Exhibit 99.1
Notice of Annual GENERAL Meeting
and Management information Circular
| Date and Time: | | October 14, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. (Vancouver time) |
| | | |
| Place: | | 1000 Cathedral Place |
| | | 925 West Georgia Street |
| | | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
| | | |
| | | August 20, 2021 |
These materials are important and require your immediate attention. They require shareholders of Uranium Royalty Corp. to make important decisions. If you are in doubt as to how to make such decisions, please contact your financial, legal or other professional advisors. If you have any questions or require more information with regard to your shares, please contact Uranium Royalty Corp.


TO: | The shareholders of Uranium Royalty Corp. (the “Company”) |
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that our annual general meeting of shareholders will be held at 1000 Cathedral Place, 925 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. (Vancouver time) (the “Meeting”), for the following purposes:
1. | Financial Statements: to receive and consider our financial statements for the financial year ended April 30, 2021, together with the accompanying auditor’s report; |
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2. | Election of Directors: to elect directors for the Company for the ensuing year as set forth in the Company’s Management Information Circular (the “Information Circular”); |
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3. | Appointment of Auditor: to appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditor for the Company for the ensuing year and to authorize our directors to fix the remuneration to be paid to our auditor for the ensuing year; and |
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4. | Other Business: to transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting and any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof. |
Pursuant to an exemption obtained by the Company under the Canada Business Corporations Act (the “CBCA”), the Company is using notice-and-access to provide shareholders with electronic access to the Notice of Meeting, Information Circular, audited annual financial statements of the Company for the year ended April 30, 2021 and the accompanying management’s discussion and analysis (collectively, the “Meeting Materials”), instead of mailing paper copies. The Meeting Materials are available on the Company’s website at: https://www.uraniumroyalty.com/investor-centre/shareholder-meetings/ and under the Company’s profile on www.sedar.com. The use of the notice-and-access provisions reduces costs to the Company.
To request a paper copy of the Meeting Materials by mail or to receive additional information about notice-and-access, please call the Company toll free at 1-855-396-8222 (extension 509). There is no cost to you for requesting a paper copy of the Meeting Materials. Any Shareholder wishing to request a paper copy of the Meeting Materials should do so by 4:00 p.m. (Vancouver time) on October 4, 2021, in order to receive and review the Meeting Materials and submit their vote by 9:00 a.m. on October 12, 2021, as set out in the proxy or voting instruction form accompanying this Notice. Please retain the proxy or voting instruction form accompanying this Notice as another will not be sent.
The Company’s board of directors has fixed August 19, 2021, as the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting and at any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof. Each Registered Shareholder at the close of business on that date is entitled to such notice and to vote at the Meeting in the circumstances set out in the Information Circular.
Registered Shareholders are entitled to vote at the Meeting in person or by proxy. Registered Shareholders who are unable to attend the Meeting, or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof, are requested to complete, sign, date and return the proxy accompanying this Notice of Meeting in accordance with the instructions set out therein and in the Information Circular. A proxy will not be valid unless it is received by Computershare Investor Services Inc., 100 University Avenue, 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1 by 9:00 a.m. (Vancouver time) on October 12, 2021, or not less than 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before the time fixed for the Meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof. The chairman of the Meeting has the discretion to accept proxies received after that time. Registered shareholders of the Company may also vote their proxies via telephone or the internet in accordance with the instructions provided in the proxy.
Non-registered Shareholders who received a voting instruction form accompanying this Notice through a broker or other intermediary must deliver the voting instruction form in accordance with the instructions provided by such intermediary. Failure to do so may result in your shares not being eligible to be voted by proxy at the Meeting. Non-registered Shareholders must make additional arrangements through such intermediary to vote in person at the Meeting.
The Company is continuing to monitor the potential impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the upcoming Meeting, and may decide to forego the physical Meeting in favor of a virtual-only Meeting or some other alternative depending on the situation. In such event, shareholders will be notified by press release or other means with additional details as soon as reasonably practicable.
Shareholders are reminded to review the Meeting Materials prior to voting.
DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, as of the 20th day of August, 2021.
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| /s/ Amir Adnani |
| Amir Adnani |
| Chairman and Director |

August 20, 2021
This Management Information Circular (“Information Circular”) is being furnished to holders (“Shareholders”) of common shares in the capital of Uranium Royalty Corp. (the “Company”) in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the board of directors and management of the Company for use at the annual general meeting to be held at 9:00 a.m. (Vancouver time) on Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 1000 Cathedral Place, 925 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof (the “Meeting”) for the purposes set forth in the Notice of Meeting dated August 20, 2021 (the “Notice of Meeting”), which accompanies and is part of this Information Circular.
Pursuant to exemptions obtained by the Company under the Canada Business Corporations Act (the “CBCA”), the Company is using notice-and-access to provide Shareholders with electronic access to the Notice of Meeting, Information Circular, audited annual financial statements of the Company for the year ended April 30, 2021 and the accompanying management’s discussion and analysis (collectively, the “Meeting Materials”) pursuant to National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations (“National Instrument 51-102”) and National Instrument 54-101 Communication with Beneficial Owners of Securities of a Reporting Issuer (“National Instrument 54-101”) of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Pursuant to notice-and-access provisions, registered and non-registered holders of common shares will be sent a notice package explaining how to access the Meeting Materials and containing a form of proxy or voting instruction form, as applicable and in each case with a supplemental mail list return box for shareholders to request they be included in the Company’s supplementary mailing list for receipt of the Company’s annual and interim financial statements for the 2022 financial year. The Meeting Materials are available on the Company’s website at www.uraniumroyalty.com and under the Company’s profile on www.sedar.com. Shareholders may contact the Company to request a paper copy of the Meeting Materials toll free at 1-855-396-8222 (extension 509).
The information contained in this Information Circular is given as of August 20, 2021, unless otherwise indicated. All dollar amounts set forth in this Information Circular are expressed in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise indicated.
Solicitation of Proxies
The solicitation of proxies by management of the Company will be conducted by mail, using notice-and-access provisions, and may be supplemented by telephone or other personal contact, and such solicitation will be made without special compensation granted to the directors, officers and employees of the Company. The Company does not reimburse Shareholders, nominees or agents for costs incurred in obtaining, from the principals of such persons, authorization to execute forms of proxy, except that the Company has requested brokers and nominees who hold stock in their respective names to furnish this Information Circular and related proxy materials to their customers, and the Company will reimburse such brokers and nominees for their related out of pocket expenses. No solicitation will be made by specifically engaged employees or soliciting agents. The cost of solicitation will be borne by the Company.
No person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representation other than as contained in this Information Circular in connection with the solicitation of proxies. If given or made, such information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Company. The delivery of this Information Circular shall not create, under any circumstances, any implication that there has been no change in the information set forth herein since the date of this Information Circular. This Information Circular does not constitute the solicitation of a proxy by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such solicitation is not authorized, in which the person making such solicitation is not qualified to do so, or to anyone to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer of solicitation.
Record Date
The board of directors of the Company has set the close of business on August 19, 2021, as the record date (the “Record Date”) for determining which Shareholders of the Company shall be entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Meeting. Only Shareholders of record (“Registered Shareholders”) as of the Record Date are entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Meeting.
Quorum and Approval
A quorum of Shareholders is required to transact business at the Meeting. Under the Company’s By-Laws, a quorum is two or more persons present and holding or representing by proxy not less than five percent (5%) of the total number of issued common shares of the Company having voting rights at the Meeting. We require a simple majority (50% plus 1) of the votes cast at the Meeting to approve all items of business, unless otherwise stated.
Appointment of Proxyholders
Registered Shareholders are entitled to vote at the Meeting. A Shareholder is entitled to one vote for each common share that such Shareholder held on August 19, 2021, on the resolutions to be voted upon at the Meeting and any other matter to come before the Meeting.
The persons named as proxyholders (the “Designated Persons”) in the enclosed form of proxy are directors and/or officers of the Company.
A Shareholder has the right to appoint a person or corporation (who need not be a Shareholder) to attend and act for or on behalf of that Shareholder at the Meeting, other than the Designated Persons named in the enclosed form of proxy. A Shareholder may exercise this right by striking out the printed names and inserting the name of such other person and, if desired, an alternate to such person, in the blank space provided in the form of proxy. In order to be voted, the completed form of proxy must be received by the Company, by mail or by hand, to the attention of Computershare Investor Services Inc., 100 University Avenue, 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1, by 9:00 a.m. (Vancouver time) on October 12, 2021, or not less than 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before the time fixed for the Meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof. The time limit for the deposit of proxies may be waived by the board of directors at its discretion without notice.
A proxy may not be valid unless it is dated and signed by the Shareholder who is giving it or by that Shareholder’s attorney-in-fact duly authorized by that Shareholder in writing or, in the case of a corporation, dated and executed by a duly authorized officer, or attorney-in-fact, for the corporation. If a form of proxy is executed by an attorney-in-fact for an individual Shareholder or joint Shareholders, or by an officer or attorney-in-fact for a corporate Shareholder, the instrument so empowering the officer or attorney-in-fact, as the case may be, or a notarially certified copy thereof, should accompany the form of proxy.
Revocability of Proxy
Any Registered Shareholder who has returned a form of proxy may revoke it at any time before it has been exercised. In addition to revocation in any other manner permitted by law, a form of proxy may be revoked by instrument in writing, including a form of proxy bearing a later date, executed by the Registered Shareholder or by his or her attorney duly authorized in writing or, if the Registered Shareholder is a corporation, under its corporate seal or by a duly authorized officer or attorney thereof. The instrument revoking the form of proxy must be deposited at the same address where the original form of proxy was delivered at any time up to and including the last business day preceding the date of the Meeting, or any adjournment(s) thereof, or with the Chairman of the Meeting on the date of the Meeting but prior to the commencement of the Meeting. A Shareholder who has submitted a form of proxy may also revoke it by attending the Meeting in person (or, if the Shareholder is a corporation, by a duly authorized representative of the corporation attending the Meeting) and registering with the scrutineer thereat as a Registered Shareholder present in person, whereupon such form of proxy shall be deemed to have been revoked. A revocation of a proxy will not affect a matter on which a vote is taken before the revocation.
Voting of Common Shares and Proxies and Exercise of Discretion by Designated Persons
A Shareholder may indicate the manner in which the Designated Persons are to vote with respect to a matter to be voted upon at the Meeting by marking the appropriate space on the form of proxy. If the instructions as to voting indicated in the proxy are certain, the common shares represented by the form of proxy will be voted or withheld from voting in accordance with the instructions given in the form of proxy. If the Shareholder specifies a choice in the form of proxy with respect to a matter to be acted upon, then the common shares represented will be voted or withheld from the vote on that matter accordingly. The common shares represented by a form of proxy will be voted or withheld from voting in accordance with the instructions of the Shareholder on any ballot that may be called for, and, if the Shareholder specifies a choice with respect to any matter to be acted upon, the common shares will be voted accordingly.
