INFORMATION ABOUT COMPONENTS OF UNAUDITED INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION | 7. INFORMATION ABOUT COMPONENTS OF UNAUDITED INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION 7.1. Cash and cash equivalents 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Cash at bank and on hand 68,550,022 32,912,886 Money market funds — 562,380 68,550,022 33,475,266 7.2. Other financial asset 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Current Restricted short-term deposits 174,693 265,123 US Treasury bills 11,160,527 — Mutual funds 6,438,416 2,913,519 Other investments 1,108,752 2,222,491 18,882,388 5,401,133 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Non-current Shares of Bioceres S.A. 444,735 444,870 Other investments 659,983 174,971 1,104,718 619,841 7.3. Trade receivables 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Current Trade debtors 176,943,073 111,950,965 Allowance for impairment of trade debtors (6,525,744) (7,142,252) Shareholders and other related parties (Note 16) — 640,258 Allowance for credit notes to be issued (2,458,939) (1,961,463) Trade debtors - Joint ventures and associates (Note 16) 1,211,435 22,429 Deferred checks 9,061,772 8,242,373 178,231,597 111,752,310 Non-current Trade debtors — 200,412 — 200,412 7.4. Other receivables 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Current Taxes 7,403,475 9,071,643 Receivables for PP&E sales 978,869 1,734,281 Shareholders and other related parties (Note 16) 2,093,157 1,182 Other receivables - Joint ventures and associates (Note 16) 5,112,378 2,987,765 Prepayments to suppliers 7,916,125 4,648,164 Reimbursements over exports 10,552 10,549 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 1,628,273 1,110 Loans receivables 230,000 230,000 Miscellaneous 280,969 642,890 25,653,798 19,327,584 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Non-current Taxes 775,183 218,159 Reimbursements over exports 2,238,477 2,036,040 Miscellaneous 159,601 — 3,173,261 2,254,199 7.5. Inventories 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Seeds 737,129 1,183,915 Resale products 60,243,488 35,080,737 Manufactured products 25,807,803 21,725,042 Goods in transit 588,201 4,340,232 Supplies 22,273,707 17,534,434 Agricultural products 50,103,153 47,284,512 Allowance for obsolescence (2,105,898) (1,104,750) 157,647,583 126,044,122 Net of agricultural products 107,544,430 78,759,610 7.6. Biological assets Changes in biological assets Soybean Corn Wheat Barley Sunflower Total Beginning of the period — — 44,413 12,900 — 57,313 Initial recognition and changes in the fair value of biological assets at the point of harvest — — 191,481 159,996 — 351,477 Costs incurred during the period 290,667 263,428 389,282 126,293 27,005 1,096,675 Decrease due to harvest/disposals — — (625,176) (299,189) — (924,365) Period ended December 31, 2022 290,667 263,428 — — 27,005 581,100 Soybean Corn Wheat Barley HB4 Soy HB4 Wheat Total Beginning of the period 54,162 27,646 22,311 3,071 — 2,208,648 2,315,838 Initial recognition and changes in the fair value of biological assets at the point of harvest — — 292,692 141,899 — 1,708,237 2,142,828 Costs incurred during the period 378,530 649,680 172,957 81,661 1,099,241 33,153,682 35,535,751 Exchange differences 6,622 3,379 2,726 4,039 — 58,841 75,607 Decrease due to harvest — — (490,686) (230,670) — (31,205,748) (31,927,104) Period ended December 31, 2021 439,314 680,705 — — 1,099,241 5,923,660 8,142,920 7.7. