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AA, AACE, abandonment, abide, Abitibi, Aboriginal, abstain, AC, accelerate, Acceleration, accept, acceptable, acceptance, accepted, accessed, accessible, accompanying, accuracy, Accurassay, acid, ActLabsusing, add, added, Additionally, adjust, adjusted, administer, administered, administering, administrated, administration, administrative, advance, advanced, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, advisory, advocating, affiliate, affiliated, aforementioned, Ag, AGAT, Agency, aggregate, Agnico, agree, agreed, agreement, Ai, aid, aided, aimed, air, AISC, AK, Akasaba, Alberta, Alexander, Alexco, Alfred, algorithm, aliquot, alkaline, allocated, allocation, Alpha, ALS, alteration, altered, alternate, Alternative, aluminum, Amalgamated, amassing, Amec, amenable, America, Amwolf, analyst, analytical, analyzed, analyzing, Ancash, ancillary, angle, anisotropic, anniversary, announce, announced, announcing, annum, Anova, apparent, appeal, applied, apply, applying, appoint, appointed, appointment, approach, approval, approve, approved, approximate, approximately, approximative, approximatively, April, APS, arbitrary, Archean, Argentina, Argentinian, Argonaut, Argosy, arise, arising, Arizona, arm, arrange, arranged, arrangement, arrival, Asia, assay, assayed, assaying, assemblage, assembled, assembly, assign, assigned, assignment, assist, assumption, Atacama, Atico, Atlantic, ATM, attached, attaching, attack, attend, attention, attitude, attract, attracting, attractive, attributable, attributed, Atwal, Au, AUD, auditor, Auramex, Austin, Australia, Australian, automobile, avenue, average, averaging, avoidance, award, awarded, aware, Azarga, Azimuth, Bachelor, back, background, backup, balance, ball, banding, Bank, banker, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Barbara, barge, barren, Barrick, basal, baseline, basic, basin, batch, BatteryOne, Battle, Bay, BC, BCBCA, bearing, Beaudoin, Beaufor, Beaver, bedrock, Beeby, Beedie, began, begin, behaved, behaviour, belt, bench, benching, benchmarked, beneficially, Bennett, berm, beta, Big, billion, Bint, biotite, Biricu, bisected, Black, blasting, blended, block, BMO, body, bond, Bonner, borehole, bornite, bottom, bought, Boulevard, boundary, box, Boy, BQ, BQTW, Brazil, breach, break, breccia, brecciated, Brew, bring, British, brittle, broad, broader, Broker, Brook, brought, Brunswick, BTW, Buenaventura, buffer, build, building, bulk, Burrard, bush, buy, BWi, CA, CAD, Caldera, calendar, California, call, Camflo, camp, campaign, cancellation, Canyon, cap, capacity, capped, capping, Capricho, capture, captured, capturing, carbon, care, careful, Carlin, Carmen, carried, carry, carrying, case, Casey, casing, Casswell, cast, Castle, CAT, catch, categorized, Cautionary, cave, Cayman, CBH, CEAA, cease, ceased, ceasing, cemented, central, centred, CEO, certainty, certificate, certification, certified, cessation, cetera, CFO, chain, chair, Chairman, Chakana, chalcopyrite, challenging, characteristic, characterization, characterized, charge, chart, charter, Chartered, chemical, Chester, Chile, China, Chinese, chlorite, CIC, CIM, Cimarron, CIP, circa, circuit, circular, circumvention, Citigroup, cladding, claim, Clam, clarification, clastic, claw, cleanup, Cliff, closest, closure, coarse, Cochrane, Coeur, coeval, COIN, collaboratively, collapse, collar, Colorado, Columbia, combat, combination, Comet, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, commercial, commercially, comminution, commitment, committed, commonly, Commonwealth, comparison, compartmentalization, compatible, compensate, compensation, compensatory, compete, competent, complement, complex, complexity, component, composed, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, Computershare, concentration, concentrator, concrete, concurrent, condemnation, cone, conference, confidence, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, conflict, conflicted, conjunction, connector, consecutive, consequential, Conservation, consortium, constant, constrain, constrained, constraining, consult, consultant, Consultation, consulted, consulting, consumer, consuming, consumption, Contact, contemplated, content, context, contractor, contrary, contrasting, convention, conventional, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, copper, core, COREM, Cormark, corner, correct, corrective