INFORMATION ABOUT COMPONENTS OF CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION | 6. INFORMATION ABOUT COMPONENTS OF CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION 6.1. Cash and cash equivalents 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Cash and banks 3,450,873 2,215,103 1,679,478 3,450,873 2,215,103 1,679,478 6.2. Other financial assets 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Current Restricted short-term deposit 4,327,275 4,538,321 4,260,517 Other investments 347,718 — — Other marketable securities 8,515 12,526 4,275 4,683,508 4,550,847 4,264,792 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Non-current Shares of Bioceres S.A. 374,685 240,920 676,762 Other marketable securities 1,728 2,438 90,237 376,413 243,358 766,999 Variations in the allowance for uncollectible trade receivables are reported in Note 6.18. The book value is reasonably approximate to the fair value given its short-term nature. 6.3. Trade receivables 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Trade debtors 48,910,484 44,641,053 34,121,040 Allowance for impairment of trade debtors (3,360,224) (3,212,170) (2,873,688) Shareholders and other related parties (Note 16) 467,743 571,216 1,025,903 Allowance for impairment of related parties (Note 16) (75,596) (23,126) (205,960) Allowance for return of goods (800,606) (1,517,361) (1,393,059) Trade debtors - Parent company (Note 16) 440,268 361,606 — Trade debtors - Joint ventures and associates (Note 16) 2,369 209,039 217,963 Discounted and deferred checks 13,651,939 11,858,170 10,783,719 59,236,377 52,888,427 41,675,918 The book value is reasonably approximate to the fair value given its short-term nature. 6.4. Other receivables 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Current Taxes 584,641 664,926 1,904,592 Other receivables - Other related parties (Note 16) 10,971 119,677 67,753 Other receivables - Parent Company (Note 16) — 103,251 — Other receivables - Joint ventures and associates (Note 16) 250,783 1,962,459 3,085,056 Prepayments to suppliers 496,001 516,742 1,210,070 Reimbursements over exports 366,594 362,815 151,107 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 213,597 — 265,972 Loans receivable — 1,360 5,732 Miscellaneous 59,242 508,975 417,937 1,981,829 4,240,205 7,108,219 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Non-Current Taxes 681,168 295,924 484,572 Reimbursements over exports 878,470 346,575 472,276 Other receivables - Joint ventures and associates (Note 16) — 4,337,008 1,213,053 Miscellaneous 672 — 13,343 1,560,310 4,979,507 2,183,244 The book value is reasonably approximate to the fair value given its short-term nature. 6.5. Inventories 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Agrochemicals 22,137 94,486 183,822 Seeds and grains 207,519 514,000 1,273,515 Microbiological resale products 13,894,018 8,389,191 13,749,668 Microbiological products produced 8,370,583 6,383,263 8,931,124 Goods in transit 751,737 776,869 482,185 Supplies 4,512,870 3,978,934 7,424,825 Allowance for obsolescence (406,818) (770,742) (707,105) Agricultural product 240,536 — — 27,592,582 19,366,001 31,338,034 The roll-forward of allowance for obsolescence is in Note 6.18. Inventories recognised as an expense during the years ended June 30, 2019,2018 and the six-month transition period ended June 30, 2017 amounted to U$S 80,153,871, U$S 77,797,414 and U$S 26,672,229 respectively. Those expenses were included in cost of sales. 6.6. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment as of June 30, 2019, June 30, 2018, the six-month transition period ended June 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016, included the following: 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 12/31/2016 Gross carrying amount 57,059,972 44,764,394 48,520,889 47,276,088 Accumulated depreciation (13,225,424) (4,587,248) (2,302,014) (882,327) Net carrying amount 43,834,548 40,177,146 46,218,875 46,393,761 1. Net carrying amount for each class of assets is as follows: Net carrying Net carrying Net carrying Net carrying amount amount amount amount Class 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 12/31/2016 Office equipment Vehicles Equipment and computer software 123,472 212,236 308,360 380,386 Fixtures and fittings 4,737,396 3,508,083 4,460,903 4,701,939 Machinery and equipment 6,336,691 4,466,293 8,405,441 9,105,953 Land and buildings 29,969,237 30,513,273 30,103,117 29,584,854 Buildings in progress 668,614 182,839 870,469 420,685 Total 43,834,548 40,177,146 46,218,875 46,393,761 2. Gross carrying amount as of June 30, 2019 is as follows: Gross carrying amount Adjustment of opening net book As of the amount for Foreign beginning application currency As of the Class