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abide, abolished, abroad, absorb, absorbed, absorption, Abu, abuse, academic, Academy, accident, accommodate, Accreditation, accredited, accreditor, accretion, accrual, accuracy, acreage, adapt, add, adequacy, advertising, affirmative, aforementioned, AG, agency, aggressive, aging, AHFCAA, aim, air, airborne, Aldwych, Alexander, Alipay, allegedly, altered, amortization, amortized, Amperex, amplified, AMR, AMT, analog, analytical, analyze, analyzed, Anderson, announced, annum, anode, approach, aramid, Argonne, arose, Arthur, Ashmore, Asia, Asian, aspect, assemble, assembled, assert, asserted, asserting, ASU, attached, audience, August, Austin, Authoritative, automated, automatic, automatically, automation, automobile, automotive, Aviation, award, awarded, awarding, bachelor, backlog, backup, baking, banned, barrier, Barry, Batteriegesetz, battery, behavior, behest, Beijing, Berlin, big, biggest, binding, Binghamton, Biodiesel, Biomedical, BKK, blend, blocking, body, bond, boost, bore, Boyd, braking, branch, breakdown, breakthrough, breathing, bribery, British, broader, broadly, Bruce, BTS, BU, budgetary, budgeting, build, building, buildup, built, bursting, bus, buy, BYD, CAC, Calibration, Canadian, canteen, capability, capable, capacity, cape, capita, capture, car, carbon, Cardiff, Carlo, carryback, Catalogue, catastrophic, catch, catching, categorial, categorical, categorization, category, cathode, CATL, cautioned, Cayman, CCT, CDH, CE, cell, central, centrally, Centre, CEO, CFA, chain, challenged, challenging, channeled, charger, cheaper, Chem, chemical, chemistry, Chengdu, Chicago, Chinese, chosen, CHTC, CII, circuit, circular, circumvented, circumventing, CIS, cited, citizen, CL, clarity, Clarksville, Clean, cliff, climate, Coach, coal, cobalt, codified, CODM, coefficient, Cognizance, cold, collaborative, collateral, College, combustion, comment, commentary, commodity, commonplace, Communist, compatibility, compatible, competitor, complement, complementary, complex, complexity, compliant, component, compounded, comprehensive, compressed, comprised, comprising, compromise, concept, confidence, confidential, confidentiality, confirmed, confirming, confiscatory, Conformit, confusion, connector, consecutive, Consortium, constantly, constituent, constitute, construct, constructed, constructing, construction, construed, contemplated, content, context, contractor, convenience, convenient, conventional, convicted, cooling, cooperate, cooperation, cooperative, copy, copyright, correlation, corroborated, Corrupt, corruption, counter, coupled, coupon, CPE, Craig, criterion, CRO, crushing, cryptography, crystal, CSIQ, CSRC, cumulative, cup, custom, customer, customization, customize, customized, cut, cyber, cybersecurity, Cyberspace, cycle, cycling, damage, damaged, damaging, Daqo, daughter, deal, dealing, dean, debtor, decade, deep, defend, defendant, defense, deferral, deficiency, deficient, deficit, deflated, degradation, delegated, deliberate, Deloitte, demographic, Deng, denial, denied, denominated, denominator, densely, density, depict, deployed, deployment, depreciated, depreciation, Deputy, derail, derecognized, deregistration, destructive, DGCL, Dhabi, Diaokun, diesel, differentiated, differentiation, diffraction, difluoride, diminish, diminished, Dingcheng, Dinghui, Dingyi, diploma, disability, disagree, disagreement, disaster, disclaim, discontinuation, discover, discovered, discrimination, dispersion, disposable, disposal, dispose, disposed, disproportionate, dispute, disqualified, disqualifying, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, distinctive, distract, distracting, divert, divest, DLA, DLOM, docket, doctrine, dollar, dominant, double, Dow, downgrade, download, DQ, Dr, drew, driven, duration, easier, East, economy, EEL, EEOC, efficiency, efficiently, EIT, electric, electrical, electricity, electrification, electrified, electrochemical, electrode, electrolyte, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, eliminating, elimination, elucidation, EMEA, emission, emphasize, emphasized, employed, empowered, enable, enabling, encourage, encumber, endorse, endorsed, endorser, engine, Engineer, engineering, enjoy, enterprise, entirety, entrusted, environmental, envisioned, equipment, equipped, equipping, equitable, escalation, essence, essential, ethanol, EU, EURIBOR, Euro, Europe, European, evasion, Evergreen, evolution, exact, excellent, exceptionally, exiting, expenditure, explicitly, explore, exploring, export, expressly, expropriation, extracted, facility, facto, factual, falling, FASB, fashion, fast, Fastening, faster, FCG, FCPA, feasibility, feasible, feedback, feel, feet, FIE, field, filer, filled, final, finally, finite, fire, fitted, fixed, flame, flammability, flammable, fleet, float, flood, Florida, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluoride, Fong, foot, footnote, footprint, forecast, forecasted, forecasting, foregone, forgoing, formula, forward, fossil, fostering, Fountain, France, Francisco, freedom, freely, Freeway, freight, frequent, ft, Fu, Fudan, fuel, fueling, fulfill, fulfillment, function, functional, functionality, Gao, gasoline, gassing, German, Germany, GHG, Giant, gigawatt, Globe, gmbh, goal, Gohgshang, Gotshal, governmental, gradient, gradual, gradually, graphite, Great, greatest, greatly, Greely, green, greenfield, greenhouse, GreenTree, grid, Griffin, grow, growing, guarding, guide, guided, Guolian, Guoyou, GWh, half, halt, hamper, hand, handle, handled, handling, Hangzhou, harbor, hard, hardware, headcount, headquartered, hear, heat, heating, heavily, Hemisphere, HFCAA, hire, hired, hiring, HKG, HKSE, hnco, hoc, homologation, Hong, HongCai, HongJia, HongLi, Hongwei, HongYi, HongYuan, hostile, Hotel, hour, Houston, Huaian, hurt, hybrid, hydride, IATA, IATF, ICAO, ID, ideal, IFC, ignite, image, IMDG, immense, immigration, impasse, impeding, implied, import, importance, important, importantly, imported, inaccurate, inadvertent, inappropriate, incident, inconsistent, incorrect, increasingly, incremental, incurrence, indexed, India, industrywide, ineffective, infection, inflation, inflow, infrastructure, infrequent, infringe, infringed, infringement, infringing, inject, injection, injunction, injury, innovation, innovative, innovator, input, insensitive, inside, insignificant, install, installation, installed, installing, interact, intercalation, intercompany, interfering, internationally, interphase, interpolated, interruption, interval, intervene, intervention, intrinsic, introduction, invalid, invalidated, invasion, invention, inventory, investee, ion, iron, irrecoverable, irregularity, IRS, ISO, Jiexin, joint, Jose, judge, justify, Kelterborn, Kevlar, Kiel, kilogram, Kingdom, Kong, Kowloon, Kunshan, kWh, labor, lag, Lake, land, landscape, laptop, large, largely, laser, Latam, launch, launched, lawyer, layered, layout, Leaf, Leasehold, left, legacy, legislature, legitimate, lending, lengthy, lessee, LFP, LG, Li, LIB, library, license, licensed, lien, lifespan, lifetime, lift, lifted, lighter, Liji, line, linearly, linked, Lishen, literature, lithium, lockup, logistical, logo, London, loop, lost, low, lower, lowering, lowest, LPC, LpCO, LpTO, LTI, LTO, Lu, lump, lure, machine, machinery, macroeconomic, magnified, main, mainland, malfunction, mandated, manganese, manual, manufacture, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturing, Maple, margin, marine, Maritime, mark, Mary, match, matching, Matthew, meaningful, meaningfully, mechanical, medium, megawatt, melting, memoranda, Memorandum, mentioned, metal, methodology, mezzanine, Miami, microscope, Middle, Midland, midst, mining, Ministry, misappropriate, misappropriated, misappropriation, mismatch, missed, misuse, misused, mitigating, MNS, model, modification, module, MOF, MOFCOM, monetary, Mongolia, Monte, mortgage, Moscow