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment as of December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2022 included the following: 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Gross carrying amount 88,295,296 71,521,454 Accumulated depreciation (24,500,621) (21,613,129) Net carrying amount 63,794,675 49,908,325 Net carrying amount for each class of assets is as follows: Net carrying Net carrying amount amount Class 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Office equipment 240,206 269,538 Vehicles 2,288,951 2,665,074 Equipment and computer software 251,002 231,676 Fixtures and fittings 3,228,224 3,546,919 Machinery and equipment 12,400,288 5,811,960 Land and buildings 38,509,795 34,240,384 Buildings in progress 6,876,209 3,142,774 Total 63,794,675 49,908,325 1. Gross carrying amount as of December 31, 2022 is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the beginning Additions Foreign As of the of the from business currency end of the Class period Additions combination Disposals translation period Office equipment 908,004 305 — — 724 909,033 Vehicles 5,261,979 84,209 — (59,744) (3,948) 5,282,496 Equipment and computer software 925,349 111,226 12,469 — (32,824) 1,016,220 Fixtures and fittings 7,606,389 34,256 5,379 — 12,143 7,658,167 Machinery and equipment 13,017,830 1,128,712 7,047,496 (7,186) (14,677) 21,172,175 Land and buildings 40,659,129 — 4,750,136 — (28,269) 45,380,996 Buildings in progress 3,142,774 2,465,370 1,285,092 — (17,027) 6,876,209 Total 71,521,454 3,824,078 13,100,572 (66,930) (83,878) 88,295,296 2. Accumulated depreciation as of December 31, 2022 is as follows Depreciation Accumulated as of the Foreign Accumulated beginning of Of the currency as of the end Class the period Disposals period translation of the period Office equipment 638,466 — 30,827 (466) 668,827 Vehicles 2,596,905 (59,744) 457,562 (1,178) 2,993,545 Equipment and computer software 693,673 — 73,094 (1,549) 765,218 Fixtures and fittings 4,059,470 — 370,828 (355) 4,429,943 Machinery and equipment 7,205,870 — 1,575,862 (9,845) 8,771,887 Land and buildings 6,418,745 — 451,983 473 6,871,201 Total 21,613,129 (59,744) 2,960,156 (12,920) 24,500,621 3. Gross carrying amount as of December 31, 2021, is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the Foreign As of the beginning currency end of the Class of the period Additions Transfers Disposals translation Revaluation period Office equipment 762,825 17,009 (55,698) — 69,188 — 793,324 Vehicles 3,512,217 715,492 55,698 (218,344) 258,800 — 4,323,863 Equipment and computer software 592,126 101,156 — (49,944) 55,471 — 698,809 Fixtures and fittings 5,637,943 — 356,109 (15) 821,362 — 6,815,399 Machinery and equipment 9,987,811 371,583 68,805 (41,468) 1,033,450 — 11,420,181 Land and buildings 41,486,215 — 168,569 — 4,099,357 (4,482,496) 41,271,645 Buildings in progress 1,995,265 551,106 (593,483) (127,338) 237,750 — 2,063,300 Total 63,974,402 1,756,346 — (437,109) 6,575,378 (4,482,496) 67,386,521 4. Accumulated depreciation as of December 31, 2021, is as follows: Depreciation Accumulated as of the Foreign Accumulated beginning of Of the currency as of the end Class the period Disposals period translation Revaluation of period Office equipment 473,905 — 23,583 51,063 — 548,551 Vehicles 1,676,583 (196,985) 413,229 43,972 — 1,936,799 Equipment and computer software 525,021 (49,631) 48,637 31,979 — 556,006 Fixtures and fittings 2,670,512 — 327,792 315,287 — 3,313,591 Machinery and equipment 4,862,083 (4,492) 516,171 552,484 — 5,926,246 Land and buildings 5,811,702 — 339,376 700,325 (692,630) 6,158,773 Total 16,019,806 (251,108) 1,668,788 1,695,110 (692,630) 18,439,966 The depreciation charge is included in Notes 8.3 and 8.4 7.8. Intangible assets Intangible assets as of December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2022 included the following: 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Gross carrying amount 197,128,192 94,229,557 Accumulated amortization (22,715,941) (17,524,688) Net carrying amount 174,412,251 76,704,869 Net carrying amount of each class of intangible assets is as follows: Net carrying Net carrying amount amount Class 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Seed and integrated products HB4 soy and breeding program 30,741,521 29,802,534 Integrated seed products 3,122,724 3,137,158 Crop nutrition Microbiological products 49,277,287 5,792,348 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 