Business Acquisition | 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION Acquisition of ZMN International Education Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd (“ZMN Education”) On July 31, 2017, the Group acquired 100% equity interests in ZMN Education. The total consideration for the acquisition of ZMN Education amounted to RMB135,850 which included RMB65,250 in cash and the rest was in the form of warrant. The warrant issued to the sellers which entitle them to purchase the ordinary shares of Long faith Limited, a shareholder of the Company, was recorded at fair value on acquisition date and accounted for as capital contribution to the Company by the Company’s shareholder. ZMN Education operates study abroad tutoring services in the PRC. The acquisition of ZMN Education’s service centers, with its well-known brand and teaching team, would further enhance the Group’s ability to provide high quality, competitively priced and diversified services to the students. This transaction was considered a business acquisition and therefore was recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their fair values at the date of acquisition. The purchase price for the acquisition was allocated as follows: Amount Depreciation or amortization period RMB Cash and cash equivalents 21,407 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 13,266 Restricted cash 1,008 Property, plant and equipment, net 9,723 3-5 years Rental deposits 7,285 Deferred revenue (208,345 ) Account payables (564 ) Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (32,857 ) Loans from third parties (23,802 ) Intangible assets-trademark 32,400 5.4 years Deferred tax liabilities (8,100 ) Goodwill 324,429 Total 135,850 The tangible and intangible assets valuation for the acquisition disclosed above was based on a valuation analysis prepared by the management with the assistance from an independent third-party appraiser. The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market and cost approach. The Company has incorporated certain assumptions which include projected replacement costs. The goodwill is attributable to intangible assets that cannot be recognized separately as identifiable assets under U.S. GAAP, and comprise of (a) the assembled work force and (b) the expected but unidentifiable business growth as a result of the synergy resulting from the acquisition. 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued Acquisition of Beijing GEDU On August 16, 2017, the Group acquired 100% equity interest in Beijing GEDU for cash consideration of USD72,300 (equivalent to RMB483,687). Beijing GEDU operates study abroad tutoring services in the PRC. The acquisition of Beijing GEDU’s training centers, with its well-known brand and teaching team, would further enhance the Group’s ability to provide high-quality, competitively priced and diversified services to the students. This transaction was considered a business acquisition and therefore was recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their fair values at the date of acquisition. The purchase price for the acquisition was allocated as follows: Amount Depreciation or amortization period RMB Cash and cash equivalents 89,437 Inventories 6,620 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 117,333 Restricted cash 14,332 Property, plant and equipment, net 132,844 2-37 years Deferred tax assets 2,547 Rental deposits 18,381 Accounts payable (6,197 ) Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (79,167 ) Income tax payable (2,505 ) Deferred revenue (221,484 ) Franchise deposits (7,344 ) Intangible assets-trademark 140,000 Indefinite Intangible assets-relationship with partnership school 5,300 6.4 years Intangible assets-franchise agreement 4,400 3.4 years Deferred tax liabilities (54,164 ) Goodwill 323,354 Total 483,687 The tangible and intangible assets valuation for the acquisition disclosed above was based on a valuation analysis prepared by the management with the assistance from an independent third-party appraiser. The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market and cost approach. The Company has incorporated certain assumptions which include projected replacement costs. The goodwill is attributable to intangible assets that cannot be recognized separately as identifiable assets under U.S. GAAP, and comprise of (a) the assembled work force and (b) the expected but unidentifiable business growth as a result of the synergy resulting from the acquisition. 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued Other acquisitions in 2017 In 2017, the Group acquired 100% equity interest in (i) a group of schools wholly owned by Chongqing Shunbo Technology Co., Ltd., (ii) Shenyang Pude Education Technology Co., Ltd., (iii) a school wholly owned by Mr. Bowen Zhang, (iv) Yancheng Tiantianxiangshang Education Training Co., Ltd., (v) Fuzhou Pude Education Technology Co., Ltd., (vi) a group of schools wholly owned by Hangzhou Shoumu Education Technology Co., Ltd., and acquired certain tutoring businesses from third parties (collectively “Other 2017 Acquirees”). The total consideration for the acquisitions of Other 2017 Acquirees amounted to RMB174,770 which included RMB155,170 in cash and the rest was in the form of warrant. The warrant was issued by the major shareholder of the Company to purchase the equity interest of Puxian which was recorded at fair value and accounted for as capital contribution to the Company by the shareholder. These acquired entities are in the operation of K-12 tutoring services and study abroad