Investments and Related Income | 4. Investments and Related Income The Predecessor’s principal investments are in fixed income and equity securities and policy loans. The following table presents the amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and (losses) and fair value of the Predecessor’s fixed maturity and equities as of September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017: Predecessor September 30, 2018 Amortized Gross Unrealized Fair Cost Gains Losses Value (Dollars in thousands) U.S. government $ 4,066 $ 143 $ (231 ) $ 3,978 States, political subdivisions, other 28,236 383 (871 ) 27,748 Corporate 107,090 832 (2,432 ) 105,490 Residential mortgage-backed securities 41,828 393 (1,597 ) 40,624 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 3,775 53 (171 ) 3,657 Total fixed maturity securities 184,995 1,804 (5,302 ) 181,497 Equity securities 4,504 2,125 (9 ) 6,620 Total fixed maturity and equity securities $ 189,499 $ 3,929 $ (5,311 ) $ 188,117 Predecessor December 31, 2017 Amortized Gross Unrealized Fair Cost Gains Losses Value (Dollars in thousands) U.S. government $ 4,075 $ 207 $ (120 ) $ 4,162 States, political subdivisions, other 26,850 876 (112 ) 27,614 Corporate 106,479 3,459 (543 ) 109,395 Residential mortgage-backed securities 41,818 1,480 (212 ) 43,086 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 4,210 26 (41 ) 4,195 Total fixed maturity securities 183,432 6,048 (1,028 ) 188,452 Equity securities 4,443 1,766 — 6,209 Total fixed maturity and equity securities $ 187,875 $ 7,814 $ (1,028 ) $ 194,661 The scheduled maturities for fixed income securities as of September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 are as follows: Predecessor Predecessor September 30, 2018 December 31, 2017 Amortized Fair Amortized Fair Cost Value Cost Value (Dollars in thousands) Due in one year or less $ 4,251 $ 4,293 $ 2,247 $ 2,288 Due after one year through five years 41,378 41,840 40,926 42,809 Due after five years through ten years 70,483 68,627 66,739 68,151 Due after ten years 23,280 22,456 27,492 27,923 Mortgage-backed securities 45,603 44,281 46,028 47,281 Total $ 184,995 $ 181,497 $ 183,432 $ 188,452 Actual maturities may differ from those scheduled as a result of prepayments by the issuers. Because of the potential for prepayment on mortgage-backed securities, they are not categorized by contractual maturity. The following table presents the sources of fixed maturity proceeds and the related gross investment gains (losses) for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2018 and September 30, 2017, respectively: Predecessor Predecessor for the three month period ended for the nine month period ended September 30, 2018 September 30, 2018 Fixed Equity Derivative Fixed Equity Derivative Maturities Securities Instruments Maturities Securities Instruments (Dollars in thousands) Proceeds from sales or maturities $ 2,377 $ — $ 237 $ 10,574 $ 261 $ 443 Gross gains from sales or maturities 78 — 341 153 261 680 Other-than-temporary-impairment (OTTI) losses — — — (89 ) — — Gross losses from sales or maturities (9 ) — (196 ) (48 ) — (419 ) Predecessor Predecessor for the three month period ended for the nine month period ended September 30, 2017 September 30, 2017 Fixed Equity Derivative Fixed Equity Derivative Maturities Securities Instruments Maturities Securities Instruments (Dollars in thousands) Proceeds from sales or maturities $ 4,955 $ 808 $ 81 $ 18,301 $ 2,349 $ 84 Gross gains from sales or maturities 21 725 82 164 1,503 91 Gross losses from sales or maturities (2 ) — (33 ) (21 ) — (40 ) For the nine month period ended September 30, 2018 a credit loss of $89,000 was recognized through realized losses because the Predecessor did not expect to fully recover the amortized cost value of two fixed income securities in the commercial mortgage backed sector that were held as available for sale. It was determined that that best estimate of the net present value of the future cash flow expected to be collected from these securities was significantly below their amortized cost values. A number of factors were analyzed to determine whether these impairments should be considered other-than-temporary, including but not limited to, fair market values of the securities, changes in fair market values, credit ratings, and an analysis of the underlying loan collateral with an assessment of the likelihood of full repayment of principal and interest. The credit loss reported was equal to the difference between amortized book value and the best estimate of the net present value of the projected cash flow expected to be recovered. The Company will evaluate future recovery estimates on a periodic basis. The following is a presentation of credit related other than temporary impairments (“OTTI”) recognized in earnings for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2018 and September 30, 2017, respectively: Predecessor Predecessor Predecessor Predecessor for the three month for the nine month for the three month for the nine month period ended period ended period ended period ended September 30, 2018 September 30, 2018 September 30, 2017 September 30, 2017 (Dollars in thousands) Credit related OTTI not previously reported — 89 — — Balance at end of period $ — $ 89 $ — $ — The Company has a comprehensive portfolio monitoring process to identify and evaluate each fixed income and equity security whose carrying value may be other-than-temporarily impaired. For each fixed income security in an unrealized loss position, the Company assesses whether management with the appropriate authority has made a decision to sell or whether it is probable that the Company will be required to sell the security before recovery of the amortized cost basis for reasons such as liquidity, contractual or regulatory purposes. If a security meets any of these criteria, the security’s decline in fair value is deemed other than temporary and is recorded in earnings. If the Company has not made the decision to sell the fixed income security and it is not more likely than not that the Company will be required to sell the fixed income security before recovery of its amortized cost basis, the Company evaluates if it expects to receive cash flows sufficient to recover the entire amortized cost basis of the security by comparing the estimated recovery value calculated by discounting the best estimate of future cash flows at the security’s original or current effective rate, as appropriate, with the amortized cost of the security. If the Company does not expect to receive cash flows sufficient to recover the entire amortized cost basis of the fixed income security, the credit loss component of the impairment is recorded in earnings, with the remaining amount of the unrealized loss deemed to be related to other factors and recognized in AOCI. For equity securities, the Company considers various factors, including whether the Company has the intent and ability to hold the equity security for a period of time sufficient to recover its cost basis. Where the Company lacks the intent and ability to hold to recovery, or believes the recovery period is extended, the equity security’s decline in fair value is considered other than temporary and is recorded in earnings. The Company’s portfolio monitoring process includes a quarterly review of all securities through a screening process which identifies instances where the fair value compared to amortized cost for fixed income securities and cost for equity securities is below established thresholds, and also includes the monitoring of other criteria such as ratings, ratings downgrades or payment defaults. The securities identified, in addition to other securities for which the Company may have a concern, are evaluated for potential other-than-temporary impairment using all reasonably available information relevant to the collectability or recovery of the security. Inherent in the Company’s evaluation of other-than-temporary impairment for these fixed income and equity securities are assumptions and estimates about the financial condition of the issue or issuer and its future earnings potential. Some of the factors considered in evaluating whether a decline in fair value is other than temporary are: 1) the length of time and extent to which the fair value has been less than amortized cost for fixed income securities, or cost for equity securities; 2) the financial condition, near-term and long-term prospects of the issue or issuer, including relevant industry specific market conditions and trends, geographic location and implications of rating agency actions and offering prices; and 3) the specific reasons that a security is in a significant unrealized loss position, including overall market conditions which could affect liquidity. The following table shows the fair value and gross unrealized losses aggregated by investment category and length of time that individual securities have been in a continuous unrealized loss position, at September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017: Predecessor September 30, 2018 Less than 12 months 12 months or longer Total Gross Gross Gross Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Description of securities Value Loss Value Loss Value Loss (Dollars in thousands) U.S. government $ — $ — $ 2,825 $ (231 ) $ 2,825 $ (231 ) States, political subdivisions, other 14,256 (675 ) 2,546 (196 ) 16,802 (871 ) Corporate 52,763 (1,696 ) 8,985 (736 ) 61,748 (2,432 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities 19,642 (1,051 ) 5,703 (546 ) 