And according to our records, you currently reside in <read street address, city, and state > is that correct? For confirmation purposes, please state your zip code.
Thank you. You will receive a confirmation of your voting instructions within 5 days. If you have any questions, please contact us at this toll free number 855-200-8019.
Mr./Ms. <Shareholder’s Last Name>, your vote is important, and your time is appreciated. Thank you and have a good <day, evening, night>.
If Unsure of voting or does not want to vote along with the recommendation of the Board:
Would you like me to review the proposal(s) with you? <After review, ask them if they would like to vote now over the phone>.
If not received/Requesting material to be re-mailed:
I can resend the proxy materials to you, or I can review the proposal(s)with you and record your vote immediately by phone. <Pause for response>
After review, ask them if they would like to vote now over the phone:
Your Board recommends that you vote “FOR” the proposal(s). Would you like to vote along with the recommendations of the Board for all your accounts?
If they don’t want proposal(s) reviewed:
Do you have an email address this can be sent to? <If yes, enter the email address in the notes and read it back phonetically to the shareholder.>
Thank you. You should receive the proxy materials shortly and the materials will inform you of the methods available to cast your vote, one of which is to call us back at 855-200-8019.
If Not Interested:
I am sorry for the inconvenience. Please be aware that as a shareholder, your vote is very important. Please fill out and return your proxy card at your earliest convenience. If you would rather not do that, you can always vote via the other methods outlined in the proxy materials. Thank you again for your time today, and have a wonderful day/evening.
Voting (Any vote needed):
Your board has recommended a vote ”FOR” the proposals or you may choose to vote Against or Abstain and help the company reach quorum. How would you like to vote on your accounts today?
And this (for/against/abstain) vote will be for all of your accounts accordingly?
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