Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Combined Statement of Financial
- Combined Statement of Loss and
- Unaudited Condensed Consolidate
- Unaudited Condensed Consolida_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Corporate information
- Summary of accounting policies
- Convenience translation
- Fair value estimation
- Business Combination
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Trade receivables
- Inventories
- Prepayments, other receivables
- Financial instruments by catego
- Intangible assets, net
- Interest-bearing bank borrowing
- Other payables and accruals
- Share capital
- Revenues
- Loss per share
- Cash flow information
- Commitments and contingent liab
- Event occurring after the repor
- Summary of accounting policies
- Business Combination (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Trade receivables (Tables)
- Fair value estimation (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Prepayments, other receivable_2
- Financial instruments by cate_2
- Intangible assets, net (Tables)
- Interest-bearing bank borrowi_2
- Other payables and accruals (Ta
- Revenues (Tables)
- Loss per share (Tables)
- Cash flow information (Tables)
- Corporate information - Additio
- Summary of accounting policie_2
- Convenience translation - Addit
- Fair value estimation - Summary
- Fair value estimation - Additio
- Business Combination - Addition
- Business Combination - Summary
- Business Combination - Summar_2
- Cash and cash equivalents - Sum
- Trade receivables - Summary of
- Trade receivables - Summary o_2
- Inventories - Summary of Invent
- Inventories - Additional Inform
- Prepayments, other receivable_3
- Prepayments, other receivable_4
- Financial instruments by cate_3
- Intangible assets, net - Summar
- Interest-bearing bank borrowi_3
- Other payables and accruals - S
- Other payables and accruals -_2
- Other Payables And Accruals - D
- Share capital - Additional Info
- Revenues - Summary of Detailed
- Revenues - Additional Informati
- Loss per share - Earning per Sh
- Loss per share - Additional Inf
- Cash flow information - Cash u
- Commitments and contingent li_2
- Event occurring after the rep_2