tutoring services in the PRC. The acquisitions of Other 2017 Acquirees’ training centers, with its teaching team and student base, allows the Group to provide high-quality, competitively priced and diversified services to the students. These transactions were considered business acquisitions and therefore were recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their fair values at the date of acquisitions. The purchase price for the acquisition was allocated as follows: Amount Depreciation or amortization period RMB Cash and cash equivalents 15,824 Inventories 256 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 13,221 Amounts due from related parties 63,194 Property, plant and equipment, net 1,377 3-5 years Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (12,388 ) Deferred revenue (85,197 ) Intangible assets-student base 27,100 3.5-5.9 years Deferred tax liabilities (6,775 ) Goodwill 158,158 Total 174,770 The tangible and intangible assets valuation for the acquisitions disclosed above were based on valuation analysis prepared by the management with the assistance from an independent third-party appraiser. The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market and cost approach. The Company has incorporated certain assumptions which include projected replacement costs. The goodwill is attributable to intangible assets that cannot be recognized separately as identifiable assets under U.S. GAAP, and comprise of (a) the assembled work force and (b) the expected but unidentifiable business growth as a result of the synergy resulting from these acquisitions. 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued Acquisition of Shandong Zengyu Trading Co., Ltd (“Shandong Zengyu”) On November 1, 2018, the Group acquired 100% equity interests in Shandong Zengyu. The total consideration for the acquisition of Shandong Zengyu amounted to RMB77,000 in cash. Shandong Zengyu operates K-12 tutoring services in the PRC. The acquisition of Shandong Zengyu’s training centers, with its teaching team and student base, allows the Group to provide high-quality, competitively priced and diversified services to the students. This transaction was considered a business acquisition and therefore was recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their fair values at the date of acquisition. The purchase price for the acquisition was allocated as follows: Amount Amortization period RMB Prepaid expenses and other current assets 37,169 Property, plant and equipment, net 1,241 3-5 years Rental deposits 290 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (2,219 ) Deferred revenue (35,534 ) Intangible assets-student base 6,700 2.2 years Deferred tax liabilities (1,675 ) Goodwill 71,028 Total 77,000 The tangible and intangible assets valuation for the acquisition disclosed above was based on a valuation analysis prepared by the management with the assistance from an independent third-party appraiser. The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market and cost approach. The Company has incorporated certain assumptions which include projected replacement costs. The goodwill is attributable to intangible assets that cannot be recognized separately as identifiable assets under U.S. GAAP, and comprise of (a) the assembled work force and (b) the expected but unidentifiable business growth as a result of the economy of scale, increase in cross-selling opportunities as well as synergy resulting from the acquisition. 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued Other acquisitions in 2018 In 2018, the Group acquired 100% equity interest in Jinan Lixia Wise Tutoring School Ltd and acquired tutoring business from third parties (collectively “Other 2018 Acquirees”). The total consideration for the acquisitions of Other 2018 Acquirees amounted to RMB19,986 which included RMB19,266 in cash and the rest was in the form of warrant. The warrant was issued by Long belief Limited, a shareholder of the Company, to purchase 49,348 ordinary shares of the Company. Long belief Limited is a shareholding platform for acquisitions. Refer to Note 17. The warrant was recorded at fair value and accounted for as shares consideration of the acquisition paid by the Company itself. These acquired entities are in the operation of K-12 tutoring services and study abroad tutoring services in the PRC. The acquisitions of Other 2018 Acquirees’ training centers, with its teaching team and student base, allows the Group to provide high-quality, competitively priced and diversified services to the students. These transactions were considered business acquisitions and therefore were recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their fair values at the date of acquisitions. The purchase price for the acquisition was allocated as follows: Amount Depreciation or amortization period RMB Cash and cash equivalents 54 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 8,504 Restricted cash 200 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (769 ) Deferred revenue (8,704 ) Intangible assets-student base 1,100 3.5 years Deferred tax liabilities (275 ) Goodwill 19,876 Total 19,986 The tangible and intangible assets valuation for the acquisitions disclosed above were based on valuation analysis prepared by the management with the assistance from an independent third-party appraiser. The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market and cost approach. The Company has incorporated certain assumptions which include projected replacement costs. The goodwill is attributable to intangible assets that cannot be recognized separately as identifiable assets under U.S. GAAP, and comprise of (a) the assembled work force and (b) the expected but unidentifiable business growth as a result of the synergy resulting from these acquisitions. 