If the Fund were to default on a secured borrowing facility, the lender for that facility would typically have the right to accelerate the loan and assume control of the collateral. At such point, the pledged assets would essentially belong to the lender and not the Fund until the lender’s claim against the Fund was satisfied. This is the case for typical secured lending arrangements. We do not view a lender enforcing its rights to realize the sale of assets pledged to it as engaging in investment advisory activities on behalf of the Fund. A view to the contrary would effectively prohibit investment companies from entering into secured borrowings.
17. We note the page 58 reference to “limitations on how borrowed funds may be used” including restrictions based on geography, industry, loan size, payment frequency, and the like.” Please confirm that any material restrictions in your credit agreements impacting investment flexibility will be described in disclosure once known.
The Fund confirms that any material restrictions in its credit agreements impacting investment flexibility will be described in its current and/or periodic reports once known.
Item 2 Financial Information (page 64)
18. The disclosure here and elsewhere indicates that certain costs and expenses of the administrator and adviser will be allocated to you. In an appropriate location, please explain the allocation methodologies that will be used to allocate these costs and expenses.
The Fund has revised the Registration Statement to note that such costs “will be reasonably allocated to us on the basis of time spent, assets under management, usage rates, proportionate holdings, a combination thereof or other reasonable methods determined by the Administrator.”
Item 11 Description of the Registrant’s Securities to be Registered (page 96)
19. Please confirm the disclosure on page 97 under Amendment of the Declaration of Trust; No Approval by Shareholders is not designed to limit shareholder voting rights under the 1940 Act, including Section 58.
The Fund confirms that the disclosure is not designed to limit shareholder voting rights under the 1940 Act, including Section 58.
The Fund has clarified that the disclosure on page 98 is limited to rights the shareholders have with respect to voting on amendments to the Declaration of Trust. The Fund has added disclosure on page 97 about voting rights generally, noting that the Fund’s Declaration of Trust reserves for voting rights for any matter for which the vote is required by the 1940 Act.
Item 15 Financial Statements and Exhibits
20. We note that you have not filed required exhibits. Please note that we review and frequently comment upon these exhibits and plan accordingly