Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Basis of presentation
- Select balance sheet data
- Bank revolving credit notes
- Capital lease obligation
- Operating lease obligation
- Employee stock ownership plan
- Retirement plans
- Income taxes
- Contingencies
- Deferred compensation
- Long-Term incentive plan
- Self-Funded insurance
- Segments
- Fair value of financial instrum
- Common Equity
- Temporary Equity
- Revenue Recognition
- Concentration of major customer
- Stock based compensation
- Subsequent events
- Basis of presentation (Policies
- Select balance sheet data (Tabl
- Capital lease obligation (Table
- Operating lease obligation (Tab
- Fair value of financial instr_2
- Temporary Equity (Tables)
- Revenue Recognition (Tables)
- Concentration of major custom_2
- Stock based compensation (Table
- Basis of presentation - Additio
- IPO - Additional Information (D
- Select balance sheet data - Sch
- Select balance sheet data - S_2
- Select balance sheet data - S_3
- Select balance sheet data - S_4
- Select balance sheet data - S_5
- Select balance sheet data - Add
- Select balance sheet data - S_6
- Bank revolving credit notes - A
- Capital lease obligation - Addi
- Capital lease obligation - Sche
- Operating lease obligation - Fu
- Operating lease obligation - Ad
- Employee stock ownership plan -
- Retirement plans - Additional I
- Income taxes - Additional Infor
- Deferred compensation - Additio
- Long-Term incentive plan - Addi
- Self-Funded insurance - Additio
- Segments - Additional Informati
- Fair value of financial instr_3
- Common Equity - Additional Info
- Temporary Equity - Schedule of
- Revenue Recognition - Schedule
- Revenue Recognition - Schedul_2
- Concentration of major custom_3
- Stock based compensation - Addi
- Stock based compensation - Summ
- Stock based compensation - Su_2
- Stock based compensation - Su_3