61,600,862 8,267,041 Software 1,980,198 2,167,985 Customer loyalty 22,689,659 22,537,803 RG/RS/OX Wheat 5,000,000 5,000,000 Total 174,412,251 76,704,869 1. Gross carrying amount as of December 31, 2022 is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the Additions from Foreign As of the beginning of business currency end of the Class the period Additions combination translation period Seed and integrated products HB4 soy and breeding program 31,371,088 1,738,631 — — 33,109,719 Integrated seed products 3,181,155 — — 8,296 3,189,451 Crop nutrition Microbiological products 8,855,421 4,187,908 39,613,280 (2,279) 52,654,330 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 12,183,045 49,783 55,420,441 — 67,653,269 Software 5,176,373 98,292 — (954) 5,273,711 Customer loyalty 28,462,475 — 1,785,237 — 30,247,712 RG/RS/OX Wheat 5,000,000 — — — 5,000,000 Total 94,229,557 6,074,614 96,818,958 5,063 197,128,192 2. Accumulated amortization as of December 31, 2022 is as follows: Amortization Accumulated Foreign Accumulated as as of beginning currency of the end of the Class of the period Of the period translation period Seed and integrated products HB4 soy and breeding program 1,568,554 799,644 — 2,368,198 Integrated seed products 43,997 22,242 488 66,727 Crop nutrition Microbiological products 3,063,073 313,970 — 3,377,043 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 3,916,004 2,136,403 — 6,052,407 Software 3,008,388 285,881 (756) 3,293,513 Customer loyalty 5,924,672 1,633,381 — 7,558,053 Total 17,524,688 5,191,521 (268) 22,715,941 3. Gross carrying amount as of December 31, 2021 is as follows: Gross carrying amount As of the beginning Transfers / Foreign currency As of the end of Class of the period Additions Disposals translation the period Seed and integrated products HB4 soy and breeding program 27,611,142 1,840,320 — — 29,451,462 Integrated seed products 2,558,220 — — 290,765 2,848,985 Crop nutrition — Microbiological products 6,037,680 584,924 — 648,526 7,271,130 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 9,824,171 — — 1,129,486 10,953,657 Software 3,784,593 346,268 — 508,279 4,639,140 Customer loyalty 23,203,397 — — 2,540,247 25,743,644 RG/RS/OX Wheat 5,000,000 — — — 5,000,000 Total 78,019,203 2,771,512 — 5,117,303 85,908,018 4. Accumulated amortization as of December 31, 2021 is as follows: Amortization Accumulated as Foreign Accumulated of beginning of Transfers / currency as of the end Class the period Of the period Disposals translation of the period Crop nutrition Microbiological products 2,041,023 259,522 — 249,507 2,550,052 Other intangible assets Trademarks and patents 2,900,915 368,581 — 353,213 3,622,709 Software 1,935,552 212,148 — 230,243 2,377,943 Customer loyalty 3,799,351 535,747 — 459,198 4,794,296 Total 10,676,841 1,375,998 — 1,292,161 13,345,000 The amortization charge is included in Notes 8.3 and 8.4. 7.9. Goodwill Carrying amount of goodwill as of December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2022 is as follows: 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Rizobacter Argentina S.A. 28,080,271 28,080,271 Bioceres Crops S.A. 7,523,324 7,523,324 Pro farm Group, Inc. 86,458,802 — Insumos Agroquímicos S.A. 470,090 470,090 122,532,487 36,073,685 There were no indicators of goodwill impairment. 7.10. Trade and other payables 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Trade creditors 114,286,611 94,653,017 Shareholders and other related parties (Note 16) 56,732 44,579 Trade creditors - Parent company (Note 16) 88,739 670,730 Trade creditors - Joint ventures and associates (Note 16) 46,901,927 29,082,325 Taxes 2,322,285 1,265,771 Miscellaneous 1,440,273 133,198 165,096,567 125,849,620 7.11. Borrowing 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Current Bank borrowings 63,502,859 48,305,535 Corporate bonds 29,861,413 12,845,934 Trust debt securities 8,563,045 6,492,733 Net loans payables- Parents companies and related parties to Parent (Note 16) 3,535,306 3,657,266 105,462,623 71,301,468 Non-current Bank borrowings 28,963,786 9,912,901 Corporate bonds 44,240,319 61,264,268 Net loans payables- Parent companies and related parties to Parent (Note 16) 3,000,000 3,000,000 Trust debt securities 2,905,014 — 79,109,119 74,177,169 The carrying value of some borrowings as of December 31, 2022 measured at amortized cost differs from the fair value of these borrowings. The following measures of fair values are based on discounted cash flows (Level 2), due to the use of unobservable inputs, including own credit risk. 