Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- General information and corpora
- Basis of presentation and accou
- Financial Risk Management
- Segment information
- Revenue
- Cost of services
- Selling, general and administra
- Other operating income
- Financial results, net
- Share of loss in associates
- Income tax expense
- Intangible assets, net
- Property, plant and equipment,
- Investments in associates
- Deferred income tax
- Other receivables
- Inventories
- Trade receivables
- Other financial assets
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Borrowings
- Other liabilities
- Trade payables
- Equity
- Contingencies, commitments and
- Business combinations, other ac
- Related party balances and tran
- Cash flow disclosures
- Discontinued Operations
- Earnings per share
- Subsequent events
- Basis of presentation and acc38
- Basis of presentation and acc39
- Financial Risk Management (Tabl
- Segment information (Tables)
- Revenue (Tables)
- Cost of services (Tables)
- Selling, general and administ44
- Other operating income (Tables)
- Financial results, net (Tables)
- Share of loss in associates (Ta
- Income tax expense (Tables)
- Intangible assets, net (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment50
- Investments in associates (Tabl
- Deferred income tax (Tables)
- Other receivables (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Trade receivables (Tables)
- Other financial assets (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Borrowings (Tables)
- Other liabilities (Tables)
- Trade payables (Tables)
- Equity (Tables)
- Contingencies, commitments an62
- Business combinations, other 63
- Related party balances and tr64
- Cash flow disclosures (Tables)
- Discontinued Operations (Tables
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- General information and corpo68
- Basis of presentation and acc69
- Basis of presentation and acc70
- Basis of presentation and acc71
- Basis of presentation and acc72
- Basis of presentation and acc73
- Basis of presentation and acc74
- Basis of presentation and acc75
- Financial Risk Management (Deta
- Financial Risk Management (De77
- Financial Risk Management (De78
- Financial Risk Management (De79
- Financial Risk Management (De80
- Segment information (Details)
- Revenue (Details)
- Cost of services (Details)
- Cost of services (Detail Textua
- Selling, general and administ85
- Other operating income (Details
- Financial results, net (Details
- Share of loss in associates (De
- Income tax expense (Details)
- Income tax expense (Details 1)
- Income tax expense (Detail Text
- Intangible assets, net (Details
- Intangible assets, net (Detai93
- Intangible assets, net (Detai94
- Intangible assets, net (Detail
- Property, plant and equipment96
- Investments in associates (Deta
- Investments in associates (De98
- Investments in associates (De99
- Investments in associates (D100
- Deferred income tax (Details)
- Deferred income tax (Details 1)
- Deferred income tax (Details 2)
- Deferred income tax (Details 3)
- Deferred income tax (Detail Tex
- Other receivables (Details)
- Other receivables (Detail Textu
- Inventories (Details)
- Trade receivables (Details)
- Trade receivables (Details 1)
- Trade receivables (Details 2)
- Other financial assets (Details
- Cash and cash equivalents (Deta
- Cash and cash equivalents (D114
- Borrowings (Details)
- Borrowings (Details 1)
- Borrowings (Details 2)
- Borrowings (Details 3)
- Borrowings (Details 4)
- Borrowings (Detail Textuals)
- Borrowings (Detail Textuals 1)
- Borrowings (Detail Textuals 2)
- Borrowings (Detail Textuals 3)
- Other liabilities (Details)
- Other liabilities (Details 1)
- Other liabilities (Details 2)
- Other liabilities (Details 3)
- Other liabilities (Details 4)
- Other liabilities (Details 5)
- Other liabilities (Details 6)
- Other liabilities (Details 7)
- Other liabilities (Detail Textu
- Other liabilities (Detail Te133
- Trade payables (Details)
- Equity (Details)
- Equity (Details 1)
- Equity (Details 2)
- Equity (Details 3)
- Contingencies, commitments a139
- Contingencies, commitments a140
- Contingencies, commitments a141
- Contingencies, commitments a142
- Contingencies, commitments a143
- Contingencies, commitments a144
- Contingencies, commitments a145
- Contingencies, commitments a146
- Contingencies, commitments a147
- Contingencies, commitments a148
- Business combinations, other149
- Business combinations, other150
- Business combinations, other151
- Related party balances and t152
- Related party balances and t153
- Related party balances and t154
- Cash flow disclosures (Details)
- Cash flow disclosures (Details
- Cash flow disclosures (Detai157
- Discontinued Operations (Detail
- Discontinued Operations (Det159
- Discontinued Operations (Det160
- Discontinued Operations (Det161
- Earnings per share (Details)
- Earnings per share (Detail Text
- Subsequent events (Detail Textu
- Subsequent events (Detail Te165
- Subsequent events (Detail Te166