If no choice is specified in the form of proxy with respect to a matter to be acted upon, the form of proxy confers discretionary authority with respect to that matter upon the Designated Persons named in the form of proxy. It is intended that the Designated Persons will vote the common shares represented by the form of proxy in favour of each matter identified in the form of proxy, including the vote for the election of the nominee(s) to the board of directors and for the appointment of the independent auditor of the Company.
The enclosed form of proxy confers discretionary authority upon the persons named therein with respect to other matters which may properly come before the Meeting, including any amendments or variations to any matters identified in the Notice of Meeting, and with respect to other matters which may properly come before the Meeting. At the date of this Information Circular, management of the Company is not aware of any such amendments, variations, or other matters to come before the Meeting.
In the case of abstentions from, or withholding of, the voting of the common shares on any matter, the common shares that are the subject of the abstention or withholding will be counted for the determination of a quorum, but will not be counted as affirmative or negative on the matter to be voted upon.
Voting by Non-Registered Holders
Only Registered Shareholders or duly appointed proxyholders are permitted to vote at the Meeting. Most Shareholders are “non-registered” Shareholders because the common shares they own are not registered in their names but are instead registered in the name of the brokerage firm, bank or trust company through which they purchased the common shares. More particularly, a person is not a Registered Shareholder in respect of common shares which are held on behalf of that person (the “Non-Registered Holder”) but which are registered either: (a) in the name of an intermediary (an “Intermediary”) that the Non-Registered Holder deals with in respect of the common shares (Intermediaries include, among others, banks, trust companies, securities dealers or brokers and trustees or administrators or self-administered RRSPs, RRIFs, RESPs and similar plans); or (b) in the name of a clearing agency (such as CDS Clearing and Depositary Services Inc.) of which the Intermediary is a participant. In accordance with the requirements set out in National Instrument 54-101, the Company has distributed copies of the Meeting Materials and form of proxy to the clearing agencies and Intermediaries for onward distribution to Non-Registered Holders and has posted the Meeting Materials on the Company’s website at www.uraniumroyalty.com and under the Company’s profile at www.sedar.com.
Intermediaries are required to forward the Meeting Materials to Non-Registered Holders unless a Non-Registered Holder has waived the right to receive them. Very often, Intermediaries will use service companies to forward the Meeting Materials to Non-Registered Holders. Generally, Non-Registered Holders who have not waived the right to receive Meeting Materials will either:
| (a) | be given a form of proxy which has already been signed by the Intermediary (typically by a facsimile, stamped signature), which is restricted as to the number of common shares beneficially owned by the Non-Registered Holder but which is otherwise not completed. Because the Intermediary has already signed the form of proxy, this form of proxy is not required to be signed by the Non-Registered Holder when submitting the proxy. In this case, the Non-Registered Holder who wishes to submit a proxy should otherwise properly complete the form of proxy and deposit it with the Company as provided above; or |
| (b) | more typically, be given a voting instruction form which is not signed by the Intermediary, and which, when properly completed and signed by the Non-Registered Holder and returned to the Intermediary or its service company, will constitute voting instructions (often called a “proxy authorization form”) which the Intermediary must follow. Typically, the proxy authorization form will consist of a one-page pre-printed form. Sometimes, instead of a one-page pre-printed form, the proxy authorization form will consist of a regular printed proxy form accompanied by a page of instructions, which contains a removable label containing a bar-code and other information. In order for the form of proxy to validly constitute a proxy authorization form, the Non-Registered Holder must remove the label from the instructions and affix it to the form of proxy, properly complete and sign the form of proxy and return it to the Intermediary or its service company in accordance with the instructions of the Intermediary or its service company. |
In either case, the purpose of this procedure is to permit Non-Registered Holders to direct the voting of the common shares which they beneficially own. Should a Non-Registered Holder who receives one of the above forms wish to vote at the Meeting in person, the Non-Registered Holder should strike out the names of the management proxyholders named in the form and insert the Non-Registered Holder’s name in the blank space provided. In either case, Non-Registered Holders should carefully follow the instructions of their Intermediary, including those regarding when and where the proxy or proxy authorization form is to be delivered.
There are two kinds of beneficial owners – those who object to their name being made known to the issuers of securities which they own (called OBOs for Objecting Beneficial Owners) and those who do not object to the issuers of the securities they own knowing who they are (called NOBOs for Non-Objecting Beneficial Owners). Pursuant to National Instrument 54-101, issuers can obtain a list of their NOBOs from Intermediaries for distribution of proxy-related materials directly to NOBOs. Pursuant to National Instrument 54-101, the Company does not intend to pay for Intermediaries to forward the Meeting Materials to Objecting Beneficial Owners. Accordingly, Objecting Beneficial Owners will not receive the Meeting Materials unless the Intermediary holding shares on their behalf assumes the cost of delivery.
These securityholder materials are being sent to both Registered Shareholders and Non-Registered Holders, using notice-and-access provisions. If you are a Non-Registered Holder and the Company or its agent has sent these materials directly to you, your name and address and information about your holdings of securities have been obtained in accordance with applicable securities regulatory requirements from the Intermediary holding on your behalf.
This solicitation of proxies and voting instruction forms involves securities of a company located in Canada and is being effected in accordance with the corporate and securities laws of the province of British Columbia, Canada. The proxy solicitation rules under the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), are not applicable to the Company or this solicitation. Shareholders should be aware that disclosure and proxy solicitation requirements under the securities laws of British Columbia, Canada differ from the disclosure and proxy solicitation requirements under United States securities laws.
The enforcement by shareholders of civil liabilities under United States federal securities laws may be affected adversely by the fact that the Company is incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act, some of its directors and its executive officers are residents of Canada and a substantial portion of its assets and the assets of such persons are located outside the United States. Shareholders may not be able to sue a foreign company or its officers or directors in a foreign court for violations of United States federal securities laws. It may be difficult to compel a foreign company and its officers and directors to subject themselves to a judgment by a United States court.
In this Information Circular, unless otherwise stated:
“Board” or “Board of Directors” means our board of directors.
“Computershare” means Computershare Investor Services Inc., our transfer agent.
“URC”, the “Company”, “we”, “us” and “our” means Uranium Royalty Corp., as the context requires.
“Information Circular” means this management information circular.
“Management Proxyholder” means Amir Adnani, the Chairman and a director of URC, or, failing him, Josephine Man, an officer of URC, or, failing her, Scott Melbye, a director and officer of URC.
“Meeting” means our annual general meeting of Shareholders to be held on October 14, 2021, and any adjournment(s) or postponement(s).
“Notice” means the notice of annual general meeting of Shareholders dated August 20, 2021, accompanying this Information Circular.
“Order” means (a) a cease trade order; (b) an order similar to a cease trade order; or (c) an order that denied the relevant company access to any exemption under securities legislation, that was in effect for a period of more than 30 consecutive days.
“Record Date” means August 19, 2021.
“Share” means a common share of URC.
“Shareholder” means an owner of a Share.
“UEC” means Uranium Energy Corp.
“$” means Canadian dollars and “US$” means United States dollars.
Q: Am I entitled to vote?
A: You are entitled to vote if you were a Registered Shareholder as of the close of business on August 19, 2021, which we refer to as the Record Date. If you acquire Shares after the close of business on the Record Date, you will not be entitled to vote those Shares at the Meeting.
Each Share entitles the holder to one vote. As at August 19, 2021, there were 83,078,856 Shares issued and outstanding.
Q: What am I voting on?
A: The following matters:
| ● | the election of directors to hold office until next year’s annual general meeting; and |
| | |
| ● | the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, as our auditor until next year’s annual general meeting, at a remuneration to be fixed by the directors. |
Q: How do I vote?
A: If you are a Registered Shareholder, you may vote by (1) attending the Meeting in person and voting, (2) voting your proxy in accordance with the instructions provided in the form of proxy, including via telephone or the internet, or (3) completing and signing a form of proxy appointing someone to represent you and to vote your Shares at the Meeting. Completing, signing and returning a form of proxy will not prevent you from attending the Meeting in person.
Q: What if amendments are made to these matters or if other matters are brought before the Meeting?
A: If you attend the Meeting in person and are eligible to vote, you may vote on such matters as you choose. If you have completed and returned a proxy in the form enclosed, the person(s) named in it will have discretionary authority with respect to amendments or variations to matters identified in the Notice of Meeting and to other matters which properly come before the Meeting. If any other matter properly comes before the Meeting, the persons so named will vote on it in accordance with their judgment. As of the date of this Information Circular, our management does not know of any such amendment, variation or other matter expected to come before the Meeting.
Q: Who is soliciting my proxy?
A: Our management is soliciting your proxy. Solicitation of proxies will be primarily by mail. Proxies may also be solicited personally by our officers at nominal cost. The cost of this solicitation will be borne by us.
Q: If I deliver a proxy, who will vote my Shares?
A: Amir Adnani (or, failing him, Josephine Man or, failing her, Scott Melbye), has been named as the Management Proxyholder in the accompanying proxy and will represent the Shareholders at the Meeting that deliver proxies that do not name a different proxyholder.
You can appoint a person or company other than the Management Proxyholder to represent you at the Meeting. To do so, you must write the name of your chosen proxyholder in the blank space provided in the form of proxy. It is important to ensure that any other person you appoint as proxyholder will attend the Meeting and is aware that his or her appointment has been made to vote your Shares and that he or she should present himself/herself to a representative of Computershare.
Q: What if my Shares are registered in more than one name or in the name of my company?
A: If your Shares are registered in more than one name, all those registered must sign the form of proxy. If your Shares are registered in the name of your company or any name other than yours, we may require that you provide documentation that proves you are authorized to sign the form of proxy.
Q: What if I plan to attend the Meeting and vote in person?
A: If you plan to attend the Meeting and wish to vote your Shares in person, you do not need to complete or return a form of proxy. Your vote will be taken and counted at the Meeting. Please register with the scrutineer when you arrive at the Meeting.
Q: What happens when I sign and return a form of proxy?
A: You will have given authority to whoever the proxy appoints as your proxyholder to vote, or withhold from voting, your Shares at the Meeting in accordance with the voting instructions you provide.
Q: What do I do with my completed form of proxy?
A: Return it to Computershare at the address set out below so that it arrives no later than 9:00 a.m. (Vancouver time) on October 12, 2021 or, if the Meeting is adjourned or postponed, no later than 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before the adjourned or postponed Meeting. The chair of the Meeting has the discretion to accept proxies received after the deadline.
Q: How will my Shares be voted if my proxy is in the enclosed form with no other person named as proxyholder?
A: The Management Proxyholder will vote or withhold from voting your Shares in accordance with your instructions.
In the absence of such instructions, your Shares will be voted FOR the election of the directors nominated by management, and FOR the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, as auditor.
