Schedule 13G
Item 1(a). | Name of Issuer: |
LogicBio Therapeutics, Inc. (the “Issuer”)
Item 1(b). | Address of Issuer’s Principal Executive Offices: |
610 Main St., 3rd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139
Item 2(a). | Name of Persons Filing: |
This Statement is being filed by Andera Partners (“Andera”), Biodiscovery 5 (“BioDiscovery 5”, and together with Andera, the “Reporting Entities”) and Sofia Ioannidou (“Ioannidou”). The Reporting Entities and Ioannidou are collectively referred to as the “Reporting Persons.”
Item 2(b). | Address of Principal Business Office or, if None, Residence: |
The address of the principal offices of each Reporting Entity and the business address of Ioannidou is 374 Rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris, France.
Andera is a partnership limited by shares (société en commandite par actions) organized under French law and BioDiscovery 5 is a professional private equity investment fund (fonds professionnel de capital investissement) organized under French law. Ioannidou is a citizen of France.
Item 2(d). | Title of Class of Securities: |
Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share
Item 3. | If this statement is filed pursuant to Rule 13d-1(b), or 13d-2(b) or (c), Check Whether the Person Filing is a: |
Not applicable.
(a) through (c): The information requested herein is incorporated by reference to the cover pages to this Schedule 13G.
Item 5. | Ownership of Five Percent or Less of a Class: |
Not applicable.
Item 6. | Ownership of More than Five Percent on Behalf of Another Person: |
Not applicable.
Item 7. | Identification and Classification of the Subsidiary which Acquired the Security Being Reported on By the Parent Holding Company or Control Person: |
Not applicable.
Item 8. | Identification and Classification of Members of the Group: |
Not applicable.
Item 9. | Notice of Dissolution of Group: |
Not applicable.
Not applicable.