of year of IAS 29 Additions Transfers Disposals translation Revaluation end of year Office equipment 243,948 333,904 30,621 — (8,493) 29,139 — 629,119 Vehicles 1,660,294 1,054,631 1,093,749 — (297,269) 93,132 — 3,604,537 Equipment and computer software 419,638 416,274 75,152 — (1,685) 46,278 — 955,657 Fixtures and fittings 3,826,665 1,909,115 7,518 213,333 — 481,799 — 6,438,430 Machinery and equipment 5,404,029 3,976,720 98,034 7,863 (31,407) 778,262 — 10,233,501 Land and buildings 33,026,981 1,438,728 125,930 — — 1,994,906 (2,056,431) 34,530,114 Buildings in progress 182,839 75,405 613,098 (221,196) — 18,468 — 668,614 Total 44,764,394 9,204,777 2,044,102 — (338,854) 3,441,984 (2,056,431) 57,059,972 3. Accumulated depreciation as of June 30, 2019 is as follows: Depreciation Adjustment of opening Accumulated net book as of the amount for Foreign Accumulated beginning of application of currency as of the end of Class year IAS 29 Disposals Of the year translation Revaluation year Office equipment 49,129 309,339 (4,007) 39,997 21,224 — 415,682 Vehicles 560,691 750,195 (205,618) 621,974 91,594 — 1,818,836 Equipment and computer software 207,402 486,143 (769) 99,350 40,059 — 832,185 Fixtures and fittings 318,582 912,404 — 397,989 72,059 — 1,701,034 Machinery and equipment 937,736 2,121,816 (16,807) 673,784 180,281 — 3,896,810 Land and buildings 2,513,708 1,343,500 — 617,162 221,428 (134,921) 4,560,877 Total 4,587,248 5,923,397 (227,201) 2,450,256 626,645 (134,921) 13,225,424 4. Gross carrying amount as of June 30, 2018 is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the Foreign beginning currency As of the Class of year Additions Transfers Disposals translation Revaluation end of year Office equipment 252,220 119,623 — — (127,895) — 243,948 Vehicles 2,223,102 388,856 — (131,746) (819,918) — 1,660,294 Equipment and computer software 426,529 189,094 47,744 (14,726) (229,003) — 419,638 Fixtures and fittings 4,665,074 6,178 1,646,914 (1,632) (2,489,869) — 3,826,665 Machinery and equipment 9,152,269 197,840 — (23,010) (3,923,070) — 5,404,029 Land and buildings 30,931,226 26,017 651,662 — (13,146,785) 14,564,861 33,026,981 Buildings in progress 870,469 1,864,186 (2,346,320) — (205,496) — 182,839 Total 48,520,889 2,791,794 — (171,114) (20,942,036) 14,564,861 44,764,394 5. Accumulated depreciation as of June 30, 2018 is as follows: Depreciation Accumulated as of the Foreign Accumulated beginning of currency as of the end year Disposals Of the year translation Revaluation of year Office equipment 31,522 — 41,740 (24,133) — 49,129 Vehicles 373,215 (42,928) 434,632 (204,228) — 560,691 Equipment and computer software 118,169 (13,641) 195,386 (92,512) — 207,402 Fixtures and fittings 204,171 — 286,024 (171,613) — 318,582 Machinery and equipment 746,828 — 741,508 (550,600) — 937,736 Land and buildings 828,109 — 531,591 (516,056) 1,670,064 2,513,708 Total 2,302,014 (56,569) 2,230,881 (1,559,142) 1,670,064 4,587,248 6. Gross carrying amount as of June 30, 2017 is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the Foreign beginning Currency As of the Class of year Additions Transfers Disposals Translation Revaluation end of year Office equipment 235,301 32,138 — — (15,219) — 252,220 Vehicles 2,136,823 441,478 — (183,170) (172,029) — 2,223,102 Equipment and computer software 460,518 20,637 — (32,074) (22,552) — 426,529 Fixtures and fittings 4,770,076 — 127,475 — (232,477) — 4,665,074 Machinery and equipment 9,492,852 18,513 73,717 (10,678) (422,135) — 9,152,269 Land and buildings 29,759,833 15,508 (428,844) (197,467) (1,461,403) 3,243,599 30,931,226 Buildings in progress 420,685 167,393 227,652 — 54,739 — 870,469 Total 47,276,088 695,667 — (423,389) (2,271,076) 3,243,599 48,520,889 7. Accumulated depreciation as of June 30, 2017 is as follows: Depreciation Accumulated as of Foreign Accumulated beginning of Currency as of the end of Class year Disposals Of the period Translation Revaluation year Office equipment 27,913 — 5,452 (1,843) — 31,522 Vehicles 144,267 (95,792) 334,019 (9,279) — 373,215 Equipment and computer software 80,132 (31,486) 77,461 (7,938) — 118,169 Fixtures and fittings 68,137 — 145,044 (9,010) — 204,171 Machinery and equipment 386,899 (10,678) 408,975 (38,368) — 746,828 Land and buildings 174,979 — 283,706 (21,947) 391,371 828,109 Total 882,327 (137,956) 1,254,657 (88,385) 391,371 2,302,014 8. Gross carrying amount as of December 31, 2016 is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the Foreign beginning of Additions Currency As of the Class year Additions por PPA Disposals Translation end of year Office equipment 5,830 4,811 234,221 — (9,561) 235,301 Vehicles 160,895 225,459 1,878,400 (49,179) (78,752) 2,136,823 Equipment and computer software 14,283 13,945 450,785 — (18,495) 460,518 Fixtures and fittings 1,608 118,638 4,848,110 — (198,280) 4,770,076 Machinery and equipment 310,504 35,170 9,533,037 — (385,859) 9,492,852 Land and buildings — 210,038 30,792,604 — (1,242,809) 29,759,833 Buildings in progress — — 430,837 — (10,152) 420,685 Total 493,120 608,061 48,167,994 (49,179) (1,943,908) 47,276,088 9. Accumulated depreciation as of December 31, 2016 is as follows: Depreciation Accumulated as of Foreign Accumulated beginning of Currency as of the end Class year Disposals Of the year Translation of year Office equipment 3,555 — 18,901 5,457 27,913 Vehicles 119,177 (49,179) 75,633 (1,364) 144,267 Equipment and computer software 14,283 — 59,548 6,301 80,132 Fixtures and fittings 1,126 — 153,424 (86,413) 68,137 Machinery and equipment 132,669 — 134,648 119,582 386,899 Land and buildings — — 142,139 32,840 174,979 Total 270,810 (49,179) 584,293 76,403 882,327 The depreciation charge is included in Notes 7.3 and 7.4. The Group has no commitments to purchase property, plant and equipment items. A detail of restricted assets is provided in Note 19. Revaluation of property, plant and equipment At a minimum, the Group updates their assessment of the fair value of its land and buildings at the end of each reporting year (after the revaluation policy was adopted), taking into account the most recent independent valuations and market data. Valuations were performed at June 30, 2019. Management determined the property, plant and equipment’s value within a range of reasonable fair value estimates. All resulting fair value estimates for properties are included in level 3. The following are the carrying amounts that would have been recognized had the assets been carried under the cost model. Value at cost Class of property 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Land and buildings 6.7. Intangible assets Intangible assets as of June 30, 2019, June 30,2018, the six-month transition period ended June 30,2017 and December 31, 2016 included the following: 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 12/31/2016 Gross carrying amount 45,848,737 29,155,315 43,903,217 42,890,018 Accumulated amortization (6,232,311) (2,497,970) (1,844,326) (521,692) Net carrying amount 39,616,426 26,657,345 42,058,891 42,368,326 Seed and integrated products The Group’s seed and integrated product activities concentrate primarily on the development and commercialization of seeds and technologies and products that increase yield per hectare, with a focus on providing seed and integrated crop protection and crop nutrition technologies designed to control weeds, insects or diseases, enhance quality traits of the seeds produced and improve nutritional value and other benefits. The Group has sought to develop integrated products that combine three distinct and complementary components, seed traits, germplasms and seed treatments in order to deliver a superior agronomic experience to customers. The Group’s technologies which are capitalized based on an advanced stage of development (phase 4 or higher), are set forth in the table below: Technologies Crop Germplasm Protection Yield Quality R&D Phase Entity Soybean MG III-VIII(1) GT (2) HB4 — Advanced Develop. BCS Holding Wheat Spring / Winter GluT (2) HB4 — Advanced Develop. Trigall Genetics (3) (Note 12) Notes: (1) Soybean germplasms are categorized by maturity groups (MG) from III to VIII. Non-dormant germplasms are alfalfa elite breeding materials without winter dormancy. A. cruentus germplasms are amaranth varieties of the A. cruentus species. (2) GT means glyphosate tolerance. GluT means glufosinate tolerance. Genuity is the glyphosate tolerance technology developed by Monsanto and Forage Genetics International for alfalfa. ALS means ALS-inhibitor herbicide tolerance. (3) Included in Trigall`s financial statements. Reflected in the Consolidated financial statements through the equity method investment. The soybean HB4 technology was approved by the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing on October 6, 2015, under Resolution N° 397/15. In the case of HB4 wheat, although favorable opinions have already been obtained from both CONABIA and of SENASA, is awaiting the decision of the National Directorate of Agricultural Markets, that analyzes the commercial impact of being the first country in the world to release a wheat of these characteristics. The U.S. FDA completed its full review of the safety evaluation for HB4 soybeans, clearing it for use in human food and animal food on August 10, 2017. Bioceres Crop received USDA approval of HB4 Drought Tolerant Soybeans on August 2019. Interaction with the regulatory authorities of China continues because the comercialization of the product in Argentina is