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued Acquisition of Beijing Xiaoze Education Technology Co., Ltd. (“Beijing Xiaoze”) On July 1, 2019, the Group acquired 100% equity interests in Beijing Xiaoze. The total consideration for the acquisition of Beijing Xiaoze amounted to RMB170,000 in cash. Beijing Xiaoze operates K-12 tutoring services in the PRC. The acquisition of Beijing Xiaoze’s training centers, with its well-known brand and teaching team, would further enhance the Group’s ability to provide high quality, competitively priced and diversified services to the students. This transaction was considered a business acquisition and therefore was recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their fair values at the date of acquisition. The purchase price for the acquisition was allocated as follows: Amount Amortization period RMB Cash and cash equivalents 20,057 Inventories 1,508 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 52,596 Property, plant and equipment, net 205 3-5 years Operating lease right-of-use assets 63,652 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (1,392 ) Deferred revenue (108,406 ) Operating lease liabilities (58,621 ) Intangible assets - trademark 43,700 Indefinite Deferred tax liabilities (10,925 ) Goodwill 167,626 Total 170,000 The tangible and intangible assets valuation for the acquisition disclosed above was based on a valuation analysis prepared by the management with the assistance from an independent third-party appraiser. The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market and cost approach. The Company has incorporated certain assumptions which include projected replacement costs. The goodwill is attributable to intangible assets that cannot be recognized separately as identifiable assets under U.S. GAAP, and comprise of (a) the assembled work force and (b) the expected but unidentifiable business growth as a result of the economy of scale, increase in cross-selling opportunities as well as synergy resulting from the acquisition. 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued Acquisition of Xi'an Intest Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (“Xi'an Intest”) On July 9, 2019, the Group acquired 100% equity interests in Xi'an Intest Xi'an Intest Xi'an Intest operates K-12 tutoring services in the PRC. The acquisition of ’s training centers, with its teaching team and student base, allows the Group to provide high-quality, competitively priced and diversified services to the students. This transaction was considered a business acquisition and therefore was recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their fair values at the date of acquisition. The purchase price for the acquisition was allocated as follows: Amount Amortization period RMB Cash and cash equivalents 22,245 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 47 Rental deposit 464 Property, plant and equipment, net 2,074 3-5 years Operating lease right-of-use assets 45,269 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (6,072 ) Deferred revenue (45,581 ) Operating lease liabilities (41,469 ) Intangible assets - student base 15,700 3.5 years Deferred tax liabilities (3,925 ) Goodwill 124,248 Total 113,000 The tangible and intangible assets valuation for the acquisition disclosed above was based on a valuation analysis prepared by the management with the assistance from an independent third-party appraiser. The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market and cost approach. The Company has incorporated certain assumptions which include projected replacement costs. The goodwill is attributable to intangible assets that cannot be recognized separately as identifiable assets under U.S. GAAP, and comprise of (a) the assembled work force and (b) the expected but unidentifiable business growth as a result of the economy of scale, increase in cross-selling opportunities as well as synergy resulting from the acquisition. 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued Acquisition of Dalian Keyuan Culture Consulting Co., Ltd. (“Dalian Keyuan”) On November 29, 2019, the Group acquired 100% equity interests in Dalian Keyuan Dalian Keyuan Dalian Keyuan operates K-12 tutoring services in the PRC. The acquisition of ’s training centers, with its teaching team and student base, allows the Group to provide high-quality, competitively priced and diversified services to the students. This transaction was considered a business acquisition and therefore was recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their fair values at the date of acquisition. The purchase price for the acquisition was allocated as follows: Amount Amortization period RMB Cash and cash equivalents 8,223 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 64,330 Rental deposit 931 Property, plant and equipment, net 1,204 3-5 years Operating lease right-of-use assets 37,780 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (6,280 ) Deferred revenue (67,415 ) Bank borrowing (4,500 ) Operating lease liabilities (32,333 ) Intangible assets - student base 12,600 4.1 years Deferred tax liabilities (3,150 ) Goodwill 160,560 Total 171,950 The tangible and intangible assets valuation for the acquisition disclosed above was based on a valuation analysis prepared by the management with the assistance from an independent third-party appraiser. The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market and cost approach. The Company has incorporated certain assumptions which include projected replacement costs. The goodwill is attributable to intangible assets that cannot be recognized separately as identifiable assets under U.S. GAAP, and comprise of (a) the assembled work force and (b) the expected but unidentifiable business growth as a result of the economy of scale, increase in cross-selling opportunities as well as synergy resulting from the acquisition. 