Q: Can I revoke a proxy once it has been given?
A: Yes. If you are a Registered Shareholder as of the Record Date, you may revoke your proxy with an instrument in writing (which can be another proxy with a later date) and delivered to Computershare or our registered office, up to and including the last business day preceding the day of the Meeting (or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s)), or to the individual chairing the Meeting prior to the commencement of the Meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s). Any written revocation must be duly executed by you or your attorney authorized in writing or, if you hold your Shares through a company, by an authorized officer.
Please note that your participation in person in a vote by ballot at the Meeting would automatically revoke any proxy you have given in respect of the item of business covered by that vote.
If you are not a Registered Shareholder, you must follow the instructions given to you by your Intermediary to revoke your voting instructions.
Q: What if I have further questions?
A: You can contact our transfer agent, Computershare, at:
Computershare Investor Services Inc.
8th Floor, 100 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5J 2Y1
1-800-564-5263 (toll free North America)
1-514-982-7555 (international)
The following is a summary of certain information contained in this Information Circular concerning the business that will be transacted at the Meeting and the matters that you will be asked to vote on. This summary is not intended to be complete. You should read the entire Information Circular carefully.
Presentation of Financial Statements
Our audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended April 30, 2021, and the accompanying auditor’s report will be presented to Shareholders at the Meeting, but no vote with respect to them is required or proposed to be taken. You will have an opportunity to ask questions about our consolidated financial statements at the Meeting.
Election of Directors
The Board is recommending electing five persons to the Board. Each of our directors is elected each year at the annual general meeting and holds office until the next annual general meeting, unless that director resigns or until that director sooner ceases to hold office. For further information on each nominee, see the section on page 9 entitled “Election of Directors”.
The Board recommends that you vote FOR all nominees standing for election.
Appointing the Auditor
The Board of Directors is proposing that PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Vancouver, Canada, be appointed as auditor, at a remuneration to be fixed by the Board. Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are not expected to be present at the Meeting.
The Board recommends that you vote FOR the resolution appointing PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, as our auditor and authorizing the Board to fix their remuneration.
Our authorized capital consists of an unlimited number of Shares and an unlimited number of preferred shares issuable in series. As of the close of business on August 19, 2021, there were a total of 83,078,856 Shares issued and outstanding and no preferred shares issued and outstanding. The Shares are the only shares entitled to be voted at the Meeting. Each Share entitles the holder to one vote. On a show of hands, every person present and entitled to vote at the Meeting will be entitled to one vote. On a ballot, every person present and entitled to vote will be entitled to one vote for each Share held.
Principal Holders of Shares
Other than as set out in the following table, to the knowledge of our directors and executive officers, no person or company beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, or exercises control or direction over, Shares carrying 10% or more of the voting rights attached to all of the issued and outstanding Shares as at August 19, 2021:
Name | | Number of Shares | | Percentage of Outstanding Shares |
UEC | | 15,000,000 | | 18.1% |
The Board is recommending five persons (the “Nominees”) for election at the Meeting. Each of the five persons whose name appears below is proposed by the Board to be nominated for election as a director of URC to serve until the next annual general meeting of the Shareholders or until the director sooner ceases to hold office. Mr. Neuburger has indicated that he will not be standing for re-election. In lieu thereof, the Board has nominated John Griffith for election to the Board of Directors.
The following table sets forth the names and province or state and country of residence of the Nominees, all offices of URC now held by the Nominees, the period of time for which each Nominee has been a director of URC and the number of Shares, warrants exercisable into Shares (“Warrants”) and stock options to purchase Shares (“Options”), issued and outstanding under the Company’s long-term incentive plan dated November 22, 2019 (the “LTIP”), beneficially owned by the Nominees, directly or indirectly, or over which each Nominee exercises control or direction, as at the date hereof:
Name, Province or State and Country of Residence | | Current Position(s) with URC | | Director Since | | Securities Held(4) (#) |
Amir Adnani(1) British Columbia, Canada | | Chairman and Director | | August 23, 2019 | | Shares: 2,333,400(5) |
| | | Warrants: 1,333,400 |
| | | Options: 50,000 |
Scott Melbye(3) Colorado, United States of America | | Chief Executive Officer, President and Director | | April 21, 2017 | | Shares: 475,000 (5) |
| | | Warrants: 75,000 |
| | | Options: 125,000 |
Vina Patel(1)(2)(3) London, England, United Kingdom | | Director | | October 23, 2019 | | Shares: 70,000 |
| | | Warrants: Nil |
| | | Options: 25,000 |
Neil Gregson(2) London, England, United Kingdom | | Director | | October 13, 2020 | | Shares: Nil |
| | | Warrants: Nil |
| | | Options: 25,000 |
John Griffith Ontario, Canada | | Director Nominee | | (6) | | Shares: Nil |
| | | Warrants: Nil |
| | | Options: Nil |
(1) | Member of the Compensation Committee. |
(2) | Member of the Audit Committee. |
(3) | Member of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. |
(4) | Includes Shares and Warrants directly and indirectly beneficially owned and controlled by the applicable director. |
(5) | Excludes 15,000,000 Shares held by UEC, of which Mr. Adnani is President, Chief Executive Officer and a director, and Mr. Melbye is Executive Vice-President. |
(6) | Mr. Griffith has been nominated by the Board for election as a director at the Meeting. Following the Meeting, and if elected, it is expected that Mr. Griffith will replace Mr. Neuburger as a member of each of the Board committees. |
The following sets out the profiles of our Nominees for election at the Meeting:
Amir Adnani, Chairman and Director. Mr. Adnani has served as the Chairman and a director of the Company since August 23, 2019. Mr. Adnani is a founder and serves as the President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of UEC, a uranium mining and exploration company listed on the NYSE American, since January 2005. Mr. Adnani is also the founder and Chairman of GoldMining Inc., a publicly-listed gold acquisition and development company. Mr. Adnani holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of British Columbia and is a director of the university’s Alumni Association.
Scott Melbye, Chief Executive Officer, President and Director. Mr. Melbye has served as a director of the Company since April 21, 2017. Mr. Melbye has over 36 years of experience in the nuclear energy industry and has held leadership positions in various uranium mining companies and industry organizations. Mr. Melbye has served as an Executive Vice President of UEC since September 8, 2014, where he is responsible for uranium marketing and sales and strategic growth objectives. Previously, Mr. Melbye was the Vice President of Commercial at Uranium Participation Corporation (now Sprott Physical Uranium Trust) from 2014 to 2018 and concurrently served as an advisor to the Chairman of Kazatomprom, the national uranium company of Kazakhstan, until March 2018. Prior to that, Mr. Melbye held the position of Executive Vice President of Marketing at Uranium One Inc. from 2011 to 2014, and, from 1989 to 2010, held various positions at Cameco Corporation, including President of their global marketing subsidiary, Cameco, Inc. Mr. Melbye is currently the President of the Uranium Producers of America and is a past Chair of the Board of Governors of the World Nuclear Fuel Market. Mr. Melbye holds a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Business Administration from Arizona State University.
Vina Patel, Director. Ms. Patel has served as a director of the Company since October 23, 2019. Ms. Patel is a capital markets professional with 18 years of experience. Ms. Patel began her capital markets career on the Institutional Equity team at Canaccord Genuity Corp. with a focus on UK and European markets. Ms. Patel successfully setup a new London office for Westwind Partners (now Stifel Financial) and for 5 years subsequent, Ms. Patel was head of London institutional sales at Haywood Securities Inc. Over the course of her career, Ms. Patel has specialized in raising capital from institutional investors for exploration and mining companies including a number of uranium companies. She has established long standing and successful relationships with both mining corporates and the investment community, gaining extensive knowledge and experience of the sector. Ms. Patel graduated with an MBA from Warwick Business School in 1999, where she was also awarded a Women’s Scholarship. Prior to this she was a senior school teacher and holds an MA in Education.
Neil Gregson, Director. Mr. Gregson has served as a director of the Company since October 13, 2020. Mr. Gregson is a qualified mining engineer with 30 years of experience in the resources sector. From September 2010 to April 2020 Mr. Gregson was a Portfolio Manager at J.P. Morgan Asset Management Global Equities Team based in London where he was responsible for global natural resources mandates. He held prior investment management roles at CQS Asset Management as a Senior Portfolio Manager focused on natural resources and at Credit Suisse Asset Management as Head of Emerging Markets and related sector funds. Mr. Gregson has an Honours Degree in Mining Engineering from Nottingham University and began his career in 1984 with Anglo American in South Africa.
John Griffith, Director Nominee. Mr. Griffith has served as the Chief Development Officer of Gold Royalty Corp. since September 2020. Mr. Griffith is a former Managing Director and the Head of Americas Metals & Mining Investment Banking for Bank of America, where he worked from 2006 to May 2020. He has nearly 30 years of financial services sector experience spanning three continents, including 26 years of global investment banking expertise. Mr. Griffith holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Cape Town.
Cease Trade Orders, Bankruptcies, Penalties or Sanctions
None of the Nominees are, as at the date of this Information Circular, or have been within ten years before the date of this Information Circular, a director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer of any company (including the Company) that
| ● | was subject to an Order that was issued while the Nominee was acting in the capacity as director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer, or |
| | |
| ● | was subject to an Order that was issued after the Nominee ceased to be a director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer and which resulted from an event that occurred while that person was acting in the capacity as director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer. |
None of the Nominees
| ● | is, as at the date of this Information Circular, or has been within the ten years before the date of this Information Circular, a director or executive officer of any company (including the Company) that, while that person was acting in that capacity, or within a year of that person ceasing to act in that capacity, became bankrupt, made a proposal under any legislation relating to bankruptcy or insolvency or was subject to or instituted any proceedings, arrangement or compromise with creditors or had a receiver, receiver manager or trustee appointed to hold its assets; |
| ● | has, within the ten years before the date of this Information Circular, become bankrupt, made a proposal under any legislation relating to bankruptcy or insolvency, or become subject to or instituted any proceedings, arrangement or compromise with creditors, or had a receiver, receiver manager or trustee appointed to hold the assets of the Nominee; |
| | |
| ● | has been subject to any penalties or sanctions imposed by a court relating to securities legislation or by a securities regulatory authority or has entered into a settlement agreement with a securities regulatory authority; or |
| | |
| ● | has been subject to any other penalties or sanctions imposed by a court or regulatory body that would likely be considered important to a reasonable securityholder in deciding whether to vote for a Nominee. |
To the best of the knowledge of our directors and executive officers, our management functions are not, to any substantial degree, performed by any person other than our directors and executive officers.
