterbury, Watershed, weak, weaker, weather, wedge, weighing, weighted, weighting, wellfield, west, western, Westinghouse, Westwater, Westwind, whilst, Whirlwind, White, wholly, Wickenburg, wide, widely, width, wind, winter, withdrew, witnessed, WNA, Wollaston, Women, worker, workforce, Workman, workplace, world, Worldwide, worth, WY, Wyoming, Yavapai, yellowcake, yielding, Yonder, York, Young, zinc, Zona, zone
accepted, attestation, attorney, BTR, Calculation, cautionary, cave, chapter, check, Codification, conceived, controller, duly, EGC, electronically, Employer, exempted, expert, GAAP, harbor, heading, hereto, home, Instance, Instruction, Interactive, Josephine, Jumpstart, Linkbase, mark, met, newly, paragraph, posting, practice, quantified, referencing, Reform, registrant, REGISTRATION, requested, Schema, send, sheet, shorter, slope, Startup, sterling, Taxonomy, undersigned, urged, viewed, waiver, XBRL, zip
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