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued Other acquisitions in 2019 In 2019, the Group acquired 100% equity interests of ten companies and schools from third parties (collectively “Other 2019 Acquirees”). The total consideration for the acquisitions of Other 2019 Acquirees amounted to RMB342,957 in cash. These acquired entities are in the operation of K-12 tutoring services in the PRC. The acquisitions of Other 2019 Acquirees’ training centers, with its teaching team and student base, allows the Group to provide high-quality, competitively priced and diversified services to the students. These transactions were considered business acquisitions and therefore were recorded using the acquisition method of accounting. The acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their fair values at the date of acquisitions. The purchase price for the acquisition was allocated as follows: Amount Amortization period RMB Cash and cash equivalents 14,329 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 105,367 Rental deposits 1,155 Restricted cash 1,951 Property, plant and equipment, net 1,990 3-5 years Operating lease right-of-use assets 69,970 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (6,595 ) Deferred revenue (148,484 ) Operating lease liabilities (62,772 ) Intangible assets - student base 8,500 2.6-3.6 years Deferred tax liabilities (2,125 ) Goodwill 359,671 Total 342,957 The tangible and intangible assets valuation for the acquisitions disclosed above were based on valuation analysis prepared by the management with the assistance from an independent third-party appraiser. The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market and cost approach. The Company has incorporated certain assumptions which include projected replacement costs. The goodwill is attributable to intangible assets that cannot be recognized separately as identifiable assets under U.S. GAAP, and comprise of (a) the assembled work force and (b) the expected but unidentifiable business growth as a result of the synergy resulting from these acquisitions. 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued The following information summarizes the results of operations attributable to the acquisitions included in the Group’s consolidated statement of operations since the acquisition date: For the year ended December 31, 2017 ZMN Education Beijing GEDU Others RMB RMB RMB Net revenues 39,867 197,853 114,601 Net (loss) (59,169 ) (74,370 ) (13,096 ) For the year ended December 31, 2018 Shandong Zengyu Others RMB RMB Net revenues 8,074 4,495 Net (loss) (1,362 ) (27 ) For the year ended December 31,2019 Beijing Xiaoze Xi'an Intest Dalian Keyuan Others RMB RMB RMB RMB Net revenues 116,355 61,194 11,697 174,149 Net income (loss) 11,300 (1,740 ) 758 33,460 Pro forma information of acquisitions The following unaudited pro forma information summarizes the results of operations of the Group for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 assuming that the acquisition of ZMN Education, Beijing GEDU and Other 2017 Acquirees which were completed in 2017 occurred as of January 1, 2016. The following pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results that would have occurred had the acquisitions been completed at the beginning of the periods as indicated, nor is it indicative of future operating results: For the years ended December 31, 2016 2017 RMB RMB Unaudited Unaudited pro forma net revenues 1,318,811 1,882,032 pro forma net (loss) (281,853 ) (511,354 ) 3. BUSINESS ACQUISITION -continued Pro forma information of acquisitions -continued The following unaudited pro forma information summarizes the results of operations of the Group for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2018 assuming that the acquisition of Shandong Zengyu and Other 2018 Acquirees which were completed in 2018 occurred as of January 1, 2017. The following pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results that would have occurred had the acquisitions been completed at the beginning of the periods as indicated, nor is it indicative of future operating results: For the years ended December 31, 2017 2018 RMB RMB Unaudited Unaudited pro forma net revenues 1,392,146 2,317,937 pro forma net (loss) (389,366 ) (824,909 ) The following unaudited pro forma information summarizes the results of operations of the Group for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2019 assuming that the acquisition of Beijing Xiaoze, Xi'an Intest, Dalian Keyuan and Other 2019 Acquirees which were completed in 2019 occurred as of January 1, 2018. The following pro forma financial information is not necessarily indicative of the results that would have occurred had the acquisitions been completed at the beginning of the periods as indicated, nor is it indicative of future operating results: For the years ended December 31, 2018 2019 RMB RMB Unaudited Unaudited pro forma net revenues 2,928,589 3,481,809 pro forma net (loss) (836,874 ) (516,704 ) |