1. Toapprovetheagreementandplanofmerger,dated asofMarch2,2021(the“MergerAgreement”). 2.To approve the proposed amended and restated certificateofincorporationofCapitolInvestmentCorp. V(“Capitol”). 3.Toapprove,onanon-bindingadvisorybasis,thefollowingmaterialdifference betweenthecertificateofincorporationofCapitolthatwillbeineffectuponthe closingofthetransactionsandCapitol’scurrentcertificateofincorporation: 3a.Thenameofthenewpublicentitywillbe“Doma Holdings,Inc.”asopposedto“CapitolInvestment Corp.V”. 3b.Capitol, to be renamed “Doma Holdings, Inc.” (“New Doma”), will have 2,000,000,000 authorized shares of common stock and 100,000,000authorizedsharesofpreferredstock,asopposedtoCapitol currentlyhaving400,000,000authorizedsharesofClassAcommonstock, 50,000,000authorizedsharesofClassBcommonstock,and1,000,000 sharesofpreferredstock. 3c.Theremovalofvariousprovisionsapplicableonly tospecialpurposeacquisitioncompaniesthatthe currentcertificateofincorporationcontains. 4.To approve the issuance of (x) shares of common stock of New Doma pursuant to the terms of the MergerAgreementand (y)sharesof commonstock ofNewDomatocertaininstitutionalinvestorsinconnectionwithaconcurrent privateplacement. 5.ToapprovetheNewDomaEquityIncentivePlan. 6.ToapprovetheNewDomaEmployeeStockPurchase Plan. 7.Toelectthefollowingdirectorswho,upontheconsummationofthebusiness combination,willbethedirectorsofNewDoma,intheclassessetforthbelow: Class I(toserveuntil the2024annualmeetingoruntil theirsuccessorsare electedandqualifiedortheirearlierresignation,removal,ordeath): MaxSimkoff SerenaWolfe MatthewE.Zames Class II(toserveuntilthe2022annualmeetingoruntiltheirsuccessorsare electedandqualifiedortheirearlierresignation,removal,ordeath): StuartMiller CharlesMoldow KarenRichardson Class III(toserveuntilthe2023annualmeetingoruntiltheirsuccessorsare electedandqualifiedortheirearlierresignation,removal,ordeath): ShardaCherwoo LawrenceSummers MaxineWilliams 8. To approve the adjournment of the special meeting bythechairmanthereoftoalaterdate,ifnecessary,if Capitolisunabletoconsummatethebusinesscombi- nationforanyreason. MARKHEREFORADDRESSCHANGEANDNOTEONBACK CAPITOL INVESTMENT CORP. V FOLD HERE • DO NOT SEPARATE • INSERT IN ENVELOPE PROVIDED Signature___________________________________ Signature, if held jointly______________________________________ Date_____________2021. Signature should agree with name printed hereon. If stock is held in the name of more than one person, EACH joint owner should sign. Executors, administrators, trustees,guardians,andattorneysshouldindicatethecapacityinwhichtheysign.Attorneysshouldsubmitpowersofattorney. Pleasemark yourvotes likethis X 18280CAPITOLINVESTMENTCORP.V_PROXYCARDREV1Front CONTROLNUMBER PROXY PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THE PROXY CARD IF YOU ARE VOTING ELECTRONICALLY. INTERNET – UsetheInternettovoteyourproxy.Have yourproxycardavailablewhenyouaccess theabovewebsite.Followthepromptstovote yourshares. Vote at the Meeting – Ifyouplantoattendthevirtualonlineannual meeting,youwillneedyour12digitcontrol numbertovoteelectronicallyattheannual meeting.Toattendtheannualmeeting,visit: capinvestmentcorpv/sm2021 MAIL –Mark,signanddateyourproxycard andreturnitinthepostage-paidenvelope provided. Your Internet vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares in the same manner as if you marked, signed and returned your proxy card. Votes submitted electronically over the Internet must be received by 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on [•], 2021. YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT. PLEASE VOTE TODAY. IMMEDIATE - 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week or by Mail Vote by Internet - Q U I CK E A SY FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR FOR FOR WITHHOLD WITHHOLD WITHHOLD