, corruption, Cortez, COSE, costly, counsel, counter, counterparty, country, County, coupled, court, coverage, COVID, CPA, create, created, creation, creditor, Creek, crime, criminal, criteria, critical, crosscutting, crossfall, crown, crudely, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, crustal, Cruz, Crystal, csv, Cu, cubed, cubic, cultural, Culture, cumulative, curtailed, Curtin, curved, custody, custom, customary, customer, cut, CWS, cyanide, cybersecurity, cycle, cyclical, daily, Dakota, dam, database, de, deal, death, deceiving, decide, decided, decile, decision, declare, declared, decommissioning, decrease, dedicated, deductible, deduction, deed, deem, deemed, deep, default, defeat, defect, deferred, deformation, degree, Del, Delaware, delegate, delegated, delineate, Delineated, delivered, delivery, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating, denied, denominated, density, Denver, Department, depicted, deployed, deposit, deposited, depreciation, depth, derive, derived, description, descriptive, desired, destabilization, destabilize, destruction, detaching, detailed, detect, detection, Detour, deviation, dewatering, dextral, diabase, dialogue, diameter, diamond, diesel, difficult, difficulty, dike, diligence, diorite, dioritic, dioxide, dip, Diploma, dipping, direct, directed, direction, directly, director, disadvantaged, disagree, discarded, discharge, discharged, discharging, discipline, discontinue, discontinued, discount, discovered, discovering, discrete, discretion, disease, disintegration, disinterested, dispersion, display, displaying, disposal, disposition, dispute, disrupt, disruption, disseminated, dissolution, distance, distinct, distribute, distributed, distribution, diverse, diversification, diversion, diversity, divert, divided, Division, DNA, dollar, domain, Dome, dominated, dor, dose, doubt, downturn, drainage, drawdown, drawn, drew, drill, drilled, drilling, drought, Duck, ductile, Dufferin, Durango, duration, duty, dxf, EA, EAA, Eagle, earlier, Earth, east, easterly, eastern, easy, economy, Ecuador, editor, education, Edward, effectuation, efficiency, efficiently, effluent, effort, El, Eldorado, electric, electrical, Electricity, electricpowered, element, elevated, elevation, eleven, eligible, eliminate, eliminating, Elimination, Elk, ellipse, elution, emission, emplaced, Emplacement, employ, employed, employee, empowered, empowerment, emulsion, enable, enacted, enclosed, encumbered, Endeavor, Endeavour, Enduro, energy, engineering, enhance, enhancement, enter, entered, entering, entitled, entrance, environment, EPCM, epithermal, equal, equally, equilibrium, Equinox, equitable, equivalent, erection, erratic, error, escalating, escalation, ESG, essential, essentially, Esther, ETF, Eureka, evenly, event, eventual, evidence, evolve, evolving, ew, exact, examined, Excalibur, excavation, exceed, exceeding, excl, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusively, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exit, exited, expand, expanding, expenditure, expense, experienced, experimental, expertise, expiration, expire, expiry, exploited, Exploratory, export, exporting, exposed, exposure, expropriation, extend, extended, extending, extent, external, externally, extinguished, extreme, extrusive, FA, face, faced, facilitate, factor, factual, fail, failure, fair, fairly, faith, fall, Fame, familiar, fault, faulting, favorable, favour, favourable, favoured, FAwith, February, fed, fee, feed, feeding, felsic, fiduciary, field, fifteen, filled, filling, final, Finder, fine, finer, finite, fire, firmer, fix, fixed, flag, flagged, flagging, flattening, fleet, FlexIT, Flin, flocculant, Flon, flooding, Florida, flowsheet, fluid, Flying, focused, folding, foliation, footprint, forced, forecast, forecasted, Forestry, formation, Fortuity, Fortuna, forward, foster, Fosterville, found, founder, fourth, fracturing, fragmentation, fragmented, Frankfurt, fraud, free, freight, frequency, frequently, Fresh, Frisco, front, fuel, fulfil, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, fusion, gain, Galeana, Galena, Garmin, Garrison, Gas, gate, gathered, gently, geologic, geological, geologically, geomechanical, geometry, geophysical, geopolitical, Geoscience, geotechnical, geovia, GFG, glacial, Glencore, goal, God, Gogama, GoGold, Goldcorp, Golden, Goldrock, Goldrush, good, Goodfish, Gosselin, GPS, graduate