subject to approval in that country. Specifically, in May 2019, all additional consultations made by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of China (MOA) were answered. Other intangible assets identified in the business combination under common control with Semya (See note 4.5) include the following: Soybean Ecoseed Pack : This proyect promotes the devolpment of biological products with high added value for soybean seed treatments. The devolpment of these products integrates biotechnological, germoplasm and bio inoculants synergistically. Wheat Ecoseed Pack : This proyect promotes the devolpment of biological products with high added value for wheat seeds treatments. The devolpment of these products integrates biotechnological, germoplasm and bio inoculants synergistically. Bio Fungicides : The final objective of the project is to generate biological products with high added value for the treatment of seeds, focusing on the abilitity to bio control diseases in wheat and soybeans crops. Crop nutrition The Group’s crop nutrition activities include the development of and investment in microbiological products that have been incorporated as part of the integration of Rizobacter into the Group, including the following microbiological assets incorporated as intangible assets measured at fair value: TOP Technologies: The TOP Osmo Protection Technology promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of bacteria and ensures bacterial survival and concentration in seeds and packages, reducing the impact of fungicides and insecticides on bacteria and substantially improving inoculants performance and their incidence in crop yields. Signum Technologies: Signum bio-inductor generates molecular signals which early activate bacterial and plant metabolic processes, thus maximizing the development of leguminous plants. Furthermore, it stimulates the interrelation with different soil beneficial microorganisms that provide additional advantages to inoculation, activates mechanisms of resistance to abiotic stress factors (low temperatures, droughts and soil acidity), and induces defensive responses in the interaction with harmful microorganisms. LLI Technologies: This technology marks a turning point in inoculation. The time of disposal to maintain living bacteria on seeds, a prerequisite for an effective nodulation. Ready-to-use (RTU) seed allows to reduce costs, simplify the sowing operation, minimize the risks normally associated with on farm treatments, and achieve the precise positioning of bacteria through the inoculant. This treatment provides for a higher number of healthier plants with outstanding root development to reach the soybean crop’s full yield potential. Other intangible assets Other intangible assets identified in the business combination with Rizobacter: Product registration: In accordance with regulations set by certain regulatory agencies such as the National Agri-Food Safety and Quality Service (SENASA), Rizobacter has been required to register products with regulatory authorities to be able to sell them both in the domestic and international markets (jointly referred to as "Product Registration"). Some of the registered products have been developed by third parties. Brand: Rizobacter offers a wide variety of proprietary and third-party products, which are commercialized under the Rizobacter brand name. This intangible has been designated with an indefinite useful life. Customer loyalty: Rizobacter’s sales to distributors of agrochemicals and to special accounts, mainly large retailers and wholesalers, whether inside or outside the Argentine territory are included. They are recognised at their fair value at the date of acquisition and are subsequently amortised on a straight-line based on the timing of projected cash flows of the clients over their estimated useful lives. 1. Net carrying amount of each class of intangible assets is as follows: Net carrying Net carrying Net Carrying Net Carrying amount amount amount amount Class 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 12/31/2016 Seed and integrated products Soybean HB4 6,120,336 4,927,853 3,111,253 1,421,707 Ecoseed integrated products 2,627,946 — — — Crop nutrition Microbiology products 2,208,117 2,122,484 3,491,269 3,625,827 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 8,063,648 5,574,682 10,402,764 11,265,234 Software 994,723 949,310 1,392,769 799,904 Customer loyalty 19,601,656 13,083,016 23,660,836 25,255,654 Total 39,616,426 26,657,345 42,058,891 42,368,326 2. Gross carrying amount as of June 30, 2019 is as follows: Gross carrying amount Adjustment of opening net book As of the amount for Foreign beginning of application currency As of the Class year of IAS 29 Additions Disposals