, motor, move, movement, moving, MpCO, multiemployer, multiplied, municipal, MV, MVSTW, MWh, nanostructured, nanotechnology, narrow, narrowed, Naval, navigate, Navy, NCA, NDRC, nearby, NEEQ, negligible, NEO, network, NHTE, niche, nickel, nil, Ningbo, NMC, NMCA, Nobao, Nobel, noise, NOL, noncompliance, noncontrolling, nondisclosure, nonemployee, nonpolluting, norm, North, NQA, Nuclear, NYSE, obsolescence, obsolete, occupational, Ochem, Ochemate, October, OEM, official, offshore, oil, oilfield, Omex, onboard, onshore, onward, ordinary, Orlando, OTTI, OuHong, outbound, outdated, outflow, outlined, outlook, outperform, output, outsourced, outsourcing, overcapacity, overcharging, overcome, overdue, overnight, overpaying, Overseen, Oxford, oxide, pace, Pacific, pack, packaging, page, Panasonic, parent, partially, particle, partnership, passed, passenger, passport, patent, patented, pause, payout, PBOC, PCL, peer, peg, pegged, penalty, Pennsylvania, pension, people, percentile, perception, permanent, permanently, persist, persistent, Petroleum, Petron, phase, phased, PHMSA, phosphate, piggyback, pilot, Pipeline, Piper, plant, platform, plc, policing, pollutant, pollution, polyaramid, polymer, Polytechnic, polyvinylidene, port, postponed, postponement, Pound, powder, powertrain, practicable, practical, practice, practicing, PRC, precautionary, precedential, precisely, precluded, predictor, predominance, predominantly, premised, prepayment, preserve, principle, privacy, Prize, probation, problem, proceeding, procured, procurement, product, production, productivity, program, prolonged, promised, promote, promoted, promoting, promotion, pronouncement, prorated, prosecute, prototype, Protracted, proven, provincial, provisional, proximity, prudently, PSU, publish, published, pulverized, puncturing, push, PVDF, Qorvo, qualitative, quality, quantitative, quantity, Quantum, quarantine, question, quickly, quotient, Raben, Radio, Rail, railway, ramp, rapid, rapidly, rare, ratified, ratify, ratio, rationalizing, raw, reaction, ready, real, reassessed, reassessment, rebrand, recall, recast, recession, rechargeable, recipient, reclassified, recoup, rectify, recycle, recycled, redesign, redundant, reform, Reforming, refurbished, regenerative, regime, regular, reinsurance, reliance, relief, remeasured, remeasurement, remit, remittance, remote, remotely, renamed, Rene, renew, renewable, renewal, renewed, Renmin, Renminbi, rental, repair, repairing, repatriate, repatriated, repatriating, repatriation, Republic, reputation, reputational, rescheduling, rescinded, rescission, reset, resold, resort, respiratory, restoration, resume, resumption, retaliation, retaliatory, retired, retranslated, retrieve, retroactively, retrospective, retrospectively, reutilized, revocation, revolution, revolving, risky, RMB, Road, rolling, root, Roper, roughly, rounded, routine, routinely, royalty, RSU, rudimentary, run, Russia, Russian, sabotage, safe, safely, safer, safest, safety, Saiyuan, Samsung, San, sanction, Sarah, Sascha, satisfactory, scale, scaled, scanning, science, scientific, Scientist, scrutiny, SDI, seal, seasonality, secret, securitization, segment, semiconductor, Senate, send, sensitive, sentence, separate, separately, separator, sequentially, serial, SGD, Shane, Shanghai, sharply, Shengxian, Shenzhen, shift, shifting, ship, shipment, shipped, shipping, shortened, shorter, shown, shutdown, simple, simulation, Singapore, Sinocelltech, site, slowdown, slowly, small, Smith, smoke, smooth, software, Solar, solid, solution, solve, source, sourced, sourcing, Southwest, span, spanning, spare, SPC, speaking, Specialist, specialty, spectrometer, speed, sq, square, Sr, stability, stable, staffing, Stafford, stand, standing, standpoint, station, stayed, steady, Steering, stemming, STI, stimulate, stipulated, Stirling, storage, stream, strength, stricter, strictly, stronger, submarine, submission, subsection, subsided, subsidy, substitute, Subtopic, succeeding, successor, sued, sulfur, superior, supervised, supervision, supervisory, supplied, supplier, supply, supplying, susceptibility, susceptible, suspension, swift, symbol, synthetic, tabular, tailor, tailored, Tajirui, talent, talented, Tarena, tasked, taxation, taxi, tech, TEDU, telephone, temporarily, Tennessee, text, theft, therefrom, thermal, Thermon, thick, thirteen, thirty, Tianjin, tighten, tightened, TikTok, titanate, today, Todd, Tohmatsu, top, Touche, toxic, tradable, trademark, train, trained, training, tranche, TransCore, transferor, translated, translating, translation, Transmission, transport, transportation, transported, treaty, treble, trend, trial, trio, TriQuint, true, TSR, turn, TUV, UAE, UK, Ukraine, UL, Umicore, unanticipated, unaware, unclear, uncompetitive, unconditional, undergo, underpaid, undertook, undesirable, undiscounted, undistributed, undue, unemployment, uneven, unfeasible, unforeseen, uniform, unify, uninterrupted, unique, unknown, unpaid, unpatented, unplanned, unpredictable, unprofitable, unreasonable, unrelated, unsuccessful, untrue, unwilling, update, updated, Upfront, upgrade, upkeep, urban, usage, valuable, vandalism, VAT, VC, venting, version, vertical, vertically, vetting, viability, viable, visa, visibility, voltage, volumetric, voluntarily, Vossloh, vulnerable, wage, Wanxiang, war, warehouse, warming, warranty, Warwick, Washington, waste, wastewater, water, weather, website, Webster, WeChat, weekly, Wei, Weil, welding, welfare, Wenjuan, Werdohl, West, Western, WFOE, Whittingham, WMG, Wong, workforce, workmanship, worsen, writing, wrongdoing, wrongful, Wu, Xiang, Xiao, Xiaoping, Yang, Yanzhuan, Ying, YJ, young, youngest, Yuchu, Yunji, ZAO, Zealand, Zheijiang, Zhejiang, Zheng, Zhongsheng, Zhou, ZSHGY
abstaining, Accion, acted, administering, advisor, Allen, Arjewel, Art, athleisure, BA, background, Bedford, beneficiary, BGP, Bigelow, billed, BNP, bona, borrowed, Boston, BridgePark, bureau, California, called, candidacy, cent, certify, CFO, Cisqua, communicated, Conditionally, Congressional, consummating, contrary, coordinating, dealer, dedication, deposited, Depository, designation, deviation, Digital, discussing, dissolve, Distinguishing, document, education, effected, effectuate, effectuated, endeavoring, Entercom, entering, entitling, Epstein, ethical, examine, extinguish, faith, fee, fide, Fidelity, Fieldston, film, finder, FINRA, fintech, formulating, franchise, gift, Goldman, govern, Harvard, headed, highest, Holt, hypothecated, Inkblot, inquiring, intelligence, irrespective, Jumpstart, Kingdon, Ladenburg, Linkbase, liquidate, location, LP, Lynch, makeup, man, mandatory, Marcum, mature, MBA, membership, Merrill, microfinance, Modern, Murray, Museum, NASD, negotiating, nonbinding, notable, occasion, Ocean, opt, opted, personalized, Photography, Pickwick, professionalism, prominent, propose, receipt, recommend, recommended, recommending, record, reimbursable, reimbursement, remuneration, repay, representing, Rippowam, rotation, Ruth, Safehold, Schema, selecting, sense, Simon, simultaneously, Sloate, solicitation, spearheaded, St, stage, startup, Strategist, structuring, Suisse, Supplementary, tangible, Taxonomy, tender, tenure, Thalmann, THCBU, thereon, thereunto, therewith, TILE, title, Tourism, traveling, Treez, undersigned, underwriting, Valley, verifying, voted, waive, waiving, Weisman, Wesleyan, winding, XBRL
Filing tables
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- 10-K Annual report
- 4.1 Description of Securities of the Registrant
- 10.15 Form of Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement (Directors)
- 10.16 Employment Agreement, Dated As of March 28, 2022, by and Between Microvast, Inc. and Shane Smith
- 23.1 Consent of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
- 31.1 Certification
- 31.2 Certification
- 32.1 Certification
- 32.2 Certification
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