Management of the Company will recommend at the Meeting that Shareholders appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants as auditor of the Company until the next annual meeting of Shareholders and to authorize the directors to fix their remuneration. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was first appointed as auditor of the Company on June 1, 2020.
statement of executive compensation
The following information is presented in accordance with National Instrument 51-102 and Form 51-102F6 – Statement of Executive Compensation, and sets forth the total compensation for services in all capacities to the Company and its subsidiary in respect of the individuals comprised of the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and each of the other three most highly compensated executive officers of the Company, including its subsidiary, whose individual total compensation for the most recently completed financial year exceeded $150,000, and any individual who would have satisfied these criteria but for the fact that the individual was not serving as an executive officer of the Company or its subsidiary at the end of the most recently completed financial year (together, the “Named Executive Officers” or “NEOs”).
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
The Compensation Committee considers the compensation of NEOs, with the goal of providing sufficient compensation opportunities to attract, retain and motivate the best possible executive officers, while at the same time aligning the interests of the Company’s NEOs with those of the Shareholders. When determining individual compensation levels for the Company’s NEOs, the Compensation Committee considers a variety of factors including the overall financial and operating performance of the Company, each NEO’s individual performance and contributions towards meeting corporate objectives and each NEO’s level of responsibility and length of service. At the end of each year, the Compensation Committee reviews actual performance against corporate objectives. For further information, see the section on page 26 entitled “Compensation”.
The Company’s compensation program is intended to be consistent with the Company’s business plans, strategies and goals. The Company’s compensation program is designed to reward each executive based on individual, business and corporate performance and is also designed to incent such executives to drive the annual and long-term business goals of the Company.
Compensation Governance
The Compensation Committee is comprised of Mr. Neuburger, Mr. Adnani and Ms. Patel. Mr. Neuburger and Ms. Patel are considered independent pursuant to National Instrument 52-110 – Audit Committees (“NI 52-110”) and Nasdaq Listing Rules. Mr. Adnani is not independent by virtue of his involvement with UEC as its Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Neuburger is the Chair of the Compensation Committee.
Following the Meeting, and if Mr. Griffith is elected, it is expected that membership on the Compensation Committee will be reconstituted such that the Compensation Committee will be comprised of Ms. Patel, Mr. Gregson and Mr. Griffith, each of whom will be considered independent pursuant to NI 52-110 and Nasdaq Listing Rules. Following the Meeting, it is expected that Ms. Patel will replace Mr. Neuburger as the Chair of the Compensation Committee.
The Company is a “foreign private issuer” under the Exchange Act and is permitted pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rules to follow its home country practice in respect of the composition of its Compensation Committee. For further information, see the section on page 22 entitled “Nasdaq Corporate Governance”.
The Compensation Committee operates under a written charter. Among other things, the Compensation Committee has the responsibility of assessing the performance of the Chief Executive Officer, evaluating the Chief Executive Officer’s contribution to the overall success of the Company and recommending to the Board the Chief Executive Officer’s level of compensation. It is also responsible for reviewing and approving the compensation of other executive officers and directors including salary, bonus, incentive and other compensation levels.
All members of the Compensation Committee have experience in compensation matters, either as members of compensation committees of other public companies and/or from having served as senior executives with significant responsibility for or involvement in compensation matters. For further information, see the profiles of our directors under the section on page 9 entitled “Election of Directors”.
Elements of Compensation
The Compensation Committee believes that the components of the Company’s compensation program allow the Company to offer an appropriate mix of fixed versus “at-risk” compensation, which allows the Compensation Committee to achieve its primary goals with respect to compensation. Compensation for executive officers primarily consists of a base salary and an annual cash bonus. The Company’s long-term incentive plan is another primary form of compensation for executive officers.
Base Salary. The objective of the base salary, consistent with market practice, is to provide a portion of compensation as a fixed cash amount. The Compensation Committee reviews each executive officer’s base salary with reference to relevant industry norms relating to, among other things, experience, past performance and level of responsibility. The Compensation Committee reviews salary levels periodically and may recommend adjustments to the Board, if warranted, as a result of salary increase trends in the marketplace, competitive positioning and an increase in responsibilities assumed by an executive officer. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company temporarily reduced base salary compensation for its Named Executive Officers by 25% and 15% for, and during, the first and second financial quarters of 2021, respectively. Base salary compensation for the Named Executive Officers was reinstated in the third financial quarter of 2021.
Annual Bonus. Annual cash bonuses are also a component of the total compensation that may be received by the Company’s executive officers, which provide such executive officers the potential to receive an annual financial reward based on achievement of specific goals. Discretionary cash bonuses are recommended by the Compensation Committee to the Board based on annual performance reviews. No annual cash bonuses were awarded in the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
LTIP Awards. The Compensation Committee also considers long-term performance incentive awards and stock options (collectively, “LTIP Awards”) to be an important component of executive compensation. The objective of making grants under the LTIP is to encourage executive officers to acquire an ownership interest in the Company over a period of time, thus better aligning the interests of executive officers with the interests of Shareholders, and thereby discouraging excessive risk taking.
The Company grants LTIP Awards, from time to time, to directors, executive officers, key employees and consultants. The Compensation Committee makes recommendations to the Board for the grant of LTIP Awards on a discretionary basis, given the size of the Company, based on individual performance, positions held with the Company and the overall performance of the Company. The Compensation Committee considers various factors when determining the number of LTIP Awards to be granted to specific individuals, including the level of responsibility and base salary level associated with the position held by such individual. The Compensation Committee considers past grants under the LTIP when determining new grants of LTIP Awards. The board of directors relies solely on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee regarding grants of LTIP Awards to directors, executive officers, key employees and consultants.
The Company had not determined any specific grants under the LTIP as of the financial year ended April 30, 2021. On May 31, 2021, the Company granted LTIP Awards in the form of stock options to certain directors, executive officers, key employees and consultants.
The Company does not assess its compensation through benchmarks or peer groups at this time.
No actions, decisions or policies were put in place affecting the Company’s compensation program subsequent to the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
Risk Management
The Company has taken steps to ensure its executive compensation program does not incent inappropriate risks. Some of the risk management initiatives currently employed by the Company are as follows:
| ● | appointing a majority independent Compensation Committee to oversee the executive compensation program; and |
| ● | use of discretion in adjusting any bonus payments up or down as the Compensation Committee deems appropriate and recommends. |
The Company does not have a policy that restricts the ability of a Named Executive Officer or director to purchase financial instruments, including, for greater certainty, prepaid variable forward contracts, equity swaps, collars or units of exchange funds, that are designed to hedge or offset a decrease in market value of equity securities granted as compensation or held, directly or indirectly, by the Named Executive Officer or director.
Summary Compensation Table
The following table sets forth all compensation paid, payable, awarded, granted, given or otherwise provided, directly or indirectly, by the Company to each NEO, in any capacity, for the financial years ended April 30, 2021, 2020 and 2019.
| | | | | | | | | | Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation ($) | | | | |
Name and Principal Position | | Year | | Salary ($) | | Share-based Awards ($) | | Option-based Awards ($) | | Annual Incentive Plans | | Long-term Incentive Plans | | All Other Compensation ($) | | Total Compensation ($) |
Scott Melbye(1) (2) | | 2021 | | 141,874 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 141,874 |
Chief Executive Officer, | | 2020 | | 159,682 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 159,682 |
President and Director | | 2019 | | 66,480 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 66,480 |
Josephine Man(3) | | 2021 | | 81,000 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 2,373(5) | | 83,373 |
Chief Financial Officer and | | 2020 | | 90,000 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 43,015(5) | | 133,015 |
Corporate Secretary | | 2019 | | 60,000 | | - | | - | | 10,000(4) | | - | | - | | 70,000 |
Philip Williams(6) | | 2021 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | - | | - | | - |
Former Chief Executive Officer, | | 2020 | | 62,500 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 94,994(5) | | 157,494 |
President and Director | | 2019 | | 151,875 | | - | | - | | 25,000(4) | | - | | - | | 176,875 |
(1) | Mr. Melbye was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and President effective October 8, 2019 and served as Chairman from April 21, 2017 to August 23, 2019. Mr. Melbye provides services as Chief Executive Officer pursuant to a consulting agreement dated October 22, 2019. Management fees of $141,874 and $99,778 for the financial years ended April 30, 2021 and 2020 and Chair fees of $26,580 and $33,240 for the financial years ended April 30, 2020 and 2019 were paid to Mr. Melbye through a company controlled by Mr. Melbye, in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer and President, and Chairman of the Company, respectively. For his services as a member of the Company’s Advisory Committee, fees of $33,324 and $33,240 for the financial years ended April 30, 2020 and 2019 were paid to Mr. Melbye through a company controlled by Mr. Melbye. |
(2) | Fees paid to Mr. Melbye were in United States dollars, and have been converted to Canadian dollars for reporting purposes in this table at the average exchange rate for the financial years ended April 30, 2021, 2020 and 2019 of US$1.00 = C$1.3136, US$1.00 = C$1.3307 and US$1.00 = C$1.3296, respectively. |
(3) | Ms. Man provides services as Chief Financial Officer of the Company pursuant to a consulting agreement dated August 30, 2018. Amounts stated reflect salaries and a management fee paid to Ms. Man and through a company controlled by Ms. Man. |
(4) | Amounts represent bonuses paid in respect of the financial year ended April 30, 2019. |
(5) | Includes non-cash accounting accruals for source deductions relating to the financial years ended April 30, 2021 and 2020, and do not represent amounts actually paid to or received by the NEO or its management company. |
(6) | Mr. Williams resigned as Chief Executive Officer and President on October 8, 2019 and resigned as Director on October 23, 2019. Amounts stated reflect the management fee paid to Mr. Williams through a company controlled by Mr. Williams, for his services as Chief Executive Officer and President. Mr. Williams did not receive any compensation for providing services as a director of the Company. |
Performance Graph
The Company listed its Shares on the TSX Venture Exchange (the “TSX-V”) on December 11, 2019 and on the Nasdaq Capital Market on April 28, 2021. The following graph compares the total cumulative return for a Shareholder who invested $100 in Shares of the Company commencing from December 11, 2019, being the date the Company’s Shares commenced trading on the TSX-V, for the two most recently completed financial years ended April 30, 2020 and 2021 with the cumulative total return of the Russell 2000 Index for the same period.

The compensation of our executive officers is generally linked to initiatives completed year-over-year and our financial performance. Trends in our returns to Shareholders are not generally determinative of total compensation to our NEOs.
Outstanding Share-based Awards and Option-based Awards for NEOs
The Company had not determined any specific grants under the LTIP as of the financial year ended April 30, 2021. On May 31, 2021, the Company granted LTIP Awards in the form of stock options to certain directors, executive officers, key employees and consultants.
None of our NEOs held any Share-based or option-based awards as of the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
Incentive Plan Awards - Value Vested or Earned During the Year for NEOs
No incentive plan awards were vested or earned by the NEOs during the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
Pension Plan Benefits
The Company does not presently provide any defined benefit or pension plan to its directors, executive officers, employees or consultants.
