Unless otherwise indicated, information presented in this Prospectus which forms part of this registration statement on Form F-1 (this “Prospectus”) (i) assumes that the underwriters’ option to purchase additional Shares is not exercised and (ii) assumes that the initial public offering price of the Shares will be $ per Share (which is the midpoint of the estimated price range set forth on the cover page of this Prospectus).
Throughout this Prospectus, unless the context otherwise requires, (i) references to “Borr Drilling Limited,” “Borr Drilling,” the “Company,” the “Registrant,” “we,” “us,” “Group,” “our” and words of similar import refer to Borr Drilling Limited and its consolidated subsidiaries, (ii) references to our “Board” or “Board of Directors” refer to the board of directors of Borr Drilling Limited as constituted at any point in time and “Director” or “Directors” refers to a member or members of the Board, as applicable, (iii) references to “Borr Drilling Management Dubai” and “Borr Drilling Management UK” refer to our subsidiaries Borr Drilling Management DMCC and Borr Drilling Management (UK) Ltd, respectively, (iv) references to our “Memorandum,” each provision thereof a “Clause,” or the “Bye-Laws,” each provision thereof a “Bye-Law,” refer to the memorandum of association and the amended and restated bye-laws of Borr Drilling Limited, respectively, each as in effect from time to time, (v) references to “Magni” or “Magni Partners” refers to Magni Partners (Bermuda) Limited, (vi) references to “Taran” refer to Taran Holdings Limited, (vii) references to “Ubon” refer to Ubon Partners AS, (viii) references to “Drew” refer to Drew Holdings Limited, (ix) references to our “DNB Revolving Credit Facility” or “DNB RCF” refer to our revolving credit facility with DNB Bank ASA, (x) references to our “Guarantee Facility” refer to our guarantee facility with DNB Bank ASA, (xi) references to our “DC Revolving Credit Facility” or “DC RCF” refer to our revolving credit and guarantee facility with Danske Bank A/S and Citigroup Global Markets Limited, (xii) references to our “Bridge Facility” or “Bridge RCF” refer to our revolving credit facility with Danske Bank A/S and DNB Bank ASA (xiii) references to our “Convertible Bonds” refer to our $350.0 million convertible bonds due 2023, (xiv) references to our “jack-up rigs” shall be deemed to include our semi-submersible rig (as the context may require) and (xv) references to our “Reverse Share Split” refer to the expected conversion of each of our Shares into 0. Shares, resulting in a reverse share split at a ratio of -for- .
References in this Prospectus to our “Financing Arrangements” refer to our DNB RCF, Guarantee Facility, DC RCF, Bridge RCF, Convertible Bonds and shipyard delivery financing arrangements described more fully herein, collectively, including the agreements and other terms governing our DNB RCF, Guarantee Facility, DC RCF, Bridge RCF, Convertible Bonds and delivery financing arrangements, respectively.
References in this Prospectus (i) to the “SEC” refer to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and (ii) to “U.S. GAAP” refer to the generally accepted accounting principles in the United States as in effect at any point in time.
References in this Prospectus to “Keppel” and “PPL” refer to the shipyards Keppel FELS Limited and PPL Shipyard Pte Ltd., respectively, including their respective subsidiaries and affiliates as the context may require.
References in this Prospectus to “NDC,” “Total,” “ExxonMobil,” “Perenco,” “TAQA,” “BW Energy,” “ONGC,” “Spirit Energy,” “BP” and “Chevron” refer to our key customers the National Drilling Company, Total S.A., Exxon Mobil Corporation, Perenco S.A., Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC, BW Offshore Limited, the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Spirit Energy Limited, BP plc and Chevron Corporation, respectively, including their respective subsidiaries and affiliates as the context may require.
References in this Prospectus to “ABS” and “DNV GL” refer to the American Bureau of Shipping and Det Norske Veritas and Germanisher Lloyd, respectively.
Unless otherwise indicated, all references to “U.S.$” and “$” in this Prospectus are to, and amounts are presented in, U.S. dollars. All references to “€,” “EUR,” or “Euros” are to the single currency of the European Monetary Union, all references to “£,” “Pounds” or “GBP” are to pounds sterling and all references to “NOK” are to Norwegian krone.
In this Prospectus, we present certain market and industry data. When furnishing the information set out in this Prospectus, including the industry information and data presented in the section entitled “Industry Overview,” we have used certain statistical and graphical information obtained from Rystad Energy, an independent energy research and business intelligence company. See “Experts.” Rystad Energy has advised us that the statistical and graphical information presented in this Prospectus is drawn from its database and other sources. We do not have any knowledge that the information provided by Rystad Energy is inaccurate in any material respect. Rystad Energy has further