translation end of year Seed and integrated products Soybean HB4 4,927,853 — 1,192,483 — — 6,120,336 Ecoseed integrated products — — 2,627,946 — — 2,627,946 Crop nutrition Microbiology products 2,505,864 841,753 41,485 (318,949) 197,047 3,267,200 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 6,278,706 2,986,739 — — 545,377 9,810,822 Software 1,444,603 438,703 200,600 (40,359) 105,793 2,149,340 Customer loyalty 13,998,289 6,658,894 — — 1,215,910 21,873,093 Total 29,155,315 10,926,089 4,062,514 (359,308) 2,064,127 45,848,737 3. Accumulated amortization as of June 30, 2019 is as follows: Amortization Adjustment of opening Accumulated net book as of amount for Foreign Accumulated beginning of application currency as of the end of Class year of IAS 29 Disposals Of the year translation year Crop nutrition Microbiology products 383,380 202,791 (20,887) 459,287 34,512 1,059,083 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 704,024 334,919 — 647,101 61,130 1,747,174 Software 495,293 227,264 (40,359) 429,258 43,161 1,154,617 Customer loyalty 915,273 435,389 — 841,273 79,502 2,271,437 Total 2,497,970 1,200,363 (61,246) 2,376,919 218,305 6,232,311 4. Gross carrying amount as of June 30, 2018 is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the Foreign beginning of currency As of the end Class year Additions Disposals translation of year Seed and integrated products Soybean HB4 3,111,253 1,816,600 — — 4,927,853 Crop nutrition Microbiology products 3,782,238 484,825 — (1,761,199) 2,505,864 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 10,906,317 — — (4,627,611) 6,278,706 Software 1,787,925 614,529 — (957,851) 1,444,603 Customer loyalty 24,315,484 — — (10,317,195) 13,998,289 Total 43,903,217 2,915,954 — (17,663,856) 29,155,315 5. Accumulated amortization as of June 30, 2018 is as follows: Amortization Accumulated as of Foreign Accumulated beginning of currency as of the end Class year Disposals Of the year translation of year Crop nutrition Microbiology products 290,969 — 321,887 (229,476) 383,380 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 503,553 — 617,478 (417,007) 704,024 Software 395,156 — 399,311 (299,174) 495,293 Customer loyalty 654,648 — 802,800 (542,175) 915,273 Total 1,844,326 — 2,141,476 (1,487,832) 2,497,970 6. Gross carrying amount as of June 30, 2017 is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the Foreign beginning of currency As of the end Class year Additions Disposals translation of year Seed and integrated products Soybean HB4 1,421,707 1,689,546 — — 3,111,253 Crop nutrition Microbiology products 3,755,094 194,743 — (167,599) 3,782,238 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 11,415,829 — — (509,512) 10,906,317 Software 845,954 979,728 — (37,757) 1,787,925 Customer loyalty 25,451,434 — — (1,135,950) 24,315,484 Total 42,890,018 2,864,017 — (1,850,818) 43,903,217 7. Accumulated amortization as of June 30, 2017 is as follows: Amortization Accumulated as of Foreign Accumulated beginning of currency as of the end Class year Disposals Of the year translation of year Crop nutrition Microbiology products 129,267 — 176,523 (14,821) 290,969 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 150,595 — 379,115 (26,157) 503,553 Software 46,050 — 370,018 (20,912) 395,156 Customer loyalty 195,780 — 492,873 (34,005) 654,648 Total 521,692 — 1,418,529 (95,895) 1,844,326 8. Gross carrying amount as of December 31, 2016 is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the Foreign beginning of Additions currency As of the Class year Additions for P1PA translation end of year Seed and integrated products Soybean HB4 1,421,707 — — — 1,421,707 Crop nutrition Microbiology products — 175,527 3,733,981 (154,414) 3,755,094 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents — — 11,896,495 (480,666) 11,415,829 Software 9,368 420,254 442,607 (26,275) 845,954 Customer loyalty — — 26,523,073 (1,071,639) 25,451,434 Total 1,431,075 595,781 42,596,156 (1,732,994) 42,890,018 9. Accumulated amortization as of December 31, 2016 is as follows: Amortization Accumulated as of Foreign Accumulated beginning of Of the currency as of the end Class year Disposals year translation of year Crop nutrition Microbiology products — — 21,316 107,951 129,267 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents — — 153,698 (3,103) 150,595 Software 6,105 — 49,348 (9,403) 46,050 Customer loyalty — — 199,817 (4,037) 195,780 Total 6,105 — 424,179 91,408 521,692 The depreciation charge is included in Notes 7.3 and 7.4. There are no intangibles assets whose use has been restricted or which have been delivered as a guarantee. The Group has not assumed any commitments to acquire new intangibles. Estimates There is an inherent material uncertainty