Termination and Change of Control Benefits
Other than as disclosed below, the Company has not entered into any other contract, agreement, plan or arrangement that provides for payments to an NEO at, following or in connection with any termination (whether voluntary, involuntary or constructive), resignation, retirement, a change of control of the Company or a change in an NEO’s responsibilities.
Consulting Agreements
The Company has entered into consulting agreements with companies controlled by each of its NEOs for the provision of services by its NEOs as follows:
Consulting Agreement with Josephine Man
On August 30, 2018, the Company entered into a consulting agreement with Josephine Man as Chief Financial Officer of the Company (the “Consulting Agreement”). Pursuant to the Consulting Agreement, the Company pays Ms. Man a base fee in the amount of $90,000 per annum (the “Base Fee”). Such Base Fee shall be reviewed periodically by the Company and may be varied from time to time in the sole discretion of the Board. Under the terms of the Consulting Agreement, the Company (including by the Compensation Committee), in its sole discretion, may award Ms. Man with additional incentives and bonuses. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company temporarily reduced the Base Fee by 25% and 15% for, and during, the first and second financial quarters of 2021, respectively. The Base Fee was reinstated in the third financial quarter of 2021. For further information, see the section on page 12 entitled “Elements of Compensation – Base Salary”.
The Company may terminate the Consulting Agreement for just cause, without notice or payment in lieu thereof. The Company is entitled to terminate the Consulting Agreement without cause by providing at least thirty days’ notice of such termination, or payment of thirty days’ Base Fee in lieu thereof. Ms. Man may terminate the Consulting Agreement for any reason by providing at least thirty days’ advance written notice. The Company may waive such notice in whole or in part, in which case the Consulting Agreement will terminate on the day elected by the Company, provided that the Company pays to Ms. Man a single lump sum cash payment on the date of such termination for any portion of such notice period waived by the Company.
Consulting Agreement with Castle Rock Uranium LLC
On October 22, 2019, the Company entered into a consulting agreement with Castle Rock Uranium LLC (“Castle Rock”), pursuant to which Castle Rock will, primarily through Scott Melbye, provide management and business development services, among other things, to the Company (the “Castle Rock Agreement”). In consideration for such services, the Company paid to Castle Rock an amount of US$15,000 for the month of October 2019, and thereafter, the Company pays to Castle Rock a monthly fee in the amount of US$10,000 (the “Castle Rock Fee”). In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company temporarily reduced the Castle Rock Fee by 25% and 15% for, and during, the first and second financial quarters of 2021, respectively. The Castle Rock Fee was reinstated in the third financial quarter of 2021. For further information, see the section on page 12 entitled “Elements of Compensation – Base Salary”.
The Company or Castle Rock may terminate this agreement upon thirty days’ written notice.
Director Compensation
The Company’s directors are entitled to receive remuneration for serving on the Board as the directors or the Shareholders may from time to time determine, and the Company is required to reimburse each director for reasonable expenses that he or she may incur in and about the business of the Company. The Company’s directors may award special remuneration, without confirmation by the Shareholders, to any director undertaking any special services on the Company’s behalf other than routine work ordinarily required of a director, and such remuneration will be in addition to any other remuneration that such director may be entitled to receive. Unless the Shareholders determine otherwise, the Board of Directors may pay a gratuity or pension or allowance on retirement to any director who has held any salaried office or place of profit with the Company and may make contributions to any fund and pay premiums for the purchase or provision of any such gratuity, pension or allowance. In addition, LTIP Awards are granted to the directors from time to time.
The following table sets forth information relating to compensation paid to the directors during the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
Name(1) | | Fees Earned ($) | | Share-based Awards ($) | | Option-based Awards ($) | | Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation ($) | | All Other Compensation ($) | | Total ($) |
Amir Adnani | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 102,000(4) | | 102,000 |
David Neuburger | | 17,500 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 17,500 |
Lady Barbara Judge(2) | | 3,750 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 3,750 |
Vina Patel | | 17,500 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 17,500 |
Neil Gregson(3) | | 10,774 | | - | | - | | - | | - | | 10,774 |
(1) | Compensation paid to Mr. Melbye is disclosed above in the “Summary Compensation Table” and is not reported in the “Director Compensation” table of this Information Circular. |
(2) | Lady Judge passed away on August 31, 2020. |
(3) | Mr. Gregson was appointed as a director of the Company on October 13, 2020 to fill the vacancy left by the passing of Lady Judge. Mr. Gregson’s annual retainer was paid on a pro-rata basis for the financial year ended April 30, 2021. |
(4) | Mr. Adnani does not receive director fees from the Company. In lieu thereof, Mr. Adnani, through his company, receives $10,000 per month plus applicable taxes for his services. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, such fees were reduced by 35% and 25% for, and during, the first and second financial quarters of 2021, respectively. |
No director compensation was paid to directors who are executive officers of the Company in the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
Mr. Neuburger, Ms. Patel, Lady Judge and Mr. Gregson served as independent directors of the Company in the financial year ended April 30, 2021. Lady Judge passed away on August 31, 2020, and Mr. Gregson was appointed as a director to fill the vacancy on the Board.
The Company’s independent directors are each paid an annual retainer fee of $20,000. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company temporarily reduced the retainer fees paid to the independent directors by 25% for, and during, the first and second financial quarters of 2021. The retainer fees paid to the independent directors were reinstated in the third financial quarter of 2021.
No additional committee and/or chairman fees or meeting attendance fees were paid to the directors during the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
Outstanding Share-based Awards and Option-based Awards for Directors
The Company had not determined any specific grants under the LTIP as of the financial year ended April 30, 2021. On May 31, 2021, the Company granted LTIP Awards in the form of stock options to certain directors, executive officers, key employees and consultants.
None of our directors held any Share-based or option-based awards as of the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
Incentive Plan Awards - Value Vested or Earned During the Year for Directors
No incentive plan awards were vested or earned by the directors during the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
Long-Term Incentive Plan
The Company adopted its LTIP on November 22, 2019. The LTIP is available to directors, key employees and consultants of the Company, as determined by the Board. The aggregate number of Shares issuable under the LTIP is 10,775,285. As of the date hereof, 837,500 Shares are issuable pursuant to awards previously granted and outstanding under the LTIP. As of the date hereof, 9,900,285 Shares remain available for issuance under the LTIP.
So long as it may be required by the rules and policies of the TSX-V, (a) the total number of Shares issuable to any participant under the LTIP, at any time, together with Shares reserved for issuance to such participant under any other security-based compensation arrangements of the Company, shall not exceed 5% of the issued and outstanding Shares; (b) the total number of Shares issuable to insiders within any one-year period and at any given time under the LTIP, together with any other security-based compensation arrangement of the Company, shall not exceed 10% of the issued and outstanding Shares; and (c) the total number of Shares issuable to non-executive directors (excluding the Chairman of the Board, if any) under the LTIP shall not exceed 3% of the issued and outstanding Shares.
The Board may, at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion and without the approval of Shareholders, amend, suspend, terminate or discontinue the LTIP and may amend the terms and conditions of any grants thereunder, subject to (a) any required approval of any applicable regulatory authority or the TSX-V, and (b) approval of Shareholders of the Company as required by the rules of the TSX-V or applicable law, provided that Shareholder approval shall not be required for the following amendments, and the Board may make changes which may include, but are not limited to, (i) amendments of a “housekeeping nature”; (ii) any amendment for the purpose of curing any ambiguity, error or omission in the LTIP or to correct or supplement any provision of the LTIP that is inconsistent with any other provision of the LTIP; (iii) an amendment which is necessary to comply with applicable law or TSX-V requirements; (iv) amendments respecting administration and eligibility for participation under the LTIP; (v) changes to terms and conditions on which awards may be or have been granted pursuant to the LTIP, including changes to the vesting provisions and terms of any awards; (vi) amendments which alter, extend or accelerate the terms of vesting applicable to any award; and (vii) changes to the termination provisions of an award or the LTIP which does not entail an extension beyond the original fixed term. If the LTIP is terminated, prior awards shall remain outstanding and in effect, in accordance with their applicable terms and conditions. The Board may waive any conditions or rights under, or amend any terms of, any awards, provided that no such amendment or alteration shall be made which would impair the rights of any participant without such participant’s consent, unless the Board determines that such amendment or alteration either is required or advisable in order to conform to any law, regulation or accounting standard or is not reasonably likely to diminish the benefits provided under such award.
The LTIP has not previously been approved by the Company’s Shareholders, and does not require Shareholder approval until such time as the Company seeks to materially amend the LTIP, including the number of awards available under it.
Restricted Share Units
The LTIP provides that the Board may, from time to time, in its sole discretion, grant awards of restricted share units (“RSUs”) to directors, key employees and consultants. Each RSU shall represent one Share on vesting. RSUs shall be subject to such restrictions as the Board may establish in the applicable award agreement. The typical restriction for RSUs is time based (i.e., vesting after a fixed period of time, which period of time shall be no less than 12 months). All RSUs will vest and become payable by the issuance of Shares at the end of the applicable restriction period if all applicable restrictions have lapsed, as such restrictions may be specified in the applicable award agreement. Restrictions on any RSUs shall lapse immediately and become fully vested in the participant upon a change of control. Upon the death of a participant, subject to the applicable award agreement, any RSUs that have not vested will be immediately forfeited and cancelled without payment, provided that any RSUs granted to such participant that had vested prior to the participant’s death will accrue to the participant’s estate in accordance with the LTIP.
If a key employee’s employment is terminated for cause, any RSUs granted to the participant will immediately terminate without payment and be cancelled as of the termination date. Where the employment of a key employee is terminated without cause, by voluntary termination or due to retirement, any RSUs granted to the participant will, subject to the applicable award agreement, immediately terminate without payment and be cancelled as of the termination date, provided, however, that any RSUs granted to such participant that had vested prior to the participant’s termination without cause, voluntary termination or retirement will accrue to the participant in accordance with the LTIP. If a key employee becomes afflicted by a disability, all RSUs granted to the participant will continue to vest in accordance with the terms of such RSUs, provided, however, that no RSUs may be redeemed during a leave of absence. Where a key employee’s employment is terminated due to disability, subject to the applicable award agreement, RSUs granted to such participant will immediately terminate without payment and be cancelled, provided, however, that any RSUs granted to such participant that had vested prior to the date of termination will accrue to the key employee in accordance with the LTIP.
In the case of directors, if a participant ceases to be a director for any reason, all RSUs granted to such participant will immediately terminate without payment and be cancelled, provided, however, that any RSUs granted to such participant that had vested prior to the participant ceasing to be a director will accrue to the participant in accordance with the LTIP. Where a consultant’s service to the Company terminates for any reason, subject to the applicable award agreement and any other contractual commitments between the participant and the Company, all RSUs granted to such participant will immediately be forfeited and cancelled, provided, however, that any RSUs granted to such participant that had vested prior to the termination of the participant’s service to the Company will accrue to the participant in accordance with the LTIP.
