Welcome to KoreTransfer
November 9, 2020
Dear Brandon Mendenhall:
Thank you for choosing KoreTransfer Agency to provide stock registrar and transfer agency services for your company.
We are not your traditional transfer agent. We are priced to be entrepreneur- friendly, and we work hard to provide fast, accurate, and affordable services. To do this, we use the KoreConX all-in-one platform.
We do more than just manage securities. You can include shares, digital securities, options, warrants, debt instruments, promissory notes, SAFEs, etc. in your captable. You can manage compliance, governance, capital raising, board of director activities and ongoing corporate securities-related activities. Our goal is to deliver a host of solutions that will bring all your shareholders/brand ambassadors, stakeholders, and partners together to operate more efficiently.
ToensuretheeffectivesetupandsmoothoperationofyouraccountinKoreConXall- in-oneplatform,werequestyourassistanceincompletingandreturningtheattached documents.
Since our business is highly regulated, we have taken the liberty of providing some basic guidelines that will facilitate a smooth and efficient working relationship:
- All requests for securities services, such as treasury issuances orsecurities
holders' lists, must be sent to your assigned Transfer Agent.
- We can only communicate with directors on company business unless we receive written authority to communicate with other parties (see theattached communication authorityform).
- If there is a change to the company that we need to know (e.g., new director, new officer, business name, or address), your securities holders are required to know as well. Ask us about the rules surrounding shareholder disclosure and how you can use KoreConX all-in-one platform to keep things organized and updated.
- Finally, if you are ever unclear or need assistance, I am always happy totalk!
Sincerely Yours,
Jason Futko
Co-Founder, CFO
THIS AGREEMENT made as ofNovember 9, 2020
RAD Diversified REIT, Inc
Registered Office: 211 N Lois Ave, Tampa, Florida,33609, USA
(hereinafter referred to as the "Issuer") AND:
635 16thSt., Niagara Falls, NY14301 (USA)
(hereinafter referred to as "KoreTransfer" or Transfer Agent and Registrar)
(Together referred to as the "Parties")
WITNESSES THAT the parties hereto agree and covenant with each other as follows:
1. Corporate Authority andAppointment
a) The Issuer, having taken all necessary corporate action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance by it of this Agreement, has appointed KoreTransfer as Transfer Agent and Registrar ('shares' are herein defined as common shares, preferred shares, options, warrants, digital securities/security tokens, trust units and like securities evidenced byabookentryontheissuer'ssecurityregister)andKoreTransferaccepts such appointment, upon the terms set out in thisAgreement.
b) KoreTransfer agrees to faithfully carry out and perform its duties hereunder, and upon the termination hereof, to deliver over to the Issuer thebooksandanydocumentsandpapersconnectedtherewithorwiththe business of the Issuer transacted hereunder, against a receipt executed by theIssuer.
2. Duty to Keep and ProvideRecords
KoreTransfer shall keep on its secure online platform the Issuer's share ledger, register and branch registers of transfers, digital securities/security tokens and electronic certificates (eCerts as defined below), and subject to such general and particular instructions as may from time to time be given to it by or under the authorityoftheBoardofDirectorsoftheIssueroranyapplicablelaw,KoreTransfer shall, in accordance with thisAgreement:
a) make such entries from time to time in the books as may be necessaryin order that the
accounts of each shareholder or token holder of the Issuer may be properly and accurately kept and transfers of shares properly recorded;
b) upon payment of any applicable transfer taxes, countersign, register and issue share eCerts (as defined below) or digital securities/security tokens to the shareholders or token holders entitled thereto representing the shares/digital securities/security tokens held or transferred to them respectively; and
c) furnish to the Issuer statements, lists, entries, information and material, concerning transfers and other matters, as are maintained or preparedby it as transfer agent, registrar and disbursing agent, of theIssuer.
3. DividendDisbursement
a) KoreTransfer shall disburse dividends and other distributions which may be declared from time to time on the shares of the Issuer, and KoreTransfer is hereby authorized and directed to pay such dividends and other distributions after receiptatits principal officeof:
- acertifiedcopyoftheresolutionoftheboardofdirectorsoftheIssuer declaring such dividends or other distributions or similar documentation that is acceptable to KoreTransfer,and
- funds in an amount sufficient for the payment of such dividendsand any cost associated with delivery offunds.
b) If any funds are received by KoreTransfer in the form other than wire transfer,KoreTransfershallbeentitledtodelaythetimeforreleaseofsuch funds until such funds shall be determined to have cleared the financial institution upon which the same are drawn. If KoreTransfer shall hold any amount on account of distributions which are unclaimed or which cannot bepaidforanyreason,KoreTransfershallbeundernoobligationtoinvest or reinvest the same but shall only be obligated to hold same in a current or other non-interest bearing account pending payment to the person or personsentitledthereto,andshallbeentitledtoretainforitsownaccount any benefit earned by the holding of same prior to its disposition in accordance with thisAgreement.
