Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
May 3, 2022
Report of Voting Results
In accordance with Section 11.3 of National Instrument 51-102 - Continuous Disclosure Obligations, we advise of the results of the voting on the matters submitted to the annual general meeting ("Meeting") of the shareholders of Equinox Gold Corp. ("Company") held on May 3, 2023.
The matters voted on at the Meeting and the results of the voting were as follows:
Item 1: Board Size
On a vote by ballot, the shareholders approved setting the number of directors of the Company at eight.
Votes For | % For | Votes Withheld | % Withheld |
158,787,096 | 99.77% | 370,490 | 0.23% |
Item 2: Election of Directors
On a vote by ballot, the following nominees were elected as directors to serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders of the Company or until his or her successor is duly elected or appointed.
Director Nominee | Votes For | % For | Votes Withheld | % Withheld |
Mr. Ross Beaty - Chairman | 156,979,052 | 98.63% | 2,178,534 | 1.37% |
Mr. Lenard Boggio - Lead Director | 153,273,169 | 96.30% | 5,884,416 | 3.70% |
Ms. Maryse Bélanger | 148,266,226 | 93.16% | 10,891,359 | 6.84% |
Mr. Francoise Bellemare | 158,685,704 | 99.70% | 471,881 | 0.30% |
Mr. Gordon Campbell | 149,943,064 | 94.21% | 9,214,521 | 5.79% |
Dr. Sally Eyre | 112,624,612 | 70.76% | 46,532,973 | 29.24% |
Mr. Marshall Koval | 141,968,003 | 89.20% | 17,189,582 | 10.80% |
Mr. Greg Smith | 150,952,894 | 94.84% | 8,204,691 | 5.16% |
Item 3: Appointment of Independent Auditor
On a vote by ballot, the shareholders re-appointed KPMG LLP as auditor of the Company for the ensuing year and authorised the Board to fix the auditor's pay.
Votes For | % For | Votes Withheld | % Withheld |
181,355,515 | 99.67% | 609,042 | 0.33% |
Suite 1501 - 700 West Pender St., Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 1G8 ir@equinoxgold.com +1 604.558.0560 www.equinoxgold.com |
Item 4: Advisory Resolution on Executive Compensation
On a vote by ballot, the shareholders approved a non-binding advisory resolution approving the Company's approach to executive compensation.
Votes For | % For | Votes Against | % Against |
156,130,098 | 98.10% | 3,027,488 | 1.90% |
Yours truly,
Equinox Gold Corp.
/s/ Susan Toews
General Counsel
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