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Amortized cost Fair value Amortized cost Fair value Current Bank borrowings 63,502,859 61,697,572 48,305,535 46,589,131 Corporate Bonds 29,861,413 29,234,649 12,845,934 12,467,941 Non-current Bank borrowings 28,963,786 27,325,723 9,912,901 9,344,755 Corporate Bonds 44,240,319 40,951,796 61,264,268 56,550,746 7.12. Secured Notes Secured Guaranteed Notes On August 5, 2022 the 25% of the outstanding capital of the convertible note that we had issued in 2020 and which the 75% was already converted into shares on March 16, 2022, were converted into 1.5 million shares. Bioceres has repurchased such shares for $24 million issuing the “The Secured Guaranteed Notes”. The Secured Guaranteed Notes due 2026 mature 48 months after the issue date and bear interest at 9.0% from the issue date through 24 months after the issue date, 13.0% from 25 through 36 months after the issue date and 14.0% from 37 through 48 months after the issue date. Interest is payable semi-annually. The Secured Guaranteed Notes due 2026 have no conversion rights into our ordinary shares. The carrying value of the Secured Guaranteed Notes as of December 31, 2022 measured at amortized cost does not differ significantly from their fair value. Secured Convertible Guaranteed Notes On August 8, 2022, we issued the Secured Guaranteed Convertible Notes for a total principal amount of $55 million. The notes have a 4- year maturity and accrue interest at an annual interest rate of 9%, of which 5% is payable in cash and 4% in-kind. At any time up to maturity the note holders might opt to convert the outstanding principal amount into common shares of Bioceres at a strike price of $18 per share. The Company can repurchase the notes voluntarily 30 months after the issue date. At inception, the fair value of the liability component of the Secured Convertible Guaranteed Notes was measured using a discount rate of 13.57%. The carrying value of Secured Convertible Guaranteed Notes as of December 31, 2022 measured at amortized cost does not differ significantly from their fair value. Under the terms of the Secured Convertible Guaranteed Notes, the Group is in compliance with covenants. The Secured Guaranteed Notes and the Secured Convertibles Guaranteed Notes are secured by substantially all of the assets located in the United States of Pro Farm Group, Inc. and its U.S. subsidiaries and are guaranteed by BCS Holding Inc., Bioceres Crops do Brasil Ltda., Bioceres Crops S.A., Bioceres Semillas S.A.U., Verdeca LLC, Rasa Holding LLC, Rizobacter Argentina S.A., Rizobacter del Paraguay S.A., Rizobacter do Brasil Ltda., Rizobacter South Africa, Rizobacter Uruguay, Rizobacter USA, LLC, Pro Farm Group, Inc., Pro Farm Michigan Manufacturing LLC, Pro Farm, Inc., Pro Farm Technologies Comércio de Insumo Agrícolas do Brasil Ltda., Glinatur S.A. and Pro Farm OU. 7.13. Employee benefits and social security 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Current Salaries, accrued incentives, vacations and social security 9,531,717 7,337,774 Key management personnel (Note 17) 335,916 281,347 9,867,633 7,619,121 7.14. Deferred revenue and advances from customers 12/31/2022 06/30/2022 Current Advances from customers 11,233,268 5,895,313 Deferred Revenue (Note 6) 32,903,458 — 44,136,726 5,895,313 Non-current Deferred Revenue (Note 6) 17,096,542 — 17,096,542 — |