Significant Accounting Policies | SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Significant accounting policies are described in Note 2 of the 2022 Form 10-K. There were no material changes to those accounting policies during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 other than those set forth in this Note 2. The following are current updates to certain critical accounting policy estimates and new accounting standards. Industry Regulation NW Holdings' principal business is to operate as a holding company for NW Natural and its other subsidiaries. NW Natural's principal business is the distribution of natural gas, which is regulated by the OPUC and WUTC. NW Natural also has natural gas storage services, which are regulated by the FERC, and to a certain extent by the OPUC and WUTC. Additionally, certain of NW Holdings' subsidiaries own water businesses, which are regulated by the public utility commission in the state in which the water utility is located, which is currently Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Texas and Arizona. Wastewater businesses, to the extent they are regulated, are generally regulated by the public utility commissions in the state in which the wastewater utility is located, which is currently Texas and Arizona. In applying regulatory accounting principles, NW Holdings and NW Natural capitalize or defer certain costs and revenues as regulatory assets and liabilities pursuant to orders of the applicable state public utility commission, which provide for the recovery of revenues or expenses from, or refunds to, utility customers in future periods, including a return or a carrying charge in certain cases. Amounts deferred as regulatory assets and liabilities for NW Holdings and NW Natural were as follows: Regulatory Assets September 30, December 31, In thousands 2023 2022 2022 NW Natural: Current: Unrealized loss on derivatives (1) $ 46,603 $ 19,594 $ 28,728 Gas costs 11,361 52,115 61,223 Environmental costs (2) 7,047 9,461 7,392 Decoupling (3) 3,480 114 — Pension balancing (4) 7,131 7,131 7,131 Income taxes 2,208 2,399 2,208 COVID-19 deferrals and expenses, net 11,127 — 789 Other (5) 19,568 14,016 10,020 Total current - NW Natural $ 108,525 $ 104,830 $ 117,491 Non-current: Unrealized loss on derivatives (1) $ 21,085 $ 18,824 $ 20,838 Pension balancing (4) 29,450 34,928 32,997 Income taxes 10,540 11,168 10,943 Pension and other postretirement benefit liabilities 101,413 107,722 101,413 Environmental costs (2) 108,941 82,667 104,253 Gas costs 718 3,369 22,355 Decoupling (3) 212 — — Washington Climate Commitment Act compliance 12,513 — — COVID-19 deferrals and expenses, net 1,811 15,147 14,555 Other (5) 25,957 27,771 33,053 Total non-current - NW Natural $ 312,640 $ 301,596 $ 340,407 Other (NW Holdings) 25 64 25 Total non-current - NW Holdings $ 312,665 $ 301,660 $ 340,432 Regulatory Liabilities September 30, December 31, In thousands 2023 2022 2022 NW Natural: Current: Gas costs $ 5,030 $ 944 $ 4,121 Unrealized gain on derivatives (1) 22,679 62,882 194,236 Decoupling (3) 8,616 13,272 14,026 Income taxes 5,946 7,318 7,166 Asset optimization revenue sharing 29,938 23,461 26,368 Washington Climate Commitment Act proceeds 9,365 — — Other (5) 6,752 3,649 2,636 Total current - NW Natural $ 88,326 $ 111,526 $ 248,553 Other (NW Holdings) 50 25 29 Total current - NW Holdings $ 88,376 $ 111,551 $ 248,582 Non-current: Gas costs $ 252 $ 50 $ 12,644 Unrealized gain on derivatives (1) 5,430 8,008 5,045 Decoupling (3) 588 884 3,814 Income taxes (6) 171,843 179,319 174,212 Accrued asset removal costs (7) 489,006 460,666 467,742 Asset optimization revenue sharing — — 8,401 Washington Climate Commitment Act proceeds 654 — — Other (5) 14,542 13,638 16,741 Total non-current - NW Natural $ 682,315 $ 662,565 $ 688,599 Other (NW Holdings) 947 982 979 Total non-current - NW Holdings $ 683,262 $ 663,547 $ 689,578 (1) Unrealized gains or losses on derivatives are non-cash items and therefore do not earn a rate of return or a carrying charge. These amounts are recoverable through NGD rates as part of the annual Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) mechanism when realized at settlement. (2) Refer to the Environmental Cost Deferral and Recovery table in Note 16 for a description of environmental costs. (3) This deferral represents the margin adjustment resulting from differences between actual and expected volumes. (4) Balance represents deferred net periodic benefit costs as approved by the OPUC. (5) Balances consist of deferrals and amortizations under approved regulatory mechanisms and typically earn a rate of return or carrying charge. (6) Balance represents excess deferred income tax benefits subject to regulatory flow-through. (7) Estimated costs of removal on certain regulated properties are collected through rates. We believe all costs incurred and deferred at September 30, 2023 are prudent. All regulatory assets are reviewed annually for recoverability, or more often if circumstances warrant. If we should determine that all or a portion of these regulatory assets no longer meet the criteria for continued application of regulatory accounting, then NW Holdings and NW Natural would be required to write-off the net unrecoverable balances in the period such determination is made. Supplemental Cash Flow Information Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand plus highly liquid investment accounts with original maturity dates of three months or less. These investments are readily convertible to cash with fair value approximating cost. As of September 30, 2023, the amount invested in money market funds was $132.6 million at NW Natural and NW Holdings. These investments are measured using net asset value per share. Restricted Cash Restricted cash is primarily comprised of funds from public purpose charges for programs that assist low-income customers with bill payments or energy efficiency. The following table provides a reconciliation of the cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash balances at NW Holdings as of September 30, 2023 and 2022 and December 31, 2022: September 30, December 31, In thousands 2023 2022 2022 Cash and cash equivalents $ 156,616 $ 108,556 $ 29,270 Restricted cash included in other current and non-current assets 14,864 11,714 11,694 Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash $ 171,480 $ 120,270 $ 40,964 The following table provides a reconciliation of the cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash balances at NW Natural as of September 30, 2023 and 2022 and December 31, 2022: September 30, December 31, In thousands 2023 2022 2022 Cash and cash equivalents $ 145,073 $ 11,386 $ 12,977 Restricted cash included in other current assets 14,838 11,714 11,694 Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash $ 159,911 $ 23,100 $ 24,671 Intercompany Dividend In April 2023, NW Natural made a dividend to NW Holdings for $25.0 million, returning additional equity contributed from NW Holdings to NW Natural in 2022. Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts Accounts receivable consist primarily of amounts due for natural gas sales and transportation services to NGD customers, plus amounts due for gas storage services. NW Holdings and NW Natural establish allowances for uncollectible accounts (allowance) for trade receivables, including accrued unbilled revenue, based on the aging of receivables, collection experience of past due account balances including payment plans, and historical trends of write-offs as a percent of revenues. A specific allowance is established and recorded for large individual customer receivables when amounts are identified as unlikely to be partially or fully recovered. Inactive accounts are written-off against the allowance after they are 120 days past due or when deemed uncollectible. Differences between the estimated allowance and actual write-offs will occur based on a number of factors, including changes in economic conditions, customer creditworthiness, and natural gas prices. The allowance for uncollectible accounts is adjusted quarterly, as necessary, based on information currently available. Allowance for Trade Receivables The payment term of our NGD receivables is generally 15 days. For these short-term receivables, it is not expected that forecasted economic conditions would significantly affect the loss estimates under stable economic conditions. For extreme situations like a financial crisis, natural disaster, and the economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we enhanced our review and analysis. For the residential and commercial uncollectible provision, we primarily followed our standard methodology, which includes assessing historical write-off trends and current information on delinquent accounts. Beginning October 1, 2022, new collection rules from the OPUC applied to residential and commercial customers. This included enhanced protections for low-income customers, a return to pre-pandemic time payment arrangements terms, revised disconnection rules during the heating season, and other items. As a result of these Oregon rule changes and our recent collection process experience, we augmented our provision review for accounts in the following categories: closed or inactive accounts aged less than 120 days, accounts on payment plans, and all other open accounts not on payment plans. For industrial accounts, we continue to assess the provision on an account-by-account basis with specific reserves taken as necessary. NW Natural will continue to closely monitor and evaluate our accounts receivable and the provision for uncollectible accounts. The following table presents the activity related to the NW Holdings provision for uncollectible accounts by pool: As of As of December 31, 2022 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 September 30, 2023 In thousands Beginning Balance Provision recorded, net of adjustments Write-offs recognized, net of recoveries Ending Balance Allowance for uncollectible accounts: Residential $ 2,155 $ 1,802 $ (2,468) $ 1,489 Commercial 400 264 (372) 292 Industrial 188 (105) (1) 82 Accrued unbilled and other 336 2 (116) 222 Total NW Natural 3,079 1,963 (2,957) 2,085 Other - NW Holdings 217 10 — 227 Total NW Holdings $ 3,296 $ 1,973 $ (2,957) $ 2,312 Allowance for Net Investments in Sales-Type Leases NW Natural currently holds two net investments in sales-type leases, with substantially all of the net investment balance related to the North Mist natural gas storage agreement with Portland General Electric (PGE) which is billed under an OPUC-approved rate schedule. See Note 7 for more information on the North Mist lease. Due to the nature of this service, PGE