Performance Share Units
The LTIP provides that the Board may, from time to time, in its sole discretion, grant awards of performance share units (“PSUs”) to key employees and consultants. Each PSU shall, contingent upon the attainment of the performance criteria within the applicable performance cycle, represent one Share unless otherwise specified in the applicable award agreement. The performance criteria will be established by the Board which, without limitation, may include criteria based on the participant’s individual performance and/or the financial performance of the Company and its subsidiaries. The applicable award agreement may provide the Board with the right to revise the performance criteria and the award amounts during a performance cycle or after it has ended, if unforeseen events occur, including, without limitation, changes in capitalization, equity restructuring, acquisitions or divestitures, if such events have a substantial effect on the Company’s financial results and make the application of the performance criteria unfair absent a revision.
All PSUs will vest and become payable to the extent that the performance criteria are satisfied in the sole determination of the Board. PSUs granted to a participant shall become fully vested and payable to the extent that the performance criteria set forth in the applicable award agreement are satisfied for the performance cycle. Payment to a participant in respect of vested PSUs shall be made to such participant within 95 days after the last day of the performance cycle or upon a change of control. Upon the death of a participant, subject to the applicable award agreement, all PSUs granted to the participant which, prior to the participant’s death, had not vested, will immediately be forfeited and cancelled without payment, provided, however, that the Board may determine, in its discretion, the number of the participant’s PSUs that will vest based upon the extent to which the applicable performance criteria have been satisfied in that portion of the performance cycle that has lapsed.
If a key employee’s employment is terminated for cause, any PSUs granted to the participant will immediately terminate without payment and be cancelled as of the termination date. If a key employee’s employment is terminated without cause, by voluntary termination, or if the participant’s employment terminates due to retirement, all PSUs granted to the participant which, prior to such termination without cause, voluntary termination or retirement, as applicable, had not vested, will immediately be forfeited and cancelled without payment, provided, however, that the Board may determine, in its discretion, the number of the participant’s PSUs that will vest based upon the extent to which the applicable performance criteria have been satisfied in that portion of the performance cycle that has lapsed. If a participant becomes afflicted by a disability, all PSUs granted to the participant will continue to vest in accordance with the terms of such PSUs, provided, however, that no PSUs may be redeemed during a leave of absence. Where a key employee’s employment is terminated due to disability, subject to the applicable award agreement, PSUs granted to such participant which had not vested will immediately terminate without payment and be cancelled, provided, however, that the Board may determine, in its discretion, the number of the participant’s PSUs that will vest based upon the extent to which the applicable performance criteria have been satisfied in that portion of the performance cycle that has lapsed.
Where a consultant’s service to the Company terminates for any reason, subject to the applicable award agreement and any other contractual commitments between the participant and the Company, all PSUs granted to such participant that have not vested will immediately be forfeited and cancelled, provided, however, that the Board may determine, in its discretion, the number of the participant’s PSUs that will vest based upon the extent to which the applicable performance criteria have been satisfied in that portion of the performance cycle that has lapsed.
Deferred Share Units
The LTIP provides that the Board may, from time to time, in its sole discretion, grant awards of deferred share units (“DSUs”) to directors in lieu of director fees (but not to key employees or consultants). Directors may also elect to receive any or all of their fees in DSUs in lieu of cash. A director becomes a participant effective as of the date he or she is first appointed or elected as a director and ceases to be a participant at the time he or she ceases to be a director for any reason. The number of DSUs to be granted to a participant shall be calculated by dividing the amount of fees by the market unit price on the grant date. The market unit price is defined in the LTIP as the value of a Share determined by reference to the five-day volume weighted average closing price of a Share on the immediately preceding five trading days on which trading in the Shares took place.
Each participant shall be entitled to receive, subsequent to the effective date that the participant ceases to be a director for any reason or any earlier vesting period(s) set forth in the applicable award agreement, either: (a) that number of Shares equal to the number of DSUs granted to such participant; or (b) a cash payment in an amount equal to the market unit price of the DSUs granted to such participant on the trading day following the day that the participant ceases to be a director, net of applicable withholdings. In the event that the value of a DSU would be determined with reference to a period commencing at a fiscal quarter-end of the Company and ending prior to the public disclosure of interim financial statements for the quarter (or annual financial statements for the fourth quarter), the cash payment of the value of the DSUs will be made to the participant with reference to the five trading days immediately following the public disclosure of the interim financial statements for the quarter (or annual financial statements in the case of the fourth quarter). Upon the death of a participant, such participant’s estate shall be entitled to receive, within 120 days, a cash payment or Shares that would otherwise have been payable upon such participant ceasing to be a director.
The LTIP provides that the Board may, from time to time, in its discretion, grant awards of options to directors, key employees and consultants. The number of options to be granted, the exercise price(s) and the time(s) at which an option may be exercised shall be determined by the Board, in its sole discretion, provided that the exercise price of options shall not be lower than the exercise price permitted by the TSX-V, and further provided that the term of any option shall not exceed ten years. So long as it may be required by the rules and policies of the TSX-V: (a) options shall not be granted if the exercise thereof would result in the issuance of more than 2% of the issued Shares in any twelve-month period to any one consultant or to persons conducting investor relations activities; and (b) the grant value of Shares issued or reserved for issuance pursuant to options granted under the LTIP to any one non-executive director (excluding the Chair of the Board, if any) plus the number of Shares that are reserved at that time for issue or are issuable to such non-executive director pursuant to any other security-based compensation agreement shall not exceed $100,000 in any fiscal year, calculated by the Company as of the grant date. All options granted under the LTIP to persons providing investor relations activities will vest and become exercisable over a period of not less than twelve months, with no more than one quarter of such options vesting and becoming exercisable in any three-month period.
In the event of a change of control, each outstanding option issued to a director or a key employee shall automatically become fully and immediately vested and exercisable, subject to the policies of the TSX-V. Upon the death of a director or key employee, any option held by such participant shall be exercisable by the person(s) to whom the rights of the participant under the option shall pass by will or the laws of descent and distribution for a period of 120 days or prior to the expiration of the option period in respect of the option, whichever is sooner, and then only to the extent that such participant was entitled to exercise the option at the date of death of such participant.
If a key employee is terminated for cause, no option held shall be exercisable from the termination date. In the event that the employment of a key employee is terminated without cause, by voluntary termination or due to retirement or, in the case of directors, the participant ceases to be a director for any reason, subject to the applicable award agreement, any option held shall remain exercisable in full for a period of 60 days after the termination or cessation date (in the case of key employees, subject to any longer period set out in an applicable award agreement, which longer period may not exceed twelve months from such termination date) or prior to the expiration of the option period in respect of the option, whichever is sooner, and then only to the extent that such participant was entitled to exercise the option at such time. If a director or a key employee becomes afflicted by a disability, all options granted to the participant will continue to vest in accordance with the terms of such options, provided that if, in the case of key employees, a participant’s employment is terminated due to disability, or in the case of directors, the participant ceases to be a director as a result of disability, subject to the applicable award agreement, any option held by such participant shall remain exercisable for a period of 120 days after the termination or cessation date or prior to the expiration of the option period in respect of the option, whichever is sooner, and then only to the extent that such participant was entitled to exercise the option at such time.
In the case of consultants, if a participant ceases to be a consultant for any reason, subject to the applicable award agreement and any other contractual commitments between the consultant and the Company, no option held by such participant shall be exercisable from the date of termination of service.
Stock Appreciation Rights
The LTIP provides that the Board may, from time to time, in its discretion, grant awards of stock appreciation rights (“SARs”) to directors, key employees and consultants, either on a stand-alone basis or in relation to any options. SARs are awards that entitle the participant to receive an amount (the “SAR Amount”) equal to the excess, if any, of the current market price on the exercise date over the exercise price of the SAR (the “SAR Grant Price”), multiplied by the number of Shares in respect of which the SAR is being exercised. The current market price is defined in the LTIP as the last closing price of the Shares on the immediately preceding trading day prior to the relevant exercise date. The SAR Amount is payable in Shares in an amount equal to the SAR Amount divided by the current market price, provided that the applicable award agreement may provide that the Company may alternatively satisfy the SAR Amount by paying to the participant cash in an amount equal to the SAR Amount. The number of SARs to be granted, the SAR Grant Price and the time(s) at which a SAR may be exercised shall be determined by the Board and set out in an award agreement, provided that the SAR Grant Price shall not be lower than the exercise price permitted by the TSX-V and further provided that the term of any SAR shall not exceed ten years. The terms of, and SAR Grant Price of, any SAR granted in relation to an option shall be the same as the terms and exercise price of the option it is granted in relation to.
In the event of a change of control, each outstanding SAR issued to directors and key employees shall automatically become fully and immediately vested and exercisable, subject to the applicable award agreement and the policies of the TSX-V. Where, in the case of directors and key employees, a participant shall die while holding a SAR, any SAR held by such participant shall be exercisable by the person(s) to whom the rights of the participant under the SAR shall pass by will or the laws of descent and distribution for a period of 120 days or prior to the expiration of the exercise period in respect of the SAR, whichever is sooner, and then only to the extent that such participant was entitled to exercise the SAR at the date of death of such participant.
Where the employment of a key employee is terminated for cause, no SAR held shall be exercisable from the termination date. In the event that the employment of a key employee is terminated without cause, by voluntary termination or due to retirement or, in the case of directors, the participant ceases to be a director for any reason, subject to the applicable award agreement, any SAR held shall remain exercisable in full for a period of 60 days after the termination or cessation date or prior to the expiration of the exercise period in respect of the SAR, whichever is sooner, and then only to the extent that such participant was entitled to exercise the SAR at such time. If a director or key employee becomes afflicted by a disability, all SARs granted to the participant will continue to vest in accordance with the terms of such SARs, provided that if, in the case of key employees, a participant’s employment is terminated due to disability, or in the case of directors, the participant ceases to be a director as a result of disability, subject to the applicable award agreement, any SAR held by such participant shall remain exercisable for a period of 120 days after the termination or cessation date or prior to the expiration of the exercise period in respect of the SAR, whichever is sooner, and then only to the extent that such participant was entitled to exercise the SAR at such time.
Where a consultant’s service to the Company terminates for any reason, subject to the applicable award agreement and any other contractual commitments between the participant and the Company, no SAR held by such participant shall be exercisable from the date of termination of service.
The following table sets forth the securities authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans as of the financial year ended April 30, 2021.
