Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Consolidated Statements of Fina
- Consolidated Statements of Prof
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Ch_2
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Corporate information
- Material accounting policies
- Financial risk management and c
- Significant accounting judgment
- Business combination
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Trade receivables
- Contract assets
- Inventories
- Prepayments, other receivables
- Financial instruments by catego
- Intangible assets, net
- Leases
- Financial assets at fair value
- Financial asset at fair value t
- Property, plant and equipment
- Interest-bearing bank borrowing
- Trade payables
- Other payables and accruals
- Convertible bonds
- Share capital and additional pa
- Revenues
- Other gains, net
- Operating costs and expenses by
- Fair value changes
- Finance costs
- Taxation
- Loss per share
- Share-based payments
- Cash flow information
- Commitments
- Contingencies
- Related party transactions
- Event occurring after the repor
- Material accounting policies (P
- Corporate information (Tables)
- Material accounting policies (T
- Financial risk management and_2
- Business combination (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Trade receivables (Tables)
- Contract assets (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Prepayments, other receivable_2
- Financial instruments by cate_2
- Intangible assets, net (Tables)
- Leases (Tables)
- Financial assets at fair valu_2
- Financial asset at fair value_2
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Interest-bearing bank borrowi_2
- Trade payables (Tables)
- Other payables and accruals (Ta
- Convertible bonds (Tables)
- Share capital and additional _2
- Revenues (Tables)
- Other gains, net (Tables)
- Operating costs and expenses _2
- Finance costs (Tables)
- Taxation (Tables)
- Loss per share (Tables)
- Share-based payments (Tables)
- Cash flow information (Tables)
- Commitments (Tables)
- Related party transactions (Tab
- Corporate information - Summary
- Corporate information - Additio
- Material accounting policies -
- Material accounting policies _2
- Material accounting policies _3
- Material accounting policies _4
- Financial risk management and_3
- Financial risk management and_4
- Financial risk management and_5
- Financial risk management and_6
- Financial risk management and_7
- Significant accounting judgme_2
- Business combination - Addition
- Business combination - Summary
- Business combination - Summar_2
- Cash and cash equivalents - Sum
- Cash and cash equivalents - Add
- Trade receivables - Summary of
- Trade receivables - Summary o_2
- Trade receivables - Additional
- Trade receivables - Summary o_3
- Trade Receivables - Summary o_4
- Contract assets -- Summary Of C
- Contract assets - Summary Of Ex
- Contract assets - Additional In
- Inventories - Disclosure Of Inv
- Prepayments, other receivable_3
- Prepayments, other receivable_4
- Financial instruments by cate_3
- Intangible assets, net - Summar
- Leases - Summary of Right-of-us
- Leases - Summary of Lease Items
- Leases - Summary of Lease Ite_2
- Leases - Summary of Cash Outflo
- Leases - Summary of carrying am
- Leases - Additional Information
- Financial assets at fair valu_3
- Financial assets at fair valu_4
- Financial assets at fair valu_5
- Financial assets at fair valu_6
- Financial assets at fair valu_7
- Financial assets at fair valu_8
- Financial assets at fair valu_9
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Interest-bearing bank borrowi_3
- Interest-bearing bank borrowi_4
- Trade payables - Summary of Tra
- Other payables and accruals - S
- Other payables and accruals -_2
- Other Payables And Accruals - D
- Other Payables And Accruals -
- Convertible bonds - Additional
- Convertible bonds - Summary Of
- Convertible bonds - Summary O_2
- Share capital and additional _3
- Share capital and additional _4
- Revenues - Summary of Detailed
- Revenue - Disclosure of timing
- Other gains, net - Summary of D
- Operating costs and expenses _3
- Fair value Changes - Additional
- Finance costs - Summary of Deta
- Taxation - Summary of reconcili
- Taxation - Additional Informati
- Loss per share - Earning per sh
- Loss per share - Additional Inf
- Share-based payments - Disclosu
- Share-based payments - Disclo_2
- Share-based payments - Disclo_3
- Share-based payments - Disclo_4
- Share-based payments - Addition
- Cash flow information - Cash u
- Cash flow information - Summar
- Cash flow information - Additio
- Commitments - Summary of maturi
- Contingencies - (Additional Inf
- Related Party Transactions - Ad
- Related party transactions - Su
- Related party transactions - _2
- Related party transactions - _3
- Related party transactions - _4
- Event occurring after the rep_2