that are not overlapping with our proprietary pipeline. Based on the sheer number of targets we have available these partnerships allow us and them to build value more broadly than we could do on our own. This chart shows the alliances we have concluded in the last four years: Amgen in 2017 and Genmab in 2018—both partnerships are in the field of Bispecifics. And recently with Celgene (now Bristol Myers Squibb) and GSK—2 partnerships in the field of Adoptive Cell Therapy. So, the partnered pipeline nicely mirrors what we are also establishing in our proprietary pipeline.
Let me walk you through our scientific story and slide #7 really serves as an agenda for that. It’s three elements that we pursue. Firstly, identify true targets in the right TCRs with our proprietary technology platforms called XPRESIDENT and XCEPTOR for target and TCR discovery. Secondly deliver this to therapeutic pipelines of adoptive cell therapies and TCR bispecifics. This is the core of Immatics and our mission to is deliver the the power of T cell to cancer patients and be a company that is laser-focused in creating new products candidates that are moved as fast as possible towards BLA filing.
And thirdly we have a pioneered a new approach in immunotherapies that could open the way how immune therapies work in the 21st century, which we call multi-targeted personalized precision therapy.
Let’s talk about the first element very briefly- one slide per platform. Slide #8 gives you an overview of our XPRESIDENT platform that allows us to discover true cancer targets. We have very systematically explored through what we call the cancer immunopeptidome program, explored hundreds and thousands of cancer and normal tissue samples, which covers 20 major indications in cancer, and more than 40 types covering all major organs in normal tissues. We’ve identified more than 400 million MS/MS Spectra, these are target peptide signals resulting into 8,000 different targets which we have filed into patent applications and that show varying degrees of tumor selectivity.
For the last couple of years, we focused on more than 200 prioritized targets which have the highest degree of tumor selectivity. These prioritized targets group into three target classes. Class 1 which constitutes well known and characterized parent protein from which we have identified peptides, e.g. from the MAGE family, PRAME, WT1etc. Even in this target space, what really matters, what is the right peptide. We have seen cases out there where the wrong peptide discovered on cell lines, has been used even up to clinical trials, although there was no evidence for their natural presentation.
The second and the third class constituting the majority of our 200 prioritized targets are unknown and poorly characterized parent protein like COL6A3 exon 6 as well as Crypto-targets and neoantigens. All of these have been discovered with our leading XPRESIDENT platform, which is based on mass spectrometry with an unprecedented sensitivity down to the attomolar range, and the only immunopeptidomics technology to my knowledge that is quantitative.