Consider and recruit candidates to fill positions on the Board of Directors, including vacancies resulting from the removal, resignation or retirement of any Director, an increase in the size of the Board of Directors or otherwise. In considering potential candidates, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee shall discuss the specific experience, qualifications, attributes and skills that may lead it to the conclusion that such candidate should serve as a director for the Company, in light of the Company’s then-existing business and structure.
Establish the criteria for evaluating (subject to Board of Directors approval of those qualifications) and evaluate the qualifications of individuals for election as members of the Board of Directors (or a committee thereof), which criteria shall include, at a minimum, the following:
to the extent required, compliance with the independence and other applicable requirements of the Nasdaq Listing Rules, the 1940 Act and the SEC, all other applicable laws, rules, regulations and listing standards and the criteria, policies and principles set forth in this Charter; and
the ability to contribute to the effective management of the Company, taking into account the needs of the Company and such factors as the individual’s experience, perspective, skills, and knowledge of the industry in which the Company operates.
Recommend the Director nominees for approval by the Board of Directors and election by the stockholders of the Company.
Consider stockholder recommendations for possible nominees for election as members of the Board of Directors.
Annually evaluate the qualifications and diversity of current members of the Board of Directors who are available for reelection in light of the characteristics of independence, age, skills, experience, availability of service to the Company and tenure of its members, and of the Board of Director’s anticipated needs. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee shall seek to enhance the perspectives and experiences of the Board of Directors through diversity in gender, ethnic background, geographic origin and professional experience.
Upon a significant change in a member of the Board of Directors’ personal circumstances (including a change in principal occupation) or in the event a significant ongoing time commitment arises that may be inconsistent with a member of the Board of Director’s service to the Board, review, as appropriate, the continued Board membership of such member.
Report to the Board of Directors its conclusions with respect to the matters that the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee has considered.
Establish and recommend to the Board of Directors guidelines for the removal of members of the Board of Directors.
Review the desirability of term limits for Directors and recommend to the Board of Directors policies in this regard from time to time.
Evaluate the leadership structure of the Board of Directors, including the responsibilities of the Board of Directors with respect to the Company’s management and whether the Chairman of the Board of Directors is an “interested person” of the Company and evaluate whether such leadership structure is appropriate for the Company in light of the Company’s then-existing business and structure. If the Chairman of the Board of Directors is an “interested person” of the Company, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee shall consider whether appointment of a lead independent director is appropriate and if appointed, establish the role of such director in the leadership of the Company.
Oversee the evaluation of the Board of Directors and executive officers of the Company. In discharging this responsibility, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee shall solicit comments from all Directors and report annually to the Board of Directors on the results of the evaluation.