4. Authority to Act andReliance
a) KoreTransfer will act on instructions from the Issuerandonly those individuals who are authorized by a resolution of the board ofdirectors. The Issuer shall also update KoreTransfer with any changes to their directors, officers and authorized personnel as they occur, and ata
minimum annually, and supplying all items on Schedule "B".
b) Issuer acknowledges that KoreTransfer may be required to follow various identification and verification procedures in accordance with state and federal legislation as may be enacted from time to time. Issuer therefore agrees to provide, upon the reasonable request of KoreTransfer, copiesof any corporate records, including but not limited to appropriate identificationforeachofthesaiddirectorsandofficers,asmayberequired bylaw.
c) KoreTransfer may act upon any signature, certificate or other document believedbyittobegenuineandtohavebeensignedbytheproperperson or persons, or refuse to transfer a share certificate/eCert/digital securities/security tokens if it is not satisfied as to the propriety of the requested transfer. KoreTransfer will notify the Issuer in the event a transfer is refused. KoreTransfer may also act on the receipt of facsimile and similar electronic instructions that it believes to be genuine and to have been signed or initiated by the proper person orpersons.
d) KoreTransfer may from time to time refer any documents, requests or questionswhichmayariseinconnectionwiththeperformanceofitsduties hereunder to legal counsel for the Issuer, at the expense of the Issuer, or to its own counsel for an opinion thereon and shall be entitled to rely absolutely on such opinion and shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Issuer against and from any liability, cost and expense for any action taken by KoreTransfer or not taken by KoreTransfer in accordance with such instructions oradvice.
e) TheIssuerrepresentsandwarrantsthatallsharesissuedandoutstanding onthedateofthisAgreementareissuedasfullypaidandnon-assessable andagreesthatwithrespecttofutureallotmentsandissuancesofshares, KoreTransfer shall issue and regard such shares as fully-paid and non- assessable. KoreTransfer shall be entitled to treat as valid any certificate for shares purporting to have been issued by or on behalf of the Issuer prior to the date of thisAgreement.
5. Issue, Transfer, and Cancellation ofCertificates
(a) KoreTransfer manages the Issuer's certificates in electronic form; such certificates will be called ecertificates ("eCerts") or digital securities/security tokens for the purposes of this document or any correspondence.
(b) The Issuer agrees that it will promptly furnish to KoreTransfer from time totime:
(i) copies of all constating documents, amendments thereto and of all relevant by-laws and resolutions relatingto the creation,
amendment, allotment and issuance of shares of the Issuer; and
(ii) copiesofallrelevantdocumentsandproceedingsrelatingtoincreases and reductions in the Issuer's capitalization, the reorganization of or change in its structure or the bankruptcy, insolvency, winding-up or dissolution of theIssuer.
(c) UponreceiptofacertifiedcopyofaresolutionofthedirectorsoftheIssuer authorizingtheissuanceofshares,togetherwithwritteninstructionsfrom an authorized officer or director of the Issuer giving particulars of the registered owners of such shares, KoreTransfer shall register such shareholders and deliver eCerts representing such shares in accordance withsuchinstructionsandKoreTransfercanrelythatsuchinstructionsare in compliance with exchange or regulatory requirements as promulgated from time totime.
(d) TheIssueragreesthat,solongasthisAgreementisinforce,itshallissue no share certificates or digital securities/security tokens or any securities withoutsucheCertsordigitalsecurities/securitytokensbeingcreatedand delivered by KoreTransfer in its capacity as transfer agent andregistrar.
(e) WhenacertificateispresentedtoKoreTransferforthepurposeoftransfer, transferofanyofthesharesinrespectofwhichsuchcertificatewasissued will be refused by KoreTransfer. Transfers will only be performedbetween registered eCert holders of the company to a qualified individual or entity upon approval by the company, review of the company's bylaws, and acceptance of the qualified individual or entity who is registered in the KoreConXall-in-oneplatform.Intheabsenceofbadfaith,grossnegligence or willful misconduct, KoreTransfer shall not incur any liability in refusing to effect any transfer which in its judgment is improper or unauthorized, or in carrying out any transfer which in its judgment is proper or authorized.