Plan Category | | Number of Securities to be Issued Upon Exercise of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights (a) | | Weighted Average Exercise Price of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights (b) | | Number of Securities Remaining Available for Future Issuance Under Equity Compensation Plans (excluding securities reflected in column (a)) |
Equity Compensation Plans Approved by Securityholders | | - | | - | | - |
Equity Compensation Plans Not Approved by Securityholders(1) | | - | | - | | 10,775,285(2) |
Total | | - | | - | | 10,775,285 |
(1) | In connection with the Company’s initial public offering completed in December 2019, the Company adopted the LTIP, which allows the Board to grant long-term equity based awards to eligible participants. Pursuant to the requirements of the TSX-V, the LTIP does not require approval by the Company’s shareholders until such time as the Company seeks to materially amend the LTIP, including the number of awards available under it. |
(2) | The maximum number of Shares reserved for issuance under the LTIP is 10,775,285. |
| |
For further information on the LTIP, see the section on page 17 entitled “Long-Term Incentive Plan”. |
None of the Company’s or the Company’s subsidiary’s directors, executive officers, employees, former directors, former executive officers, former employees, Nominees or associates of any of them, is or has been indebted to the Company or its subsidiary, or to another entity where such indebtedness is or has been the subject of a guarantee, support agreement, letter of credit or other similar arrangement or understanding provided by the Company or its subsidiary at any time since the beginning of the most recently completed financial year, and none of the foregoing persons, is indebted to the Company or its subsidiary as of the date of this Information Circular.
The Company is a “foreign private issuer” as defined under the Nasdaq Listing Rules. As a foreign private issuer, the Company is not required to comply with all of the corporate governance requirements of the Nasdaq Listing Rules and may follow home country practice in lieu of the requirements of the Rule 5600 Series, the requirement to disclose third party director and nominee compensation set forth in Rule 5250(b)(3) and the requirement to distribute annual and interim reports set forth in Rule 5250(d), subject to several important exceptions, including a requirement that the Company have an audit committee that satisfies Nasdaq Listing Rule 5605(c)(3), and ensure that such audit committee’s members meet the independence requirement in Rule 10A-3(b)(1) under the Exchange Act. The Company has reviewed the Nasdaq corporate governance requirements and confirms that the Company is in compliance with the Nasdaq corporate governance standards in all significant respects. The manner in which the Company’s corporate governance practice differs from the Nasdaq corporate governance requirements is described in the Company’s Nasdaq Corporate Governance disclosure, which can be viewed on the Company’s website at https://www.uraniumroyalty.com/_resources/governance/Nasdaq-Statement-of-Corporate-Governance-Differences.pdf.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is comprised of Mr. Gregson, Mr. Neuburger and Ms. Patel. Each member of the Audit Committee is considered “financially literate” as defined in NI 52-110. Each member of the Audit Committee is also considered independent pursuant to NI 52-110, Rule 10A-3 of the Exchange Act and Nasdaq Listing Rules. Mr. Gregson is the Chair of the Audit Committee. The Board has determined that Mr. Gregson is an audit committee financial expert, under the applicable criteria prescribed by the SEC in the general instructions of Form 40-F. The SEC has indicated that the designation of a person as an audit committee financial expert does not make such person an “expert” for any purpose, impose on such person any duties, obligations or liability that are greater than those imposed on such person as a member of the Audit Committee and Board in the absence of such designation, or affect the duties, obligations or liability of any other member of the Audit Committee or Board. As required by NI 52-110, information about our Audit Committee is provided in our most recent annual information form dated July 28, 2021, which is available under our SEDAR profile at www.sedar.com and on our website at www.uraniumroyalty.com.
Following the Meeting, and if Mr. Griffith is elected, it is expected that membership on the Audit Committee will be reconstituted such that the Audit Committee will be comprised of Mr. Gregson, Ms. Patel and Mr. Griffith, each of whom will be considered independent pursuant to NI 52-110 and Nasdaq Listing Rules. Following the Meeting, it is expected that Mr. Gregson will remain as the Chair of the Audit Committee.
Board of Directors
The Board is currently comprised of five members, three of whom are considered independent pursuant to NI 52-110 and Nasdaq Listing Rules. The Chairman of the Board is not independent. The Board considers that management is effectively supervised by the independent directors on an informal basis, as the independent directors are actively and regularly involved in reviewing the operations of the Company and have full access to management. The independent directors are also able to meet at any time without members of management and non-independent directors being present. The independent directors discharge their responsibilities for independent oversight of management through their representation on the Board.
Mr. Neuburger, Ms. Patel and Mr. Gregson are independent in that they do not have a direct or indirect material relationship with the Company that could, in the view of the Board, be reasonably expected to interfere with the exercise of a member’s independent judgment. Mr. Adnani is not independent by virtue of his involvement with UEC as its Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Melbye is not independent by virtue of the scope of his involvement with the Company as its Chief Executive Officer.
Following the Meeting, and if elected, it is expected that Mr. Griffith will replace Mr. Neuburger on the Board. Mr. Griffith will be considered independent pursuant to NI 52-110 and Nasdaq Listing Rules.
The following director Nominees of the Company are also directors of other reporting issuers.
Director | | Other reporting issuers | | Exchange | | Dates |
Amir Adnani | | UEC | | NYSE American | | June of 2005 to Present |
| GoldMining Inc. | | Toronto Stock Exchange and NYSE American | | January of 2011 to Present |
| Gold Royalty Corp. | | NYSE American | | November of 2020 to Present |
Neil Gregson | | Danakali Ltd. | | Australian Securities Exchange and London Stock Exchange | | August of 2020 to Present |
| Atalaya Mining Plc. | | Toronto Stock Exchange and Alternative Investment Market (“AIM”) of the London Stock Exchange | | February of 2021 to Present |
Attendance Report
The following table sets forth meeting attendance records for each director in the financial year ended April 30, 2021, including each committee of which the director is a member.
Director | | Board Meetings | | Independent Director Meetings | | Audit Committee Meetings | | Compensation Committee Meetings | | Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Meetings |
Amir Adnani(1) | | 6/6 | | - | | 4/4 | | 1/1 | | - |
Scott Melbye | | 6/6 | | - | | - | | - | | 1/1 |
David Neuburger(2) | | 6/6 | | 1/1 | | 4/4 | | 1/1 | | 1/1 |
Lady Barbara Judge(3) | | 1/1 | | - | | 1/1 | | - | | - |
Vina Patel(4) | | 6/6 | | 1/1 | | 3/3 | | 1/1 | | 1/1 |
Neil Gregson(5) | | 5/5 | | 1/1 | | - | | - | | - |
(1) | Mr. Adnani served as Chairman of the Audit Committee from September 24, 2019 to April 9, 2021. |
(2) | Mr. Neuburger is not standing for re-election at the Meeting. |
(3) | Lady Judge passed away on August 31, 2020. |
(4) | Ms. Patel was appointed as Chairman of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and as a member of the Compensation Committee on September 1, 2020 to fill the vacancies left by the passing of Lady Judge. |
(5) | Mr. Gregson was appointed as a director and as Chairman of the Audit Committee on October 13, 2020 and April 9, 2021, respectively. Effective April 9, 2021 the Audit Committee is comprised entirely of independent directors. |
The independent directors hold meetings at which non-independent directors and members of management are not in attendance. In addition, the Board facilitates open and candid discussion among its independent directors on an informal and ongoing basis as such need arises.
The board of directors does not have a Chairman independent of management. Mr. Adnani, the Chairman of the Board, is also the founder of the Company. The board of directors is satisfied that the autonomy of the board of directors and its ability to function independently of management are protected through measures such as the Audit Committee being comprised entirely of independent directors. In addition, the independent members of the board of directors meet separately from the non-independent members and the board of directors encourages its independent members to seek the advice of financial, legal or other advisors when necessary.
Board Mandate
The board of directors does not have a written mandate. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the board of directors is responsible for, among other things: (i) strategic planning for the Company; (ii) monitoring of the Company’s financial performance, financial reporting, financial risk management and oversight of policies and procedures; (iii) reviewing and, where appropriate, approving major corporate actions and internal controls of the Company; (iv) assessing risks facing the Company and reviewing options for their mitigation; (v) ensuring that the Company’s business is conducted with the highest standards of ethical conduct and in conformity with applicable laws and regulations; (vi) appointing officers of the Company, ensuring that they are qualified for their roles and planning their success as appropriate from time to time; and (vii) establishing and overseeing committees of the board of directors as appropriate, approving their mandates and approving any compensation of their members.
Position Descriptions
The board of directors of the Company has not developed a separate written position description for the Chair and the Chair of each board committee. The role of the Chair of the board and the Chair of each committee is to preside over all meetings of the board of directors, lead the board of directors or committee in regularly reviewing and assessing the adequacy of its mandate and its effectiveness in fulfilling its mandate, and in the case of the Chairs of each committee, report to the board of directors with respect to the activities of the committee.
The board of directors and the Chief Executive Officer have not developed a written position description for the Chief Executive Officer. However, the Chief Executive Officer’s principal duties and responsibilities are for planning the strategic direction of the Company, providing leadership to the Company, acting as a spokesperson for the Company, reporting to Shareholders, and overseeing the executive management of the Company.
Orientation and Continuing Education
The Board does not have any formal procedures to orient new Board members or provide continuing education for directors. When a new director is appointed, such director has the opportunity to meet other directors, executives, management and employees of the Company with orientation tailored to the needs and experience of the new director, as well as overall needs of the Board. New Board members are provided with information respecting the Company and its business and operations.
The Company relies on the advice of its professional advisors to update the knowledge of its Board members in respect of changes in relevant policies and regulations. A number of directors are also directors of other publicly traded companies and are benefiting from exposure to boards of directors of such companies. New Board members are generally selected on the basis of their breadth of experience with respect to the mining industry, having regard to the requirements for appropriate skill sets required by the Company.
As an ongoing process, the Board considers executive and management development (including training and monitoring of senior executives and management) based mainly on periodic reports from the Compensation Committee and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Board members are encouraged to communicate with executives, management, auditors and technical consultants to keep themselves current with the business and affairs of the Company and with respect to developments within the mining industry. Board members have free and full access to the Company’s records at all times.
Ethical Business Conduct
The Company has adopted a written code of business conduct and ethics (the “Code of Conduct”) to assist its employees, officers and directors to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct in corporate affairs and to encourage a culture of honesty, accountability and fair business practice. The Code of Conduct addresses fair dealings, compliance with laws, regulations and rules, conflicts of interest, corporate opportunities, accepting and giving gifts, public disclosure, shareholder relations, use of the Company’s property, handling of confidential information, discrimination and harassment and reporting of violations of the Code of Conduct. Any person subject to the Code of Conduct will be required to disclose interests that may give rise to conflicts of interest. The Code of Conduct also addresses matters concerning public disclosure and provides that communications with the public concerning the Company are full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable, and in accordance with the disclosure requirements under applicable securities laws. The Board will have the ultimate responsibility for the administration of the Code of Conduct. The Board monitors compliance with the Code by Conduct by requiring any person subject to the Code of Conduct to report breaches thereof to the attention of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Chair. To ensure the directors exercise independent judgement in considering transactions and agreements in which a director or executive officer has a material interest, any such director or executive officer removes himself or herself during any related Board discussions and such director does not cast a vote on any matter in respect of which such director has a material interest. The Code of Conduct is available under the Company’s profile on SEDAR and on the Company’s website at www.uraniumroyalty.com.
