Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 10.1 Amended and Restated Loan and Security Agreement Loan Between Umb Bank N.a and Ittella International, LLC and Each Affiliate, Effective As of June 30,2022
- 31.1 Certification
- 31.2 Certification
- 32.1 Certification
- 32.2 Certification
- Download Excel data file
- View Excel data file
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- The Company
- Basis of Presentation and Signi
- Recently Issued Accounting Pron
- Revenue Recognition
- Accounts Receivable, Net
- Inventory
- Property, Plant, and Equipment
- Business Combinations
- Intangible Assets, Net and Good
- Derivative Instruments
- Fair Value Measurements
- Accrued Expenses
- Income Taxes
- Indebtedness
- Stockholders' Equity
- Equity Incentive Plan
- Related Party Transactions
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Consolidated Variable Interest
- Loss Per Share
- Subsequent Events
- Accounting Policies, by Policy
- Basis of Presentation and Sig_2
- Revenue Recognition (Tables)
- Inventory (Tables)
- Property, Plant, and Equipment
- Business Combinations (Tables)
- Intangible Assets, Net and Go_2
- Derivative Instruments (Tables)
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Accrued Expenses (Tables)
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Indebtedness (Tables)
- Stockholders' Equity (Tables)
- Equity Incentive Plan (Tables)
- Loss Per Share (Tables)
- The Company (Details)
- Basis of Presentation and Sig_3
- Basis of Presentation and Sig_4
- Recently Issued Accounting Pr_2
- Revenue Recognition (Details) -
- Accounts Receivable, Net (Detai
- Inventory (Details) - Schedule
- Property, Plant, and Equipmen_2
- Property, Plant, and Equipmen_3
- Business Combinations (Details)
- Business Combinations (Detail_2
- Business Combinations (Detail_3
- Business Combinations (Detail_4
- Intangible Assets, Net and Go_3
- Intangible Assets, Net and Go_4
- Intangible Assets, Net and Go_5
- Derivative Instruments (Details
- Derivative Instruments (Detai_2
- Derivative Instruments (Detai_3
- Fair Value Measurements (Detail
- Fair Value Measurements (Deta_2
- Fair Value Measurements (Deta_3
- Accrued Expenses (Details) - Sc
- Income Taxes (Details) - Schedu
- Indebtedness (Details)
- Indebtedness (Details) - Schedu
- Indebtedness (Details) - Sche_2
- Stockholders' Equity (Details)
- Stockholders' Equity (Details)
- Equity Incentive Plan (Details)
- Equity Incentive Plan (Detail_2
- Equity Incentive Plan (Detail_3
- Equity Incentive Plan (Detail_4
- Related Party Transactions (Det
- Commitments and Contingencies (
- Consolidated Variable Interes_2
- Loss Per Share (Details) - Sche
- Loss Per Share (Details) - Sc_2
- Subsequent Events (Details)