(f) Except as specifically provided below, it shall not be the duty of KoreTransfer to pass on the validity of transfers of shares owing todeath, transfers by parents or guardians, powers of attorney, and it is hereby authorized, at KoreTransfer's discretion, to refer all documents relating to such transfers to the legal counsel of the Issuer, at the expense of the Issuer, and KoreTransfer shall be entitled to rely absolutely upon the opinion of such legalcounsel.
(g) Upon receipt of notice from the Issuer or from any shareholder/token holder that an eCert or digital securities/security tokens is missing from the company's register, KoreTransfer agrees to place an appropriate notation on the register of shareholders/token holders. KoreTransfer shall not be required to issue an eCert based on a claim from any potential owner of a security for any eCert that has not been recorded in the company's registerunless:
(i) neither the Issuer nor KoreTransfer has received notice that the security
represented by the eCert has been acquired by a good faith purchaser (as that term is used in the applicable corporatestatute);
(ii) theownerhasfiledwithKoreTransferanindemnitybondsufficientin KoreTransfer's opinion to protect the Issuer and KoreTransfer from any loss that either of the Issuer or KoreTransfer may suffer by complying with the request to issue a new certificate;and
(iii) the owner has satisfied all other requirements as KoreTransfer may from time to time impose, acting reasonably, including without limitationthedeliverybytheownertotheIssuerandKoreTransferof a written indemnity together with a statutory declaration that the eCert was not properly recorded in the company's register of securities.
For this purpose and for the purposes of the applicable corporate statute, the Issuer hereby irrevocably delegates to KoreTransfer the power to determine the sufficiency of the indemnity bond so posted and to impose all such other reasonable requirements as KoreTransfer may from time to time require in this regard.
(h) In the case of a registered shareholder who dies where no administration is contemplated, KoreTransfer may register the transfer of shares registered in the name of the deceased shareholder upon receipt of an indemnity agreement, a waiver of probate or similar bond and any other documents satisfactory toKoreTransfer.
6. Access toInformation
The Transfer Agent services are delivered through an online all-in-one platform allowing you access 24/7 along with all your stakeholders. The all- in-one platform gives you complete transparency on the status of your
company's corporate records, management, trades, transfers, etc.
The platform provides you many features to assist you in managing your company, cap table, boardroom, and documents to make sure you are fully compliant.
See Schedule "C" for more information
- Indemnity
(a) In addition to and without limiting any other indemnity specifically providedherein,theIssueragreestodefend,indemnifyandholdharmless KoreTransfer, its successors and assigns, and its and each of their respectivedirectors,officers,employeesandagents(the"Indemnified
Parties") against and from any demands, claims, assessments, proceedings, suits, actions, costs, judgments, penalties, interest, liabilities,losses,damages,debts,expensesanddisbursements(including expert consultant and legal fees and disbursements on a substantial indemnity, or solicitor and client, basis)/(collectively, the "Claims") that the Indemnified Parties, or any of them, may suffer or incur or that may beassertedagainstthem,oranyofthem,inconsequenceof,arisingfrom or in any way relating to this Agreement (as the same may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time) of KoreTransfer's duties hereunder or any other services that KoreTransfer may provide to the Issuer in connection with or in any way relating to this Agreement or KoreTransfer's duties hereunder except that no individual Indemnified Party shall be entitled to indemnification in the event such Indemnified Party is found to have acted in bad faith, engaged in willful misconduct or been grossly negligent. For greater certainty, the Issuer agrees to indemnifyandsaveharmlesstheIndemnifiedPartiesagainstandfromany present and future taxes (other than income taxes), duties, assessments or other charges imposed or levied on behalf of any governmental authorityhavingthepowertotaxinconnectionwithKoreTransfer'sduties hereunder. In addition, the Issuer agrees to reimburse, indemnify and save harmless the Indemnified Parties for, against and from all legal fees and disbursements (on a substantial indemnity, or solicitor and client, basis)incurredbyanIndemnifiedPartyiftheIssuercommencesanaction, or cross claims or counterclaims, against the Indemnified Party and the Indemnified Party is successful in defending suchclaim.
