Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Pay vs Performance Disclosure
- Insider Trading Arrangements
- Corporate information and going
- Significant accounting policies
- Recent accounting pronouncement
- Acquisitions and divestitures
- Goodwill and intangible assets
- Leases
- Line of credit
- Convertible debt
- Shareholders_ Equity
- Net loss per share
- Share-based compensation
- Warrants
- Related party transactions
- Commitments and contingencies
- Revenue and segmented informati
- Fair value measurements
- Discontinued operations
- Subsequent events
- Significant accounting polici_2
- Significant accounting polici_3
- Acquisitions and divestitures (
- Goodwill and intangible assets
- Leases (Tables)
- Convertible debt (Tables)
- Net loss per share (Tables)
- Share-based compensation (Table
- Warrants (Tables)
- Revenue and segmented informa_2
- Fair value measurements (Tables
- Corporate information and goi_2
- Schedule of Material Subsidiari
- Significant accounting polici_4
- Schedule of Purchase Considerat
- Schedule of Preliminary Purchas
- Acquisitions and divestitures_2
- Schedule of Goodwill (Details)
- Schedule of Intangible Assets (
- Schedule of Amortization Expens
- Goodwill and intangible asset_2
- Schedule of Components Operatin
- Schedule of Maturities of Lease
- Leases (Details Narrative)
- Line of credit (Details Narrati
- Schedule of Detailed Informatio
- Schedule of Convertible Debentu
- Convertible debt (Details Narra
- Shareholders_ Equity (Details N
- Schedule of Potential Common Sh
- Schedule of Option Outstanding
- Schedule of RSUs Outstanding (D
- Share-based compensation (Detai
- Schedule of Changes in Value of
- Schedule of Assumptions Fair Va
- Schedule of Warrants Outstandin
- Warrants (Details Narrative)
- Related party transactions (Det
- Commitments and contingencies (
- Schedule of Disaggregated into
- Schedule of Property and Equipm
- Schedule of Financial Assets an
- Discontinued operations (Detail
- Subsequent events (Details Narr