related to Management’s estimation of the ability of the Group to recover the carrying amounts of internally generated intangible assets related to biotechnology projects because it is dependent upon Group`s ability to raise sufficient funds to complete the projects development, the future outcome of the regulatory process, and the timing and amount of the future cash flows generated by the projects, among other future events. Management’s estimations about the demonstrability of the recognition criteria for these assets and the subsequent recoverability represent the best estimate that can be made based on all the available evidence, existing facts and circumstances and using reasonable and supportable assumptions in cash flow projections. Therefore, the Consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments that would result if the Group were unable to recover the carrying amount of the above-mentioned assets through the generation of enough future economic benefits. 6.8. Goodwill The Group is required to test whether goodwill has suffered any impairment on an annual basis. The recoverable amount is determined based on value in use calculations. The use of this method requires the estimation of future cash flows and the determination of a discount rate in order to calculate the present value of the cash flows. After the business combinations that occurred in 2016, goodwill has been generated for Rizobacter CGU. This CGU is composed of all revenues collected through Rizobacter from the production and sale of proprietary and third-party products, both in the domestic and international markets. Additionally, Rizobacter generates revenue from the formulation, fragmentation and resale of third-party products. Among the main groups of products are i) microbiological products (bio-inductors/inoculants, biological fertilizers and bio-controllers); ii) crop and seed protection (treatments, adjuvants, baits, stored grains and seed treatment); and iii) crop nutrition (fertilizers). Packs are generally a combination of a microbiological product (bio-inductors/inoculants) with a crop and seed protection product (treatments). Also, after the share purchase agreement (SPA) between Bioceres S.A. and Bioceres Crops Solutions Corp for the 50 % of ownership in Semya (see note 4.5.), the Group recognized as goodwill the expected revenues from the commercialization of intensive R&D products of Semya that previously were allocated on the equity participation. The variations in goodwill occurred during the years / period consolidated correspond to translation differences. There have been no goodwill impairment indicators. Carrying amount of goodwill as of June 30, 2019, 2018 and 2017 is as follows: 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Rizobacter 23,484,761 14,438,027 25,079,324 Semya 6,319,954 — — 29,804,715 14,438,027 25,079,324 The Rizobacter brand intangible with an indefinite useful life has been allocated to the Rizobacter CGU. Management has made the estimates considering the cash flow projections projected by the management of Rizobacter and third-party valuation reports on the assets, intangible assets and liabilities assumed. The key assumptions utilized are the following: Key assumption Management’s approach Discount rate The discount rate used ranges was 16.71%. The weighted average cost of capital ("WACC") rate has been estimated based on the market capital structure. For the cost of debt, the indebtedness cost of the CGU was taken. For the cost of equity, the discount rate is estimated based on the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The value assigned is consistent with external sources of information. Budgeted market share of joint ventures and other customers The projected revenue from the products and services of the CGU has been estimated by Rizobacter´s management based on market penetration data for comparable products and technologies and on future expectations of foreseen economic and market conditions. The value assigned is consistent with external sources of information. Budgeted product prices The prices estimated in the revenue projections are based on current and projected market prices for the products and services of the CGU The value assigned is consistent with external sources of information. Growth rate used to extrapolate future cash flow projections to terminal period The growth rate used to extrapolate the future cash flow projections to terminal period is 2%. The value assigned is consistent with external sources of information. Management believes that any reasonably possible change in any of these key assumptions would not cause the aggregate carrying amount of the CGU to exceed its recoverable amount. 