(b) The Issuer agrees that its liability hereunder shall be absolute and unconditional regardless of the correctness of any representations of any third parties and regardless of any liability of third parties to the Indemnified Parties, and shall accrue and become enforceable without prior demand or any other precedent action or proceeding, and shall survive the resignation or removal of KoreTransfer or the termination of thisAgreement.
(c) KoreTransfershallbeundernoobligationtoprosecuteordefendanyaction or suit in respect of its agency relationship under this Agreement, but will do so at the request of the Issuer provided that the Issuer furnishes an indemnity satisfactory to KoreTransfer against any liability, cost or expense which might beincurred.
(d) Inadditiontotheremediesprovidedherein,KoreTransfershallbeentitled to any other rights and recourses it may have against theIssuer.
8. Limitation onLiability
(a) KoreTransfershallnotbeliableforanyerrorinjudgment,foranyactdone orsteptakenoromittedbyitingoodfaith,foranymistake,offactorlaw,
or for anything which it may do or refrain from doing in connection herewith except arising out of its bad faith, gross negligence or willful misconduct. In particular, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, KoreTransfer shall, with respect to meetings of shareholders, not be liable for having relied upon or deferred to the instructions or decisions of the Issuer, its legal counsel, or the chairman of the meeting.
(b) In the event KoreTransfer is in breach of this Agreement or its duties hereunder or any agreement or duties relating to any other services that KoreTransfer may provide to the Issuer in connection with or in any way relating to this Agreement or KoreTransfer's duties hereunder, KoreTransfer shall be liable for claims or damages only to an aggregate maximum amount equal to the amount of fees paid by the Issuer to KoreTransfer hereunder in the twelve months preceding the last of the events giving rise to such claims or damages, except to the extent that KoreTransferhasactedinbadfaith,withgrossnegligence,orhasengaged in willful misconduct. In no event shall KoreTransfer be liable for indirect or consequentialdamages.
9. Amendment, Assignment andTermination
(a) Except as specifically provided herein, this Agreement may only be amended or assigned by a written agreement of theparties.
(b) Any entity resulting from the merger, amalgamation or continuation of KoreTransfer or succeeding to all or substantially all of its transfer agency business (by sale of such business or otherwise), shall thereupon automatically become the dividend disbursing agent, transfer agent and registrar hereunder without further act orformality.
(c) This Agreement may be terminated by either party on 180 days' notice in writing being given to the other at the address set out above or at such other address of which notice has beengiven.
(d) This Agreement may be terminated by KoreTransfer on 60 days notice in writing to the Issuer in the event the Issuer refuses or fails to pay an invoice for fees and expenses, or other demand for payment issued or made pursuant to this Agreement by KoreTransfer, within 30 days of the original invoice ordemand.
(e) The provisions of Sections 6(c) and 7 shall survive termination of this Agreement.
(f) Uponterminationofthisagreement,anduponwritteninstructionfromthe authorized individuals of the Issuer, KoreTransfer will send a copy of the Issuers records to a new transfer agent designated by the issuer, or in absence of a new transfer agent, to the Issuerdirectly.
As per schedule "A". All prices in this agreement are subject to change by KoreTransfer upon 90 days written notice (email acceptable) to Issuer.
11. Advertising andMarketing
Both Parties to this agreement agree to allow the other party to:
(a) Use the logo and name of the other party on their website, marketing material, social media, andbrochures;
(b) Make use of the logo and name in press releases highlighting the relationship, as long as the content of such press release is approved by the otherparty;
(c) All mentions of the other party must make use of publicly available information, except where the other party has approved thecontent.
12. General
(a) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with thelawsoftheStateofNewYorkapplicablethereinandthepartieshereby attorn to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of NewYork.
(b) This Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors andassigns.
(c) ThisAgreementmaybeexecutedincounterpartsandmaybedeliveredby facsimile machine ore-mail.
(d) The attached Appendices and Schedules form part of this agreement and include:
Appendix 1: Checklist to Upload Appendix 2: Sample Board Resolution
Appendix 3: List of Company Officers and Directors
Schedule "A": Pricing
Schedule "B": Issuer Responsibilities Schedule "C": All-in-one Platform
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been duly executed by the parties hereto:
/s/ Jason Futko
Signature: _______________________________________
Name:Jason Futko
Position:Co-Founder, CFO
RAD Diversified REIT, Inc.