may recover the costs of the lease through general rate cases. Therefore, we expect the risk of loss due to the credit of this lessee to be remote. As such, no allowance for uncollectibility was recorded for our sales-type lease receivables. NW Natural will continue monitoring the credit health of the lessees and the overall economic environment, including the economic factors closely tied to the financial health of our current and future lessees. Greenhouse Gas Allowances NW Natural is subject to greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction requirements under the Oregon Climate Protection Program (CPP) regulations and the Washington Climate Commitment Act (CCA) regulations. Under Oregon's CPP, emission reduction compliance mechanisms include: 1) compliance instruments distributed by the state, 2) Community Climate Investment (CCI) Credits, which act similar to carbon offsets, and 3) supplying alternative gaseous fuels, such as renewable natural gas and hydrogen. Under Washington's CCA, emission reduction compliance mechanisms include: 1) allowances distributed at no cost by the state, 2) purchasing allowances at state-run auctions or secondary markets, 3) purchasing carbon offsets, and 4) supplying alternative gaseous fuels, such as renewable natural gas and hydrogen. NW Natural will account for all purchased Oregon CCI Credits and Washington allowances as inventory at the lower of cost or market. Any compliance instruments or allowances that are acquired through government allocations at no cost will be accounted for as inventory at no cost. As of September 30, 2023, NW Natural had $18.3 million of emissions allowances for compliance in Washington recorded as inventory and no CCI Credits in Oregon. The compliance programs allow for the sale of the compliance instruments or allowances, and as a result, should NW Natural sell these it will recognize revenue when title to the instrument or allowance is transferred to a counterparty, and NW Natural will recognize expense at the time of recognition of the related sale. In September 2023, NW Natural consigned no-cost allowances to a Washington auction and received $10.0 million in cash, which proceeds were recorded as a regulatory liability for the benefit of customers. We measure the compliance obligation, which is based on emissions, at the carrying value of inventory held plus the fair value of any additional CCI Credits or emission allowances NW Natural would need to purchase to satisfy the obligations. As of September 30, 2023, NW Natural has not recognized a liability under the Oregon program for the purchase of CCI Credits. Under the Washington program, NW Natural has recognized a $12.1 million liability as of September 30, 2023. We expect that the costs to comply with the Oregon and Washington programs will be recovered from utility customers through rates. As a result, NW Natural recognized $12.5 million of deferred costs as of September 30, 2023. New Accounting Standards NW Natural and NW Holdings consider the applicability and impact of all accounting standards updates (ASUs) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). ASUs not listed below were assessed and determined to be either not applicable or are expected to have minimal impact on consolidated financial position or results of operations. Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements JOINT VENTURE FORMATIONS. In August 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-05, which requires a joint venture to initially measure all contributions received upon its formation at fair value. The standard is effective for all joint venture entities with a formation date on or after January 1, 2025, with early adoption permitted. The adoption of this standard is not anticipated to have a material impact on our results of operations, liquidity or capital resources. Recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Final Rules INSIDER TRADING ARRANGEMENTS. In December 2022, the SEC adopted the final rule under SEC Release No. 33-11138, Insider Trading Arrangements and Related Disclosures, which requires new disclosures regarding insider trading policies and procedures, the use of certain insider trading plans and director and executive compensation regarding equity compensation awards made close in time to disclosure of material nonpublic information. The adoption of this final rule is not anticipated to have a material impact on our results of operations, liquidity or capital resources. SHARE REPURCHASES. In May 2023, the SEC adopted the final rule under SEC Release No. 34-97424, Share Repurchase Disclosure Modernization, requiring disclosures related to issuers’ share repurchases that will provide investors with enhanced information to assess the purposes and effects of the repurchases. The adoption of this final rule is not anticipated to have a material impact on our results of operations, liquidity or capital resources. CYBERSECURITY DISCLOSURES. In July 2023, the SEC issued a final rule that requires new disclosures regarding cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incidents. The disclosures are required beginning with our annual report for the year ending December 31, 2023. The adoption of this final rule is not anticipated to have a material impact on our results of operations, liquidity or capital resources. |