, grained, gram, granitoid, Granville, graphic, gravel, gravity, greater, Green, greenschist, greenstone, Grenfell, GRG, grid, grind, grinding, Grossmann, ground, groundwater, group, grouted, grouting, grow, growing, GSI, Guadalupe, guarantee, Guernsey, Guerrero, gyratory, habitat, half, Hall, Hammer, hand, Handa, handheld, handling, handover, Harbour, hard, harm, harmonization, harmonized, haul, Hauling, HDZ, heap, hedged, height, heightened, hereto, Hermosillo, hexagonal, Higginsville, high, highest, highlighted, highly, highway, Hill, hire, hiring, history, Hodl, holder, hole, Hong, honour, horizontal, host, hostage, hosted, Hot, hour, hourly, Hoyle, hpgr, HQ, Huasco, Hudson, human, hydraulic, Hydro, hydrochloric, hydrothermal, hydroxide, IAMGOLD, ice, icebased, ICP, Idaho, ideal, idle, IESO, ii, iii, illegal, illustrative, immaterial, immersion, impair, impaired, impede, Imperial, implicit, impose, imposed, imposition, impossible, imprecise, improved, improvement, inability, inaccurate, incentive, inception, income, inconsistent, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incremented, incur, incurred, incurring, index, India, indirect, indirectly, inducted, inductive, inductively, ineffective, infill, infiltration, inflation, Inflationary, influence, influenced, infrequent, inhibit, initial, initially, initiated, initiation, injunction, injury, input, inserted, insertion, inside, insolvency, inspection, instability, installation, integrity, intense, intensity, intensive, intention, intercept, interference, interim, interplay, interpolated, interpolation, interruption, intersection, interval, introduce, introduced, introducing, introduction, intrude, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, invalidation, inverse, investigate, investigated, investigation, investor, invite, IP, IRC, iron, IRR, Irwin, Island, isoclinal, isolate, isolated, isotropic, issuance, Item, iv, Ivanhoe, Jack, Jaguar, January, Jersey, Joaquin, joint, jointly, Juan, judgment, judicial, July, Junction, junior, Kaizen, Kalgoorlie, Karora, KBL, Kenogamissi, kilometrelong, Kim, kinematic, Kirana, Kirkland, km, knowledge, Kong, Krepiakevich, kV, La, laboratory, labour, laccolith, Lacquer, lacustrine, lagged, lagging, lake, Lakefield, lamprophyre, Larder, large, larger, largest, Lawrence, layout, leach, leaching, lead, leading, Leapfrog, lease, leasing, led, left, legacy, length, letter, leverage, levied, LG, liable, life, lift, lifted, light, lime, line, liner, literacy, literate, lithological, lithology, lithostratigraphic, load, loading, loan, local, Localized, locally, locate, located, locating, location, log, logged, logging, LOM, London, Londonderry, longer, Los, lose, lost, low, lower, lt, Ltda, LTIP, Luika, Lupa, Ma, macroeconomic, mafic, magmatic, magnetic, magnetite, main, maintain, maintained, maintaining, Malbex, mandate, mandatory, Manitoba, manned, manner, manual, manufacturing, map, mapped, mapping, MARC, margin, marker, master, matched, matrix, Mattagami, matter, maximum, McCullough, MCT, mechanical, MECP, media, meet, meeting, member, membership, MENDM, merged, Meryllion, mesh, Mesomikenda, metallurgical, Metamorphic, metasedimentary, metavolcanic, meterage, method, methodology, metre, Mexico, Middle, mild, Mile, military, mill, milled, milling, million, Minaurum, Minera, mineralogy, minimal, minimize, minimum, Minister, ministry, Mint, Mirado, missing, mitigate, mitigated, mitigation, mix, mixed, mixing, MNRF, Mo, mobile, mobilize, mode, model, modelled, modelling, moderate, modification, MOECC, molybdenite, Molybdenum, Molyneux, Monarch, Monash, Moneta, monetary, monitor, monitoring, Montclerg, month, monthly, Morgan, Mountain, move, moved, moving, Moz, MRA, MSOL, Mt, MTA, Mtpa, multiphase, multiple, MW, narrow, native, natural, nature, NAV, Nayarit, NDMNRF, NE, nearest, necessarily, negligible, negotiating, neighbouring, Nesbitt, network, Nevada, Newcrest, Newfoundland, Newmont, NNE, nominee, north, northeast, northern, northwest, notice, noticed, Notwithstanding, Nova, November, NOVR, NPV, NQ, NSW, NuEnergy, Nueva, NuevaUnion, nugget, NuLegacy, nullification, numerical, objective, objectivity, observed, occasional, occupation, occupational, occurrence, ocean, October, Oeste, offset, offsite, oil, older, oldest, Omicron, OMT, Ontario, onward, open, opinion, oppose, opposed, opposite, opposition, optimal, optimization, optimize, optimized, optimum, option, optionality, order, orientation, oriented, orientedcore, original, originally, Orion, Oro, orogenic, orthomagmatic, Osiko, Ottawa, ounce, outbreak, outcrop, outcropping, outlier, outlined, outlining, outperformance, output, overburden, overhead, overlap, overlapping, Overlimit, overpower, overprinting, oversee, overseeing, oversight, owed, owing, owner, oxygen, oz, Pacific, pack, package, pair, Paladin, Paleoproterozoic, Palladium, Pan, Para, paragraph, parallel, Pararin, parse, partial, partially, partly, partner, passed, passing, patented, path, pattern, pay, paying, payor, Pb, Pelangio, penalty, pending, people, percent, percentage, perception, perfectly, perimeter, permanent, permanently, perpendicular, perpetual, perpetuity, pertaining, peru, PFIC, PFS, Ph, phase, phased, phenomena, philanthropic, photographed, phreatic, phreatomagmatic, physical, PI, piercing, Pillar, pillow, Pine, piping, piston, pit, placement, plane, plant, plasma, plastic, Plenty, plotted, plutonic, pm, point, Pointing, Poirier, poised, polishing, political, pollution, polyphase, pond, poorly, Porcupine, porphyry, portfolio, portion, position, positioned, positive, positively, postponement, postulated, potassium, precautionary, precipitated, precise, precision, preclude, precluded, predicated, predominantly, predominate, prefeasibility, premium, prescribed, presence, preservation, preserve, preserved, prevailing, prevent, primarily, prime, Prince, private, privately, pro, procedure, proceed, proceeding, professional, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, progressive, prolonged, promote, promulgated, proper, proportion, protect, protection, protocol, protracted, proven, provincial, provincially, proximal, proximity, proxy, Pty, publicly, published, Pucara, Pucarana, Puchildiza, Puerto, pulled, pulp, pulverized, pumped, purpose, put, pycnometer, pyrite, pyrrhotite, QC, QEF, quality, quantity, quarter, quartered, quarterly, quartz, Quebec, question, questionable, Quintana, quorum, quote, quoted, Rabbit, ramp, range, ranging, rapid, rapidly, rata, ratify, ratio, raw, RCs, RDZ, reach, reached, read, readily, reagent, Real, realignment, Realito, realize, realized, realizing, reanalyzed, reassessment, rebuilding, reception, recession, reclaim, reclamation, recognition, recognized, recommend, recommended, reconciled, reconsidered, recourse, recover, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recruiting, recurring, Red, redefined, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, Reef, refinanced, refinancing, refinery, reflagged, Reflex, refrain, refurbished, refusal, regeneration, region, regional, registrar, regular, regularization, regularly, rehandled, rehandling, reject, relationship, release, relevant, reliable, relied, relief, Relocation, rely, reminder, remittance, remobilization, remotely, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, render, rendered, renegotiation, renew, renewal, renewed, repaid, repair, repatriation, repayment, repeatedly, replenished, represent, representative, represented, representing, repression, repurchase, requisite, resale, research, resemble, residence, resignation, resigned, resolution, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restate, restated, restatement, restrict, restricted, restrictive, restructure, restructuring, restrung, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retired, retroactive, return, returned, returning, reveal, revoked, rewarding, rich, Rico, Ridgeline, Ridout, riffle, road, rock, role, rolling, roofed, rotated, rotating, rotation, Roulston, rounded, rounding, route, Royal, RQD, RSU, run, runoff, Russia, RWi, sabotage, safe, Sailfish, salary, sale, salvage, sample, sampled, sampling, San, Sandfire, Santo, Saskatchewan, satellite, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, satisfying, Saurabh, scalable, scan, scattered, scenario, scheme, School, scope, Scotia, Scotiabank, screen, screening, sea, Seabord, sealed, secondary, secretarial, Secretary, sector, sedar, sedimentary, seek, Seequent, segment, seismic, select, selected, selection, sell, seller, selling, Seloam, senior, sensitive, sensitivity, separate, separated, separately, separation, sequence, sericite, serve, served, settlement, SEZC, SGQ, SGS, shack, shallow, Shanta, share, shared, shareholder, sharing, shear, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, Shining, shipping