6.9. Trade and other payable 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Current Trade creditors 30,489,072 22,222,872 19,779,461 Shareholders and other related parties (Note 16) 1,796,932 365,994 633,700 Trade creditors - Parent company (Note 16) 1,568,036 — 218,744 Trade creditors - Joint ventures and associates (Note 16) 4,805,149 3,493,113 1,649,367 Taxes 1,475,410 35,391 372,990 Consideration payment Semya adquisition (Note 16) 122,950 — — Miscellaneous 320,945 1,591,460 140,454 40,578,494 27,708,830 22,794,716 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Non current Consideration payment Semya adquisition (Note 16) 452,654 — — 452,654 — — The book value is reasonably approximate to the fair value given its short-term nature. 6.10. Borrowings 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Current Bank overdraft — 532,912 46,511 Bank borrowings 46,467,308 44,061,555 18,594,823 Corporate bonds 8,416,768 3,262,924 4,644,621 BAF Loans — 5,112,222 — Discount checks 5,807,303 10,243,204 9,638,789 Net loans payables-Parents companies and related parties to Parents (Note 16) 5,399,883 1,816,084 646,538 Finance lease 385,947 280,027 466,689 66,477,209 65,308,928 34,037,971 Non-current Bank borrowings 16,239,743 25,253,940 36,383,297 Corporate bonds 8,018,884 — 3,889,874 Net loans payables-Parents companies and related parties to Parents (Note 16) 12,358,024 — — Finance lease 462,870 454,265 678,993 37,079,521 25,708,205 40,952,164 Further information about finance leases is in Note 15.1. The carrying value of some borrowings as of June 30, 2019, 2018 and 2017 are measured at amortized cost differ from their fair value. The following fair values measured are based on discounted cash flows (Level 3) due to the use of unobservable inputs, including own credit risk. 06/30/2019 06/30/2018 06/30/2017 Amortized Amortized Amortized cost Fair value cost Fair value cost Fair value Current Bank borrowings 46,467,308 46,857,879 44,061,555 42,633,227 18,594,823 16,216,748 Discount checks 5,807,303 5,230,123 10,243,204 9,209,508 9,638,789 8,950,197 Corporate Bonds 8,416,768 7,632,806 3,262,924 3,126,570 4,644,621 4,317,658 Non-current Bank borrowings 16,239,743 14,274,547 25,253,940 20,610,018 36,383,297 33,993,312 Corporate Bonds 8,018,884 6,972,332 — — 3,889,874 3,395,857 Net loans payables-Parents companies and related parties to Parents BAF Loans converted into loans payable to Parents companies. Both are debts taken by the Group in connection with the Rizobacter acquisition. On May 7, 2019, Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp., Bioceres LLC and Bioceres SA entered into an agreement for the restructuring of $15 million of the outstanding loans into a facility with a 5-year maturity and an annual rate of 10%. Financial assets (other receivables from Parents and related parties to Parents) and liabilities (Loans payable to Parents companies) are offset and the net amount is reported in the Statement of Financial Position where Bioceres Crop Solutions currently has a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts, and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. The following table presents the recognised financial instruments that are offset: Gross amounts set off Net amounts presented in the Statement of in the Statement of Gross amounts Financial Position Financial Position Current other receivables 17,809,676 (15,827,847) 1,981,829 Total current assets 17,809,676 (15,827,847) 1,981,829 Current borrowings (82,305,056) 15,827,847 (66,477,209) Total current liabilities (82,305,056) 15,827,847 (66,477,209) Corporate Bonds a) Issuance of public corporate bonds (Principal Market) On March 31, 2015 the Shareholders’ Meeting of Rizobacter approved the establishment of a global program of corporate bonds (“ CB”) in the Argentine principal market (“the Program”) for the issue of one or more series of simple CB through public offering, for their future listing on stock exchanges and other markets, up to a revolving outstanding amount of USD 40,000,000 or the equivalent in other currencies, or a lower amount to be determined by the Board of Directors, with a maximum term of five years. Series I: On August 13, 2015, CNV approved the Program and the issue of Series I of the Negotiable Obligations for USD 10,000,000 (increasable to a maximum of USD 17,000,000 or the equivalent in Argentine pesos), through Resolution N° 17737, according to the main terms and conditions summarized in the Prospectus Supplement dated August 13, 2015, which Prospectus Supplement was published in the Daily Gazette of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and the Rosario Stock Exchange on the same date. Series I (USD) Amount of the Issue: USD 7,786,327 Date of Issue and Subscript |