The Company has also adopted an insider trading policy (the “Insider Trading Policy”), which applies to all employees, officers and directors of, and consultants and contractors to, the Company or any subsidiary of the Company who receive or have access to “material non-public information” (as such term is defined in the Insider Trading Policy). This group of people, members of their immediate families, and members of their households are referred to as “insiders” in the Insider Trading Policy. The Insider Trading Policy also applies to any person who receives material non-public information from any insider. The objective of the Insider Trading Policy is to ensure that any purchase or sale of securities occurs without actual or perceived violation of applicable securities laws. The Insider Trading Policy provides for trading bans during which insiders and other persons who are subject to the policy are prohibited from trading in securities of the Company. The Insider Trading Policy also prohibits insiders and other persons who are subject to the policy from trading in securities of the Company during the period commencing on the first day after the end of each fiscal quarter and ending one trading day following the date of the public disclosure of the financial results for that quarter. Additional trading bans may also be prescribed from time to time to suspend trading because of developments known to the Company and not yet disclosed to the public.
The Company has also adopted a whistleblower policy (the “Whistleblower Policy”) wherein directors, officers and employees of the Company are provided with the mechanics by which they may raise concerns with respect to any unlawful, illegal or otherwise improper behavior. The Whistleblower Policy provides information regarding who to contact with a complaint or concern and how the Company will respond to a complaint or concern.
Nomination of Directors
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board in respect of filling of vacancies on the Board and as to nominees for the Board. On an annual basis, the Board reviews its strategies to determine the composition of the Board and the appropriate candidates to be put forth for election as directors at annual general meetings. The review takes into account the desirability of maintaining a balance of skills, experience, background and diverse perspectives. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is comprised of Ms. Patel, Mr. Neuburger and Mr. Melbye. Mr. Neuburger and Ms. Patel are considered independent pursuant to NI 52-110 and Nasdaq Listing Rules. Mr. Melbye is not independent by virtue of the scope of his involvement with the Company as its Chief Executive Officer. Ms. Patel is the Chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.
Following the Meeting, and if Mr. Griffith is elected, it is expected that membership on the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will be reconstituted such that the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will be comprised of Ms. Patel, Mr. Gregson and Mr. Griffith, each of whom will be considered independent pursuant to NI 52-110 and Nasdaq Listing Rules. Following the Meeting, it is expected that Ms. Patel will remain as the Chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for developing and establishing corporate governance guidelines and practices for the Board and the Company, for assessing the overall effectiveness and composition of the Board and committees of the Board and for providing recommendations to the Board for suitable nominations of directors at annual general meetings of Shareholders and the filling of vacancies on the Board.
The Compensation Committee is appointed by the Board to, among other things, discharge the Board’s responsibilities relating to compensation of the Company’s directors and officers. The Compensation Committee periodically reviews the adequacy and form of compensation to ensure it realistically reflects the responsibilities and risks involved in being an effective director or officer and that compensation allows the Company to attract qualified candidates. Such review includes an examination of publicly available data, as well as independent compensation surveys.
The Compensation Committee, among other things, annually reviews and approves corporate goals and objectives relevant to the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer, evaluates the Chief Executive Officer’s performance in light of those goals and objectives and determines the Chief Executive Officer’s compensation level based on this evaluation. The Compensation Committee meets without the presence of executive officers when approving the Chief Executive Officer’s compensation. For further information, see the section on page 11 entitled “Statement of Executive Compensation”.
The Compensation Committee may also consult with outside, independent, compensation advisory firms, if deemed necessary. The Compensation Committee is comprised of Mr. Neuburger, Mr. Adnani and Ms. Patel. Mr. Neuburger and Ms. Patel are considered independent pursuant to NI 52-110 and Nasdaq Listing Rules. Mr. Adnani is not independent by virtue of his involvement with UEC as its Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Neuburger is the Chair of the Compensation Committee.
Following the Meeting, and if Mr. Griffith is elected, it is expected that membership on the Compensation Committee will be reconstituted such that the Compensation Committee will be comprised of Ms. Patel, Mr. Gregson and Mr. Griffith, each of whom will be considered independent pursuant to NI 52-110 and Nasdaq Listing Rules. Following the Meeting, it is expected that Ms. Patel will replace Mr. Neuburger as the Chair of the Compensation Committee.
Other Committees of the Board of Directors
Other than the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, there are no other committees of the Board of Directors.
The Board establishes appropriate practices for the regular evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board, its committees and its members. Such assessment considers, in the case of the Board or a committee of the Board, its mandate or charter; and, in the case of an individual director, the applicable position description(s), as well as the competencies and skills each individual director is expected to bring to the Board. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee recommends to the Board any changes that would enhance the performance of the Board based on a variety of assessment criteria. During the financial year ended April 30, 2021, the Board conducted a board effectiveness assessment with regard to each of our Company’s directors. Our Board determined that each of the Company’s directors meets a high standard in terms of meeting attendance, preparation and engagement with the Company. All are highly effective and bring a diverse set of backgrounds and expertise to the Board.
Board Renewal
The Company does not have a mandatory retirement age or limit on the number of terms that a director may serve. The Board recognizes the value of board renewal and the perspectives that new directors can bring and considers these factors when nominating candidates for directorship and conducting assessments of the Board of Directors’ performance. The Board balances these interests against the value of having members with corporate and industry-specific knowledge that can be gained through continuous service.
The Company believes that diverse perspectives enhance its organizational strength, problem solving ability and opportunity for innovation. Furthermore, the Company recognizes that diversity of skill and experience is a critical and valuable consideration in the assessment of the Board of Directors, its composition and prospective nominee candidates as well as the composition of its senior management team.
The Company has not adopted a written policy relating to the identification and nomination of women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities (collectively, “Diversity Groups”) as directors, executive officers and members of senior management as the Company generally has and will continue to consider diversity when considering candidates. The Company has not adopted a formal target regarding any of the four designated Diversity Groups in director, executive officer or senior management positions. The Company believes that diversity is an important factor when identifying candidates for director, executive officer and senior management positions and, to that end, encourages members of the Diversity Groups to apply for open positions. The Company evaluates diversity as one of a variety of factors when considering a candidate, including their skills, expertise, experience and personal characteristics.
When considering the composition of, and individuals to nominate or hire to, the Board of Directors, executive officer positions and members of senior management, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and the Board of Directors, as applicable, will consider diversity from a number of aspects, including, but not limited to, gender, age, ethnicity and cultural diversity.
The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee takes gender, age, ethnicity, cultural diversity and skill into consideration as part of its overall recruitment and selection process in respect of potential candidates for the Board of Directors and executive officer positions. Accordingly, when searching for new directors, executive officers, and members of senior management, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will consider the level of representation of the four designated Diversity Groups on the Board and among the Company’s executive officers and senior management. This will be achieved by monitoring on an ongoing basis the level of representation of the four designated Diversity Groups on the Board of Directors, in executive officer and senior management positions.
The Company currently has one female director, representing 20% of our total directors, one female executive officer representing 50% of our total executive officers and one female member of senior management representing 50% of our total senior management. The Company currently has 2 directors that are members of visible minorities, representing 40% of our total directors and one executive officer representing 50% of our total executive officers and one member of senior management representing 50% of our total senior management that is a visible minority. No Indigenous peoples or persons with disabilities currently serve on the Board of Directors or currently hold any executive officer positions within the Company. The Company continues to be committed to ongoing review with respect to the diversity of its directors, executive officers and members of senior management.
Except as otherwise disclosed herein, no person who is or has been a director or executive officer of the Company since the beginning of the Company’s last financial year, or any proposed Nominee for election as a director of the Company, or any of their associates or affiliates, has any material interest, direct or indirect, by way of beneficial ownership of Shares or otherwise, in any matter to be acted upon at the Meeting.
Mr. Adnani, the Chairman and a director of URC, serves as the Chief Executive Officer, President and a director of UEC. Mr. Melbye, the Chief Executive Officer, President and a director of URC, serves as Executive Vice President of UEC. UEC currently owns 15,000,000 Shares of the Company, which represents approximately 18.1% of our issued and outstanding Shares.
Except as disclosed herein, no informed person of URC, Nominee or any associate or affiliate of such informed person or Nominee, has any material interest, direct or indirect, in any transaction since the commencement of our most recently completed financial year or in any proposed transaction which has materially affected or will materially affect us or our subsidiary, except any interest arising from the ownership of Shares where such person or company will receive no extra or special benefit or advantage not shared on a pro rata basis by all holders of the same class of Shares who are resident in Canada.
For the purposes of this Information Circular, an “informed person” means (i) any of our directors or officers; (ii) a director or officer of a person or company that is itself an informed person; or (iii) any person or company who beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, and/or exercises control or direction over our voting securities carrying more than 10% of the voting rights attaching to all our outstanding voting securities.
Our registrar and transfer agent is Computershare Investor Services Inc., 510 Burrard Street, 3rd Floor, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B9.
Our management knows of no other matters to come before the Meeting other than as referred to in the Notice of Meeting. However, if any other matter(s) which are not known to our management shall properly come before the Meeting, the proxy given pursuant to the solicitation by our management will be voted on such matter(s) in accordance with the best judgment of the person(s) voting the proxy.
Additional information relating to the Company is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com and on the Company’s website at www.uraniumroyalty.com. Additional financial information is provided in the Company’s comparative audited financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis (the “MD&A”) for the Company’s most recently completed financial year, which are also available on SEDAR. Shareholders may contact the Company to request a paper copy of the Meeting Materials or the Company’s comparative audited financial statements and MD&A at: toll free 1-855-396-8222 (extension 509), or by sending a written request to Suite 1830 – 1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 2Y3, Attention: Chief Financial Officer. There is no cost to Shareholders for requesting a paper copy of the Meeting Materials or the comparative audited financial statements and MD&A.
The final date by which the Company must receive any proposals for any matter that a person entitled to vote at an annual meeting of Shareholders proposes to raise at the next annual meeting of Shareholders is May 20, 2022, subject to the requirements of the Canada Business Corporations Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-44.
SHAREHOLDER nominations
The By-Laws of the Company include advance notice provisions, whereby Shareholders may nominate a candidate for election as a director of the Company. Such notice must be delivered prior to the Meeting and in accordance with the timelines and other requirements set forth in the By-Laws of the Company and in writing and proper form to the Company at Suite 1830 – 1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 2Y3, Attention: Chief Executive Officer. No nominations were received from the Shareholders for consideration at the Meeting.
The undersigned hereby certifies that the contents and the sending of this Information Circular have been approved by our directors.
DATED at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, as of the 20th day of August, 2021.
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| /s/ Amir Adnani |
| Amir Adnani |
| Chairman and Director |