All of these documents are made available to the Auditors under the conditions laid down by laws and regulations.
On the basis of the profit for each year (minus any previous losses), a deduction is firstly made with respect to the sums required to form the reserve as required by law.
Thus, five per cent is set aside to form the statutory reserve. This deduction will cease to be compulsory when the statutory reserve has reached one tenth of the share capital but will resume if, for any reason whatsoever, the statutory reserve has fallen beneath that fraction.
The distributable profit is made up of the profit for the year (minus losses carried forward from previous years and sums transferred to reserves as required by law or by the articles of association) plus any profit carried forward.
Based on this profit, the General Meeting determines the proportion allotted to shareholders in the form of dividends and takes the sums that it deems appropriate to assign to any optional, ordinary or special, reserve funds, or to be carried forward.
However, except in the case of a capital reduction, no distribution can be made to shareholders where shareholders’ equity is or falls, as a consequence of that reduction, below half of the share capital, plus any reserves that the law or the articles of association do not allow to be distributed.
The General Meeting may also decide to distribute sums taken from the optional reserves either to provide or to supplement a dividend or as an exceptional distribution, in which case the decision will expressly indicate the reserve items from which the deductions will be made. However, dividends are distributed firstly from the distributable profit for the year. Any losses are, after the accounts have been approved by the General Meeting, posted in a special account and charged against profits for subsequent years until they are cleared.
The General Meeting may grant shareholders the choice, for all or part of the dividend or interim dividend to be distributed, of having the dividend paid in cash or in shares, under the conditions laid down by law.
The conditions for payment of dividends in cash are determined by the General Meeting or, failing that, by the Board of Directors.
If, as a result of losses recorded in the accounts, the Company’s shareholders’ equity falls below half of the share capital, the Board of Directors is obliged, within four months of the approval of the accounts showing these losses, to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in order to decide whether the Company should be wound up early.
If it is decided not to wind up the Company, the latter must, by no later than the end of the second year following that in which the losses were recorded and subject to the provisions of Article L. 224- 2 of the Commercial Code, reduce its capital by an amount at least equal to the amount of the losses that could not be charged to the reserves if, during that period, shareholders’ equity has not been reinstated to an amount at least equal to half of the share capital. If these stipulations are not observed, any interested party may petition the courts to have the Company wound up.
However, the Court cannot wind up the Company if, on the day on which it decides on the merits of the petition, the situation has been remedied.