According to the Target Company Press Release, the Special Committee held 18 meetings (28 hours in total) between October 15, 2019 and December 23, 2019. According to the Target Company Press Release, in between these meetings, the Special Committee also shared reports/information, deliberated and made decisions, among other actions, via email. According to the Target Company Press Release, it was through these means that the special committee carefully discussed and considered the Terms of Reference.
According to the Target Company Press Release, specifically, the Special Committee confirmed the independence and rich experiences of and appointed Nakamura, Tsunoda & Matsumoto and White & Case Registered Foreign Lawyers’ Office (Gaikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi-Jimusho)/White & Case (Gaikokuho-Kyodo-Jigyo) as the legal advisors to the Special Committee. According to the Target Company Press Release, after interviewing multiple candidates and confirming a submitted disclosure letter describing the fact that they provided their services to other parties involved in the Business Integration in transactions other than the Business Integration, the Special Committee compared each candidate, and consequently, taking into consideration the nature of the services provided by BoA to other parties involved in the Business Integration in transactions other than the Business Integration, the fact that BoA has had a lot of experiences and their reputation, etc., determined that the fact that BoA provided aforementioned services to other parties will not prevent BoA from giving their independent advices to the Special Committee, and appointed BoA as the financial advisor and third party valuation firm for the Special Committee.
According to the Target Company Press Release, moreover, the Special Committee confirmed the independence and wealth of experience of Anderson Mori & Tomotsune and Shearman & Sterling Registered Foreign Lawyers’ Office (Gaikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi-Jimusho), the legal advisors to the Target Company, based on what was reported by such advisors, as well as the independence and wealth of experience of J.P. Morgan Securities, the financial advisor and third party valuation firm for the Target Company, based on what was reported by such advisor.
According to the Target Company Press Release, in addition, regarding the Target Company’s internal review structure on the Delisting Procedures, the Special Committee requested explanations from the Target Company’s management and Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, the legal advisor to the Target Company, with respect to the number of directors that have conflicts of interest. According to the Target Company Press Release, the Special Committee reviewed Anderson Mori & Tomotsune’s response based on the advice from Nakamura, Tsunoda & Matsumoto, the legal advisor to the Target Company, and considered carefully whether the Target Company’s internal review structure has any problems from a fairness point of view.
According to the Target Company Press Release, given that, the Special Committee received explanations from the Target Company’s management on the preparation process / objectives, contents and important assumed conditions of the Target Company’s stand-alone business plan (excluding the effects of the Business Integration) (hereinafter, the “Business Plan”), together with the integration synergies of the Business Integration, and had a question and answer session.
According to the Target Company Press Release, the Special Committee received advice from BoA, Nakamura, Tsunoda & Matsumoto and White & Case Registered Foreign Lawyers’ Office (Gaikokuho-Jimu-Bengoshi-Jimusho)/White & Case (Gaikokuho-Kyodo-Jigyo), as well as explanations with respect to the Business Integration from the Tender Offerors. According to the Target Company Press Release, in response, the members of the Special Committee asked various questions on the operation / governance policy of the Target Company after the Business Integration and the integrated company (meaning ZHD, hereinafter, “Integrated Company”, which will be the integrated company after the Business Integration), the evaluation of the Business Plan, the integration synergies of the Business Integration, the synergies anticipated between the NAVER group and the SoftBank group, the tender offer price of the Tender Offer proposed by the Tender Offerors, and the planned procedures of the Tender Offer and the Delisting Procedures after the implementation of the Tender Offer. According to the Target Company Press Release, the Special Committee received answers to these questions. According to the Target Company Press Release, moreover, the Special Committee received advice from BoA, as well as explanations from ZHD, which is the other party to the Business Integration. According to the Target Company Press Release, in response, the Special Committee asked various questions with respect to the Business Integration, including the operation / governance policy of the Target Company after the Business Integration and the Integrated Company, the evaluation of the Business Plan and the integration synergies of the Business Integration. According to the Target Company Press Release, the Special Committee received answers to these questions from ZHD.