Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Condensed Consolidated and Comb
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated and Co_2
- Condensed Consolidated and Co_3
- Supplemental Balance Sheet Info
- Supplemental Balance Sheet In_2
- Supplemental Balance Sheet In_3
- Basis of Presentation and Respo
- Revenue
- Restructuring
- Earnings Per Share
- Acquisitions
- Goodwill and Other Identifiable
- Derivatives and Financial Instr
- Debt
- Income Taxes
- Shareholders' Equity
- Segment Information
- Leases
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Basis of Presentation and Res_2
- Revenue (Tables)
- Restructuring (Tables)
- Earnings Per Share (Tables)
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab_2
- Derivatives and Financial Ins_2
- Debt (Tables)
- Segment Information (Tables)
- Leases (Tables)
- Basis of Presentation and Res_3
- Revenue - Additional Informatio
- Revenue - Performance Obligatio
- Revenue - Schedule of Contract
- Revenue - Geographic Net Sales
- Revenue - Vertical Sales by Seg
- Restructuring - Costs Included
- Restructuring - Costs by Report
- Restructuring - Accrual Activit
- Earnings Per Share - Additional
- Earnings Per Share - Schedule o
- Acquisitions (Details)
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab_3
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab_4
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab_5
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab_6
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab_7
- Derivatives and Financial Ins_3
- Derivatives and Financial Ins_4
- Derivatives and Financial Ins_5
- Debt - Schedule of Debt (Detail
- Debt - Senior Notes (Details)
- Debt - Senior Credit Facilities
- Debt - Schedule of Contracutal
- Income Taxes (Details)
- Shareholders' Equity (Details)
- Segment Information - Financial
- Segment Information - Reconcili
- Leases (Details)
- Leases - Weighted Average Term
- Leases - Future Lease Payments,
- Leases - Supplemental Cash Flow
- Leases - Supplemental Balance S
- Commitments and Contingencies (