/s/ Brandon D. Mendenhall
Brandon D. Mendenhall
Name: _______________________________________
Position: _______________________________________
Date: _______________________________________
Appendix 1
We require that you upload the following information and invite the key members of your company management team, corporate secretary, board directors and legal counsel to the KoreConX all-in-one business platform. This is a mandatory requirement.
KoreConX's all-in-one business platform will be your central point for viewing your information on securities holders and your corporate records, thus reducing your ongoing manual cost associated with transfer services.
A. Board Resolution Appointing Transfer Agent andRegistrar;
- Corporate InformationSheet;
- Company Officers & Directors (C-1 &C-2);
- Director KYC Form (including proof ofID)
- Non-Director Communication AuthorityForm;
- Treasury Certificate Mailing InstructionsSheet;
- Articles ofIncorporation;
- CompanyBylaws;
- List of securities holders provided in Excel CSV file format (we require names, complete mailing address date of issue, number of securities issued, securities class, series rounds if there are any restrictions attached to those securities, etc.) with all the information listed on the CSV template file provided toIssuer;
- Digital copies of all documents related to a sale or transfer of securities (including board resolutions authorizing it, subscription agreements, etc.)
If your company is transferring its business from another "Transfer Agent" we will require that the following information be uploaded in KoreConX all- in-one Platform:
- Certified list of shareholders by previous transferagent
- Certificate history report byaccount
- List of stop transfers - including backupdocuments
- Unused certificateinventory
- Transfer journals/debitwraps
- Pending lost/estate transferfiles
- Client history summary and exchange rates, ifany
- Certification of the number of shares issued and outstanding - and your indemnity if there are any outstandingdiscrepancies
- Policy #41 Mailing List (beneficial shareholders for shares held by CDS orother settlementagency)
- Electronic copies provided in "Excel Spreadsheet File Format" of allother
relevant reports/old records and paper transaction files
- List of Capital changes for the 12 monthspreceding
Please note that after reviewing the documentation, KoreTransfer may request an Opinion of the company's Legal Counsel addressed to KoreTransfer stating that:
a) the company has been dulyincorporated;
b) that all necessary and proper steps have been taken to make the issue of shares valid;and
c) that it has, at the date of opinion, a stated capital position with respectto:
(i) authorizedshares
(ii) issued and outstandingshares
(iii) the shares are fully paid and non-assessable, and the form of the ecertificates to be recorded by KoreTransfer as transfer agent and registrar has been approved as required by Law and is currently in effect.
Please complete the attached sample board resolution, or similar, as it relates to your company and return it with the list of Directors and Officers.
Appendix 2
Below is a sample Board Resolution Appointing KoreTransfer Transfer Agency as "Transfer Agent and Registrar". Please cut and paste to a new document, complete thehighlighted sections once your board has hadtheboardmeetingandreturnthesignedresolutionto us.
- KORETRANSFER TRANSFER AGENCY hereinafter referred to as KoreTransfer, with offices located in Niagara Falls, NY, New York, NY and Morrisville NC be and it is hereby appointed Transfer Agent and RegistrarforthesharesinthestockoftheCompany;and,theseshould be common orpreferred,
- The Transfer Agency and Registrarship Agreement (the "Agreement") made as ofDATEbetween KoreTransfer andISSUERunder which KoreTransfer will provide the Issuer with the transfer agent and registrar services be hereby approved;and,
- The Directors and/or proper Officers of the Issuer be and they are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement and are authorized to do all acts and things and to execute and deliver all documents or instruments in writing as may be considered necessary or desirable to carry out the terms of theseresolutions
CERTIFIED to be a true copy of a Resolution passed by the Board of Directors ofISSUERand which Resolution is in full force and effect as of the date hereof.
Dated this 12dayof NOVEMBER, 2020
/S/ Taylor Green
Taylor Green
Name: Position:CorporateSecretary
Appendix 3
List of Company Officers & Directors
Each of them will be invited to create an account in the KoreConX platform where they will go through a Know Your Client (KYC) check at the cost of the company ($5 per person).
