Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Unaudited Condensed Consolidate
- Unaudited Condensed Consolida_2
- Unaudited Condensed Consolida_3
- Unaudited Condensed Consolida_4
- Reporting entity
- Basis of accounting
- Functional and presentation cur
- Significant accounting policies
- Use of estimates and judgments
- Operating segments
- Earnings per share
- Revenue
- Operating costs and expenses (e
- Finance income and costs
- Income taxes
- Property and equipment
- Intangible assets and goodwill
- Trade and other receivables
- Equity-accounted investees
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Capital and reserves
- Management incentive agreement
- Loans and borrowings
- Trade and other payables
- Leases
- Significant subsidiaries
- Contingencies
- Currency risk
- Related parties
- Subsequent events
- Basis of accounting (Policies)
- Operating segments (Tables)
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Revenue (Tables)
- Operating costs and expenses _2
- Finance income and costs (Table
- Income taxes (Tables)
- Intangible assets and goodwill
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Equity-accounted investees (Tab
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Capital and reserves (Tables)
- Management incentive agreement
- Loans and borrowings (Tables)
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Leases (Tables)
- Significant subsidiaries (Table
- Currency risk (Tables)
- Related parties (Tables)
- Reporting entity (Details)
- Basic of accounting (Details)
- Operating segments - Summary of
- Operating segments - Summary _2
- Operating segments - Summary _3
- Operating segments - Summary _4
- Earnings per share - Additional
- Earnings per share - Summary Of
- Revenue - Summary Of Disaggrega
- Revenue - Summary Of Revenue Fr
- Revenue - Additional Informatio
- Operating costs and expenses _3
- Operating costs and expenses _4
- Finance income and costs - Summ
- Finance income and costs - Su_2
- Income taxes - Summary of incom
- Income taxes - Summary of recon
- Income taxes - Summary of defer
- Income taxes - Summary of inc_2
- Income taxes - Additional Infor
- Property and equipment (Details
- Intangible assets and goodwil_2
- Intangible assets and goodwil_3
- Trade and other receivables - S
- Trade and other receivables - A
- Equity-accounted investees - Su
- Equity-accounted investees - Ad
- Cash and cash equivalents (Deta
- Capital and reserves - Disclosu
- Capital and reserves - Addition
- Management incentive agreemen_2
- Management incentive agreemen_3
- Management incentive agreemen_4
- Management incentive agreemen_5
- Management incentive agreemen_6
- Loans and borrowings - Summary
- Loans and borrowings - Addition
- Trade and other payables (Detai
- Leases - Summary of right-of-us
- Leases - Summary of lease liabi
- Leases - Summary of amounts rec
- Leases - Summary of amounts r_2
- Significant subsidiaries (Detai
- Contingencies (Details)
- Currency risk (Details)
- Currency risk - Additional Info
- Related parties - Additional In
- Related parties - Summary of ke
- Related parties - Summary of bo
- Related parties - Summary of tr
- Subsequent events (Details)