CAPITOL INVESTMENT CORP. V SPECIAL MEETING IN LIEU OF THE 2021 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON , 2021 PROXY 18280CAPITOLINVESTMENTCORP.V_PROXYCARDREV1Back Theundersigned,revokinganypreviousproxiesrelatingtotheseshares,herebyacknowledgesreceiptoftheNoticeand ProxyStatement/Prospectus inconnectionwithaspecialmeeting in lieuof the2021annualmeetingofstockholdersof CapitolInvestmentCorpV(“Capitol”)tobeheldata.m.NewYorkCitytime,on,2021virtuallyvialivewebcastat,andherebyappointsMarkD.EinandL.DysonDryden,and eachofthem(withfullpowertoactalone),theattorneysandproxiesoftheundersigned,withpowerofsubstitutiontoeach, tovoteallsharesofCapitolcommonstockregisteredinthenameprovided,whichtheundersignedisentitledtovoteatthe generalmeeting,andatanyadjournmentsthereof,withallthepowerstheundersignedwouldhaveifpersonallypresent. Withoutlimitingthegeneralauthorizationherebygiven,saidproxiesare,andeachofthemis,instructedtovoteoractas followsontheproposalssetforthinthisProxyStatement/Prospectus. THIS PROXY WILL BE VOTED AS DIRECTED. IF NO DIRECTIONS ARE GIVEN, THIS PROXY WILL BE VOTED “FOR” PROPOSAL 1 (THE BUSINESS COMBINATION PROPOSAL) BELOW, “FOR” PROPOSAL 2 (THE CHARTER PROPOSAL) BELOW, “FOR” EACH OF PROPOSALS 3A, 3B, AND 3C (THE ADVISORY CHARTER PROPOSALS) BELOW, “FOR” PROPOSAL 4 (THE STOCK ISSUANCE PROPOSAL) BELOW “FOR” PROPOSAL 5 (THE NEW INCENTIVE PLAN PROPOSAL) BELOW, “FOR” PROPOSAL 6 (THE ESPP PROPOSAL) BELOW, “FOR” THE ELECTION OF ALL OF THE DIRECTORS IN PROPOSAL 7 (THE DIRECTOR ELECTION PROPOSAL) BELOW, AND “FOR” PROPOSAL 8 (THE ADJOURNMENT PROPOSAL) BELOW. THE CAPITOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS RECOMMENDS A VOTE “FOR” PROPOSAL 1 (THE BUSINESS COMBINATION PROPOSAL) BELOW, “FOR” PROPOSAL 2 (THE CHARTER PROPOSAL) BELOW, “FOR” EACH OF PROPOSALS 3A, 3B, AND 3C (THE ADVISORY CHARTER PROPOSALS) BELOW, “FOR” PROPOSAL 4 (THE STOCK ISSUANCE PROPOSAL) BELOW “FOR” PROPOSAL 5 (THE NEW INCENTIVE PLAN PROPOSAL) BELOW, “FOR” PROPOSAL 6 (THE ESPP PROPOSAL) BELOW, “FOR” THE ELECTION OF ALL OF THE DIRECTORS IN PROPOSAL 7 (THE DIRECTOR ELECTION PROPOSAL) BELOW, AND “FOR” PROPOSAL 8 (THE ADJOURNMENT PROPOSAL) BELOW. THE APPROVAL OF EACH OF THE BUSINESS COMBINATION PROPOSAL, CHARTER PROPOSAL, STOCK ISSUANCE PROPOSAL, INCENTIVE PLAN PROPOSAL, ESPP PROPOSAL, AND DIRECTOR ELECTION PROPOSAL IS A CONDITION TO THE CONSUMMATION OF THE BUSINESS COMBINATION. PLEASE MARK, DATE AND RETURN THIS PROXY PROMPTLY. ANY VOTES RECEIVED AFTER A MATTER HAS BEEN VOTED UPON WILL NOT BE COUNTED. FORADDRESSCHANGE: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ (Continued, and to be marked, dated and signed, on the other side) Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Special Meeting in lieu of the 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on , 2021: The notice of special meeting and the accompanying proxy statement/prospectus are available at