Rig Name Rig Design Rig Water Depth (ft) Year Built Customer / Status Contract Start Contract End Location Comments Borr DrillingFleet Status Report - 30th November 2020 Tivar KFELS Super B Bigfoot Class 400 ft Under Construction KFELS shipyard, Singapore Rig Delivery in June - 2022 Heidrun KFELS Bigfoot B Class 400 ft Under Construction KFELS shipyard, Singapore Rig Delivery in September - 2022 Vale KFELS Super B Bigfoot Class 400 ft Under Construction KFELS shipyard, Singapore Rig Delivery in July - 2022 Var KFELS Super B Bigfoot Class 400 ft Under Construction KFELS shipyard, Singapore Rig Delivery in September - 2022 Operating / Committed Available Cold Stack Under Construction Premium Jack-Ups 28 13 10 0 5 Standard Jack-Ups 0 0 Total Jack-Ups 28 Semi - Submersible 0 0 Total Fleet 28 13 10 0 5 Huldra KFELS Bigfoot B Class 400 ft Under Construction KFELS shipyard, Singapore Rig Delivery in August - 2022 - HD/HE Capability.- Asset under sales agreement subject to conditionsForward Looking Statements:The statements described in this status report that are not historical facts are "Forward Looking Statements".Forward Looking Statements reflect management’s current expectations and assumptions, and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict. No assurance can be given that the expectations expressed in these Forward-Looking Statements will prove to be correct. Actual results could differ materially from expectations expressed in, or implied by, the Forward-Looking Statements if one or more of the underlying assumptions or expectations proves to be inaccurate or is unrealised. These include, but are not limited to, changes to commencement dates, contract duration, earned day rates, locations and other contractual terms; risks relating to the delivery of drilling rigs under construction; sale and purchase of drilling units; oil and gas prices; and risks associated with international operations generally.No Forward-Looking Statement contained in herein or expressed elsewhere should be relied upon as predicting future events.We undertake no obligation to update or revise any Forward-Looking Statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur, or which we become aware of, after the date hereof, except as otherwise may be required by law. Jack-Ups Under Construction Borr Drilling - Fleet Status Report - November 2020