, shop, shore, shoreline, short, shortening, shovel, show, shut, shutdown, SIA, side, sided, sight, sighting, sill, Silverback, Similarly, simple, simulating, single, sinking, Sirola, site, situated, skilled, slightly, slope, slowdown, slower, small, smaller, SmartTool, SMC, smearing, smelting, smoothed, smoothing, snow, social, socioeconomic, sodium, soft, software, solid, Solomon, solution, Sonora, sophisticated, sophistication, sought, source, sourced, south, southeast, southern, SouthGobi, southwest, southwestern, sovereign, spacing, spanning, spare, sparked, spatial, spatially, speak, specialist, specific, Specifically, speculative, spending, spent, split, sporadically, Sport, spot, spurred, square, SSR, St, stability, stabilization, stable, staffing, stage, staking, standby, Stanley, Stansberry, static, Station, statistical, statutory, steel, stepped, sterilized, stirred, stockpile, stockwork, storage, stored, strain, strategic, strategy, stratified, stratigraphic, stratigraphy, Street, strength, strict, stricter, strictly, strike, stringent, stripping, structural, structure, study, style, subcommittee, subdivision, subdomain, Subdomaining, submission, submittal, Subprovince, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subset, subsidiary, substantial, substation, successful, successfully, succession, successive, successor, Sudbury, sudden, suddenly, sufficient, sufficiently, suggested, suitable, Suite, sulphate, sulphide, sulphur, Sultan, sum, summary, summer, sunk, Super, Superintendent, Superior, Supervisor, supplement, supplied, supply, support, supported, supracrustal, Sur, surface, survey, surveyed, susceptibility, susceptible, suspend, suspended, suspension, SW, swath, Swayze, syenite, symbol, syncline, syndicate, Synform, synvolcanic, tag, tagged, Taipei, Taiwan, Tanzania, target, targeted, taxable, taxation, taxpayer, TCs, team, technology, Teck, temporarily, temporary, tenement, tension, tenure, terminate, terminated, termination, terrorism, Terry, tertiary, test, tested, testing, theft, thereunder, thick, thickening, thinner, tholeiitic, threat, throughput, Thunder, Thunderstruck, ticker, tie, tight, tighter, tightly, till, tire, Titan, TMF, Tocantinzinho, today, toe, tonalite, tonalitic, tonne, tool, top, topline, topographic, topography, Touquoy, Tourism, Tower, Township, toxic, tpd, tracking, Trader, traditional, training, tranche, transaction, transfer, transferred, transmission, transport, transportation, transported, transposition, travel, traverse, treasury, treat, treated, Tree, Trelawney, trenching, trend, Trimble, Triton, truck, true, trustee, TS, Tsang, TSX, TSXV, Tucker, Tulloch, turmoil, turn, Tuvera, TVZ, twenty, type, typical, typically, Ukraine, ULC, ultimate, ultimately, ultramafic, Umpire, unable, unallocated, unaudited, unauthorized, unavailable, uncapped, unchanged, uncoated, unconstrained, undergone, underground, understood, undertaken, underwent, undetected, undeveloped, undrawn, uneconomic, unified, University, unlimited, unnecessary, unpredictable, unregistered, unrelated, unrest, unsecured, unusual, unwilling, upfront, upscaled, Upstream, uranium, USA, usage, USD, USDCAD, Utah, utilized, vaccination, vaccine, Val, ValGold, validate, validated, validation, Valley, valuation, vancouver, VanEck, variability, variable, variance, variant, variogram, variographic, vary, varying, vein, vendor, Venezuela, venture, verification, verified, verify, Vermont, vertical, vertically, vested, VG, vi, viability, viable, Vice, Victoria, view, vii, viii, Visionary, visit, visual, volcanic, voltage, volume, voluntary, vote, voting, Voyageur, vulnerable, VWAP, Wage, waive, wall, war, Warrior, Wasamac, waste, water, watercourse, watershed, Wawa, weather, week, weekly, weighted, west, WestBay, western, Wharf, Wheeler, White, Whittle, wholly, wide, width, William, winding, wireframe, wireline, women, Wood, wooden, work, worked, workforce, workhour, working, workshop, world, worldwide, Yamana, yearly, Yeo, yielding, Yukon, Zaruma, zinc, Zn, zone, Zoology
attorney, blackout, BTR, chapter, code, communicated, consent, Document, electronically, Employer, furnish, GAAP, Instance, Interactive, Label, Linkbase, Metallurgy, preceding, referencing, registrant, relation, revised, Schema, submit, Taxonomy, telephone, thereunto, transition, undersigned, Washington, website, XBRL, zip
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