Chairperson Name: Brandon Dutch Mendenhall | Email Address: [REDACTED] |
President Name: Brandon Dutch Mendenhall | Email Address: [REDACTED] |
CFO Name: Andrew Nonis | Email Address: [REDACTED] |
Treasurer: Gretchen O-Brien | Email Address: [REDACTED] |
Corporate Secretary Name: Taylor Green | Email Address: [REDACTED] |
Legal Counsel Name: Jack Jmaev | Email Address: [REDACTED] |
Director Name Amy Vaughn | Email Address: [REDACTED] |
Director Name Allen Pan | Email Address: [REDACTED] |
Director Name Brandon Dutch Mendenhall | Email Address: [REDACTED] |
Director Name | Email Address: |
Schedule "A"
Transfer Agent Fee
RegA+ End to End Investment Process
Transfer Agent PrivateCompanyPricing: $950.00 permonth Included in the monthlyfee:
Unlimited number of securities holders can access the Portfolio Management features so they can always see their holdings, securities holder reports, meeting invites, and vote electronically (evoting).
The Issuer can manage all the securities holders using CapTable management, Virtual Minute Book and Investor Relations features. KoreTransfer uses uncertificated shares (eCert) only.
Issuer is provided the KoreConX all-in-one platform private labelled to the
Issuer so that shareholders can login from Issuer's website.
Investment Process Fees:
In addition to the monthly fees, there are transaction fees for the below items that are third party add-ons. These items are charged on a per use at our cost.
? ID Verification and Anti-money Laundering(AML)
? Payment Processing (Credit Card, ACH, EFT, WireTransfer, Crypto)
? Escrow
*Please note: KoreTransfer uses the KoreConX all-in-one platform to automate many processes and to be able to offer transfer agent services at a low cost to Issuer. KoreTransfer has provided the Issuer with a captable template in CSV format (the "prescribed format") to enable easy upload of Issuer Data (the CSV file and all agreements associated with the transaction) into KoreConX all-in-one platform.If the Issuer does notprovide the Data in the prescribed format, requiring KoreTransferto manually clean, correct, obtain missing required information orotherwise intervene to prepare the data for upload, a data
preparation fee will be assessed based on an estimate of timerequired at a rate of $150 per hour.However, if Issuer provides their Data in the prescribed format, no setup fee will be charged.
Schedule "B"
Issuer Responsibilities
Since our business is full of rules and regulations, we have taken the liberty of providing some basic guidelines that will facilitate a smooth and efficient working relationship:
? All requests for securities transfer services, such as treasury issuances or securities holders lists, must be sent to
? We can only communicate with directors on company business, unless we receive written authority to communicate with other parties (see the attached communication authorityform).
Issuer Responsibility to update
The Issuer is required to inform us immediately of any changes to:
- The Issuer's officers or directors, we need this update at a minimum onan
annual basis;
- Issuer is required to provide KoreTransfer with the Annual Shareholder Resolutions approving thedirectors;
- Issuer is required to provide KoreTransfer with the Annual Directors Resolution approving theofficers;
- Issuers securities (shares, options, warrants, debentures, loans,SAFEs, etc.), any new issuance, or changes to an existingissuance;
- The Issuer's address or phonenumber;
- Issuer's year-enddate;
- President or CEO contact details, email address, and/or mobilenumber;
- CFO contact details, email address, or mobilenumber;
- Issuer's Legal Counsel, contact details, email address, or mobilenumber;
- The Authorized personnel including their address, phone number, or email addresses;
- Any broker dealers that the Issuer is using to raise capital or transact anyof Issuers securities;and
- Any ATS (Alternative Trading Systems) or registered secondary markets the company is using to transact any of the Issuerssecurities.
Schedule "C"
All-in-One Platform
The services are delivered through the KoreConX all-in-one platform as part of your monthly subscription, which includes the following features to help your company:
Private Label
This feature,if selected, provides our platform and email notifications with your logo, brand, look and feel. Your stakeholders can login directly at yourcompany website.
Portfolio Management
This feature gives your securities holders the ability to view their investment in your company, including your company details, company reports, company news releases, messaging, details of meetings you schedule with them, and online eVoting.
Cap Table Management/Share Management
This feature allows you to view your entire cap table: shares, digital securities/security tokens, options, warrants, debentures, loan, SAFE, CrowdSafe, etc. This is where our Transfer Agent provides the services and you have an instant view of what is happening to your company's cap table.
Unlimited document storage for your company corporate records for your management and board of directors.
Investor Relations
Thisfeature allows you to communicate with your shareholders by sending them reports, news releases, schedule one-on-one meetings and annual shareholders meetings.
This feature allows you to prepare your next capital raise and manage the entire process from start to finish more fluidly.