Exhibit 6.7
****Certain confidential portions of this document have been intentionally omitted from this exhibit and separately filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”).
ThisAircraft Deposit Agreement ("ADA") isentered intoas ofDecember 20th, 2018("EffectiveDate" ),by and betweenHondaAircraftCompany,LLC("Honda Aircraft"),and thePurchaser named in the signature blockbelow("Purchaser"). Inconsiderationofthe agreements, promises,andrepresentationscontained in thisAgreement, Honda Aircraft and Purchaser agree asfollows:
Intent of this ADA. PurchaserandHonda Aircraft herebyconfirmPurchaser'sintent to purchase,and HondaAircraft's intent to sell, four(4) HondaJet HA-420aircraftmanufactured by HondaAircraft, at the belowlistedbaseprice. (*NOTE:Additionalservicesandoptional equipmentselectionswill beatadditionalcost;andotherfees mayapply. Pricingdetails will be morefully setforthandagreed in the Purchase Agreement described below.) Additionally,Purchaser agreesto paytoHonda Aircraft deposits inthe amount listed below ("Deposit"), promptly afterexecutionof thisADA.
Base Price (USD) per A/C | **** |
Deposit (USD) per A/C | TBD |
Scheduled Delivery Quarter | TBD |
2.Temporary Reservation of DeliveryPosition.Upon receiptoftheDeposit,Honda Aircraft will temporarily reserve anAircraftdelivery positionforPurchaser.Thistemporary reservationshall bevalid untiltheearlier tooccur of(i)the execution anddelivery of the definitive agreementforthe transaction asdescribedbelow, or (ii) thirty (30) daysaftertheEffectiveDate ("Expiration Date").
3.Definitive Agreement to Follow. PurchaserandHonda Aircraft intend to worktogetherdiligentlyandin good faith to enterintoHondaAircraft'saircraft purchaseagreement ('PurchaseAgreement")containingdefinitivetermsfor thetransactionabove, anddesire to enter intosuchagreementnolaterthantheExpirationDate.
4,Termination of ADA. Handling of Deposit. Immediately upon itsexecution,the PurchaseAgreementlistedabovewill supersede andreplace this ADA,andthe Depositwillautomatically betransferredandappliedtowardsPurchaser'samounts due thereunder.UnlessthisADAissupersededasdescribedabove, thisADAshall terminateas follows:(i)immediatelyuponwritten notice fromeitherpartytotheother,foranyornoreason,or(ii)automatically, upontheExpirationDate.Promptlyfollowingthetermination ofthisADA,HondaAircraft shallreturn the Deposit,withoutinterest,to Purchaser, andneither partyshallhaveanyfurther obligation toone another.
5.Confidentiality.Both parties agreethatallinformationcontainedinthe ADA and/or obtained fromeachotherinconnectionwith thisADA,including the existenceandtermsof this ADAshallbetreated asconfidential.
6.MiscellaneousTerms.ThisADAis not transferableorassignablebyeitherparty withoutthe writtenconsent oftheotherparty, which consent may be withheldinitssolediscretion.This ADAisgovernedby the lawsofNorthCarolina,USA withoutregard to itsconflicts oflawsprinciples. The partiesconsentto theexclusivejurisdiction ofthecourts ofNorthCarolina,USA.
| ( "Seller") | | (“Purchaser”) |
| BY: | /s/ Claude Draillard | | By: | /s/ Michael D. Winston |
| Name: | Claude Draillard | | Name: | Michael D. Winston |
| Title: | VP, Finance | | Title: | Executive Chairman |
| With Notices Addressed to Seller: | | With Notices addressed to Purchaser: |
| ATTN: Contracts Administration | | ATTN:Jet Token. Inc. |
| 6430 Ballinger Road | | 3442 Old Capital Trail Suite 700 |
| Greensboro, North Carolina 27410 | | Wilmington, DE 19808 |
| Email:contracts@haci.honda.com | | Email:mike@prjyatejetcojn.io |