25,345 (1,597 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 1,982 (67 ) 1,571 (104 ) 3,553 (171 ) Total $ 88,643 $ (3,489 ) $ 21,630 $ (1,813 ) $ 110,273 $ (5,302 ) Predecessor December 31, 2017 Less than 12 months 12 months or longer Total Gross Gross Gross Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Fair Unrealized Description of securities Value Loss Value Loss Value Loss (Dollars in thousands) U.S. government $ 1,161 $ (31 ) $ 1,782 $ (89 ) $ 2,943 $ (120 ) States, political subdivisions, other 8,773 (86 ) 714 (26 ) 9,487 (112 ) Corporate 10,935 (169 ) 6,853 (374 ) 17,788 (543 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities 11,517 (126 ) 2,263 (86 ) 13,780 (212 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 2,039 (27 ) 77 (14 ) 2,116 (41 ) Total $ 34,425 $ (439 ) $ 11,689 $ (589 ) $ 46,114 $ (1,028 ) It is not more likely than not that the Company will be required to sell these investments before recovery of their amortized cost bases, which may be maturity. The following table summarizes OTTI for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2018 and September 30, 2017, by asset type: Predecessor Number of Total OTTI Portion of Net OTTI (Dollars in thousands) Three months ended September 30, 2018 U.S. government — — — — States, political subdivisions, other — — — — Corporate — — — — Residential mortgage-backed securities — — — — Commercial mortgage-backed securities — — — — $ — $ — $ — $ — Three months ended September 30, 2017 U.S. government — — — — States, political subdivisions, other — — — — Corporate — — — — Residential mortgage-backed securities — — — — Commercial mortgage-backed securities — — — — $ — $ — $ — $ — Nine months ended September 30, 2018 U.S. government — — — — States, political subdivisions, other — — — — Corporate — — — — Residential mortgage-backed securities — — — — Commercial mortgage-backed securities 2 (89 ) — (89 ) $ 2 $ (89 ) $ — $ (89 ) Nine months ended September 30, 2017 U.S. government — — — — States, political subdivisions, other — — — — Corporate — — — — Residential mortgage-backed securities — — — — Commercial mortgage-backed securities — — — — $ — $ — $ — $ — Net Investment Income Net investment income for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2018 and September 30, 2017, respectively, is as follows: Predecessor Predecessor for the three month periods ended for the nine month periods ended 9/30/2018 9/30/2017 9/30/2018 9/30/2017 (Dollars in thousands) Fixed maturity securities $ 1,824 $ 1,833 $ 5,513 $ 5,585 Equity securities 45 56 127 150 Real estate 26 38 98 112 Cash equivalents 19 12 38 24 Policy loans 178 181 534 543 Other 129 256 414 556 Subtotal 2,221 2,376 6,724 6,970 Investment expense (158 ) (160 ) (443 ) (462 ) Net investment income $ 2,063 $ 2,216 $ 6,281 $ 6,508 Unrealized Capital Gains (Losses) Unrealized net capital gains and losses included in AOCI at September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017 were as follows: Predecessor September 30, 2018 Net Fair Gross Unrealized Unrealized Value Gains Losses Gain (Loss) (Dollars in thousands) Fixed income securities $ 181,497 $ 1,804 $ (5,302 ) $ (3,498 ) Equity securities 6,620 2,125 (9 ) 2,116 Net unrealized capital losses $ (1,382 ) Predecessor December 31, 2017 Net Fair Gross Unrealized Unrealized Value Gains Losses Gain (Loss) (Dollars in thousands) Fixed income securities $ 188,452 $ 6,048 $ (1,028 ) $ 5,020 Equity securities 6,209 1,766 — 1,766 Net unrealized capital gains $ 6,786 At September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017, securities with a market value of approximately $4.5 million and $4.7 million, respectively, were on deposit with governmental agencies as required by State Insurance Departments. Credit Risk The Company generally strives to maintain a diversified invested asset portfolio but is exposed to credit and other types of risks related to its holding in fixed income and equity securities. Such risk may be related to individual companies, sectors, or entire asset classes. The Company manages this risk by holding a diversified portfolio of securities and sectors and by limiting the amount of exposure to a single issuer of credit. For both September 30, 2018 and December 31, 2017, approximately 25% of the Predecessor’s investments in fixed maturities were invested in commercial and residential mortgage-backed securities and approximately 58% and 58% in corporate bonds, respectively. Approximately 5% of the fixed income maturities were rated below investment grade. There is certain concentration risk from investments in companies that are engaged in similar activities and have similar economic characteristics. The largest corporate bond sector exposures at September 30, 2018 are consumer non-cyclical non-cyclical |